






Zimbabwe Multi-Donor Trust Fund

In 2010, a group of donors in a bid to support priority recovery activities of the Government of Zimbabwe decided to create the Zimbabwe Multi-Donor Trust Fund (the Zim-Fund), as a successor to the Zimbabwe Programmatic Multi-Donor Trust Fund (Zim-MDTF). The African Development Bank was designated to manage the Zim-Fund with the endorsement of the Government, the Donor Community, and the United Nations at their meetings in Harare and Washington in 2010.

The Zim-Fund was established on 31 May 2010, following approval by the Boards of Directors of the African Development Bank Group (the Bank) of the recommendations contained in a document entitled “Establishment of a Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Zimbabwe”. Negotiations between the Bank and Donors on the modalities to establish the Fund were concluded in July 2010.

Purpose of the Zim-Fund
The purpose of the Zim-Fund is to contribute to early recovery and development efforts in Zimbabwe by mobilizing donor resources and promoting donor coordination in Zimbabwe, so as to channel financial assistance to such efforts. The thematic scope of the Zim-Fund initially focuses on infrastructure investments in water & sanitation, and energy.

Size of the Zim-Fund
The size of the Zim-Fund is determined by development partners' willingness to contribute to it over time. Donors' commitments to the Zim-Fund currently stand at an equivalent of USD68.8 million, out of which an equivalent of USD51.55 million has been released to the Zim-Fund account as of 4 March 2011. The Zim-Fund was declared effective after the threshold of USD40 million was reached on 19 October 2010. Table below shows donors' commitments and status of disbursement as of 4 March 2011.

Total Pledged USD million

Australia (FED)





Germany (KfW)

Funding Sub-Total

Projects for Financing under the Zim-Fund
Two projects have been identified for financing from the Zim-Fund so far.

Urgent Water Supply and Sanitation Rehabilitation Project: MDTF is providing a grant in the amount of USD29.65 million to support urgent rehabilitation works - restoration and stabilization of water supply and sanitation services in the Municipalities of Harare, Chitungwiza, Mutare, Chegutu, Masvingo and Kwekwe. Targeting a total population of approximately 4.15 million people, the envisaged outcomes include: increased reliability, quality and availability of water supply in the project areas; restored wastewater treatment capacity; and reduced incidence of cholera and other water related diseases.
Emergency Power Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project: The Zim- Fund is providing a grant in the amount of USD32.60 million to support improvement of the reliability of power supply in an environmentally sound manner through the rehabilitation of the Ash Plant at Hwange Power Station (HPS) and the sub-transmission and distribution facilities in the country. The project beneficiaries include the entire electricity consuming public in Zimbabwe. Future projects are envisaged depending on successful completion of the identified priority projects, and donors' willingness to continue to support the Fund.
For more information please contact:
Multi-Donor Trust Fund (Zim-Fund)
African Development Bank
15th Floor African Capacity Building Foundation
Cnr. Jason Moyo Avenue/Sam Nujoma Street
Tel: (+263 4) 700208/10/14
Email: secretary.zimfund@afdb.org

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