Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations. (Jacob 1.2)
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Changes in the market place have encouraged the growth of the larger consulting engineers. The size of PFI/PPP projects require a level of financial resources which closes the market to the smaller firms and encourages alliances and consolidation in the market in order to attain the critical size necessary for success. In this respect the dominance of the major firms has been extended.
Size of Market
Over the past five years there has been substantial growth in size of the consultant engineering market as measured in terms of fees earned.
Traditionally, the market for Consulting Engineers has been strongly international, reflecting both the imperial heritage and the possibility of exploiting infrastructure opportunities at a time when UK government expenditure on infrastructure was becoming less important. The impact of globalisation and the need to follow clients throughout the world, have underlined this tendency in recent years. The major firms have improved their international presence through a series of selective takeovers and mergers.
Niche specialists will continue to do well, although they may find their interests are best served by timely alliances for major contracts. They will inevitably be less insulated from fluctuations in the level of fee-paying work and this is also true for small firms.
The medium sized firms are those feeling the most constraints both in terms of pressure on costs and in terms of their ability to launch competitive bids. The need to co-operate with other Consulting Engineers and construction companies in order to obtain work will tend to encourage mergers and the development of working alliances with a specialist bias. There are, however, some firms in this category who have been able to benefit from their independent position to obtain work in an advisory capacity, evaluating tenders for public sector clients.
The way in which public sector clients are now without the means of verifying specifications and tenders has encouraged the development of long term relationships with Consulting Engineers - sometimes for as long as 10 years. In reality, the growth of PFI/PPP has transferred a number of public sector functions to the private sector. The growth in the activities of Consulting Engineers in the UK reflects this fact.
Future Market Prospects
Current estimates place the size of the consulting engineers' market at approximately 」7 billion, of which approximately 35-40% is accounted for by exports. This represents a reduction in the percentage accounted for by exports and reflects the expansion of the domestic market to include Project Management and Facilities Management in the wake of the development of the PFI/PPP market.
The most important infrastructure market segment is transport. In previous years, rail had provided the main market for consultancy services, but attention has recently concentrated on highways as the rail sector has struggled to meet the demand for passenger services. In addition the work on airport development has become an increasingly important sector.
The water industry is also an important market segment for consultant engineer services. Demand for services is linked to the five-year expenditure asset management plan (AMP) approved by OFWAT and follows a cyclical pattern. The industry is currently awaiting the latest announcements on investment expenditure for the 2005-2010 period. Environmental services have also become increasingly important as consumer awareness becomes more prevalent and EU directives more exacting. The need for environmental impact assessments as part of the planning process, means that there is an on-going demand for services - often from an independent adviser. Whilst initially environmental consultant engineers constituted something of a niche market, the large engineering consultancies have moved to either acquire, or develop in-house, the appropriate capacity to maintain their positions as "one stop" providers.
The indications at the present time are that there will have to be an increase in the capacity of the power market if future usage-demand projections are to be met. However, ambivalence remains about the future role of nuclear power and as a result firm decisions are likely to be postponed.
Inevitably, future prospects will be tied to the long term political, and economic, decisions which lead to the commissioning of major new building and construction projects. Although the government may concentrate upon education and hospitals, the prevalence of chronic under-investment in public sector infrastructure means that there remains a considerable requirement for consultant engineers' services, particularly in the non-domestic building sector.
The growth in the UK infrastructure market has highlighted the shortage of trained engineers in the country. This shortage has been met, in part, by the use of overseas personnel ・ either through the acquisition of overseas firms or the use of existing overseas offices.
Key Players and their Major Characteristics
UK firms have effectively been faced with a number of options as they have faced new procurement methods, such as PFI/PPP, and the development of less confrontational methods of project commissioning. They have had to grow their own range of activities (either organically or via acquisition), or to concentrate on niche markets. They have had the possibility of diversifying, by increasing the number of market segments in which they operate; and have had the possibility of expanding their provision of services downstream into facilities management.
Expansion on this scale is difficult for those consulting engineers which are not publicly quoted and therefore do not have easy access to raising new finance. It is noteworthy that partnerships effectively no longer exist at this level. Some companies are owned by employees, but the largest companies, which have registered the greatest expansion, such as Atkins, WSP and Mouchel Parkman - are publicly quoted.
In addition, the growth in PFI/PPP projects has also encouraged the expansion of the larger companies. The need for participants to demonstrate financial stability has, again, favoured the larger firms. As a result the gap between the largest four firms and the rest has been growing.
The trend towards partnering does not necessarily help the situation. Although the early involvement of firms in the definition of infrastructure projects and their specification does not necessarily imply the capacity to realise them, the existence of such expertise will offer the larger firms a competitive advantage. In this respect, it is probably significant that the top water consultant engineer, the American firm MWH Europe, is a niche operator, which also offers construction services.
It is possible, however, that this movement in the procurement market, which has favoured the larger firms may have reached its zenith. There are two factors at work, which are changing the situation. Firstly, there is a move for some services (which have been out-sourced) to be taken back in-house (e.g. Network Rail and the maintenance contracts). Secondly, an analysis of the profit margins to be made by providing some of the lower value maintenance services is leading to a realisation that capital may be better employed using skills with a higher value added content - thus Atkins is reducing some of its PFI/PPP activity.
For the smaller consulting firms, there appear to be two main roles for them to play in the future. Firstly, the out-sourcing of specification that has taken place means that there is a requirement for evaluation of such specification which the client no longer possesses; the advisory role of consulting engineers - such as Scott Wilson Piesold, Halcrow and others - remains of critical importance. Secondly, there is the development of alliances and partnering contracts with long term clients - tying the fortunes of the consulting engineer to those of its client - as is suggested with Hyder Consulting.
Finally, it will be important to retain the international dimension and consulting engineers are becoming more international in their presence - not just their activities. Also, the presence of international companies in the UK has increased, where they have been able to take advantage of their strength in particular markets. Whilst the consulting engineers identify China as a major new market for the next few years, some have also turned their attention to Eastern Europe where more complex, particularly environmental, projects may require external expertise. The UK market will remain important, but the level of expansion that has been experienced over the last five years may not be maintained at the same rate.
End User Markets and their Evolution
To summarise, the period up until 2003 saw a substantial rise in the value of new orders for infrastructure, health and education work, but a slight decline for private sector work, including sport, leisure and new offices. The construction market continues to be underpinned by the Government痴 commitment to public spending, particularly in the sectors of transport, education and healthcare.
Transport has been a buoyant market with expenditure on the railways increasing substantially due to the need for track renewal. The new plan for the railways calls for investment of 」28 billion over the next seven years. Spending on roads is likely to suffer in comparison with spending on the railways and it is unlikely that the current levels of expenditure (which include maintenance and the encouragement of busways) will be maintained at over 」4 billion a year in the next Spending Review. In spite of the encouragement of light railway systems, there is unlikely to be extensive investment in this market over the next five years.
Water and sewerage investment will be determined by the Spending Review for 2005-2010. The indications are that spending will rise and amount to 」16-19 billion over the five-year period. Much of the investment will be incurred in meeting EU Water Framework Directive. Some spending will be directed towards alleviating the effects of flooding.
Environmental concerns affect many aspects of infrastructure. The current stress on sustainable development has given added weight to a number of policies and they have also been underpinned by the impact of new EU Directives. Many of these initiatives require action on the part of local authorities and are therefore likely to be affected by alterations in the financing of their expenditure. Coastal and inland flooding and waste recycling are the main areas where significant investment will take place.
Until recently the energy market has been subdued and there has been excess capacity. Over the next five years there is likely to be an increase in investment expenditure in order to secure supplies and also comply with pollution constraints as required by the UK's international commitments. Investment in gas generating capacity will increase as nuclear and coal fired plants are retired. In addition attention will be concentrated on improving efficiency and developing renewable or sustainable sources. Current Government plans encourage the development of wind power but it is not clear that it will be able to develop all the production capacity required to meet Government targets.
Healthcare work also remains a lucrative market for consulting engineers, driven by committed public spending by the Government. In the Government痴 Capital Spending Review, capital investment in the health sector is indicated to rise from 」2.2bn in 2002/03 to 」4.2bn in 2005/06 and over 」6bn in 2007/08.With the NHS currently spending in excess of 」2bn per year on capital investment, the implications for a capital build programme are therefore considerable with a proposed cumulative capital spend exceeding 」11bn and plans for 100 additional large hospital schemes by 2010. Together with plans for a new generation of Diagnostic and Treatment Centres and a projected 」4.2bn worth of new PFI investments, the outlook for construction activity, in this sector is favourable.
Education work as a percentage of overall output is growing steadily in both the public and private sectors. With the education budget set to rise from 」56 billion in 2004 to around 」64 billion in 2007-08 and the Government痴 」25 billion Building Schools for the Future programme to renew or rebuild the UK痴 entire secondary school estate by 2015, there should be plenty of opportunities for consulting engineers in the education sector.
Investment in telecommunications has been affected by the burst in the 租ot.com bubble・ investment is likely to rise substantially over the next five to ten years as new systems and technologies becomes available. BT currently plans to invest 」15 billion on a new network over the next five years.
Opportunities for work by consultants are lower in the Commercial Office sector ・with government statistics indicating new orders for private office work have fallen by around 35% over the period 2000-2003. The recent downturn in demand for commercial offices has been most noticeable in the southeast and central London, however some regional office markets remained less volatile during this period. New office starts continue to decline compared to levels in 2003, although the rate of decline is falling. Starts are down in London and the southeast, but a number of regions are reporting modest increases including the North of England and West Midlands. Falling uptake and increased availability in the key office markets, following a downturn in the media, 租otcom・and financial services sectors, has depressed the flow of new orders for office projects.
Although the Leisure industry has suffered a number of crucial setbacks in the past 12 months in the form of SARS, the war in Iraq and the ongoing threat of terrorism, there remain considerable opportunities for consultants for new build and refurbishment projects in the stadia and arena sectors. Revenues generated in these sectors are set to increase as the importance of global sporting events increases. Plans are already well underway on the 19 new-build schemes for the 2008 Beijing summer Olympic Games, which is expected to generate around 」23 billion worth of business and the London bid to stage the Olympics in 2012 has a facilities and infrastructure budget of 」413m. It is also anticipated that total capital spending across the four football club divisions will exceed 」1.5 billion by 2005.
These developments mean that consulting engineers have been operating in a buoyant UK market - particularly at a time when other major overseas markets were in recession. Although the UK market will continue to show growth, future increases in investment are likely to be driven by the public sector. The importance of the non-transport, privatised sector is likely to increase for energy and telecommunications, as it recovers from a very low level.
For consultant engineers their fees should therefore continue to show the benefit of past events in the near term. Thereafter there is likely to be increased pressure on business as the public sector clients take more functions in-house and seek to impose cost controls. In addition, the growth of the energy and telecommunications markets favours the use of in-house expertise.
After the initial enthusiasm for PFI/PPP projects the market is now rather more reserved. Although consulting engineers remain committed to the market, the level of their involvement is beginning to be reduced: there is less appetite for expansion into facilities management. Instead, more durable alliances are being formed with contractors and facilities managers. The role of consulting engineers is returning to specification, advice and evaluation.
The UK public sector has grown more dependent upon consulting engineers as it has devolved responsibility for specification through PFI/PPP outsourcing. As a result there are two - apparently contradictory trends. On the one hand, the public sector, or rather the private providers of public services, such as water, are increasingly involved in partnership arrangements in order to reach more efficient solutions. On the other hand, the overall public sector is seeking to re-establish control through standardised procedures and the centralisation of control capabilities, as exemplified by Gershorn. The two approaches may eventually converge, but if they do, the problem of evaluation and control will continue.
Throughout, it should be remembered that there is an underlying shortage of qualified engineers within the UK. Overseas engineers may be used to remedy the situation (through remote working). The future UK demand for consulting engineers over the next five to ten years, however, means that attention should be given to improving training and if necessary greater differentiation of the required capabilities. The role of consulting engineers in specifying projects and driving innovation in new products and techniques will continue to be critical.
Looking towards the future, the following trends may affect the Consultant Engineers market:
The industry may continue to become more international in operation.
The trend towards concentration of companies will continue;
Whilst the emphasis on partnering will continue, the public sector will move to concentrate its own procurement capacity to some extent;
The difficulty of promoting competition in such circumstances (reduction in the number of competitors, stronger specification and evaluation processes) may lead to a more contentious approach to the control of projects;
The level of risk devolved to consultant engineers and contractors will vary from sector to sector but may, on the whole, increase;
Current government policy to improve operational efficiency of procurement will place pressure on consultant fee levels;
Small, specialised, niche players will probably be squeezed if the government improves its own centralised capabilities since the support and advisory roles will be reduced in scope and number.
Changes in the market place have encouraged the growth of the larger consulting engineers. The size of PFI/PPP projects require a level of financial resources which closes the market to the smaller firms and encourages alliances and consolidation in the market in order to attain the critical size necessary for success. In this respect the dominance of the major firms has been extended.
Size of Market
Over the past five years there has been substantial growth in size of the consultant engineering market as measured in terms of fees earned.
Traditionally, the market for Consulting Engineers has been strongly international, reflecting both the imperial heritage and the possibility of exploiting infrastructure opportunities at a time when UK government expenditure on infrastructure was becoming less important. The impact of globalisation and the need to follow clients throughout the world, have underlined this tendency in recent years. The major firms have improved their international presence through a series of selective takeovers and mergers.
Niche specialists will continue to do well, although they may find their interests are best served by timely alliances for major contracts. They will inevitably be less insulated from fluctuations in the level of fee-paying work and this is also true for small firms.
The medium sized firms are those feeling the most constraints both in terms of pressure on costs and in terms of their ability to launch competitive bids. The need to co-operate with other Consulting Engineers and construction companies in order to obtain work will tend to encourage mergers and the development of working alliances with a specialist bias. There are, however, some firms in this category who have been able to benefit from their independent position to obtain work in an advisory capacity, evaluating tenders for public sector clients.
The way in which public sector clients are now without the means of verifying specifications and tenders has encouraged the development of long term relationships with Consulting Engineers - sometimes for as long as 10 years. In reality, the growth of PFI/PPP has transferred a number of public sector functions to the private sector. The growth in the activities of Consulting Engineers in the UK reflects this fact.
Future Market Prospects
Current estimates place the size of the consulting engineers' market at approximately 」7 billion, of which approximately 35-40% is accounted for by exports. This represents a reduction in the percentage accounted for by exports and reflects the expansion of the domestic market to include Project Management and Facilities Management in the wake of the development of the PFI/PPP market.
The most important infrastructure market segment is transport. In previous years, rail had provided the main market for consultancy services, but attention has recently concentrated on highways as the rail sector has struggled to meet the demand for passenger services. In addition the work on airport development has become an increasingly important sector.
The water industry is also an important market segment for consultant engineer services. Demand for services is linked to the five-year expenditure asset management plan (AMP) approved by OFWAT and follows a cyclical pattern. The industry is currently awaiting the latest announcements on investment expenditure for the 2005-2010 period. Environmental services have also become increasingly important as consumer awareness becomes more prevalent and EU directives more exacting. The need for environmental impact assessments as part of the planning process, means that there is an on-going demand for services - often from an independent adviser. Whilst initially environmental consultant engineers constituted something of a niche market, the large engineering consultancies have moved to either acquire, or develop in-house, the appropriate capacity to maintain their positions as "one stop" providers.
The indications at the present time are that there will have to be an increase in the capacity of the power market if future usage-demand projections are to be met. However, ambivalence remains about the future role of nuclear power and as a result firm decisions are likely to be postponed.
Inevitably, future prospects will be tied to the long term political, and economic, decisions which lead to the commissioning of major new building and construction projects. Although the government may concentrate upon education and hospitals, the prevalence of chronic under-investment in public sector infrastructure means that there remains a considerable requirement for consultant engineers' services, particularly in the non-domestic building sector.
The growth in the UK infrastructure market has highlighted the shortage of trained engineers in the country. This shortage has been met, in part, by the use of overseas personnel ・ either through the acquisition of overseas firms or the use of existing overseas offices.
Key Players and their Major Characteristics
UK firms have effectively been faced with a number of options as they have faced new procurement methods, such as PFI/PPP, and the development of less confrontational methods of project commissioning. They have had to grow their own range of activities (either organically or via acquisition), or to concentrate on niche markets. They have had the possibility of diversifying, by increasing the number of market segments in which they operate; and have had the possibility of expanding their provision of services downstream into facilities management.
Expansion on this scale is difficult for those consulting engineers which are not publicly quoted and therefore do not have easy access to raising new finance. It is noteworthy that partnerships effectively no longer exist at this level. Some companies are owned by employees, but the largest companies, which have registered the greatest expansion, such as Atkins, WSP and Mouchel Parkman - are publicly quoted.
In addition, the growth in PFI/PPP projects has also encouraged the expansion of the larger companies. The need for participants to demonstrate financial stability has, again, favoured the larger firms. As a result the gap between the largest four firms and the rest has been growing.
The trend towards partnering does not necessarily help the situation. Although the early involvement of firms in the definition of infrastructure projects and their specification does not necessarily imply the capacity to realise them, the existence of such expertise will offer the larger firms a competitive advantage. In this respect, it is probably significant that the top water consultant engineer, the American firm MWH Europe, is a niche operator, which also offers construction services.
It is possible, however, that this movement in the procurement market, which has favoured the larger firms may have reached its zenith. There are two factors at work, which are changing the situation. Firstly, there is a move for some services (which have been out-sourced) to be taken back in-house (e.g. Network Rail and the maintenance contracts). Secondly, an analysis of the profit margins to be made by providing some of the lower value maintenance services is leading to a realisation that capital may be better employed using skills with a higher value added content - thus Atkins is reducing some of its PFI/PPP activity.
For the smaller consulting firms, there appear to be two main roles for them to play in the future. Firstly, the out-sourcing of specification that has taken place means that there is a requirement for evaluation of such specification which the client no longer possesses; the advisory role of consulting engineers - such as Scott Wilson Piesold, Halcrow and others - remains of critical importance. Secondly, there is the development of alliances and partnering contracts with long term clients - tying the fortunes of the consulting engineer to those of its client - as is suggested with Hyder Consulting.
Finally, it will be important to retain the international dimension and consulting engineers are becoming more international in their presence - not just their activities. Also, the presence of international companies in the UK has increased, where they have been able to take advantage of their strength in particular markets. Whilst the consulting engineers identify China as a major new market for the next few years, some have also turned their attention to Eastern Europe where more complex, particularly environmental, projects may require external expertise. The UK market will remain important, but the level of expansion that has been experienced over the last five years may not be maintained at the same rate.
End User Markets and their Evolution
To summarise, the period up until 2003 saw a substantial rise in the value of new orders for infrastructure, health and education work, but a slight decline for private sector work, including sport, leisure and new offices. The construction market continues to be underpinned by the Government痴 commitment to public spending, particularly in the sectors of transport, education and healthcare.
Transport has been a buoyant market with expenditure on the railways increasing substantially due to the need for track renewal. The new plan for the railways calls for investment of 」28 billion over the next seven years. Spending on roads is likely to suffer in comparison with spending on the railways and it is unlikely that the current levels of expenditure (which include maintenance and the encouragement of busways) will be maintained at over 」4 billion a year in the next Spending Review. In spite of the encouragement of light railway systems, there is unlikely to be extensive investment in this market over the next five years.
Water and sewerage investment will be determined by the Spending Review for 2005-2010. The indications are that spending will rise and amount to 」16-19 billion over the five-year period. Much of the investment will be incurred in meeting EU Water Framework Directive. Some spending will be directed towards alleviating the effects of flooding.
Environmental concerns affect many aspects of infrastructure. The current stress on sustainable development has given added weight to a number of policies and they have also been underpinned by the impact of new EU Directives. Many of these initiatives require action on the part of local authorities and are therefore likely to be affected by alterations in the financing of their expenditure. Coastal and inland flooding and waste recycling are the main areas where significant investment will take place.
Until recently the energy market has been subdued and there has been excess capacity. Over the next five years there is likely to be an increase in investment expenditure in order to secure supplies and also comply with pollution constraints as required by the UK's international commitments. Investment in gas generating capacity will increase as nuclear and coal fired plants are retired. In addition attention will be concentrated on improving efficiency and developing renewable or sustainable sources. Current Government plans encourage the development of wind power but it is not clear that it will be able to develop all the production capacity required to meet Government targets.
Healthcare work also remains a lucrative market for consulting engineers, driven by committed public spending by the Government. In the Government痴 Capital Spending Review, capital investment in the health sector is indicated to rise from 」2.2bn in 2002/03 to 」4.2bn in 2005/06 and over 」6bn in 2007/08.With the NHS currently spending in excess of 」2bn per year on capital investment, the implications for a capital build programme are therefore considerable with a proposed cumulative capital spend exceeding 」11bn and plans for 100 additional large hospital schemes by 2010. Together with plans for a new generation of Diagnostic and Treatment Centres and a projected 」4.2bn worth of new PFI investments, the outlook for construction activity, in this sector is favourable.
Education work as a percentage of overall output is growing steadily in both the public and private sectors. With the education budget set to rise from 」56 billion in 2004 to around 」64 billion in 2007-08 and the Government痴 」25 billion Building Schools for the Future programme to renew or rebuild the UK痴 entire secondary school estate by 2015, there should be plenty of opportunities for consulting engineers in the education sector.
Investment in telecommunications has been affected by the burst in the 租ot.com bubble・ investment is likely to rise substantially over the next five to ten years as new systems and technologies becomes available. BT currently plans to invest 」15 billion on a new network over the next five years.
Opportunities for work by consultants are lower in the Commercial Office sector ・with government statistics indicating new orders for private office work have fallen by around 35% over the period 2000-2003. The recent downturn in demand for commercial offices has been most noticeable in the southeast and central London, however some regional office markets remained less volatile during this period. New office starts continue to decline compared to levels in 2003, although the rate of decline is falling. Starts are down in London and the southeast, but a number of regions are reporting modest increases including the North of England and West Midlands. Falling uptake and increased availability in the key office markets, following a downturn in the media, 租otcom・and financial services sectors, has depressed the flow of new orders for office projects.
Although the Leisure industry has suffered a number of crucial setbacks in the past 12 months in the form of SARS, the war in Iraq and the ongoing threat of terrorism, there remain considerable opportunities for consultants for new build and refurbishment projects in the stadia and arena sectors. Revenues generated in these sectors are set to increase as the importance of global sporting events increases. Plans are already well underway on the 19 new-build schemes for the 2008 Beijing summer Olympic Games, which is expected to generate around 」23 billion worth of business and the London bid to stage the Olympics in 2012 has a facilities and infrastructure budget of 」413m. It is also anticipated that total capital spending across the four football club divisions will exceed 」1.5 billion by 2005.
These developments mean that consulting engineers have been operating in a buoyant UK market - particularly at a time when other major overseas markets were in recession. Although the UK market will continue to show growth, future increases in investment are likely to be driven by the public sector. The importance of the non-transport, privatised sector is likely to increase for energy and telecommunications, as it recovers from a very low level.
For consultant engineers their fees should therefore continue to show the benefit of past events in the near term. Thereafter there is likely to be increased pressure on business as the public sector clients take more functions in-house and seek to impose cost controls. In addition, the growth of the energy and telecommunications markets favours the use of in-house expertise.
After the initial enthusiasm for PFI/PPP projects the market is now rather more reserved. Although consulting engineers remain committed to the market, the level of their involvement is beginning to be reduced: there is less appetite for expansion into facilities management. Instead, more durable alliances are being formed with contractors and facilities managers. The role of consulting engineers is returning to specification, advice and evaluation.
The UK public sector has grown more dependent upon consulting engineers as it has devolved responsibility for specification through PFI/PPP outsourcing. As a result there are two - apparently contradictory trends. On the one hand, the public sector, or rather the private providers of public services, such as water, are increasingly involved in partnership arrangements in order to reach more efficient solutions. On the other hand, the overall public sector is seeking to re-establish control through standardised procedures and the centralisation of control capabilities, as exemplified by Gershorn. The two approaches may eventually converge, but if they do, the problem of evaluation and control will continue.
Throughout, it should be remembered that there is an underlying shortage of qualified engineers within the UK. Overseas engineers may be used to remedy the situation (through remote working). The future UK demand for consulting engineers over the next five to ten years, however, means that attention should be given to improving training and if necessary greater differentiation of the required capabilities. The role of consulting engineers in specifying projects and driving innovation in new products and techniques will continue to be critical.
Looking towards the future, the following trends may affect the Consultant Engineers market:
The industry may continue to become more international in operation.
The trend towards concentration of companies will continue;
Whilst the emphasis on partnering will continue, the public sector will move to concentrate its own procurement capacity to some extent;
The difficulty of promoting competition in such circumstances (reduction in the number of competitors, stronger specification and evaluation processes) may lead to a more contentious approach to the control of projects;
The level of risk devolved to consultant engineers and contractors will vary from sector to sector but may, on the whole, increase;
Current government policy to improve operational efficiency of procurement will place pressure on consultant fee levels;
Small, specialised, niche players will probably be squeezed if the government improves its own centralised capabilities since the support and advisory roles will be reduced in scope and number.
28 May, 2009
Issue 153 About this service Archive Contact Subscribe
Will protected areas remain effective in the face of climate change?
Protected areas conserve biodiversity, but there are concerns that they may be less effective if climate change causes shifts in the distribution of species. A new study models the future movement of sub-Saharan birds in protected areas. Although many species will move, most will find suitable habitats amongst the network of protected areas under a scenario of intermediate climate change. One per cent of endangered species will lose all suitable habitat from the region.(more...)
Biodiesel from microalgae: energy recovery and waste issues
A recent French study explores ways to maximise the potential of using microalgae to produce biofuels. This includes issues surrounding management of the algal biomass waste, the reuse of the nitrogen and phosphorus inputs as fertilisers in cultivated production and recovery of methane as an additional source of energy from the algal waste.(more...)
Climate change policies need integrating into all sectors
Climate change policies need to be integrated into all levels of governance, from water management to energy, and across all sectors, from agriculture to traffic, according to a new report. As climate change initiatives interact with existing polices, across-the-board support is needed if climate change issues are to be successfully tackled. (more...)
North Sea needs more protection from nutrient inputs
Reductions in the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus flowing from rivers into the North Sea have had clear benefits on marine health in coastal waters, according to a recent study. However, the reductions are less effective in improving the condition of deeper offshore waters. Tougher measures to manage nutrient loads and prevent eutrophication are recommended.(more...)
Capturing carbon straight from the air: what are the costs?
Carbon capture from power plants has gained much attention as a means to decrease greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). A recent study assesses an alternative method that directly removes carbon dioxide from the air. The findings indicate that this method is comparable in costs to the mitigation costs estimated by the IPCC and the Stern report.(more...)
Zero carbon homes: house builders give their perspective
A new study has surveyed major house builders in the UK to understand what is needed if all new homes are to be zero carbon by 2016. The house builders generally felt that it is not an impossible challenge, but a comprehensive approach with clear guidelines, supported by necessary legislation is required. The results provide important lessons for sustainable construction programmes in other countries.(more...)
Opinions expressed in this News Alert do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.
Will protected areas remain effective in the face of climate change?
Protected areas conserve biodiversity, but there are concerns that they may be less effective if climate change causes shifts in the distribution of species. A new study models the future movement of sub-Saharan birds in protected areas. Although many species will move, most will find suitable habitats amongst the network of protected areas under a scenario of intermediate climate change. One per cent of endangered species will lose all suitable habitat from the region.
To help stop biodiversity loss in Europe, the EU has set up a network of over 26,000 protected areas forming the Natura 2000 network1. These represent more than 20 per cent of total EU territory. They have been established on the basis of the current distribution of species.
Climate change will have large impacts on biodiversity and will cause shifts in the distribution of species as they search for new, suitable habitat. In the case of the protected areas, these shifts could be outside the boundaries of protected areas or it could cause new species to move into the protected area. However, the designated sites constitute valuable space for nature, possibly allowing other species to move in.
The study looked at the network of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) across sub-Saharan Africa to test its resilience in the face of climate change. In total there were 1608 bird species, including 815 priority species (species that are vulnerable to extinction). The model projected data for three future time periods (2025, 2055 and 2085) and three future climate scenarios. For each IBA, it modelled turnover - the sum total of incoming and emigrating species, and 'species persistence' - the proportion of species for which the climate remains suitable.
Across all IBAs, the projected turnover of whole bird communities and subsets of endangered birds increased with time. Median turnover in 2085 was 20 to 26 per cent for all birds and 35 to 45 per cent for priority species. This indicates a large shift in ranges. There was variability across the continent. For example, areas of high turnover are evident in a band running east to south-east across southern Africa to the Ethiopian highlands.
Despite these shifts, the projected proportion of species that would remain in all IBAs is remarkably high - about 74 to 80 per cent of all birds in 2085. For endangered species, the figures are even better - 88 to 92 per cent of endangered species are projected to retain suitable habitat by 2085 in at least one IBA where they occur currently. For a further 62 to 93 species, suitable habitat will become newly available in protected areas where they are currently absent. Only 7 to 8 endangered species are expected to lose all suitable habitat from the network.
Nevertheless, the authors acknowledge the importance of the shifts in species distribution and suggest a number of recommendations. In particular, the results highlight the need for regionally focused management approaches. For example, increasing the number and size of protected areas, providing 'stepping stones' between habitats and protected areas and restoring critical types of habitat, as well as ensuring that the current IBA network is adequately protected into the future.
The authors are currently repeating the project for IBAs across Europe, including many Natura 2000 sites. They expect the results to be published in around a year's time.
See http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/index_en.htm
Source: Hole, D.G., Willis, S.G., Pain, D.J. et al. (2009). Projected impacts of climate change on a continent-wide protected area network. Ecology Letters. 12: 420-431.
Contact: s.g.willis@durham.ac.uk
Theme(s): Biodiversity, Climate change and energy
Biodiesel from microalgae: energy recovery and waste issues
A recent French study explores ways to maximise the potential of using microalgae to produce biofuels. This includes issues surrounding management of the algal biomass waste, the reuse of the nitrogen and phosphorus inputs as fertilisers in cultivated production and recovery of methane as an additional source of energy from the algal waste.
Microalgae contain oils, or 'lipids', that can be converted into biodiesel. The idea of using microalgae to produce fuel is not new, but has received recent renewed attention in the search for sustainable energy. Biodiesel is typically produced from plant oils, but there are widely-voiced concerns about the sustainability of this practice. Biodiesel produced from microalgae is being investigated as an alternative to using conventional crops, such as rapeseed: microalgae typically produce more oil, consume less space and could be grown on land unsuitable for agriculture. However, many technical and environmental issues, such as land use and fertiliser input still need to be researched and large-scale commercial production has still not been attained.
Using microalgae as a source of biofuels could mean that enormous cultures of algae are grown for commercial production, which would require large quantities of fertilisers. While microalgae are estimated to be capable of producing 10-20 times more biodiesel than rapeseed, they need 55 to 111 times more nitrogen fertiliser: 8-16 tonnes per hectare per year. Such quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus could damage the environment. Additionally, it could limit the economic viability of using microalgae. Nitrogen and phosphorus found in algal waste, after the oils have been extracted, must therefore be recycled. The research suggests that 'anaerobic digestion' could accomplish this goal.
Anaerobic digestion of the algal waste produces carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia. Left-over nitrogen and phosphorus compounds can be reused as fertiliser to the algal process. Using the methane as an energy source can further enhance energy recovery from the process.
In the laboratory study, the researchers highlighted some key issues to be addressed in microalgal production:
Sodium (in salt) can inhibit the anaerobic digestion process when using marine algae, although researchers suggest suitable bacteria (anaerobic digesters) can adapt.
Digestion of the algae can be enhanced and the methane yield increased by physical or chemical pre-treatment to break down cell walls and make the organic matter in the cells more accessible.
The nitrogen content of certain algae can be high, resulting in greater levels of ammonia which can also inhibit the digestion process. One strategy to overcome this problem uses a 'codigestion' process, whereby other organic waste, which is higher in carbon and lower in nitrogen, is added to the algal waste. For example, paper waste, food waste or sewage sludge can be added to the process. However, this can raise questions concerning 'downcycling', which is generally discouraged.
Another strategy would be to choose species of microalgae that naturally have a higher carbon to nitrogen ratio.
The results suggest that if the lipid content of the microalgae is less than 40 per cent, more overall energy would be recovered if just methane is produced directly from the algae, without first extracting the lipids. This method of methane production would need to be fully assessed against other methods, such as biomethane production from waste, to understand its viability. However, if the goal is to produce biodiesel, the key implication is that the species of microalgae used for cultivation should be chosen carefully: the algae should have greater than 40 per cent lipid content. Additional energy recovery through methane is then possible through anaerobic digestion of the algal waste after oil extraction.
Source: Sialve, B., Bernet, N., Bernard, O. (2009). Anaerobic digestion of microalgae as a necessary step to make microalgal biodiesel sustainable. Biotechnology Advances. doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2009.03.001.
Contact: bruno.sialve@naskeo.com
Theme(s): Biotechnology, Climate change and energy, Sustainable consumption and production
Climate change policies need integrating into all sectors
Climate change policies need to be integrated into all levels of governance, from water management to energy, and across all sectors, from agriculture to traffic, according to a new report1. As climate change initiatives interact with existing polices, across-the-board support is needed if climate change issues are to be successfully tackled.
The authors assessed how far climate change policy has been integrated into all levels of governance in six European countries: Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.
The study found that governments show widespread support for climate change policies, which are increasingly integrated into national strategies. For example, in Denmark in 2005, climate change was mentioned six times in the 2005 government programme, but was included 79 times in the 2007 programme. But dealing with climate change is complex. The researchers suggest that strategies must be integrated through local, national, regional and global levels, if major changes in production and consumption are to be made.
For example, adaptation strategies with a regional or local focus (concerning water management and agriculture, for example) need to be supported with appropriate financial and legal frameworks at national and European levels. National mitigation strategies need to be implemented by local and regional decision-makers across all sectors, such as traffic and energy. In particular, this includes greater integration with specific policy instruments: land use planning and annual budgeting are examples of instruments through which mitigation and adaptation strategies can be implemented.
The impact of extreme weather events, such as the flooding of the rivers Rhine and Meuse in the Netherlands (1993 and 1995) and the Elbe and the Mulde (2002) in Germany have led to the integration of adaptation into strategies for specific policy sectors. And many cities, for example, Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Helsinki, have set ambitious climate commitments.
Policy makers face many challenges in integrating climate policy into an increasing number of policy sectors. Contentious issues, including nuclear power, hydropower, taxation and mobility, have become part of the climate change debate. As well as managing technical and political trade-offs, decision-makers are also advised by researchers to recognise and address public concerns early on to implement climate policies successfully.
The report suggests the recent global economic downturn can be viewed as an opportunity to promote climate change measures. Supported by innovation, new markets and enterprises, mitigation and adaptation policies could benefit both industry and the climate. But it cautions that technical changes must be socially acceptable to avoid new conflicts.
Greater understanding of the complexity of climate change will develop from ongoing research. Climate integration policies and programmes should be based on the best available information and evaluated before and after implementation to learn from past experience. Sufficient resources are crucial to finding alternative solutions to climate change and for successfully integrating them into the appropriate policies.
There is the opportunity to combine climate change with other issues, such as energy security. But climate change measures must be applied consistently and, if necessary, with sufficient political weight to ensure climate polices are integrated across all levels of governance.
See: http://peer-initiative.org/media/m235_PEER_Report2.pdf
Source: Mickwitz, P., Aix, F., Beck, S. et al. (2009). Climate Policy Integration, Coherence and Governance. PEER Report No 2. Helsinki: Partnership for European Environmental Research.
Contact: per.mickwitz@ymparisto.fi
Theme(s): Climate change and energy, Sustainable development and policy assessment
North Sea needs more protection from nutrient inputs
Reductions in the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus flowing from rivers into the North Sea have had clear benefits on marine health in coastal waters, according to a recent study. However, the reductions are less effective in improving the condition of deeper offshore waters. Tougher measures to manage nutrient loads and prevent eutrophication are recommended.
Reductions in nutrient levels in recent years are the result of the PARCOM recommendation of the OSPAR Commission1, signed in 1988. Together with the European Commission, OSPAR links fifteen governments in Western Europe to protect and conserve the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic. PARCOM is not legally binding, but functions as a guideline in designing measures to reduce nutrient inputs. In 1997, OSPAR developed the Common Procedure (OSPAR CP) for the Identification of the Eutrophication Status of Maritime Areas. A set of Ecological Quality Objectives (EcoQO) were established as criteria to assess eutrophication status.
PARCOM calls for a 50 per cent reduction in dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus flowing into the sea by 2010 compared with 1985 levels. Nutrients released into rivers and estuaries by human activities, such as agriculture, are the main cause of eutrophication. Eutrophication causes accelerated growth of algae and other plant life, affecting the balance of organisms and water quality.
The researchers, working under the EU ECOOP project2, modelled the effects of reduced nutrient flows during 1985-2006 on five marine zones of the North Sea near the Netherlands and Germany. They used river and nutrient load data from countries surrounding the North Sea in the 3D physical-chemical-biological model to identify the long-term effects on marine health. Influencing factors taken into account included water temperature, salinity, climate, heat fluxes, wind stress, atmospheric pressure fields, tides, radiation and light.
Nutrient levels in the sea dropped in line with the 50 per cent reduction measures. The results indicated that the three study areas closer to major estuaries rapidly responded to the measures. For example, average winter concentrations in these areas were reduced by 50 per cent for nitrogen and 35 per cent for phosphorus, stabilising after 2-3 years. The greatest reductions in nutrient concentrations are along the Dutch coast. In contrast, offshore areas were affected by reductions to a lesser extent with only a very weak increase in oxygen levels. Decreased oxygen levels are a symptom of eutrophication. However, the complex interplay of tides, currents and winds influence oxygen levels, and this interplay is likely to have prevented the effects of reduced nutrients reaching offshore areas. While there were some limits to the model, the results broadly corresponded with direct measurements observed in previous research.
The OSPAR CP and EcoQOs have obvious strengths due to their clear goals and simplicity, and the nutrient reductions achieved as the result of PARCOM have led to some important improvements. However, the researchers believe that a 50 per cent reduction is not sufficient for the North Sea. Further reductions are needed to prevent eutrophication in the long term, especially under a changing climate. Climate change may cause increased nutrient inputs, for example.
The researchers call for an international nutrient monitoring and modelling programme, with a common system of measuring and classifying. Harmonising the eutrophication strategies of OSPAR, the EU's Water Framework Directive3 and the European Marine Strategy4 is one of the greatest challenges facing the North Sea, they suggest.
See: www.ospar.org
ECOOP (European Coastal sea Operational Observing and Forecasting System) was supported by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme. See: www.ecoop.eu
See: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/water-framework/index_en.html
See: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/marine/index_en.htm
Source: Skogen, M. and Mathisen, L. (2009). Long-term effects of reduced nutrient inputs to the North Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 82(3): 433-442.
Contact: morten@imr.no
Theme(s): Marine ecosystems, Water
Capturing carbon straight from the air: what are the costs?
Carbon capture from power plants has gained much attention as a means to decrease greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). A recent study assesses an alternative method that directly removes carbon dioxide from the air. The findings indicate that this method is comparable in costs to the mitigation costs estimated by the IPCC and the Stern report.
Targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions have been set at both a global and a European level. The European Union is committed to cutting its GHGs by at least 20 per cent of 1990 levels by 20201. Much focus has recently been on the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from power plants as a means of cutting GHGs.
However, the method of 'air capture' has received little attention. Air capture is the direct removal of carbon dioxide from the ambient air. Various methods have been suggested and some have been operationally tested. For example, systems have been developed using sodium hydroxide and lime to remove carbon dioxide. Since it is likely that the technology for air capture will only develop in coming years, this research examines the economics of this method.
Using predictions from the US Energy Information Agency and from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the study performs a simple calculation to estimate the amount of global carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere for the 21st century. It then estimates the costs of air capture for two different levels of CO2 stabilisation - 450 parts per million (ppm) and 550 ppm. Since estimates vary for the cost of air capture, it uses three values and expresses the costs of air capture as a percentage of global GDP.
The Stern report2 estimates the costs of mitigation in order to stabilise CO2 at 450 ppm to be about 1 per cent of global GDP in 2100. Using the report's assumptions for GDP growth of 2.5 per cent per year, the study estimates that air capture could cost from 0.5 to 2.7 per cent of global GDP, depending on the cost of the technology. Using the IPCC GDP growth projection of 2.9 per cent per year, the cost of using air capture to stabilise CO2 at 450 ppm would be 0.4 to 2.1 per cent of global GDP.
The author warns that making global cost estimates for a complex set of interrelated systems is an uncertain business. However, the analysis shows that air capture compares favourably with the cost estimates for mitigation provided in these reports if making similar assumptions to the IPCC and Stern reports. In addition, because the cost of air capture technology is likely to decrease over time it may be more financially advantageous. Although the imprecise nature of these results cannot prove air capture to be superior, they do indicate that it should receive similar levels of attention and analysis as other approaches.
See www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/sternreview_index.htm
Source: Pielke, R.A. Jr. (2009). An idealized assessment of the economics of air capture of carbon dioxide in mitigation policy. Environmental Science & Policy. 12: 216-225.
Contact: pielke@colorado.edu;
Theme(s): Climate change and energy, Environmental technologies
Zero carbon homes: house builders give their perspective
A new study has surveyed major house builders in the UK to understand what is needed if all new homes are to be zero carbon by 2016. The house builders generally felt that it is not an impossible challenge, but a comprehensive approach with clear guidelines, supported by necessary legislation is required. The results provide important lessons for sustainable construction programmes in other countries.
In April 2009, the European Parliament voted on amendments to strengthen a proposal of the European Commission to recast the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2002/91/EC)1. The residential and tertiary sector, the major part of which is buildings, accounts for more than 40 per cent of energy consumption in the EU. Europe could thus make a considerable contribution to meeting Kyoto targets by applying tougher standards to buildings. The UK has set itself a 'world-beating' target: aiming for all new homes to be zero carbon by 2016 in its 'Code for Sustainable Homes'2, published in 2006. In order to be zero carbon, buildings must generate as much energy as they consume.
The Code for Sustainable Homes uses environmental impact rating system of 1 to 6 to indicate overall sustainability of a new house: a rating of 6 equates to a zero carbon home, which specifies that required domestic energy must be generated from renewable sources. This exceeds other international housing standards. For example, Germany's 'PassivHaus' sets a maximum level of energy usage (15 kWh/m2 a year for heating and cooling), but does not specify the source of energy.
The house builders' responses to the survey suggest:
The Code for Sustainable Homes is a significant driver of zero carbon homes.
New technologies and products would also significantly help builders achieve the target. Zero carbon homes are not considered possible with todays technologies and so the supply chain is seen as a major barrier. Sufficient resources are needed for the government and building industry to research and develop appropriate and cost-effective technologies.
There are no financial incentives for producing zero carbon homes. Additionally, there is much uncertainty about how much it will cost to build a zero carbon building, but it is generally considered to be more than a standard house.
The most significant legislative barrier was an unclear definition of 'zero carbon'. Builders were unsure of the requirements, for example, the need to provide onsite renewable energy. Appropriate guidelines would be beneficial. For instance, does renewable energy distributed at a district level by Energy Service Companies (ESCos), rather than onsite, count towards zero carbon status?
There was concern over the reliability of renewable technologies. An alternative and more cost-effective solution to providing onsite renewable energy would be to distribute renewable energy from ESCos.
Consumers need to be made aware of the benefits of zero carbon homes, although there have been recent signs of increased demand for such homes. As such, the house builders called for the government to act upon this growing demand and legislate to create a national market for zero carbon homes.
See: http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l27042.htm
See: www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/professionals/en/1115314116927.html
Source: Osmani, M. and O'Reilly. (2009). Feasibility of zero carbon homes in England by 2016: A house builder's perspective. Building and Environment. 44:1917-1924.
Contact: m.osmani@lboro.ac.uk
Theme(s): Climate change and energy, Sustainable consumption and production
28 May, 2009
Issue 153 About this service Archive Contact Subscribe
Will protected areas remain effective in the face of climate change?
Protected areas conserve biodiversity, but there are concerns that they may be less effective if climate change causes shifts in the distribution of species. A new study models the future movement of sub-Saharan birds in protected areas. Although many species will move, most will find suitable habitats amongst the network of protected areas under a scenario of intermediate climate change. One per cent of endangered species will lose all suitable habitat from the region.(more...)
Biodiesel from microalgae: energy recovery and waste issues
A recent French study explores ways to maximise the potential of using microalgae to produce biofuels. This includes issues surrounding management of the algal biomass waste, the reuse of the nitrogen and phosphorus inputs as fertilisers in cultivated production and recovery of methane as an additional source of energy from the algal waste.(more...)
Climate change policies need integrating into all sectors
Climate change policies need to be integrated into all levels of governance, from water management to energy, and across all sectors, from agriculture to traffic, according to a new report. As climate change initiatives interact with existing polices, across-the-board support is needed if climate change issues are to be successfully tackled. (more...)
North Sea needs more protection from nutrient inputs
Reductions in the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus flowing from rivers into the North Sea have had clear benefits on marine health in coastal waters, according to a recent study. However, the reductions are less effective in improving the condition of deeper offshore waters. Tougher measures to manage nutrient loads and prevent eutrophication are recommended.(more...)
Capturing carbon straight from the air: what are the costs?
Carbon capture from power plants has gained much attention as a means to decrease greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). A recent study assesses an alternative method that directly removes carbon dioxide from the air. The findings indicate that this method is comparable in costs to the mitigation costs estimated by the IPCC and the Stern report.(more...)
Zero carbon homes: house builders give their perspective
A new study has surveyed major house builders in the UK to understand what is needed if all new homes are to be zero carbon by 2016. The house builders generally felt that it is not an impossible challenge, but a comprehensive approach with clear guidelines, supported by necessary legislation is required. The results provide important lessons for sustainable construction programmes in other countries.(more...)
Opinions expressed in this News Alert do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.
Will protected areas remain effective in the face of climate change?
Protected areas conserve biodiversity, but there are concerns that they may be less effective if climate change causes shifts in the distribution of species. A new study models the future movement of sub-Saharan birds in protected areas. Although many species will move, most will find suitable habitats amongst the network of protected areas under a scenario of intermediate climate change. One per cent of endangered species will lose all suitable habitat from the region.
To help stop biodiversity loss in Europe, the EU has set up a network of over 26,000 protected areas forming the Natura 2000 network1. These represent more than 20 per cent of total EU territory. They have been established on the basis of the current distribution of species.
Climate change will have large impacts on biodiversity and will cause shifts in the distribution of species as they search for new, suitable habitat. In the case of the protected areas, these shifts could be outside the boundaries of protected areas or it could cause new species to move into the protected area. However, the designated sites constitute valuable space for nature, possibly allowing other species to move in.
The study looked at the network of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) across sub-Saharan Africa to test its resilience in the face of climate change. In total there were 1608 bird species, including 815 priority species (species that are vulnerable to extinction). The model projected data for three future time periods (2025, 2055 and 2085) and three future climate scenarios. For each IBA, it modelled turnover - the sum total of incoming and emigrating species, and 'species persistence' - the proportion of species for which the climate remains suitable.
Across all IBAs, the projected turnover of whole bird communities and subsets of endangered birds increased with time. Median turnover in 2085 was 20 to 26 per cent for all birds and 35 to 45 per cent for priority species. This indicates a large shift in ranges. There was variability across the continent. For example, areas of high turnover are evident in a band running east to south-east across southern Africa to the Ethiopian highlands.
Despite these shifts, the projected proportion of species that would remain in all IBAs is remarkably high - about 74 to 80 per cent of all birds in 2085. For endangered species, the figures are even better - 88 to 92 per cent of endangered species are projected to retain suitable habitat by 2085 in at least one IBA where they occur currently. For a further 62 to 93 species, suitable habitat will become newly available in protected areas where they are currently absent. Only 7 to 8 endangered species are expected to lose all suitable habitat from the network.
Nevertheless, the authors acknowledge the importance of the shifts in species distribution and suggest a number of recommendations. In particular, the results highlight the need for regionally focused management approaches. For example, increasing the number and size of protected areas, providing 'stepping stones' between habitats and protected areas and restoring critical types of habitat, as well as ensuring that the current IBA network is adequately protected into the future.
The authors are currently repeating the project for IBAs across Europe, including many Natura 2000 sites. They expect the results to be published in around a year's time.
See http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/index_en.htm
Source: Hole, D.G., Willis, S.G., Pain, D.J. et al. (2009). Projected impacts of climate change on a continent-wide protected area network. Ecology Letters. 12: 420-431.
Contact: s.g.willis@durham.ac.uk
Theme(s): Biodiversity, Climate change and energy
Biodiesel from microalgae: energy recovery and waste issues
A recent French study explores ways to maximise the potential of using microalgae to produce biofuels. This includes issues surrounding management of the algal biomass waste, the reuse of the nitrogen and phosphorus inputs as fertilisers in cultivated production and recovery of methane as an additional source of energy from the algal waste.
Microalgae contain oils, or 'lipids', that can be converted into biodiesel. The idea of using microalgae to produce fuel is not new, but has received recent renewed attention in the search for sustainable energy. Biodiesel is typically produced from plant oils, but there are widely-voiced concerns about the sustainability of this practice. Biodiesel produced from microalgae is being investigated as an alternative to using conventional crops, such as rapeseed: microalgae typically produce more oil, consume less space and could be grown on land unsuitable for agriculture. However, many technical and environmental issues, such as land use and fertiliser input still need to be researched and large-scale commercial production has still not been attained.
Using microalgae as a source of biofuels could mean that enormous cultures of algae are grown for commercial production, which would require large quantities of fertilisers. While microalgae are estimated to be capable of producing 10-20 times more biodiesel than rapeseed, they need 55 to 111 times more nitrogen fertiliser: 8-16 tonnes per hectare per year. Such quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus could damage the environment. Additionally, it could limit the economic viability of using microalgae. Nitrogen and phosphorus found in algal waste, after the oils have been extracted, must therefore be recycled. The research suggests that 'anaerobic digestion' could accomplish this goal.
Anaerobic digestion of the algal waste produces carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia. Left-over nitrogen and phosphorus compounds can be reused as fertiliser to the algal process. Using the methane as an energy source can further enhance energy recovery from the process.
In the laboratory study, the researchers highlighted some key issues to be addressed in microalgal production:
Sodium (in salt) can inhibit the anaerobic digestion process when using marine algae, although researchers suggest suitable bacteria (anaerobic digesters) can adapt.
Digestion of the algae can be enhanced and the methane yield increased by physical or chemical pre-treatment to break down cell walls and make the organic matter in the cells more accessible.
The nitrogen content of certain algae can be high, resulting in greater levels of ammonia which can also inhibit the digestion process. One strategy to overcome this problem uses a 'codigestion' process, whereby other organic waste, which is higher in carbon and lower in nitrogen, is added to the algal waste. For example, paper waste, food waste or sewage sludge can be added to the process. However, this can raise questions concerning 'downcycling', which is generally discouraged.
Another strategy would be to choose species of microalgae that naturally have a higher carbon to nitrogen ratio.
The results suggest that if the lipid content of the microalgae is less than 40 per cent, more overall energy would be recovered if just methane is produced directly from the algae, without first extracting the lipids. This method of methane production would need to be fully assessed against other methods, such as biomethane production from waste, to understand its viability. However, if the goal is to produce biodiesel, the key implication is that the species of microalgae used for cultivation should be chosen carefully: the algae should have greater than 40 per cent lipid content. Additional energy recovery through methane is then possible through anaerobic digestion of the algal waste after oil extraction.
Source: Sialve, B., Bernet, N., Bernard, O. (2009). Anaerobic digestion of microalgae as a necessary step to make microalgal biodiesel sustainable. Biotechnology Advances. doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2009.03.001.
Contact: bruno.sialve@naskeo.com
Theme(s): Biotechnology, Climate change and energy, Sustainable consumption and production
Climate change policies need integrating into all sectors
Climate change policies need to be integrated into all levels of governance, from water management to energy, and across all sectors, from agriculture to traffic, according to a new report1. As climate change initiatives interact with existing polices, across-the-board support is needed if climate change issues are to be successfully tackled.
The authors assessed how far climate change policy has been integrated into all levels of governance in six European countries: Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.
The study found that governments show widespread support for climate change policies, which are increasingly integrated into national strategies. For example, in Denmark in 2005, climate change was mentioned six times in the 2005 government programme, but was included 79 times in the 2007 programme. But dealing with climate change is complex. The researchers suggest that strategies must be integrated through local, national, regional and global levels, if major changes in production and consumption are to be made.
For example, adaptation strategies with a regional or local focus (concerning water management and agriculture, for example) need to be supported with appropriate financial and legal frameworks at national and European levels. National mitigation strategies need to be implemented by local and regional decision-makers across all sectors, such as traffic and energy. In particular, this includes greater integration with specific policy instruments: land use planning and annual budgeting are examples of instruments through which mitigation and adaptation strategies can be implemented.
The impact of extreme weather events, such as the flooding of the rivers Rhine and Meuse in the Netherlands (1993 and 1995) and the Elbe and the Mulde (2002) in Germany have led to the integration of adaptation into strategies for specific policy sectors. And many cities, for example, Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Helsinki, have set ambitious climate commitments.
Policy makers face many challenges in integrating climate policy into an increasing number of policy sectors. Contentious issues, including nuclear power, hydropower, taxation and mobility, have become part of the climate change debate. As well as managing technical and political trade-offs, decision-makers are also advised by researchers to recognise and address public concerns early on to implement climate policies successfully.
The report suggests the recent global economic downturn can be viewed as an opportunity to promote climate change measures. Supported by innovation, new markets and enterprises, mitigation and adaptation policies could benefit both industry and the climate. But it cautions that technical changes must be socially acceptable to avoid new conflicts.
Greater understanding of the complexity of climate change will develop from ongoing research. Climate integration policies and programmes should be based on the best available information and evaluated before and after implementation to learn from past experience. Sufficient resources are crucial to finding alternative solutions to climate change and for successfully integrating them into the appropriate policies.
There is the opportunity to combine climate change with other issues, such as energy security. But climate change measures must be applied consistently and, if necessary, with sufficient political weight to ensure climate polices are integrated across all levels of governance.
See: http://peer-initiative.org/media/m235_PEER_Report2.pdf
Source: Mickwitz, P., Aix, F., Beck, S. et al. (2009). Climate Policy Integration, Coherence and Governance. PEER Report No 2. Helsinki: Partnership for European Environmental Research.
Contact: per.mickwitz@ymparisto.fi
Theme(s): Climate change and energy, Sustainable development and policy assessment
North Sea needs more protection from nutrient inputs
Reductions in the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus flowing from rivers into the North Sea have had clear benefits on marine health in coastal waters, according to a recent study. However, the reductions are less effective in improving the condition of deeper offshore waters. Tougher measures to manage nutrient loads and prevent eutrophication are recommended.
Reductions in nutrient levels in recent years are the result of the PARCOM recommendation of the OSPAR Commission1, signed in 1988. Together with the European Commission, OSPAR links fifteen governments in Western Europe to protect and conserve the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic. PARCOM is not legally binding, but functions as a guideline in designing measures to reduce nutrient inputs. In 1997, OSPAR developed the Common Procedure (OSPAR CP) for the Identification of the Eutrophication Status of Maritime Areas. A set of Ecological Quality Objectives (EcoQO) were established as criteria to assess eutrophication status.
PARCOM calls for a 50 per cent reduction in dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus flowing into the sea by 2010 compared with 1985 levels. Nutrients released into rivers and estuaries by human activities, such as agriculture, are the main cause of eutrophication. Eutrophication causes accelerated growth of algae and other plant life, affecting the balance of organisms and water quality.
The researchers, working under the EU ECOOP project2, modelled the effects of reduced nutrient flows during 1985-2006 on five marine zones of the North Sea near the Netherlands and Germany. They used river and nutrient load data from countries surrounding the North Sea in the 3D physical-chemical-biological model to identify the long-term effects on marine health. Influencing factors taken into account included water temperature, salinity, climate, heat fluxes, wind stress, atmospheric pressure fields, tides, radiation and light.
Nutrient levels in the sea dropped in line with the 50 per cent reduction measures. The results indicated that the three study areas closer to major estuaries rapidly responded to the measures. For example, average winter concentrations in these areas were reduced by 50 per cent for nitrogen and 35 per cent for phosphorus, stabilising after 2-3 years. The greatest reductions in nutrient concentrations are along the Dutch coast. In contrast, offshore areas were affected by reductions to a lesser extent with only a very weak increase in oxygen levels. Decreased oxygen levels are a symptom of eutrophication. However, the complex interplay of tides, currents and winds influence oxygen levels, and this interplay is likely to have prevented the effects of reduced nutrients reaching offshore areas. While there were some limits to the model, the results broadly corresponded with direct measurements observed in previous research.
The OSPAR CP and EcoQOs have obvious strengths due to their clear goals and simplicity, and the nutrient reductions achieved as the result of PARCOM have led to some important improvements. However, the researchers believe that a 50 per cent reduction is not sufficient for the North Sea. Further reductions are needed to prevent eutrophication in the long term, especially under a changing climate. Climate change may cause increased nutrient inputs, for example.
The researchers call for an international nutrient monitoring and modelling programme, with a common system of measuring and classifying. Harmonising the eutrophication strategies of OSPAR, the EU's Water Framework Directive3 and the European Marine Strategy4 is one of the greatest challenges facing the North Sea, they suggest.
See: www.ospar.org
ECOOP (European Coastal sea Operational Observing and Forecasting System) was supported by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme. See: www.ecoop.eu
See: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/water-framework/index_en.html
See: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/marine/index_en.htm
Source: Skogen, M. and Mathisen, L. (2009). Long-term effects of reduced nutrient inputs to the North Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 82(3): 433-442.
Contact: morten@imr.no
Theme(s): Marine ecosystems, Water
Capturing carbon straight from the air: what are the costs?
Carbon capture from power plants has gained much attention as a means to decrease greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). A recent study assesses an alternative method that directly removes carbon dioxide from the air. The findings indicate that this method is comparable in costs to the mitigation costs estimated by the IPCC and the Stern report.
Targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions have been set at both a global and a European level. The European Union is committed to cutting its GHGs by at least 20 per cent of 1990 levels by 20201. Much focus has recently been on the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from power plants as a means of cutting GHGs.
However, the method of 'air capture' has received little attention. Air capture is the direct removal of carbon dioxide from the ambient air. Various methods have been suggested and some have been operationally tested. For example, systems have been developed using sodium hydroxide and lime to remove carbon dioxide. Since it is likely that the technology for air capture will only develop in coming years, this research examines the economics of this method.
Using predictions from the US Energy Information Agency and from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the study performs a simple calculation to estimate the amount of global carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere for the 21st century. It then estimates the costs of air capture for two different levels of CO2 stabilisation - 450 parts per million (ppm) and 550 ppm. Since estimates vary for the cost of air capture, it uses three values and expresses the costs of air capture as a percentage of global GDP.
The Stern report2 estimates the costs of mitigation in order to stabilise CO2 at 450 ppm to be about 1 per cent of global GDP in 2100. Using the report's assumptions for GDP growth of 2.5 per cent per year, the study estimates that air capture could cost from 0.5 to 2.7 per cent of global GDP, depending on the cost of the technology. Using the IPCC GDP growth projection of 2.9 per cent per year, the cost of using air capture to stabilise CO2 at 450 ppm would be 0.4 to 2.1 per cent of global GDP.
The author warns that making global cost estimates for a complex set of interrelated systems is an uncertain business. However, the analysis shows that air capture compares favourably with the cost estimates for mitigation provided in these reports if making similar assumptions to the IPCC and Stern reports. In addition, because the cost of air capture technology is likely to decrease over time it may be more financially advantageous. Although the imprecise nature of these results cannot prove air capture to be superior, they do indicate that it should receive similar levels of attention and analysis as other approaches.
See www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/sternreview_index.htm
Source: Pielke, R.A. Jr. (2009). An idealized assessment of the economics of air capture of carbon dioxide in mitigation policy. Environmental Science & Policy. 12: 216-225.
Contact: pielke@colorado.edu;
Theme(s): Climate change and energy, Environmental technologies
Zero carbon homes: house builders give their perspective
A new study has surveyed major house builders in the UK to understand what is needed if all new homes are to be zero carbon by 2016. The house builders generally felt that it is not an impossible challenge, but a comprehensive approach with clear guidelines, supported by necessary legislation is required. The results provide important lessons for sustainable construction programmes in other countries.
In April 2009, the European Parliament voted on amendments to strengthen a proposal of the European Commission to recast the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2002/91/EC)1. The residential and tertiary sector, the major part of which is buildings, accounts for more than 40 per cent of energy consumption in the EU. Europe could thus make a considerable contribution to meeting Kyoto targets by applying tougher standards to buildings. The UK has set itself a 'world-beating' target: aiming for all new homes to be zero carbon by 2016 in its 'Code for Sustainable Homes'2, published in 2006. In order to be zero carbon, buildings must generate as much energy as they consume.
The Code for Sustainable Homes uses environmental impact rating system of 1 to 6 to indicate overall sustainability of a new house: a rating of 6 equates to a zero carbon home, which specifies that required domestic energy must be generated from renewable sources. This exceeds other international housing standards. For example, Germany's 'PassivHaus' sets a maximum level of energy usage (15 kWh/m2 a year for heating and cooling), but does not specify the source of energy.
The house builders' responses to the survey suggest:
The Code for Sustainable Homes is a significant driver of zero carbon homes.
New technologies and products would also significantly help builders achieve the target. Zero carbon homes are not considered possible with todays technologies and so the supply chain is seen as a major barrier. Sufficient resources are needed for the government and building industry to research and develop appropriate and cost-effective technologies.
There are no financial incentives for producing zero carbon homes. Additionally, there is much uncertainty about how much it will cost to build a zero carbon building, but it is generally considered to be more than a standard house.
The most significant legislative barrier was an unclear definition of 'zero carbon'. Builders were unsure of the requirements, for example, the need to provide onsite renewable energy. Appropriate guidelines would be beneficial. For instance, does renewable energy distributed at a district level by Energy Service Companies (ESCos), rather than onsite, count towards zero carbon status?
There was concern over the reliability of renewable technologies. An alternative and more cost-effective solution to providing onsite renewable energy would be to distribute renewable energy from ESCos.
Consumers need to be made aware of the benefits of zero carbon homes, although there have been recent signs of increased demand for such homes. As such, the house builders called for the government to act upon this growing demand and legislate to create a national market for zero carbon homes.
See: http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l27042.htm
See: www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/professionals/en/1115314116927.html
Source: Osmani, M. and O'Reilly. (2009). Feasibility of zero carbon homes in England by 2016: A house builder's perspective. Building and Environment. 44:1917-1924.
Contact: m.osmani@lboro.ac.uk
Theme(s): Climate change and energy, Sustainable consumption and production
08年公開された「Sunshine Cleaning」というコメディー映画がもうすぐ南アでも公開され、たぶん日本でも近々かと思う。どうも夜は映画しかなくWRM以外のテーマは映画になってします。とは言え、暇つぶしにはちょうどいい。
そうそう、CSCってなんですか、だ。Crime Scene Cleaning
community score cards (CSC) to promote civic participation in monitoring and improving the water service provision
そうそう、CSCってなんですか、だ。Crime Scene Cleaning
community score cards (CSC) to promote civic participation in monitoring and improving the water service provision
The students passing out the Diploma in Rural Engineering are supposed to work among the people; Anthropology being the science of Man in holistic perspective. Rural Society will give insight of the rural perspective of the society to the student. Psychology will help in understanding the taught group with clarity. Thus the courses in Anthropology and Rural Sociology will orient the students of Rural Engineering in right perspective to understand the need of the target group and to act according with the Engineering inputs. The course has been designed in such a way that after going through this course students will attain perfection in knowledge in communicating with Rural Mass, understanding Rural Psychology, understanding Rural Sociological Condition, identifying Rural Needs etc.
1. Introduction of Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology
2. Useful utilization of Engineering Services for Rural Mass
3. Rapport Establishment and Community Participation
4. Community, Tribe, Caste, Village
5. Survey and Research
6. Question, Schedule, Interview Guide, Caste Studies, etc.
7. Environment, Ecology and Social Forestry Conventional and Non-Conventional Energy, Rural Electrification, Rural Water Supply
8. Profile of Individual, Community, Village Block, Social Phenomenon
9. Anthropology, Rural Anthropology, Psychology, Rural Psychology, Sociology, Rural Sociology of Man Holistic Approach
10. Holistic Approach
11. Development in Social Context
12. Social Change and Social Engineering, Rural Road, Water Resource, Rural Drainage
13. Aptitude, Attitude, Personality Formation, Motivation
14. Social Institutions, Marriage, Family, Kinship, Totem, Taboo, Religion, Crowd, Target Group.
15. Society and Scientific Approach
16. Economics of Development
17. Micro Level Planning
The students passing out the Diploma in Rural Engineering are supposed to work among the people; Anthropology being the science of Man in holistic perspective. Rural Society will give insight of the rural perspective of the society to the student. Psychology will help in understanding the taught group with clarity. Thus the courses in Anthropology and Rural Sociology will orient the students of Rural Engineering in right perspective to understand the need of the target group and to act according with the Engineering inputs. The course has been designed in such a way that after going through this course students will attain perfection in knowledge in communicating with Rural Mass, understanding Rural Psychology, understanding Rural Sociological Condition, identifying Rural Needs etc.
1. Introduction of Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology
2. Useful utilization of Engineering Services for Rural Mass
3. Rapport Establishment and Community Participation
4. Community, Tribe, Caste, Village
5. Survey and Research
6. Question, Schedule, Interview Guide, Caste Studies, etc.
7. Environment, Ecology and Social Forestry Conventional and Non-Conventional Energy, Rural Electrification, Rural Water Supply
8. Profile of Individual, Community, Village Block, Social Phenomenon
9. Anthropology, Rural Anthropology, Psychology, Rural Psychology, Sociology, Rural Sociology of Man Holistic Approach
10. Holistic Approach
11. Development in Social Context
12. Social Change and Social Engineering, Rural Road, Water Resource, Rural Drainage
13. Aptitude, Attitude, Personality Formation, Motivation
14. Social Institutions, Marriage, Family, Kinship, Totem, Taboo, Religion, Crowd, Target Group.
15. Society and Scientific Approach
16. Economics of Development
17. Micro Level Planning
African Magicという南アの黒人専用チャンネルでは毎週ナイジェリアからの番組でストリートダンスの大会があるが中々都会的で面白い。ナイジェリアといえば、先輩諸氏からのコメントでは汚職や治安の悪さだけが伝わっているが、首都ラゴスは1千万人以上の人口がありアフリカではカイロに次ぐらしい。
African Magicという南アの黒人専用チャンネルでは毎週ナイジェリアからの番組でストリートダンスの大会があるが中々都会的で面白い。ナイジェリアといえば、先輩諸氏からのコメントでは汚職や治安の悪さだけが伝わっているが、首都ラゴスは1千万人以上の人口がありアフリカではカイロに次ぐらしい。
昨年ADBのjapan special fund(5千万円くらいか)によるPNG電力セクター開発計画のT/Aの公示がなされた。PNGも30年以上経ち民生用の電力不足が発生しているのだろう。調査結果もそろそろ出てくるか。
昨年ADBのjapan special fund(5千万円くらいか)によるPNG電力セクター開発計画のT/Aの公示がなされた。PNGも30年以上経ち民生用の電力不足が発生しているのだろう。調査結果もそろそろ出てくるか。
196:Cooking in the danger zone
当然肉はない。そこで昔からrats hunterと呼ばれる猟師が田んぼのあぜ道を掘ってネズミを捉える。味は珍味でチキン並みのおいしさとコメントしていた。インド北東地域はこうした貧困から共産主義が台頭している。
当然肉はない。そこで昔からrats hunterと呼ばれる猟師が田んぼのあぜ道を掘ってネズミを捉える。味は珍味でチキン並みのおいしさとコメントしていた。インド北東地域はこうした貧困から共産主義が台頭している。
193:Stranger than fiction
95年のsense and sensitibity以来か。
95年のsense and sensitibity以来か。
02年だったか、比国ルソン島南部の河川の水資源開発及び洪水軽減計画調査を実施した。そのTORの中にInland Waterway Transportation(IWT)があった。あまり大きなテーマではなかったがやはり世銀のTORで作業指示がありやらざるを得ない。ところが団長であるのにもかかわらず担当専門家を配置していなかった。
02年だったか、比国ルソン島南部の河川の水資源開発及び洪水軽減計画調査を実施した。そのTORの中にInland Waterway Transportation(IWT)があった。あまり大きなテーマではなかったがやはり世銀のTORで作業指示がありやらざるを得ない。ところが団長であるのにもかかわらず担当専門家を配置していなかった。
88年:ウルファ・ハラン(トルコ南東アナトリア、旧約聖書に同名で登場する古代都市と考えられているハランは、シャンル・ウルファの南 48km にあり、現在で. はイブラヒムが生涯のうち何年かを過ごした場所としてよりも、その独特な蜂の巣型住居でよく知られている)
88年:ウルファ・ハラン(トルコ南東アナトリア、旧約聖書に同名で登場する古代都市と考えられているハランは、シャンル・ウルファの南 48km にあり、現在で. はイブラヒムが生涯のうち何年かを過ごした場所としてよりも、その独特な蜂の巣型住居でよく知られている)
Flemish International Cooperation Agency
Flemish International Cooperation Agency
Press TV is an English language international television news channel which is funded by the Iranian government, based in Tehran and broadcast in English on a round-the-clock schedule. It has 26 international correspondents and more than 500 staff around the world. The entity itself claims to offer a different view of world events.
The channel's website launched in late January 2007. Test satellite transmissions were conducted in late April 2007. The launch date for the channel was July 3, 2007. On March 18, 2009, Press TV launched a new website with a modified graphical user interface.[7] The new website was available on an alternative address (www.presstv.ir/new) until March 31, 2009 when the old website was put out of service. On April 5, 2009, Press TV made it possible to view its website in two different versions - the old version (Classic Version) and the ordinary version.
Press TV has stated its intention to cover world news differently from the Anglophone channels BBC World News, and CNN International. Press TV claims that it is not beholden to any commercial or governmental entity, nor internally constrained to deviate from its editorial independence however it also claims the Holocaust is "scientifically possible" and that Iran is democratic. Press TV seeks to compete, inter alia, with the past-launched Al Jazeera English and France 24 in 2006 and Russia Today in December 2005.
Press TV has three mission statements; to break the global media stranglehold of western outlets; to bridge cultural divisions pragmatically; and to highlight the versatility and vitality of political and cultural differences making up the human condition.
The policy makers of Press TV assert that since the 9/11 attacks, the global mass media has been divided into two major camps: the Western media, and a pan-Arabist grouping; both of which, in the channel's view, are limited if not partial in their coverage. The stated mission of Press TV is to offer alternative and independent views, especially on Middle Eastern affairs, to the kinds of coverage exemplified by BBC World, CNN International and Al Jazeera English.
Press TV, offers round-the-clock news bulletins every half-hour, a series of chiefly live commentary programmes and roundtable panel discussions, as well as documentary films.
Press TV is an English language international television news channel which is funded by the Iranian government, based in Tehran and broadcast in English on a round-the-clock schedule. It has 26 international correspondents and more than 500 staff around the world. The entity itself claims to offer a different view of world events.
The channel's website launched in late January 2007. Test satellite transmissions were conducted in late April 2007. The launch date for the channel was July 3, 2007. On March 18, 2009, Press TV launched a new website with a modified graphical user interface.[7] The new website was available on an alternative address (www.presstv.ir/new) until March 31, 2009 when the old website was put out of service. On April 5, 2009, Press TV made it possible to view its website in two different versions - the old version (Classic Version) and the ordinary version.
Press TV has stated its intention to cover world news differently from the Anglophone channels BBC World News, and CNN International. Press TV claims that it is not beholden to any commercial or governmental entity, nor internally constrained to deviate from its editorial independence however it also claims the Holocaust is "scientifically possible" and that Iran is democratic. Press TV seeks to compete, inter alia, with the past-launched Al Jazeera English and France 24 in 2006 and Russia Today in December 2005.
Press TV has three mission statements; to break the global media stranglehold of western outlets; to bridge cultural divisions pragmatically; and to highlight the versatility and vitality of political and cultural differences making up the human condition.
The policy makers of Press TV assert that since the 9/11 attacks, the global mass media has been divided into two major camps: the Western media, and a pan-Arabist grouping; both of which, in the channel's view, are limited if not partial in their coverage. The stated mission of Press TV is to offer alternative and independent views, especially on Middle Eastern affairs, to the kinds of coverage exemplified by BBC World, CNN International and Al Jazeera English.
Press TV, offers round-the-clock news bulletins every half-hour, a series of chiefly live commentary programmes and roundtable panel discussions, as well as documentary films.
water reosurces researchという水資源学で最高峰の専門誌があるが彼は常連だった。博士号を取った人で博士論文を投稿しても何度も修正させられやっと一つ採用されるのが普通の論文集である。日本人では過去数人であろう。クレメシュは80年代年1篇ぐらいは採用されていたからすごい。コーネル大のラウス教授もそうだった。
water reosurces researchという水資源学で最高峰の専門誌があるが彼は常連だった。博士号を取った人で博士論文を投稿しても何度も修正させられやっと一つ採用されるのが普通の論文集である。日本人では過去数人であろう。クレメシュは80年代年1篇ぐらいは採用されていたからすごい。コーネル大のラウス教授もそうだった。
Gender Mainstreaming
ちなみに、gender mainstreamingのある定義では、
Gender mainstreaming is the public policy concept of assessing the different implications for women and men of any planned policy action, including legislation and programmes, in all areas and levels. The concept of gender mainstreaming was first proposed at the 1985 Third World Conference on Women in Nairobi. The idea has been developed in the United Nations development community[1]. The idea was formally featured in 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. Most definitions conform to the UN Economic and Social Council formally defined concept:
Mainstreaming a gender perspective is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women's as well as men's concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.
水と衛生、そして保健。水とは無縁ではない。当地省内のトイレにはUNICEFのwash your handsというメッセージが大きく張られているが石鹸もないのでは効き目は薄いであろう。無償で提供してもいいのだが、毎日無くなりそうだ。
Gender Mainstreaming
ちなみに、gender mainstreamingのある定義では、
Gender mainstreaming is the public policy concept of assessing the different implications for women and men of any planned policy action, including legislation and programmes, in all areas and levels. The concept of gender mainstreaming was first proposed at the 1985 Third World Conference on Women in Nairobi. The idea has been developed in the United Nations development community[1]. The idea was formally featured in 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. Most definitions conform to the UN Economic and Social Council formally defined concept:
Mainstreaming a gender perspective is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women's as well as men's concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.
水と衛生、そして保健。水とは無縁ではない。当地省内のトイレにはUNICEFのwash your handsというメッセージが大きく張られているが石鹸もないのでは効き目は薄いであろう。無償で提供してもいいのだが、毎日無くなりそうだ。
171:To SGN
Facing Yemen’s water challenge through human capacity
Nadia Al-Sakkaf
According to estimates by the Joint Monitoring Program of the WHO and UNICEF, 900 million people worldwide will not have reliable access to safe drinking water by 2015 and twice that number will lack adequate sanitation. These figures, moreover, are optimistic in so far as they assume that the infrastructure in place today will remain fully operational in the long term. However, that is not to be taken for granted.
Ninety percent of the Yemeni population lives in the western part of the country where water is a problem. Every year Yemenis consume 2.8 billion cubic meters of water while renewed water in the underground basins does not exceed 2.1 billion annually.
Renewable water comes dominantly from rain. There is no large scale use of desalination technologies even though Yemen as a country has the largest coastal line in the region of more than 2,000 kilometers long.
Statistics indicate that underground water in the western side of the country will be exhausted in less than forty years. In some cities such as in Sana’a, the threat of drought is even closer. Current estimates indicate that 10 to 15 years from now, and currently in some places in Sana‘a governorate, people have to dig as deep as 1000 meters underground before water is found. This can be compared to the early 1970s, when water was found only 40 meters deep throughout the governorate.
At the Yemeni German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), water is a priority. One of the international partners for the GTZ in Yemen is Inwent, a non-profit organization with worldwide operations dedicated to human resource development, advanced training and dialogue. Inwent‘s capacity building programs are directed at experts and executives from politics, administration, the business community and civil society.
In the Middle East, water is Inwent’s central focal point. It also concentrates on professional training, the advancement of technology and sustainable corporate management. Due to its geographical proximity, Europe also has a vital interest in stabilizing the Mediterranean and the Middle East, resolving present conflicts in the area and improving economic and social reforms throughout the region. Here in Yemen, Inwent is also involved in initiating dialogue and encouraging the formation of networks among local actors.
Each year, Inwent sponsors several Yemeni water researchers, experts and decision makers for a one year long study in Germany. Their education focuses on integrated water resource management as well as studies in the German language and German law.
An integrated water resource management program has been created in the region and technologies have been developed for the supply of drinking water and control of waste management to suit the region’s particular needs. Institutional, legal and regulative framework conditions have been created to promote reforms in this region. The follow-up program, “Strategic Human Resources Development and Regional Dialogue in the Water Sector of the MENA Region“is ensuring the continued success of this program. Before their travel to Germany, the five Yemeni candidates from Sana’a, Amran, Taiz and Hadramout took intensive German language courses for two months in Yemen before continuing to study the language in Germany for four more months. Then they joined a program on leadership skills in integrated water resource management at the Inwent organization.
By the time they return to Yemen holding a certification of long term training, they should have acquired some skills that will enable them to provide solutions for Yemen’s water problem.
“The training included a lot of personal skills such as leadership, moderating meetings and powers of persuasion in addition to learning the German experience in managing water resources,” said engineer Ibrahim Al-Zubairy at the National Water Resources Authority, Sana'a Branch.
He added that he benefitted from the course, particularly regarding underground water feeding and rainwater monitoring systems which he feels he could be able to use in his work at the Sana'a Basin Water Management Project. However, having to study about water resource management in German after only six months of language courses was very difficult and rather ambitious.
Inwent has developed a range of programs designed to pass on information about water policy, integrated water resource management, sanitary environmental engineering and rural water use. With its “Reform of the Water Sector in the MENA Region” program, Inwent has been active for years in systematically providing experts and executives with the skills they need to develop more efficient solutions. In Germany, the training is actually divided into four segments. The first segment is general language education for two months followed by two months of water related technical terminology. Then follows three months of theoretical education and field visits to learn about German expertise in various fields of water resource management such as desalination stations, network pipelines and water research authorities followed by a three month internship with a company in a specialization close to the intern‘s work in his/her home country.
“The language part was not a problem and I could say that we eventually did manage to master German to the extent of benefitting from the course,” said engineer Abdulkhaleq Alwan of the National Water Resources Authority, Amran Unit. “This learning came at the expense of English however, and I am afraid that German as a language is not used very much in Yemen compared to English. It would have been more beneficial had the course been in English, but the sponsors explained that since it is funded by the German government the education in German language is an obligation,”
He also insisted that for the program to be more beneficial, the organizers in Inwent could continue communication with the authorities and supervisors of the candidates in their home countries. “The experience changed us, and we learned a lot. But coming back we realized that it would be very difficult to create change here in Yemen. So we suggested that Inwent provides a short term training course for our managers to ensure their support for us and our new ideas when we come back.”
Alwan’s transfer project was in merging traditional concepts with the water project’s contracts in a way that ensures community participation and commitments to maintain these projects while changing their water related lifestyle to assist preservation of water resources.
Although his project did not meet the welcome he had hoped for, especially since the water authority’s annual plans had already been finalized, he found hope in the GTZ project in Amran which is likely to include this new concept in the organization’s interventions in the governorate. Environmental protection is another focal point of international cooperation with North Africa and the Middle East. Strong institutions that can and do take political action to support good governance are needed to halt the destruction of the environment and develop a sustainable resource protection strategy.
The five Yemenis joined a water specialist group whose 14 members are from Syria, Tunisia, Egypt and Germany at a four day leadership training workshop organized for the first time in Yemen.
“After every training event, the graduates meet for a short capacity building session on leadership to discuss the progress of the transfer projects. Every time it is either in Germany or another country and it had never been organized in Yemen until now,” said Mohammed Bourji, Director General of ASB for environmental services, the organization responsible for organizing the workshop.
“The aim of the training is to implement learned IWRM skills in order to improve the water situation in the partner countries,” added Bourji.
This workshop took place after the whole group had six months of what is called ‘the transfer of skills‘process. The intention is that the candidates will return with new ideas and projects to be included in their work once they are in their home countries and will assist in developing the various institutions‘capacities towards dealing with water challenges.
“Six months is not enough time to be able to implement anything concrete, especially considering the paperwork we have to do and the various procedures before getting anything approved. We don’t even have adequate furniture at the basin project,” commented Al-Zubairy.
Inwent’s most important partner countries from North Africa and the Middle East are Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Yemen and Syria. The main focal points of international cooperation with North Africa and the Middle East, in addition to administrative reforms, are sustainable economic development, water policy and the effects of climate change that can be counteracted by cooperative efforts to protect the environment and revamp the energy policy.
Facing Yemen’s water challenge through human capacity
Nadia Al-Sakkaf
According to estimates by the Joint Monitoring Program of the WHO and UNICEF, 900 million people worldwide will not have reliable access to safe drinking water by 2015 and twice that number will lack adequate sanitation. These figures, moreover, are optimistic in so far as they assume that the infrastructure in place today will remain fully operational in the long term. However, that is not to be taken for granted.
Ninety percent of the Yemeni population lives in the western part of the country where water is a problem. Every year Yemenis consume 2.8 billion cubic meters of water while renewed water in the underground basins does not exceed 2.1 billion annually.
Renewable water comes dominantly from rain. There is no large scale use of desalination technologies even though Yemen as a country has the largest coastal line in the region of more than 2,000 kilometers long.
Statistics indicate that underground water in the western side of the country will be exhausted in less than forty years. In some cities such as in Sana’a, the threat of drought is even closer. Current estimates indicate that 10 to 15 years from now, and currently in some places in Sana‘a governorate, people have to dig as deep as 1000 meters underground before water is found. This can be compared to the early 1970s, when water was found only 40 meters deep throughout the governorate.
At the Yemeni German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), water is a priority. One of the international partners for the GTZ in Yemen is Inwent, a non-profit organization with worldwide operations dedicated to human resource development, advanced training and dialogue. Inwent‘s capacity building programs are directed at experts and executives from politics, administration, the business community and civil society.
In the Middle East, water is Inwent’s central focal point. It also concentrates on professional training, the advancement of technology and sustainable corporate management. Due to its geographical proximity, Europe also has a vital interest in stabilizing the Mediterranean and the Middle East, resolving present conflicts in the area and improving economic and social reforms throughout the region. Here in Yemen, Inwent is also involved in initiating dialogue and encouraging the formation of networks among local actors.
Each year, Inwent sponsors several Yemeni water researchers, experts and decision makers for a one year long study in Germany. Their education focuses on integrated water resource management as well as studies in the German language and German law.
An integrated water resource management program has been created in the region and technologies have been developed for the supply of drinking water and control of waste management to suit the region’s particular needs. Institutional, legal and regulative framework conditions have been created to promote reforms in this region. The follow-up program, “Strategic Human Resources Development and Regional Dialogue in the Water Sector of the MENA Region“is ensuring the continued success of this program. Before their travel to Germany, the five Yemeni candidates from Sana’a, Amran, Taiz and Hadramout took intensive German language courses for two months in Yemen before continuing to study the language in Germany for four more months. Then they joined a program on leadership skills in integrated water resource management at the Inwent organization.
By the time they return to Yemen holding a certification of long term training, they should have acquired some skills that will enable them to provide solutions for Yemen’s water problem.
“The training included a lot of personal skills such as leadership, moderating meetings and powers of persuasion in addition to learning the German experience in managing water resources,” said engineer Ibrahim Al-Zubairy at the National Water Resources Authority, Sana'a Branch.
He added that he benefitted from the course, particularly regarding underground water feeding and rainwater monitoring systems which he feels he could be able to use in his work at the Sana'a Basin Water Management Project. However, having to study about water resource management in German after only six months of language courses was very difficult and rather ambitious.
Inwent has developed a range of programs designed to pass on information about water policy, integrated water resource management, sanitary environmental engineering and rural water use. With its “Reform of the Water Sector in the MENA Region” program, Inwent has been active for years in systematically providing experts and executives with the skills they need to develop more efficient solutions. In Germany, the training is actually divided into four segments. The first segment is general language education for two months followed by two months of water related technical terminology. Then follows three months of theoretical education and field visits to learn about German expertise in various fields of water resource management such as desalination stations, network pipelines and water research authorities followed by a three month internship with a company in a specialization close to the intern‘s work in his/her home country.
“The language part was not a problem and I could say that we eventually did manage to master German to the extent of benefitting from the course,” said engineer Abdulkhaleq Alwan of the National Water Resources Authority, Amran Unit. “This learning came at the expense of English however, and I am afraid that German as a language is not used very much in Yemen compared to English. It would have been more beneficial had the course been in English, but the sponsors explained that since it is funded by the German government the education in German language is an obligation,”
He also insisted that for the program to be more beneficial, the organizers in Inwent could continue communication with the authorities and supervisors of the candidates in their home countries. “The experience changed us, and we learned a lot. But coming back we realized that it would be very difficult to create change here in Yemen. So we suggested that Inwent provides a short term training course for our managers to ensure their support for us and our new ideas when we come back.”
Alwan’s transfer project was in merging traditional concepts with the water project’s contracts in a way that ensures community participation and commitments to maintain these projects while changing their water related lifestyle to assist preservation of water resources.
Although his project did not meet the welcome he had hoped for, especially since the water authority’s annual plans had already been finalized, he found hope in the GTZ project in Amran which is likely to include this new concept in the organization’s interventions in the governorate. Environmental protection is another focal point of international cooperation with North Africa and the Middle East. Strong institutions that can and do take political action to support good governance are needed to halt the destruction of the environment and develop a sustainable resource protection strategy.
The five Yemenis joined a water specialist group whose 14 members are from Syria, Tunisia, Egypt and Germany at a four day leadership training workshop organized for the first time in Yemen.
“After every training event, the graduates meet for a short capacity building session on leadership to discuss the progress of the transfer projects. Every time it is either in Germany or another country and it had never been organized in Yemen until now,” said Mohammed Bourji, Director General of ASB for environmental services, the organization responsible for organizing the workshop.
“The aim of the training is to implement learned IWRM skills in order to improve the water situation in the partner countries,” added Bourji.
This workshop took place after the whole group had six months of what is called ‘the transfer of skills‘process. The intention is that the candidates will return with new ideas and projects to be included in their work once they are in their home countries and will assist in developing the various institutions‘capacities towards dealing with water challenges.
“Six months is not enough time to be able to implement anything concrete, especially considering the paperwork we have to do and the various procedures before getting anything approved. We don’t even have adequate furniture at the basin project,” commented Al-Zubairy.
Inwent’s most important partner countries from North Africa and the Middle East are Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Yemen and Syria. The main focal points of international cooperation with North Africa and the Middle East, in addition to administrative reforms, are sustainable economic development, water policy and the effects of climate change that can be counteracted by cooperative efforts to protect the environment and revamp the energy policy.
BBC World Debateを見て
2.黒人のための専用チャンネル(Africa Magicとか)もありアフリカ全体に放送されている。ドラマもあり、メロドラマすらある。メロドラマは昔スペインが有名だったし、アジアでは韓国、香港があり、今は黒人のためのメロドラマである。流石に英語の台詞に不自然さがあるが。
2.黒人のための専用チャンネル(Africa Magicとか)もありアフリカ全体に放送されている。ドラマもあり、メロドラマすらある。メロドラマは昔スペインが有名だったし、アジアでは韓国、香港があり、今は黒人のためのメロドラマである。流石に英語の台詞に不自然さがあるが。
The Daily Observer (Banjul)
Gambia: National IWRM Road Map Validated
Alhagie Jobe
6 May 2009
The Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Roadmap report was yesterday validated by stakeholders at the Paradise Suites Hotel.
Organised by the Department of State for the Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters, the project is funded by the European Union through the EU-water facility, UNEP's collaboration center for water, ECOWAS water resources coordinating center and other partners. The project is being implemented in seven other ECOWAS member states namely Guinea Conakry, Liberia, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Togo and Sierra Leone.
Declaring the validation process opened, Lamin Nyabally, permanent secretary, Department of State for Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters, said in the last three decades, the need for new approaches to the assessment, development and management of water particularly the fresh water resources have been advocated for at various global meetings. According to him, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI), which set out the global agenda after the world summit on sustainable development, equally reiterated the critical role of water in economic and social development and in environment protection.
He added that the JPOI called on countries to develop integrated water resource management and water efficiency plans by 2005, which countries are trying to meet. "The Copenhagan conference in April 2007 deliberated on the previous processes with a view to developing a general global roadmap for implementation of the WSSD Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) target and for meeting the MDGs. It is for these reasons that a number of West Africa countries, including The Gambia, have participated in the West Africa IWRM process at its launching in 1998 in Ouagadougou and the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) Head of States and government meeting in 2000 in Bamako which paved the way for the adoption of an IWRM regional action plan and the establishment of the organizations Water Resources Coordinating Centre (WRCC) in Ouagadougou," he said.
PS Nyabally maintained that the government of The Gambia recognizes that water is an indispensible commodity and it is a right for every Gambian to have access to safe drinking water. He further confirmed the government of The Gambia's commitment to the global and regional agenda to move from traditional (mostly sectoral) to an integrated approach to water resource management, including the need to change strategy and adopt the processes of IWRM in all national development policies.
He, on behalf of the Gambian leader and the Department of State for Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters, thanked the EU, who funded the project through the EU-water facility, the UNEP's collaboration center for water, ECOWAS water resources coordinating center and all others who contributed to the project. For his part, Dr Babagana Ahmadu, the FAO representative in The Gambia urged all to recognise that with present investment in the control of water for agriculture, the objective of the World Food Summit (WFS) of halving the number of hungry people in the world by 2015 will not be achieved before 2150.
According to him, most encouraging in this regard, was the commitment made by African countries at the meeting of African Union Heads of State and Government, in Maputo in July 2003, to raise to 10 percent, by 2007, the share of national budget allocated to agriculture and rural development. "FAO launched its Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) in 1994 to help deal with food insecurity in low-income, food-deficit countries. The main purpose of this programme is to help countries improve their food security at national level - thanks to a rapid increase in food productivity and production and reducing inter-annual viability of harvest - in an economically and environmentally sustainable way.
The water control component of the SPFS seeks to promote the use of low-cost, effective technologies that are adapted to local conditions: water harvesting techniques, treadle pumps, etc. IWRM is now considered the most appropriate framework for "good water governance." Indeed, the water policy of many development partners and development financing institutions, including the World Bank, African Development Bank (ADB) and European Union, now stress the need for a global water policy framework, the decentralised management of services, the pricing of water and greater participation of stakeholders" he said.
The FAO boss then urged governments to put an organisation structure in place, with institutional, juridical and regulatory measures that will provide for the involvement of civil society, the private sector and local populations in the process of water resource planning and the re-organization of public water utilities so that they have a regulatory role.
Relevant Links
• West Africa
• Gambia
• Water and Sanitation
• Sustainable Development
Gorm Jeppesen, senior programme adviser, UNEP DHI Center on Water and Environment (UDC-water) said such a national IWRM Roadmap describes the road to follow with milestones and timetables in order to accomplish the objectives and achieve the targets which have been set out. He expressed hope that the IWRM Roadmap for The Gambia will be an important instrument in addressing funding for the IWRM Action Plan process and will also be a key document to approach development partners with the view of mobilising the necessary financing for the IWRM Action Plan.
Francis Bogari, Global Water Partnership/West Africa also thanked The Gambia government for the commitment in attaining the set goals for this project. H assured the gathering that the secretariate will assist The Gambia to establish its national water partnership project. Pa Ousman Jarjue, director, Department of Water Resources, chaired the ceremony.
The Daily Observer (Banjul)
Gambia: National IWRM Road Map Validated
Alhagie Jobe
6 May 2009
The Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Roadmap report was yesterday validated by stakeholders at the Paradise Suites Hotel.
Organised by the Department of State for the Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters, the project is funded by the European Union through the EU-water facility, UNEP's collaboration center for water, ECOWAS water resources coordinating center and other partners. The project is being implemented in seven other ECOWAS member states namely Guinea Conakry, Liberia, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Togo and Sierra Leone.
Declaring the validation process opened, Lamin Nyabally, permanent secretary, Department of State for Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters, said in the last three decades, the need for new approaches to the assessment, development and management of water particularly the fresh water resources have been advocated for at various global meetings. According to him, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI), which set out the global agenda after the world summit on sustainable development, equally reiterated the critical role of water in economic and social development and in environment protection.
He added that the JPOI called on countries to develop integrated water resource management and water efficiency plans by 2005, which countries are trying to meet. "The Copenhagan conference in April 2007 deliberated on the previous processes with a view to developing a general global roadmap for implementation of the WSSD Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) target and for meeting the MDGs. It is for these reasons that a number of West Africa countries, including The Gambia, have participated in the West Africa IWRM process at its launching in 1998 in Ouagadougou and the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) Head of States and government meeting in 2000 in Bamako which paved the way for the adoption of an IWRM regional action plan and the establishment of the organizations Water Resources Coordinating Centre (WRCC) in Ouagadougou," he said.
PS Nyabally maintained that the government of The Gambia recognizes that water is an indispensible commodity and it is a right for every Gambian to have access to safe drinking water. He further confirmed the government of The Gambia's commitment to the global and regional agenda to move from traditional (mostly sectoral) to an integrated approach to water resource management, including the need to change strategy and adopt the processes of IWRM in all national development policies.
He, on behalf of the Gambian leader and the Department of State for Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters, thanked the EU, who funded the project through the EU-water facility, the UNEP's collaboration center for water, ECOWAS water resources coordinating center and all others who contributed to the project. For his part, Dr Babagana Ahmadu, the FAO representative in The Gambia urged all to recognise that with present investment in the control of water for agriculture, the objective of the World Food Summit (WFS) of halving the number of hungry people in the world by 2015 will not be achieved before 2150.
According to him, most encouraging in this regard, was the commitment made by African countries at the meeting of African Union Heads of State and Government, in Maputo in July 2003, to raise to 10 percent, by 2007, the share of national budget allocated to agriculture and rural development. "FAO launched its Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) in 1994 to help deal with food insecurity in low-income, food-deficit countries. The main purpose of this programme is to help countries improve their food security at national level - thanks to a rapid increase in food productivity and production and reducing inter-annual viability of harvest - in an economically and environmentally sustainable way.
The water control component of the SPFS seeks to promote the use of low-cost, effective technologies that are adapted to local conditions: water harvesting techniques, treadle pumps, etc. IWRM is now considered the most appropriate framework for "good water governance." Indeed, the water policy of many development partners and development financing institutions, including the World Bank, African Development Bank (ADB) and European Union, now stress the need for a global water policy framework, the decentralised management of services, the pricing of water and greater participation of stakeholders" he said.
The FAO boss then urged governments to put an organisation structure in place, with institutional, juridical and regulatory measures that will provide for the involvement of civil society, the private sector and local populations in the process of water resource planning and the re-organization of public water utilities so that they have a regulatory role.
Relevant Links
• West Africa
• Gambia
• Water and Sanitation
• Sustainable Development
Gorm Jeppesen, senior programme adviser, UNEP DHI Center on Water and Environment (UDC-water) said such a national IWRM Roadmap describes the road to follow with milestones and timetables in order to accomplish the objectives and achieve the targets which have been set out. He expressed hope that the IWRM Roadmap for The Gambia will be an important instrument in addressing funding for the IWRM Action Plan process and will also be a key document to approach development partners with the view of mobilising the necessary financing for the IWRM Action Plan.
Francis Bogari, Global Water Partnership/West Africa also thanked The Gambia government for the commitment in attaining the set goals for this project. H assured the gathering that the secretariate will assist The Gambia to establish its national water partnership project. Pa Ousman Jarjue, director, Department of Water Resources, chaired the ceremony.
ADB gagal penuhi kebutuhan air
Tanggal : 05 May 2009
Sumber : Harian Terbit
JAKARTA - Model pengelolaan air yang didorong oleh Asian Development Bank (ADB) terbukti gagal memenuhi kebutuhan rakyat atas air yang merupakan hak asasi manusia.
ADB terus menerus mendorong kepada pemerintah negara-negara peminjam, untuk menerapkan konsep air sebagai barang ekonomi sebagai prasyarat pinjaman.
Air sebagai barang ekonomi dipastikan akan mendorong privatisasi, komersialisasi dan komodifikasi air. Konsep air sebagai barang ekonomi diterapkan dalam pengelolaan sungai, irigasi dan penyediaan layanan air bersih. Konsep air sebagai barang ekonomi dalam prakteknya akan mengedapankan kepentingan swasta, misalnya melalui model kemitraan antara publik dan swasta dan bukan kepentingan publik.
Demikian dinyatakan aktivis Dadang Sudardja dari Aliansi Rakyat untuk Citarum (ARUM), Senin (4/5). Hal sama juga dinyatakan Koalisi Rakyat untuk Hak Atas Air (KRuHA) dan debtWATCH Indonesia .
Menurut Dadang, pengalaman beberapa negara Asia membuktikan kegagalan ini. Indonesia melakukan pinjaman Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP). Pinjaman ini bertujuan untuk melakukan efisiensi pengggunaan air irigasi sehingga bisa dialokasikan untuk penggunaan air yang memiliki nilai ekonomi lebih tinggi seperti keperluan domestik dan industri. Kedua, untuk meningkatkan pasokan air bersih untuk konsumsi Jakarta . Selain itu pinjaman ini juga merupakan "ajang" ujicoba dalam menerapkan konsep pengelolaan wilayah sungai terpadu (Integrated Water Resource Management - IWRM) yang belum terbukti keberhasilannya.
"Proyek ICWRMIP juga menggunakan skema pendanaan baru yaitu Multi-tranche Financing Facility (MFF), dimana para Dewan Direksi ADB dapat menyetujui seluruh tahapan proyek di awal proyek dan masih dipertanyakan keefektifannya," imbuhnya.
Ditambahkan Arimbi Heroepoetri dari debtWATCH Indonesia, terkait dengan proyek di atas, ADB juga memberikan pinjaman kepada perusahaan pengelola air Jakarta , PT. Pam Lyonaise Jaya (Palyja) untuk memperbaiki pelayanan dan memperbanyak sambungan. Padahal, pengalaman membuktikan, bahwa sejak pengelolaan air bersih di Jakarta diserahkan dari tangan PAM Jaya kepada dua perusahaan swasta asing, Lyonaise dari Perancis dan Thames dari Inggris (sekarang dimiliki oleh Aquatico), kualitas pelayanan air bersih di Jakarta tidak juga membaik.
Arimbi menegaskan, masih banyak konsep lain yang sudah terbukti keberhasilannya dalam mengelola sumber daya air dan tidak merugikan kepentingan publik. Seperti misalnya konsep PuP (Public to Public Partnership) ataupun menggunakan sistim pengelolaan berbasis lokal seperti Subak. (ari)
ADB gagal penuhi kebutuhan air
Tanggal : 05 May 2009
Sumber : Harian Terbit
JAKARTA - Model pengelolaan air yang didorong oleh Asian Development Bank (ADB) terbukti gagal memenuhi kebutuhan rakyat atas air yang merupakan hak asasi manusia.
ADB terus menerus mendorong kepada pemerintah negara-negara peminjam, untuk menerapkan konsep air sebagai barang ekonomi sebagai prasyarat pinjaman.
Air sebagai barang ekonomi dipastikan akan mendorong privatisasi, komersialisasi dan komodifikasi air. Konsep air sebagai barang ekonomi diterapkan dalam pengelolaan sungai, irigasi dan penyediaan layanan air bersih. Konsep air sebagai barang ekonomi dalam prakteknya akan mengedapankan kepentingan swasta, misalnya melalui model kemitraan antara publik dan swasta dan bukan kepentingan publik.
Demikian dinyatakan aktivis Dadang Sudardja dari Aliansi Rakyat untuk Citarum (ARUM), Senin (4/5). Hal sama juga dinyatakan Koalisi Rakyat untuk Hak Atas Air (KRuHA) dan debtWATCH Indonesia .
Menurut Dadang, pengalaman beberapa negara Asia membuktikan kegagalan ini. Indonesia melakukan pinjaman Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP). Pinjaman ini bertujuan untuk melakukan efisiensi pengggunaan air irigasi sehingga bisa dialokasikan untuk penggunaan air yang memiliki nilai ekonomi lebih tinggi seperti keperluan domestik dan industri. Kedua, untuk meningkatkan pasokan air bersih untuk konsumsi Jakarta . Selain itu pinjaman ini juga merupakan "ajang" ujicoba dalam menerapkan konsep pengelolaan wilayah sungai terpadu (Integrated Water Resource Management - IWRM) yang belum terbukti keberhasilannya.
"Proyek ICWRMIP juga menggunakan skema pendanaan baru yaitu Multi-tranche Financing Facility (MFF), dimana para Dewan Direksi ADB dapat menyetujui seluruh tahapan proyek di awal proyek dan masih dipertanyakan keefektifannya," imbuhnya.
Ditambahkan Arimbi Heroepoetri dari debtWATCH Indonesia, terkait dengan proyek di atas, ADB juga memberikan pinjaman kepada perusahaan pengelola air Jakarta , PT. Pam Lyonaise Jaya (Palyja) untuk memperbaiki pelayanan dan memperbanyak sambungan. Padahal, pengalaman membuktikan, bahwa sejak pengelolaan air bersih di Jakarta diserahkan dari tangan PAM Jaya kepada dua perusahaan swasta asing, Lyonaise dari Perancis dan Thames dari Inggris (sekarang dimiliki oleh Aquatico), kualitas pelayanan air bersih di Jakarta tidak juga membaik.
Arimbi menegaskan, masih banyak konsep lain yang sudah terbukti keberhasilannya dalam mengelola sumber daya air dan tidak merugikan kepentingan publik. Seperti misalnya konsep PuP (Public to Public Partnership) ataupun menggunakan sistim pengelolaan berbasis lokal seperti Subak. (ari)
160:Keiji and Margaret
WHOのフクダ氏のことが読売新聞にあった。日本人か日系人かという問題が解決された。どちらでもないというのが正解のようだ。日本人として生まれ、幼少のころからアメリカ在住。その後アメリカ国籍を取得。日本語は片言程度。表面的には日系アメリカ人という印象は当たらずとも遠からずか。所謂、アメリカではQuiet Americanと言われる(映画とは違う)。温和で大人しいが、知性も教養も高い。
投稿 (Atom)