Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations. (Jacob 1.2)
Malaysia follows Caymans with surprise GM mosquito trial
28 January 2011
[KUALA LUMPUR] Malaysia became the second country in the world to release genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes into the wild in a trial whose timing has surprised international and local scientists as well as protesters.
The country's Institute for Medical Research announced this week (26 January) that around 6,000 GM male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes had been released at an uninhabited, forested site in the inland district of Bentong in Pahang state last month (21 December).
The trial passed all its regulatory hurdles last year. But the actual release took many by surprise — even the head of Malaysia's Genetic Modifications Advisory Committee, Ahmad Parveez Ghulam Kadir, admitted he was unaware that it had taken place.
In recent days local media had reported that the release had not yet occurred because of bad weather. Meanwhile the international press agency AFP had said that the release was delayed because of protests by nongovernmental organisations. It quoted a senior government official, Mohamed Mohamad Salleh, the biosafety department's director of research and evaluation, as saying that the trials had been postponed.
The trial also involved the release of 6,000 ordinary male mosquitoes and both groups were killed with insecticides in early January, with monitoring to continue for several months, said the institute in a press release.
Scientists are comparing the flying ranges and survival rates of the two groups.
Offspring of the mosquitoes die before reaching sexual maturity in the absence of the antibiotic tetracycline. It is hoped this strategy could be used to cut mosquito numbers and fight dengue fever, a disease whose incidence has risen dramatically in recent decades.
No further release can occur until post-trial monitoring is completed in accordance with the guidelines laid out by the advisory committee, with the results analysed and presented in peer-reviewed scientific journals or at meetings.
Releasing the GM mosquitoes in an inhabited area — which was part of the application the institute and its partner in the project, UK-based biotech company Oxitec, originally made — would have required the institute to gain the consensus and approval of local communities via a public forum at least two weeks before the release.
Lim Li Ching, senior biosafety researcher at the non-profit Third World Network, said: "In their interpretation of the conditions [of the approval] they did not have to organise a public forum for the release in an uninhabited area".
She said that the institute should have been more transparent about its actions considering the criticisms about excessive secrecy that surrounded trials done by Oxitec on the Caribbean island of Grand Cayman in 2009.
Ahmad Parveez emphasised that the release was small-scale (6,000 compared with Grand Cayman's three million), that the mosquitoes would all die within the monitoring period and that the goal was a modest one of data collection rather than trying to suppress the local mosquito population.
The campaigning organisation Genewatch UK recently published a report saying that the original risk assessment by the Malaysian GM Advisory Committee was incomplete and lacked full transparency because it did not list the potential hazards it had identified and its evaluations of their likelihood, consequences and estimated overall risk.
Genewatch UK also released a report last December about Oxitec and the Grand Cayman trials in which it claimed the company was driven to excessive speed by a poor financial situation.
Malaysia follows Caymans with surprise GM mosquito trial
28 January 2011
[KUALA LUMPUR] Malaysia became the second country in the world to release genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes into the wild in a trial whose timing has surprised international and local scientists as well as protesters.
The country's Institute for Medical Research announced this week (26 January) that around 6,000 GM male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes had been released at an uninhabited, forested site in the inland district of Bentong in Pahang state last month (21 December).
The trial passed all its regulatory hurdles last year. But the actual release took many by surprise — even the head of Malaysia's Genetic Modifications Advisory Committee, Ahmad Parveez Ghulam Kadir, admitted he was unaware that it had taken place.
In recent days local media had reported that the release had not yet occurred because of bad weather. Meanwhile the international press agency AFP had said that the release was delayed because of protests by nongovernmental organisations. It quoted a senior government official, Mohamed Mohamad Salleh, the biosafety department's director of research and evaluation, as saying that the trials had been postponed.
The trial also involved the release of 6,000 ordinary male mosquitoes and both groups were killed with insecticides in early January, with monitoring to continue for several months, said the institute in a press release.
Scientists are comparing the flying ranges and survival rates of the two groups.
Offspring of the mosquitoes die before reaching sexual maturity in the absence of the antibiotic tetracycline. It is hoped this strategy could be used to cut mosquito numbers and fight dengue fever, a disease whose incidence has risen dramatically in recent decades.
No further release can occur until post-trial monitoring is completed in accordance with the guidelines laid out by the advisory committee, with the results analysed and presented in peer-reviewed scientific journals or at meetings.
Releasing the GM mosquitoes in an inhabited area — which was part of the application the institute and its partner in the project, UK-based biotech company Oxitec, originally made — would have required the institute to gain the consensus and approval of local communities via a public forum at least two weeks before the release.
Lim Li Ching, senior biosafety researcher at the non-profit Third World Network, said: "In their interpretation of the conditions [of the approval] they did not have to organise a public forum for the release in an uninhabited area".
She said that the institute should have been more transparent about its actions considering the criticisms about excessive secrecy that surrounded trials done by Oxitec on the Caribbean island of Grand Cayman in 2009.
Ahmad Parveez emphasised that the release was small-scale (6,000 compared with Grand Cayman's three million), that the mosquitoes would all die within the monitoring period and that the goal was a modest one of data collection rather than trying to suppress the local mosquito population.
The campaigning organisation Genewatch UK recently published a report saying that the original risk assessment by the Malaysian GM Advisory Committee was incomplete and lacked full transparency because it did not list the potential hazards it had identified and its evaluations of their likelihood, consequences and estimated overall risk.
Genewatch UK also released a report last December about Oxitec and the Grand Cayman trials in which it claimed the company was driven to excessive speed by a poor financial situation.
Myth or reality
Myth or reality
Integrated Flood and Riverbank Erosion
Risk Management Investment Program
3.DUE DILIGENCEが大きく使われている。民間案件じゃないけれど、最近はアジ銀でも使われるのだろう。下記の6点が示されている。
A. Technical
B. Economic Impacts and Sustainability
C. Governance
D. Poverty and Social
E. Safeguards
F. Risks and Mitigating Measures
Integrated Flood and Riverbank Erosion
Risk Management Investment Program
3.DUE DILIGENCEが大きく使われている。民間案件じゃないけれど、最近はアジ銀でも使われるのだろう。下記の6点が示されている。
A. Technical
B. Economic Impacts and Sustainability
C. Governance
D. Poverty and Social
E. Safeguards
F. Risks and Mitigating Measures
Record China 1月29日(土)15時5分配信
Record China 1月29日(土)15時5分配信
1040:Got athlete's foot
Africa: Just Building a Million Latrines Won’t Solve Sanitation Crisis
The deadline for the world to meet its millennium development goals is now only four years away, yet in sub-Saharan Africa, there are still 570 million people without adequate sanitation.
Many technologies designed to solve the problems are parachuted. Some work, most don’t. The lesson should be simple: know the area, know the people.
It is only through talking and listening to the people on the ground that we will be able to make long-lasting and sustainable moves out of poverty. This is especially pertinent when trying to educate people about sanitation and hygiene and bringing about a change in behaviour.
Local knowledge is everything. WaterAid conducted its own research across west Africa into different ethnic groups’ attitudes to going to the toilet. The results go some way to explaining why simply building a latrine is only half the battle.
WaterAid is adapting an approach known as community-led total sanitation (CLTS) in west Africa. First conceived in Bangladesh, it is a concept that has been sweeping across south Asia with impressive results, and many are hoping that it can bring similar results to Africa. It is based on an understanding that the people themselves have the solutions and are best able to determine which interventions will enable them to attain a self-defined, collective destiny.
Instead of focusing on the supply and installation of sanitation hardware to communities, CLTS focuses on changing attitudes and behaviour through community mobilisation to stop open defecation, and to build and use latrines.
Participants have reported that they find the approach engaging, participatory and, most notably, empowering putting them in control of their own destiny, in a context in which, more often than not, death by disease is accepted with fatalistic submission to the ‘will of God’ or the hex of an enemy or the local witch.
Empowering local communities especially women with information that allows them to make decisions pertaining to their health and wellbeing ensures that they “own” the desired change. It is they who can be credited for the health benefits of safe sanitation and hygiene practices. It is they who commit to the necessary behaviour change, they who hold themselves and their peers accountable. Here, help is not coming from outside, but from within and people are in charge of their own destiny.
Source: Juanita During, The Ghanaian Journal, 27 January 2011
Africa: Just Building a Million Latrines Won’t Solve Sanitation Crisis
The deadline for the world to meet its millennium development goals is now only four years away, yet in sub-Saharan Africa, there are still 570 million people without adequate sanitation.
Many technologies designed to solve the problems are parachuted. Some work, most don’t. The lesson should be simple: know the area, know the people.
It is only through talking and listening to the people on the ground that we will be able to make long-lasting and sustainable moves out of poverty. This is especially pertinent when trying to educate people about sanitation and hygiene and bringing about a change in behaviour.
Local knowledge is everything. WaterAid conducted its own research across west Africa into different ethnic groups’ attitudes to going to the toilet. The results go some way to explaining why simply building a latrine is only half the battle.
WaterAid is adapting an approach known as community-led total sanitation (CLTS) in west Africa. First conceived in Bangladesh, it is a concept that has been sweeping across south Asia with impressive results, and many are hoping that it can bring similar results to Africa. It is based on an understanding that the people themselves have the solutions and are best able to determine which interventions will enable them to attain a self-defined, collective destiny.
Instead of focusing on the supply and installation of sanitation hardware to communities, CLTS focuses on changing attitudes and behaviour through community mobilisation to stop open defecation, and to build and use latrines.
Participants have reported that they find the approach engaging, participatory and, most notably, empowering putting them in control of their own destiny, in a context in which, more often than not, death by disease is accepted with fatalistic submission to the ‘will of God’ or the hex of an enemy or the local witch.
Empowering local communities especially women with information that allows them to make decisions pertaining to their health and wellbeing ensures that they “own” the desired change. It is they who can be credited for the health benefits of safe sanitation and hygiene practices. It is they who commit to the necessary behaviour change, they who hold themselves and their peers accountable. Here, help is not coming from outside, but from within and people are in charge of their own destiny.
Source: Juanita During, The Ghanaian Journal, 27 January 2011
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
最後は、結局、hygiene educationなんでしょうね。だから、WASHが重要なのである、と局長と同感。
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
最後は、結局、hygiene educationなんでしょうね。だから、WASHが重要なのである、と局長と同感。
26 January 2011 23:12
Davos 2011: Edna Molewa - Minister of Water & Environmental Affairs
The markets and update on the green economy and global warming.
ALEC HOGG: We are far away today. We are in fact coming to you from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the highest little town in Switzerland. I can tell you, it's as cold as it has been every single year. But the company is warm.
On the markets today, the Top 40 index on the JSE started off pretty weakly, and improved towards the mid-section and it seems to be sliding towards the close. But up about a percent on the day. Not bad going.
The major movers? Shoprite had a big day. That's more than 3%. And, outside of that, the resources stocks once again are getting interest from abroad. Anglo American up 2.5%, Mondi and BHP Billiton, the other 2%-ers. On the way down, bankers under a little bit of pressure as they are in Davos once again this year. RMB Holdings and Nedbank both about 1.5% lower. But outside of that, not a bad day for the JSE.
The first of our interviewees is Minister Edna Molewa, the Minister of Water & Environmental Affairs here in our studio in Davos. It's a lot warmer inside, and it's nice to see you wearing your South African scarf. This is, though, your first visit to the World Economic Forum here.
EDNA MOLEWA: Thank you very much, and thanks for having me. Indeed it is the first time. I don't know about warm - I feel cold, even inside here.
ALEC HOGG: It gets into the bones, doesn't it? But you've already been working, or singing for your supper. You were on a session this morning, how the environmental agenda is changing. Did you see any change - you have been participating in many of these global forums around the world. Environment was big news in Davos two years ago, also big news last year. There's a worry that it's going off the agenda.
EDNA MOLEWA: Well, I'm very glad indeed that environment was on the agenda last year and this year. But more importantly, to the fore they've brought the issue of water, which is quite important. We are having a discussion on that tomorrow. But for me, I think for us actually as South Africans and Africans, we see this World Economic Forum discussion on the world climate issues being very important in that wherever we have discussions as parties elsewhere in the climate change, for instance in Cancun, wherever they've been, you really find that the ideas have not emerged that are intended to bring together in an integrated fashion the world leaders in business as well. We are mainly with the NGO sector and government as parties.
ALEC HOGG: This is an opportunity.
EDNA MOLEWA: This is an opportunity. I think really what came out for me very important this morning is - for us in South Africa what stands out is that we need to find a mechanism to deal with issues of environmental governance, as well as issues of reporting, but also more importantly how we integrate these governance issues because to go forward none of us can sit back and say "climate change is an issue for government, it's an issue for business, it's an issue for that" - even with the new technology.
There are five issues that we agreed upon in Cancun, with very serious success indeed. We need business, we need the business leaders to be there to actually work with government, with civil society to implement those. And for our South Africa it's quite an agenda.
ALEC HOGG: Minister, quite often when people are involved in their own fields, they forget that the rest of the public are maybe not as au fait. Cancun - that was the last big environmental discussion worldwide. The next one comes to our house, to Durban.
EDNA MOLEWA: High expectations indeed, and that's why I am saying we've got to make sure that the adaptation committee that has been set up functions throughout the year so that, come Durban, we are not caught napping. We all would have spoken about what is it that other parties throughout, and countries, would have pronounced on matters of adaptation, because we've been talking mitigation for quite a long time. We've got to increase the targets on mitigation, we've got to say technology that has been agreed upon, the .. fund - where are these funds, because the small island are vanishing indeed? We've got to really move to do something about it. So, come December, implementation of those.
But there are other issues, a whole host of issues that there's no agreement upon, the most important one being the Kyoto Protocol issue, because it's coming to an end, it expires 2012. We can't not have it. There's got to be a replacement for ... But obviously with the second commitment period we've got to say whether we continue with the Kyoto Protocol extended, or what we do, because we can't have any legal vault in any way.
ALEC HOGG: Well, as you can hear, our Minister of Water & Environmental Affairs is right up to date on all of these things - the Kyoto Protocol, Cancun, Durban. The important thing for South African citizens is that our country is very much in the focus of what's happening of what's happening in the green economy around the world and global warming. We'll be having a lengthy discussion with Minister Edna Molewa on Moneyweb a little bit later. It's a full 10-minute podcast to get your teeth into the environmental issues.
26 January 2011 23:12
Davos 2011: Edna Molewa - Minister of Water & Environmental Affairs
The markets and update on the green economy and global warming.
ALEC HOGG: We are far away today. We are in fact coming to you from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the highest little town in Switzerland. I can tell you, it's as cold as it has been every single year. But the company is warm.
On the markets today, the Top 40 index on the JSE started off pretty weakly, and improved towards the mid-section and it seems to be sliding towards the close. But up about a percent on the day. Not bad going.
The major movers? Shoprite had a big day. That's more than 3%. And, outside of that, the resources stocks once again are getting interest from abroad. Anglo American up 2.5%, Mondi and BHP Billiton, the other 2%-ers. On the way down, bankers under a little bit of pressure as they are in Davos once again this year. RMB Holdings and Nedbank both about 1.5% lower. But outside of that, not a bad day for the JSE.
The first of our interviewees is Minister Edna Molewa, the Minister of Water & Environmental Affairs here in our studio in Davos. It's a lot warmer inside, and it's nice to see you wearing your South African scarf. This is, though, your first visit to the World Economic Forum here.
EDNA MOLEWA: Thank you very much, and thanks for having me. Indeed it is the first time. I don't know about warm - I feel cold, even inside here.
ALEC HOGG: It gets into the bones, doesn't it? But you've already been working, or singing for your supper. You were on a session this morning, how the environmental agenda is changing. Did you see any change - you have been participating in many of these global forums around the world. Environment was big news in Davos two years ago, also big news last year. There's a worry that it's going off the agenda.
EDNA MOLEWA: Well, I'm very glad indeed that environment was on the agenda last year and this year. But more importantly, to the fore they've brought the issue of water, which is quite important. We are having a discussion on that tomorrow. But for me, I think for us actually as South Africans and Africans, we see this World Economic Forum discussion on the world climate issues being very important in that wherever we have discussions as parties elsewhere in the climate change, for instance in Cancun, wherever they've been, you really find that the ideas have not emerged that are intended to bring together in an integrated fashion the world leaders in business as well. We are mainly with the NGO sector and government as parties.
ALEC HOGG: This is an opportunity.
EDNA MOLEWA: This is an opportunity. I think really what came out for me very important this morning is - for us in South Africa what stands out is that we need to find a mechanism to deal with issues of environmental governance, as well as issues of reporting, but also more importantly how we integrate these governance issues because to go forward none of us can sit back and say "climate change is an issue for government, it's an issue for business, it's an issue for that" - even with the new technology.
There are five issues that we agreed upon in Cancun, with very serious success indeed. We need business, we need the business leaders to be there to actually work with government, with civil society to implement those. And for our South Africa it's quite an agenda.
ALEC HOGG: Minister, quite often when people are involved in their own fields, they forget that the rest of the public are maybe not as au fait. Cancun - that was the last big environmental discussion worldwide. The next one comes to our house, to Durban.
EDNA MOLEWA: High expectations indeed, and that's why I am saying we've got to make sure that the adaptation committee that has been set up functions throughout the year so that, come Durban, we are not caught napping. We all would have spoken about what is it that other parties throughout, and countries, would have pronounced on matters of adaptation, because we've been talking mitigation for quite a long time. We've got to increase the targets on mitigation, we've got to say technology that has been agreed upon, the .. fund - where are these funds, because the small island are vanishing indeed? We've got to really move to do something about it. So, come December, implementation of those.
But there are other issues, a whole host of issues that there's no agreement upon, the most important one being the Kyoto Protocol issue, because it's coming to an end, it expires 2012. We can't not have it. There's got to be a replacement for ... But obviously with the second commitment period we've got to say whether we continue with the Kyoto Protocol extended, or what we do, because we can't have any legal vault in any way.
ALEC HOGG: Well, as you can hear, our Minister of Water & Environmental Affairs is right up to date on all of these things - the Kyoto Protocol, Cancun, Durban. The important thing for South African citizens is that our country is very much in the focus of what's happening of what's happening in the green economy around the world and global warming. We'll be having a lengthy discussion with Minister Edna Molewa on Moneyweb a little bit later. It's a full 10-minute podcast to get your teeth into the environmental issues.
Dear Mr. X X,
On my and my family's behalf I thank you very kindly for your
I remember you and your wife very well from the time you spent in
Saskatoon many years ago, and also from our visit to Japan. As you know we
left Saskatoon for Victoria, mainly because of the milde climate here.
Unfortunatelly the climate here is changing to a colder one, so this is
"global warming" for us.
I wish you all the best in your careere, and am sending my best
wishes to your wife and family. The lovely table-cloth which you gave us
as a memento is still on our coffee-table and remindes me of you.
Marie Klemes.
Dear Mr. X X,
On my and my family's behalf I thank you very kindly for your
I remember you and your wife very well from the time you spent in
Saskatoon many years ago, and also from our visit to Japan. As you know we
left Saskatoon for Victoria, mainly because of the milde climate here.
Unfortunatelly the climate here is changing to a colder one, so this is
"global warming" for us.
I wish you all the best in your careere, and am sending my best
wishes to your wife and family. The lovely table-cloth which you gave us
as a memento is still on our coffee-table and remindes me of you.
Marie Klemes.
当時、僕は貯水池容量と利用水量との関係を研究していたが、水文及び水資源分野の最高峰である「Water Resources Research」での膨大な論文を64年発行時点から読み漁っていた。
Vit KlemesFrom Wikipedia

Vit Klemes (30 April 1932 – 8 March 2010) was a Canadian hydrologist of Czech origin. He received a Civil Engineering degree (Ing) from the Technical University in Brno (Moravia), a CSc degree (a local equivalent of PhD) in hydrology and water resources from the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (Slovakia) and a DrSc degree from the Czech Technical University in Prague (Bohemia).
Following the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia, Klemes and his family came to Canada in September 1968. There he obtained a position of associate professor at the University of Toronto, first in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and later in the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering. In 1972 he was appointed research hydrologist at the National Hydrology Research Institute of Environment Canada, a position he held for 17 years; after the institute's move from Ottawa to Saskatoon, he also served as its chief scientist. From 1990 to 1999 he was a water resources consultant in Victoria, British Columbia where he continued to live after his retirement until his death.
During his career Klemes has authored about 150 scientific and technical publications, lectured extensively on all five continents, was visiting professor at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Monash University in Melbourne, Agricultural University (BOKU) in Vienna, the University of Karlsruhe, and in 1994 was appointed Invited Professor at Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique of Universite du Quebec.
In 1987 he was elected President of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and his work has been recognized by a number of awards; among other, he received a Gold Medal from the Slovak Academy of Sciences (1993), the International Hydrology Prize from the IAHS (1994), the Ray K. Linsley Award from the American Institute of Hydrology (1995) and the Ven Te Chow Award from the American Society of Civil Engineering (1998)
I recall that Vit was chair at my first international conference presentation at the Vancouver IUGG. His reputation scared me to pieces but he made me feel very welcome as a newcomer to the conference game. A good many academics I'm sure made use of his more provocative papers to stimulate class discussions on what hydrology was all about. I know I did.
Earl Bardsley, New Zealand
Tribute to Vit Klemeš: This news comes as a shock to me, including the fact we only get to know this now more than a month after Vit's passing. The only consolation is that I had I visited Vit Klemeš at his home in Victoria Island last summer, and spent a few hours with him and his family (wife and son). They were extremely hospitable, and we had a wonderful conversation over wine and lunch. Vit himself picked me up from the ferry station, and since he was too tired in the afternoon, his son dropped me off at the ferry station. Vit did indicate to me that he has had treatment for prostate cancer, but that he was in remission (so I thought, and hence the shock in hearing that he passed away so soon after). Through his writings, Vit has been a long-time hero of mine. I started an e-mail contact with him a few years ago, sought him for advice on some papers (especially the work I did on the downward approach to modeling, motivated by his 1983 Journal of Hydrology paper). I finally met him at the IAHS Congress in Perugia. His papers are a pleasure to read - especially papers of a philosophical kind: he had a knack for communicating unpalatable truths in a style that is sharp and direct, and yet does not raise rancor. Many people continued to do the kinds of things he deplored, even while quoting him along the way. Vit Klemeš will be remembered for a long time through his writings, which will remain his timeless legacy. Rest in Peace.
M. Sivapalan, Champaign, Illinois
I wish to express my sincere sadness for the loss of Prof. Vit Klemeš. I had the opportunity to meet Vit only once, in Perugia in 2007, and I was deeply impressed by his personality. I learned a lot from his great papers. His contributions on the Hurst effect are masterpieces and I particularly liked his writing style. It was a honour for me to meet him in Perugia, where I could recognise his style and his attitude. He was a great scientist and I am sure his contributions will guide young hydrologists for tens of years to come. Rest in peace.
Alberto Montanari, President, Hydrological Sciences Division - EGU
I was sorry to hear of the irretrievable loss for all hydrological community
Alexander Gelfan, Russian Academy of Sciences,Moscow, Russia
By losing Vit Klemeš, we not only lose a colleague, friend or mentor, we lose a hydrologist with a unique sense of humor. His 1988 paper entitled “A hydrological perspective” is truly a masterpiece: there, he adapted to hydrology the radio Yerevan riddles, used in the former Soviet Union as a way to criticize the inner contradictions of the Soviet system. He used their stereotypic format – which always starts with an inquiry to radio Yerevan and continue with an answer starting with “In principle yes, but...” to end up by deconstructing the meaning of the affirmative answer. Here is how Klemeš summarized the contradictions of hydrological science:
Question to radio Yerevan: “Is it true that hydrologists are the scientists who study the relationships within the water cycle ?”
Answer by radio Yerevan: “In principle yes, but they are not scientists - they are technologists; and they don't study them - they fudge them.”
Vit Klemeš had told that he had decided not to interfere with the hydrology of the 21st century. On special request, he would agree to leave his silence and provide some advices. Last year, he answered some questions we had asked concerning the use of the series of model evaluation tests he had recommended. He was sceptical about the capacity of hydrologists to test rigorously their models, considering that the tests he had suggested "will be avoided under whatever excuses available because modellers, especially those who want to ’market’ their products, know only too well that they would not pass it. […] I had no illusions in this regard when I wrote my paper, but the logic of modelling led me to develop the 'testing principle' to its, let’s say, 'theoretical limit'." We miss him already. Let earth be light to him.
Vazken Andréassian, Charles Perrin, Cemagref, Antony, France
I offer three anecdotes that illustrate Vit's very special approach to problems:
- Back in the 1970s, I was supervising a very earnest PhD student in Australia who was developing a new approach to optimising reservoir operation under uncertainly. I suggested that he seek Vit's advice. He was devastated when Vit referred him to a series of papers, published in Russian in the USSR but unknown in the "West", that had provided a theoretical solution to the problem many years previously. The student obtained the papers with much difficulty and had them translated. He then went back to Vit to explain that the solution did not work for the case he had defined and Vit entered into extensive correspondence with him which inspired him to re-start his work and complete an excellent thesis.
- I still consider that the talk given by Vit at the General Assembly of IAHS in Perugia in July 2007 was one of his best - simple, witty and yet profound in its challenge to the practicing engineer and scientist. I suggest that it be linked from the announcement of his passing that you have put on the home page of our web site.
- Vit did me the honour of giving me a copy of his book "An Imperfect Fit" and this led to a long exchange of messages that finished only three weeks before his death when it was clear that he was seriously ill. Even then he was as incisive as ever, protesting publicly at what he saw as injustices in actions taken by government authorities, telling more tales of stacking wood at his country cottage with a warning against allowing pure mathematicians to assist in the task, and extolling the virtues of serving a Moravian white with Pacific wild salmon - "I prepare them in what I call 'Moravian style'".
Requiem in pacem.
Arthur Askew, IAHS Past-President, Geneva, Switzerland
I knew Vit Klemeš very well when employed by the Inland Waters Directorate of Environment Canada during the 1970s and ‘80s. In fact we both joined the Department in 1972 – but Vit joined as a much more senior scientist than I. Like other junior scientists I watched in awe as Vit produced the papers that had so much influence within Canada and internationally. In 1988 I had the particular pleasure of travelling with Vit to a conference in the Tatra Mountains of his home country; this proved to be diplomatically challenging as Vit had to be given a special visa to allow him entry without prosecution! Vit will be remembered not only as an eminent hydrologist but also as a modest and very caring human being. He will be sorely missed.
Gordon Young, President, IAHS
I was saddened to hear the news about Vit Klemeš'decease. Please, accept my sympathy to his relatives and colleagues. In sympathy.
Prof. Vladimir Boynagryan, Armenia
I wish to say a few words about Vit Klemeš as an admirer of his who had the good fortune to meet him in person and the honour to exchange ideas and thoughts with him in the last few years. My relationship with Vit started in 2003 with his caustic letter complaining about my misquotation of his “Hurst” paper. His paper was attached to the letter with some annotations, including a dedication “to Dr. Koutsoyiannis without compliments”. So, the first thing I remember about Vit is his frank, unfeigned, clear-cut -- and thus friendly -- writing, also suggestive of the importance of scientific disagreement and discussion. Vit’s sweet personality, noble soul and kind manner on the one hand, and his profound scientific knowledge and powerful reasoning on the other, made disagreeing with him a fascinating and entertaining experience, a lesson in the importance of understanding the other’s position, and a demonstration of the power and usefulness of dialogue in scientific affairs. Vit’s involvement in science went far beyond hydrology. He had an informed opinion about broad scientific and philosophical issues. He even wrote an essay about the Special Relativity theory, entitled “Asymmetric Aging or Asymmetric Reasoning?”, as well as a note on the formation and historical evolution of cart tracks. In addition to being a scientist and engineer, Vit was a conscious and active citizen of the world, having strong positions on all contemporary political, economic and even religious affairs and problems. His recent book, entitled “An Imperfect Fit: Advanced Democracy and Human Nature”, is one of the testimonies of his activity of this type. Vit Klemeš was, thus, an unusual and unorthodox personality resembling more an ancient philosopher than a specialized modern scientist. Some of his works were recently published collectively in a book with the manifest title “Common Sense and Other Heresies”. We hydrologists will certainly remember him as we keep reading his monumental papers. I wish that we also try to follow his approach to use common sense, to dare be heretic, and to mimic his caustic and humourist attitude.
Demetris Koutsoyiannis, HSJ Co-Editor, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
My sincere condolences and sympathy, I was just alerted of this sad loss...I never had the honour of meeting him but he has undoubtedly influenced my professional life to say the least. Just wanted to briefly share my feeling of admiration for Prof. Klemeš, and I mean professor in the broadest sense. His thoughts have illuminated my way since my PhD in Wisconsin, my faculty jobs in Chile and now UK, helping my critical thinking and motivations to unravel new paths. Particularly at crossroads, reading his work and thorough judgement I want to believe has improved my teaching and my research. It has. I will continue to pass on his treasures on to my students in my own limited way, yet his publications will maintain me less biased I hope ! Kind regards, Alejandro
Alejandro R. Dussaillant J.., PhD, University of Greenwich, UK
Some conferences by Vit Klemeš
Klemeš, V., Some Thoughts About Stochastic Hydrologic Modeling Inspired by the Canadian Wilderness,
Advanced Modeling Concepts for Environmental Sciences, University of California, Davis (CA), April 1995.
Klemeš, V., Geophysical Time Series and Climatic Change - A Skeptic's View,
Geophysical Time Series Workshop, National Hydrology Research Centre, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, October 1988.
Klemeš, V., There is more to the Vltava River than its 175-year long streamflow record,
(Distinguished Speakers Luncheon Lecture), 20th Anniversary and Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Hydrology "Hydrologic Science: Challenges for the 21th Century", Bloomington, Minnesota, 2001.
Klemeš, V., 20 years later : What has changed – and what hasn’t,
Association Lecture presented in the first plenary of the IAHS General Assembly in Perugia, 9 July 2007.
Klemeš, V., An unorthodox physically-based stochastic treatment of tree rings: Some practical lessons learned from a 40-year involvement in stochastic hydrology,
(A talk given on July 12, 2007, in the HW2003 Workshop on Analysis of Variability in Hydrological Data Series, at the IAHS General Assembly in Perugia, Italy).
Klemeš, V., Political pressures in water resources management : Do they influence predictions ?,
International Interdisciplinary Conference on Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology, and Water Resources Management, Prague, 2008.
17 MAY 2010
当時、僕は貯水池容量と利用水量との関係を研究していたが、水文及び水資源分野の最高峰である「Water Resources Research」での膨大な論文を64年発行時点から読み漁っていた。
Vit KlemesFrom Wikipedia

Vit Klemes (30 April 1932 – 8 March 2010) was a Canadian hydrologist of Czech origin. He received a Civil Engineering degree (Ing) from the Technical University in Brno (Moravia), a CSc degree (a local equivalent of PhD) in hydrology and water resources from the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (Slovakia) and a DrSc degree from the Czech Technical University in Prague (Bohemia).
Following the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia, Klemes and his family came to Canada in September 1968. There he obtained a position of associate professor at the University of Toronto, first in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and later in the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering. In 1972 he was appointed research hydrologist at the National Hydrology Research Institute of Environment Canada, a position he held for 17 years; after the institute's move from Ottawa to Saskatoon, he also served as its chief scientist. From 1990 to 1999 he was a water resources consultant in Victoria, British Columbia where he continued to live after his retirement until his death.
During his career Klemes has authored about 150 scientific and technical publications, lectured extensively on all five continents, was visiting professor at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Monash University in Melbourne, Agricultural University (BOKU) in Vienna, the University of Karlsruhe, and in 1994 was appointed Invited Professor at Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique of Universite du Quebec.
In 1987 he was elected President of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and his work has been recognized by a number of awards; among other, he received a Gold Medal from the Slovak Academy of Sciences (1993), the International Hydrology Prize from the IAHS (1994), the Ray K. Linsley Award from the American Institute of Hydrology (1995) and the Ven Te Chow Award from the American Society of Civil Engineering (1998)
I recall that Vit was chair at my first international conference presentation at the Vancouver IUGG. His reputation scared me to pieces but he made me feel very welcome as a newcomer to the conference game. A good many academics I'm sure made use of his more provocative papers to stimulate class discussions on what hydrology was all about. I know I did.
Earl Bardsley, New Zealand
Tribute to Vit Klemeš: This news comes as a shock to me, including the fact we only get to know this now more than a month after Vit's passing. The only consolation is that I had I visited Vit Klemeš at his home in Victoria Island last summer, and spent a few hours with him and his family (wife and son). They were extremely hospitable, and we had a wonderful conversation over wine and lunch. Vit himself picked me up from the ferry station, and since he was too tired in the afternoon, his son dropped me off at the ferry station. Vit did indicate to me that he has had treatment for prostate cancer, but that he was in remission (so I thought, and hence the shock in hearing that he passed away so soon after). Through his writings, Vit has been a long-time hero of mine. I started an e-mail contact with him a few years ago, sought him for advice on some papers (especially the work I did on the downward approach to modeling, motivated by his 1983 Journal of Hydrology paper). I finally met him at the IAHS Congress in Perugia. His papers are a pleasure to read - especially papers of a philosophical kind: he had a knack for communicating unpalatable truths in a style that is sharp and direct, and yet does not raise rancor. Many people continued to do the kinds of things he deplored, even while quoting him along the way. Vit Klemeš will be remembered for a long time through his writings, which will remain his timeless legacy. Rest in Peace.
M. Sivapalan, Champaign, Illinois
I wish to express my sincere sadness for the loss of Prof. Vit Klemeš. I had the opportunity to meet Vit only once, in Perugia in 2007, and I was deeply impressed by his personality. I learned a lot from his great papers. His contributions on the Hurst effect are masterpieces and I particularly liked his writing style. It was a honour for me to meet him in Perugia, where I could recognise his style and his attitude. He was a great scientist and I am sure his contributions will guide young hydrologists for tens of years to come. Rest in peace.
Alberto Montanari, President, Hydrological Sciences Division - EGU
I was sorry to hear of the irretrievable loss for all hydrological community
Alexander Gelfan, Russian Academy of Sciences,Moscow, Russia
By losing Vit Klemeš, we not only lose a colleague, friend or mentor, we lose a hydrologist with a unique sense of humor. His 1988 paper entitled “A hydrological perspective” is truly a masterpiece: there, he adapted to hydrology the radio Yerevan riddles, used in the former Soviet Union as a way to criticize the inner contradictions of the Soviet system. He used their stereotypic format – which always starts with an inquiry to radio Yerevan and continue with an answer starting with “In principle yes, but...” to end up by deconstructing the meaning of the affirmative answer. Here is how Klemeš summarized the contradictions of hydrological science:
Question to radio Yerevan: “Is it true that hydrologists are the scientists who study the relationships within the water cycle ?”
Answer by radio Yerevan: “In principle yes, but they are not scientists - they are technologists; and they don't study them - they fudge them.”
Vit Klemeš had told that he had decided not to interfere with the hydrology of the 21st century. On special request, he would agree to leave his silence and provide some advices. Last year, he answered some questions we had asked concerning the use of the series of model evaluation tests he had recommended. He was sceptical about the capacity of hydrologists to test rigorously their models, considering that the tests he had suggested "will be avoided under whatever excuses available because modellers, especially those who want to ’market’ their products, know only too well that they would not pass it. […] I had no illusions in this regard when I wrote my paper, but the logic of modelling led me to develop the 'testing principle' to its, let’s say, 'theoretical limit'." We miss him already. Let earth be light to him.
Vazken Andréassian, Charles Perrin, Cemagref, Antony, France
I offer three anecdotes that illustrate Vit's very special approach to problems:
- Back in the 1970s, I was supervising a very earnest PhD student in Australia who was developing a new approach to optimising reservoir operation under uncertainly. I suggested that he seek Vit's advice. He was devastated when Vit referred him to a series of papers, published in Russian in the USSR but unknown in the "West", that had provided a theoretical solution to the problem many years previously. The student obtained the papers with much difficulty and had them translated. He then went back to Vit to explain that the solution did not work for the case he had defined and Vit entered into extensive correspondence with him which inspired him to re-start his work and complete an excellent thesis.
- I still consider that the talk given by Vit at the General Assembly of IAHS in Perugia in July 2007 was one of his best - simple, witty and yet profound in its challenge to the practicing engineer and scientist. I suggest that it be linked from the announcement of his passing that you have put on the home page of our web site.
- Vit did me the honour of giving me a copy of his book "An Imperfect Fit" and this led to a long exchange of messages that finished only three weeks before his death when it was clear that he was seriously ill. Even then he was as incisive as ever, protesting publicly at what he saw as injustices in actions taken by government authorities, telling more tales of stacking wood at his country cottage with a warning against allowing pure mathematicians to assist in the task, and extolling the virtues of serving a Moravian white with Pacific wild salmon - "I prepare them in what I call 'Moravian style'".
Requiem in pacem.
Arthur Askew, IAHS Past-President, Geneva, Switzerland
I knew Vit Klemeš very well when employed by the Inland Waters Directorate of Environment Canada during the 1970s and ‘80s. In fact we both joined the Department in 1972 – but Vit joined as a much more senior scientist than I. Like other junior scientists I watched in awe as Vit produced the papers that had so much influence within Canada and internationally. In 1988 I had the particular pleasure of travelling with Vit to a conference in the Tatra Mountains of his home country; this proved to be diplomatically challenging as Vit had to be given a special visa to allow him entry without prosecution! Vit will be remembered not only as an eminent hydrologist but also as a modest and very caring human being. He will be sorely missed.
Gordon Young, President, IAHS
I was saddened to hear the news about Vit Klemeš'decease. Please, accept my sympathy to his relatives and colleagues. In sympathy.
Prof. Vladimir Boynagryan, Armenia
I wish to say a few words about Vit Klemeš as an admirer of his who had the good fortune to meet him in person and the honour to exchange ideas and thoughts with him in the last few years. My relationship with Vit started in 2003 with his caustic letter complaining about my misquotation of his “Hurst” paper. His paper was attached to the letter with some annotations, including a dedication “to Dr. Koutsoyiannis without compliments”. So, the first thing I remember about Vit is his frank, unfeigned, clear-cut -- and thus friendly -- writing, also suggestive of the importance of scientific disagreement and discussion. Vit’s sweet personality, noble soul and kind manner on the one hand, and his profound scientific knowledge and powerful reasoning on the other, made disagreeing with him a fascinating and entertaining experience, a lesson in the importance of understanding the other’s position, and a demonstration of the power and usefulness of dialogue in scientific affairs. Vit’s involvement in science went far beyond hydrology. He had an informed opinion about broad scientific and philosophical issues. He even wrote an essay about the Special Relativity theory, entitled “Asymmetric Aging or Asymmetric Reasoning?”, as well as a note on the formation and historical evolution of cart tracks. In addition to being a scientist and engineer, Vit was a conscious and active citizen of the world, having strong positions on all contemporary political, economic and even religious affairs and problems. His recent book, entitled “An Imperfect Fit: Advanced Democracy and Human Nature”, is one of the testimonies of his activity of this type. Vit Klemeš was, thus, an unusual and unorthodox personality resembling more an ancient philosopher than a specialized modern scientist. Some of his works were recently published collectively in a book with the manifest title “Common Sense and Other Heresies”. We hydrologists will certainly remember him as we keep reading his monumental papers. I wish that we also try to follow his approach to use common sense, to dare be heretic, and to mimic his caustic and humourist attitude.
Demetris Koutsoyiannis, HSJ Co-Editor, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
My sincere condolences and sympathy, I was just alerted of this sad loss...I never had the honour of meeting him but he has undoubtedly influenced my professional life to say the least. Just wanted to briefly share my feeling of admiration for Prof. Klemeš, and I mean professor in the broadest sense. His thoughts have illuminated my way since my PhD in Wisconsin, my faculty jobs in Chile and now UK, helping my critical thinking and motivations to unravel new paths. Particularly at crossroads, reading his work and thorough judgement I want to believe has improved my teaching and my research. It has. I will continue to pass on his treasures on to my students in my own limited way, yet his publications will maintain me less biased I hope ! Kind regards, Alejandro
Alejandro R. Dussaillant J.., PhD, University of Greenwich, UK
Some conferences by Vit Klemeš
Klemeš, V., Some Thoughts About Stochastic Hydrologic Modeling Inspired by the Canadian Wilderness,
Advanced Modeling Concepts for Environmental Sciences, University of California, Davis (CA), April 1995.
Klemeš, V., Geophysical Time Series and Climatic Change - A Skeptic's View,
Geophysical Time Series Workshop, National Hydrology Research Centre, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, October 1988.
Klemeš, V., There is more to the Vltava River than its 175-year long streamflow record,
(Distinguished Speakers Luncheon Lecture), 20th Anniversary and Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Hydrology "Hydrologic Science: Challenges for the 21th Century", Bloomington, Minnesota, 2001.
Klemeš, V., 20 years later : What has changed – and what hasn’t,
Association Lecture presented in the first plenary of the IAHS General Assembly in Perugia, 9 July 2007.
Klemeš, V., An unorthodox physically-based stochastic treatment of tree rings: Some practical lessons learned from a 40-year involvement in stochastic hydrology,
(A talk given on July 12, 2007, in the HW2003 Workshop on Analysis of Variability in Hydrological Data Series, at the IAHS General Assembly in Perugia, Italy).
Klemeš, V., Political pressures in water resources management : Do they influence predictions ?,
International Interdisciplinary Conference on Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology, and Water Resources Management, Prague, 2008.
17 MAY 2010
Science 'could have helped with Brazil's floods'
Luisa Massarani
18 January 2011
Flickr/SEASDH - Secretaria de Assistência Social e Direi
[RIO DE JANEIRO] In the wake of hundreds of deaths caused by torrential rains and mudslides in Brazil, the country's scientists have said they are frustrated by a lack of application of their knowledge, which could have prevented many deaths.
In Rio de Janeiro, 650 deaths had been recorded by Monday (17 January), following one week of rains.
Although Brazil has the scientific know-how for preventing and managing floods, the government is failing to harness it adequately, scientists say.
"The problem is that the government does not use properly our technical, scientific and human capacity for reducing the impact of the disasters," Luiz Pinguelli Rosa, director of COPPE, the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute — part of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro — which specialises in disaster and risk management research, told SciDev.Net.
There are research groups that work on these issues in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Paraná and other states. But, according to Pinguelli Rosa, in most of the cases the relevant studies are not being put in practice.
"In Rio de Janeiro, Geo-Rio [the state official weather forecast] was created after the disaster caused by the 1966 and 1967 floods and has played an important role in reducing the consequences of intense rainfall, but its efforts are not enough," he said.
Debarati Guha-Sapir, director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, told SciDev.Net: "Brazil is an advanced country with very good technical schools, engineering faculties and universities, so it is hard to imagine that technical expertise is lacking".
"Political will reflects politicians' concerns with people's priorities. Floods have not been a problem in Brazil now for many years, so flood control has not been a priority for some time," said Guha-Sapir.
But there are some success stories, such as Areal, a town of 10,000 inhabitants, where there have been no registered deaths so far although 800 people are without shelter. This was possibly because of a quick alert sent by the village mayor, Laerte Calil, through a community radio, asking people to evacuate the area.
Scientists said that people often ignore evacuation warnings, a problem also faced with cyclones in Bangladesh.
Jorge Pimentel, a researcher at the Geological Survey of Brazil, told SciDev.Net that "even when they are requested to evacuate the area, they prefer to stay in their houses since they are afraid that burglars will pillage their houses". Also, people who live with this risk on a daily basis can get used to it and fail to act when a disaster finally strikes, he said.
Aloizio Mercadante, science and technology minister told the Brazilian website UOL that around five million people live in some 800 high-risk areas in the country. He added that in four years time an integrated flood warning system will be fully working in Brazil, with the most susceptible area getting a working system as early as January 2012.
Science 'could have helped with Brazil's floods'
Luisa Massarani
18 January 2011
Flickr/SEASDH - Secretaria de Assistência Social e Direi
[RIO DE JANEIRO] In the wake of hundreds of deaths caused by torrential rains and mudslides in Brazil, the country's scientists have said they are frustrated by a lack of application of their knowledge, which could have prevented many deaths.
In Rio de Janeiro, 650 deaths had been recorded by Monday (17 January), following one week of rains.
Although Brazil has the scientific know-how for preventing and managing floods, the government is failing to harness it adequately, scientists say.
"The problem is that the government does not use properly our technical, scientific and human capacity for reducing the impact of the disasters," Luiz Pinguelli Rosa, director of COPPE, the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute — part of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro — which specialises in disaster and risk management research, told SciDev.Net.
There are research groups that work on these issues in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Paraná and other states. But, according to Pinguelli Rosa, in most of the cases the relevant studies are not being put in practice.
"In Rio de Janeiro, Geo-Rio [the state official weather forecast] was created after the disaster caused by the 1966 and 1967 floods and has played an important role in reducing the consequences of intense rainfall, but its efforts are not enough," he said.
Debarati Guha-Sapir, director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, told SciDev.Net: "Brazil is an advanced country with very good technical schools, engineering faculties and universities, so it is hard to imagine that technical expertise is lacking".
"Political will reflects politicians' concerns with people's priorities. Floods have not been a problem in Brazil now for many years, so flood control has not been a priority for some time," said Guha-Sapir.
But there are some success stories, such as Areal, a town of 10,000 inhabitants, where there have been no registered deaths so far although 800 people are without shelter. This was possibly because of a quick alert sent by the village mayor, Laerte Calil, through a community radio, asking people to evacuate the area.
Scientists said that people often ignore evacuation warnings, a problem also faced with cyclones in Bangladesh.
Jorge Pimentel, a researcher at the Geological Survey of Brazil, told SciDev.Net that "even when they are requested to evacuate the area, they prefer to stay in their houses since they are afraid that burglars will pillage their houses". Also, people who live with this risk on a daily basis can get used to it and fail to act when a disaster finally strikes, he said.
Aloizio Mercadante, science and technology minister told the Brazilian website UOL that around five million people live in some 800 high-risk areas in the country. He added that in four years time an integrated flood warning system will be fully working in Brazil, with the most susceptible area getting a working system as early as January 2012.
1030:Kazuo Ishiguroというイギリス人作家
彼の名前は、Kazuo Ishiguro。
Never let me go
彼の名前は、Kazuo Ishiguro。
Never let me go
開催会場は、マルセイユの中心街ある、Parc d’expositions Chanot。
President of the World Water Council
On the long road to water access for all, we are standing at a crossroads. We are now in a world with scarce resources: a world in which the fate of future generations lies on our capacity to move from pillage to sharing.
Yet in the meantime, it is paramount that we satisfy the essential needs of billions of children, men and women for whom we have to guaranty food, health, education and, first and foremost, energy and water so that they can finally pull themselves out of poverty.
Year after year, the response to water and sanitation issues has become increasingly of a political order. The World Water Council, notably through the organisation of the Forums, has strongly contributed to place this priority at the top of the development agenda, in the South but also in the North.
But we need to go further since, beyond words and declarations, what our planet needs is concrete and credible actions. This is the challenge that France, Marseille and the World Water Council have decided to take up by organising the 6th World Water Forum in March 2012.
This challenge calls for courage, imagination, boldness and perseverance. It is up to each of us to contribute by putting on the table the thousands of solutions that we will introduce and discuss with the particular openness that characterises World Water Forums.
Our mobilisation must be complete, political and public-spirited: public-spirited because the impulse and solutions essentially come from the field; political because the commitments to action will come from decision makers.
The solutions will be useful and sustainable in so far as the commitments are strong and backed by figures. And to achieve this and assert this global and local base, we will organise, throughout the world, hundreds of events and encounters to let the voice of water be heard.
The Marseille Forum represents a formidable opportunity for the cause of water. Let’s make the best out of it with your participation and your support.
You are all welcomed to join the Forum of Solutions.
開催会場は、マルセイユの中心街ある、Parc d’expositions Chanot。
President of the World Water Council
On the long road to water access for all, we are standing at a crossroads. We are now in a world with scarce resources: a world in which the fate of future generations lies on our capacity to move from pillage to sharing.
Yet in the meantime, it is paramount that we satisfy the essential needs of billions of children, men and women for whom we have to guaranty food, health, education and, first and foremost, energy and water so that they can finally pull themselves out of poverty.
Year after year, the response to water and sanitation issues has become increasingly of a political order. The World Water Council, notably through the organisation of the Forums, has strongly contributed to place this priority at the top of the development agenda, in the South but also in the North.
But we need to go further since, beyond words and declarations, what our planet needs is concrete and credible actions. This is the challenge that France, Marseille and the World Water Council have decided to take up by organising the 6th World Water Forum in March 2012.
This challenge calls for courage, imagination, boldness and perseverance. It is up to each of us to contribute by putting on the table the thousands of solutions that we will introduce and discuss with the particular openness that characterises World Water Forums.
Our mobilisation must be complete, political and public-spirited: public-spirited because the impulse and solutions essentially come from the field; political because the commitments to action will come from decision makers.
The solutions will be useful and sustainable in so far as the commitments are strong and backed by figures. And to achieve this and assert this global and local base, we will organise, throughout the world, hundreds of events and encounters to let the voice of water be heard.
The Marseille Forum represents a formidable opportunity for the cause of water. Let’s make the best out of it with your participation and your support.
You are all welcomed to join the Forum of Solutions.




Project Manager - Water Resources Management
Mott MacDonald
Increase in demand for water on a global scale is causing a resurgence of work for Mott MacDonald’s international water and environment team. We therefore seek to recruit a water resources management specialist with international experience in the wider social, political and economic context of water to strengthen our offering in our Cambridge office.
Given our strength on the ground in many parts of the world, and our long track record of innovation on water issues, there is substantial potential for growth in our work. In order to strengthen delivery of our existing programmes with all major donors and to capitalise on new strategic opportunities, we need to expand our team based in Cambridge.
Job Description
The Project Manager - water resources management will be based in Mott MacDonald’s Cambridge office, but will be required to participate in overseas assignments, either on short or longer term assignments as the project dictates.
The role is to assist in management of the ongoing framework agreement with DFID and participate as needed in assignments commissioned through this framework in the water/environment sectors. This would include development and promotion of our offerings in the areas of policy, sustainability and climate change adaptation related to water resources and help build a new team concentrating on these issues.
Work closely with other teams in the environment division on other projects related to water resource management in the UK and overseas and the preparation of proposals for new work as required.
In 2010 Mott MacDonald was voted the 8th best company in Britain to work for, which was way ahead of any of our core competitors. Mott MacDonald is an employee-owned company, and this is core to Mott MacDonald’s principles of ownership and valuing people.
Candidate Specification
Degree in any discipline related to water resource management (for example, hydrology, engineering, social science, environment, political science or economics).
Substantial postgraduate experience, with technical expertise in water resource management, for example in river basin planning, water allocation, sustainable water infrastructure, irrigation management, climate change adaptation, participation in irrigation or water resource management, environmental flows.
Experience of working in a developing country, preferably in South/South-East Asia or Africa, and the ability to respect and work well with people from different cultures and a track record of working in or supporting multi-disciplinary networked teams with team members based in several countries.
Willingness to be flexible and adaptable, to learn new skills and apply existing skills to new areas of business and to travel on short or long-term overseas assignments, preferably including conflict-affected areas.
Project Manager - Water Resources Management
Mott MacDonald
Increase in demand for water on a global scale is causing a resurgence of work for Mott MacDonald’s international water and environment team. We therefore seek to recruit a water resources management specialist with international experience in the wider social, political and economic context of water to strengthen our offering in our Cambridge office.
Given our strength on the ground in many parts of the world, and our long track record of innovation on water issues, there is substantial potential for growth in our work. In order to strengthen delivery of our existing programmes with all major donors and to capitalise on new strategic opportunities, we need to expand our team based in Cambridge.
Job Description
The Project Manager - water resources management will be based in Mott MacDonald’s Cambridge office, but will be required to participate in overseas assignments, either on short or longer term assignments as the project dictates.
The role is to assist in management of the ongoing framework agreement with DFID and participate as needed in assignments commissioned through this framework in the water/environment sectors. This would include development and promotion of our offerings in the areas of policy, sustainability and climate change adaptation related to water resources and help build a new team concentrating on these issues.
Work closely with other teams in the environment division on other projects related to water resource management in the UK and overseas and the preparation of proposals for new work as required.
In 2010 Mott MacDonald was voted the 8th best company in Britain to work for, which was way ahead of any of our core competitors. Mott MacDonald is an employee-owned company, and this is core to Mott MacDonald’s principles of ownership and valuing people.
Candidate Specification
Degree in any discipline related to water resource management (for example, hydrology, engineering, social science, environment, political science or economics).
Substantial postgraduate experience, with technical expertise in water resource management, for example in river basin planning, water allocation, sustainable water infrastructure, irrigation management, climate change adaptation, participation in irrigation or water resource management, environmental flows.
Experience of working in a developing country, preferably in South/South-East Asia or Africa, and the ability to respect and work well with people from different cultures and a track record of working in or supporting multi-disciplinary networked teams with team members based in several countries.
Willingness to be flexible and adaptable, to learn new skills and apply existing skills to new areas of business and to travel on short or long-term overseas assignments, preferably including conflict-affected areas.
Water issues are high on the corporate agenda
A new international report has investigated the impact of water scarcity and other waterrelated issues on some of the world’s largest companies in water-intensive industries. Nearly 40 per cent of companies surveyed are already experiencing water problems and nearly 90 per cent have developed water policies, strategies and plans.
The demand for water is rising and has been projected to outstrip supply by 40 per cent by 2030. With increasing awareness of water as a key challenge to the long-term sustainability of businesses, some have likened it to the “new carbon”. However, unlike fossil fuels, water has no sustainable alternatives. The researchers issued a questionnaire to 302 of the world's largest water-intensive companies to explore water use, water-related risks and opportunities and water strategies and management plans, with 150 companies responding.
The US accounted for over a third of the sample (35 per cent); the next best represented countries were the UK, Germany and Japan.
Nearly 90 per cent of the respondent companies have developed specific water policies, strategies and plans, indicating that water is already high on the corporate agenda. 60 per cent have set water-related performance targets, of which slightly more than half are absolute (rather than efficiency) reductions, which is encouraging as absolute reduction targets should be considered best practice, especially in water-scarce countries.
Overall 88 per cent of companies could identify which of their operations are exposed to risk from water stress. There are three main risk areas: physical risks, including exposure to flooding, pollution and drought; regulatory risks, including higher water tariffs and stricter regulations on water quality; other risks, such as reputational risk and product risk (such as decreased demand for products that require large amounts of water). However, only 53 per cent of companies were able to identify water-related risks within their supply chains. Most companies reported their total withdrawal of water, but less than two-thirds chose to provide a breakdown and only 42 per cent provided a figure for recycling and re-use of water.
Water is clearly a current concern with 39 per cent of companies reporting detrimental impacts from water in the past five years, with the worst sectors affected being Metals and Mining, Utilities and Chemicals. More than half the
companies described risks as current or near-term (in the next 1-5 years).
Encouragingly, 62 per cent of companies were aware of business opportunities in the water sphere, such as improved water management practices leading to reduced operating costs, and a growing demand for water infrastructure to support growing populations. Moreover, 72 per cent of companies identified links between water management and energy, i.e. reducing water use can often result in reduced energy use.
Drawing on some of the best practices of respondent companies, the report provided a number of recommendations: Create a board or executive committee specifically responsible for water that sets specific targets for absolute reductions in water use.
Conduct a risk assessment of direct suppliers and engage with suppliers to improve water management. Invest in new technologies and approaches, such as site-level water metering, low water-use technologies, wastewater treatment and recycling.
Collaborate with stakeholders, such as communities, NGOs and government representatives, and participate in business initiatives that seek to address water issues, such as the UN CEO Water Mandate.
Water issues are high on the corporate agenda
A new international report has investigated the impact of water scarcity and other waterrelated issues on some of the world’s largest companies in water-intensive industries. Nearly 40 per cent of companies surveyed are already experiencing water problems and nearly 90 per cent have developed water policies, strategies and plans.
The demand for water is rising and has been projected to outstrip supply by 40 per cent by 2030. With increasing awareness of water as a key challenge to the long-term sustainability of businesses, some have likened it to the “new carbon”. However, unlike fossil fuels, water has no sustainable alternatives. The researchers issued a questionnaire to 302 of the world's largest water-intensive companies to explore water use, water-related risks and opportunities and water strategies and management plans, with 150 companies responding.
The US accounted for over a third of the sample (35 per cent); the next best represented countries were the UK, Germany and Japan.
Nearly 90 per cent of the respondent companies have developed specific water policies, strategies and plans, indicating that water is already high on the corporate agenda. 60 per cent have set water-related performance targets, of which slightly more than half are absolute (rather than efficiency) reductions, which is encouraging as absolute reduction targets should be considered best practice, especially in water-scarce countries.
Overall 88 per cent of companies could identify which of their operations are exposed to risk from water stress. There are three main risk areas: physical risks, including exposure to flooding, pollution and drought; regulatory risks, including higher water tariffs and stricter regulations on water quality; other risks, such as reputational risk and product risk (such as decreased demand for products that require large amounts of water). However, only 53 per cent of companies were able to identify water-related risks within their supply chains. Most companies reported their total withdrawal of water, but less than two-thirds chose to provide a breakdown and only 42 per cent provided a figure for recycling and re-use of water.
Water is clearly a current concern with 39 per cent of companies reporting detrimental impacts from water in the past five years, with the worst sectors affected being Metals and Mining, Utilities and Chemicals. More than half the
companies described risks as current or near-term (in the next 1-5 years).
Encouragingly, 62 per cent of companies were aware of business opportunities in the water sphere, such as improved water management practices leading to reduced operating costs, and a growing demand for water infrastructure to support growing populations. Moreover, 72 per cent of companies identified links between water management and energy, i.e. reducing water use can often result in reduced energy use.
Drawing on some of the best practices of respondent companies, the report provided a number of recommendations: Create a board or executive committee specifically responsible for water that sets specific targets for absolute reductions in water use.
Conduct a risk assessment of direct suppliers and engage with suppliers to improve water management. Invest in new technologies and approaches, such as site-level water metering, low water-use technologies, wastewater treatment and recycling.
Collaborate with stakeholders, such as communities, NGOs and government representatives, and participate in business initiatives that seek to address water issues, such as the UN CEO Water Mandate.
Is the Flooding in Pakistan a Climate Change Disaster?
Devastating flooding in Pakistan may foreshadow extreme weather to come as a result of global warming
By Nathanial Gronewold and Climatewire | August 18, 2010 | 21
World energy demand will increase by around a third by 2035, according to the International Energy Agency. Which area of the energy industry will create most new jobs by 2035?
UNITED NATIONS -- Devastating flooding that has swamped one-fifth of Pakistan and left millions homeless is likely the worst natural disaster to date attributable to climate change, U.N. officials and climatologists are now openly saying.
Most experts are still cautioning against tying any specific event directly to emissions of greenhouse gases. But scientists at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva say there's no doubt that higher Atlantic Ocean temperatures contributed to the disaster begun late last month.
Atmospheric anomalies that led to the floods are also directly related to the same weather phenomena that a caused the record heat wave in Russia and flooding and mudslides in western China, said Ghassem Asrar, director of the World Climate Research Programme and WMO. And if the forecasts by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are correct, then Pakistan's misery is just a sign of more to come, said Asrar.
"There's no doubt that clearly the climate change is contributing, a major contributing factor," Asrar said in an interview. "We cannot definitely use one case to kind of establish precedents, but there are a few facts that point towards climate change as having to do with this."
There's also no doubt that the Pakistan flooding will join the ranks of the worst natural disasters in recorded history.
The flooding started slowly at the end of July and gradually accelerated over the past two weeks. Disaster assessment maps show that almost the entire northern part of Pakistan and most of its central region have been hit.
During the most intense storms, about a foot of rain fell over a 36-hour period. Parts of the affected areas, in particular Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province (formerly Northwest Frontier province) received 180 percent of the precipitation expected in a normal monsoon cycle. More rain is expected in the days ahead.
Records show that the famed Indus River is at its highest water level ever recorded in the 110 years since regular record-keeping began. Estimates put the number of displaced people at somewhere between 15 million and 20 million, and the government believes about 1,600 are confirmed dead.
6.5 million need food, drinking water and medicine
The International Organization for Migration says the greatest immediate need is in Punjab, where roughly 500,000 families pushed out by the floods are awaiting assistance. All told, agencies guess that about 6.5 million Pakistanis need shelter, food, potable water and medicine.
"This is a disaster which has affected many more people than I have ever seen," said John Holmes, head of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, who also leads relief efforts in Haiti.
Zamir Akram, Pakistani ambassador to the U.N. center in Geneva, said floodwaters now cover an area roughly the size of England. Satellite surveys show about 160,000 square kilometers (62,000 square miles) is underwater, or about one-fifth of Pakistan's landmass and roughly equivalent to the areas of Austria, Belgium and Switzerland combined.
Asrar at the WMO says higher-than-average Atlantic temperatures and conditions made ripe by the La Niña cycle of lower temperatures in the central Pacific Ocean created the perfect conditions for the rains. Experts acknowledge that the scale of this disaster has been made worse by a history of deforestation and land-use changes in the affected areas, but Asrar insists that the sheer volume of precipitation absorbed by clouds and then dumped on Pakistan is chiefly to blame.
Climate scientists at WMO and elsewhere, including those with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, say this year's summer is one of the hottest ever, with high temperatures breaking records across the United States, Europe and Central Asia. Consequently, the surface of the Atlantic has also been much warmer than usual.
Is the Flooding in Pakistan a Climate Change Disaster?
Devastating flooding in Pakistan may foreshadow extreme weather to come as a result of global warming
By Nathanial Gronewold and Climatewire | August 18, 2010 | 21
World energy demand will increase by around a third by 2035, according to the International Energy Agency. Which area of the energy industry will create most new jobs by 2035?
UNITED NATIONS -- Devastating flooding that has swamped one-fifth of Pakistan and left millions homeless is likely the worst natural disaster to date attributable to climate change, U.N. officials and climatologists are now openly saying.
Most experts are still cautioning against tying any specific event directly to emissions of greenhouse gases. But scientists at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva say there's no doubt that higher Atlantic Ocean temperatures contributed to the disaster begun late last month.
Atmospheric anomalies that led to the floods are also directly related to the same weather phenomena that a caused the record heat wave in Russia and flooding and mudslides in western China, said Ghassem Asrar, director of the World Climate Research Programme and WMO. And if the forecasts by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are correct, then Pakistan's misery is just a sign of more to come, said Asrar.
"There's no doubt that clearly the climate change is contributing, a major contributing factor," Asrar said in an interview. "We cannot definitely use one case to kind of establish precedents, but there are a few facts that point towards climate change as having to do with this."
There's also no doubt that the Pakistan flooding will join the ranks of the worst natural disasters in recorded history.
The flooding started slowly at the end of July and gradually accelerated over the past two weeks. Disaster assessment maps show that almost the entire northern part of Pakistan and most of its central region have been hit.
During the most intense storms, about a foot of rain fell over a 36-hour period. Parts of the affected areas, in particular Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province (formerly Northwest Frontier province) received 180 percent of the precipitation expected in a normal monsoon cycle. More rain is expected in the days ahead.
Records show that the famed Indus River is at its highest water level ever recorded in the 110 years since regular record-keeping began. Estimates put the number of displaced people at somewhere between 15 million and 20 million, and the government believes about 1,600 are confirmed dead.
6.5 million need food, drinking water and medicine
The International Organization for Migration says the greatest immediate need is in Punjab, where roughly 500,000 families pushed out by the floods are awaiting assistance. All told, agencies guess that about 6.5 million Pakistanis need shelter, food, potable water and medicine.
"This is a disaster which has affected many more people than I have ever seen," said John Holmes, head of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, who also leads relief efforts in Haiti.
Zamir Akram, Pakistani ambassador to the U.N. center in Geneva, said floodwaters now cover an area roughly the size of England. Satellite surveys show about 160,000 square kilometers (62,000 square miles) is underwater, or about one-fifth of Pakistan's landmass and roughly equivalent to the areas of Austria, Belgium and Switzerland combined.
Asrar at the WMO says higher-than-average Atlantic temperatures and conditions made ripe by the La Niña cycle of lower temperatures in the central Pacific Ocean created the perfect conditions for the rains. Experts acknowledge that the scale of this disaster has been made worse by a history of deforestation and land-use changes in the affected areas, but Asrar insists that the sheer volume of precipitation absorbed by clouds and then dumped on Pakistan is chiefly to blame.
Climate scientists at WMO and elsewhere, including those with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, say this year's summer is one of the hottest ever, with high temperatures breaking records across the United States, Europe and Central Asia. Consequently, the surface of the Atlantic has also been much warmer than usual.
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The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH was formed on 1 January 2011. It brings together the long-standing expertise of DED, GTZ and Inwent. For further information, go to www.giz.de.
GTZ is now GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH was formed on 1 January 2011. It brings together the long-standing expertise of DED, GTZ and Inwent. For further information, go to www.giz.de.
1009:Robert De Niro Approach
Robert De Niro interview: 'Everybody's Fine' star shares what he's learned in 40 years on film
NEW YORK — He’s talking to me?
Robert De Niro is sitting on a couch, CNN mumbling on the hotel TV in the background, doing the one thing the famously press-shy star almost never does: answering questions about himself.
"It’s easier now," he says of the interview grind and gives a trademark wince-and-shrug. "You know, time goes on."
Time does, indeed – it was 12 years ago that I last spoke to De Niro, right before "Wag the Dog." And things do seem to have gotten easier for the 66-year-old actor.
In fact, he seems happy to talk today, although his legendarily long pauses and nonverbal responses are still in evidence (What’s journalism hell? Interviewing De Niro — for radio).
Then again, today he has something to talk about.
Although the last decade has had a few career highlights for him — sharing on-screen time with Marlon Brando in "The Score," directing "The Good Shepherd" — it’s also been a lot of comedies, a couple of horror films. There hasn’t been too much, frankly, worth discussing.
"Everybody’s Fine" is different.
A reworking of the 1990 Italian film, the comedy-drama — which opens Friday — is the story of a recently widowed retiree who realizes that it was his wife who bound the family together. So he gets on a Greyhound and hits the road — in hopes of reconnecting with his four, far-flung children.
"I related to Frank, obviously, and drew on my own experiences," says De Niro, in a casual-dad uniform of polo shirt and blue blazer. "You draw on whatever’s relevant to the part you’re playing; it makes it more personal. And there was a lot here. I have five children, two grandchildren."
Definitive roles
He also had a new problem to figure out — rarer to find, these days, after so many roles. This time he had to play a held-down, buttoned-up character, and find a way to communicate this decent-but-dull dad’s distance from his equally noncommunicative children.
"That was more of a challenge," he says. "Those parts, they are more difficult because you have to have the feeling, the intensity — but you’re holding it in, you have to keep it contained. It’s easier, a part where you can express it, because the performance is aided by the bigness of it. Like the Italian parts, which can be very big."
It was those "Italian parts," as De Niro calls them — the young Don Corleone in "The Godfather, Part II" (which he performed in Sicilian), the combative Jake LaMotta of "Raging Bull" (for which he gained a staggering 70 pounds) — that won him his two Oscars and his status as America’s leading film actor.
But there have been other roles along the way. The doomed ballplayer in "Bang the Drum Slowly" and the furious father in "This Boy’s Life." The terrifying Capone in "The Untouchables" and the stalwart soldier of "The Deer Hunter." The surprising comical foils of "Meet the Fockers," "Midnight Run" and "Analyze This."
And, of course, the lifelong collaboration with Scorsese — "Mean Streets," "Taxi Driver," "Raging Bull," "New York, New York," "The King of Comedy," "Goodfellas," "Cape Fear." "Casino." And although there’s been a long hiatus, De Niro says they’re not done yet.
"We’re working on a couple of things," he says. "One of them, it’s from an idea we first had 20 years ago. So, you know, that’s how long it takes sometimes to get things right, to find a time to do it."
Like Scorsese, De Niro grew up in New York’s downtown. His parents, who separated early, were serious (if not particularly well-compensated) artists; their son was a pale kid – "Bobby Milk," in the hood — with a little too much time on his hands and a little too much mischief in his heart.
"I was raised pretty easily," he admits. "My grandfather was more strict, more old-school Italian."
But eventually De Niro — who remembers his first acting job as the Cowardly Lion in a school play — began to spend less time on the street corner and more time on the stage.
"I started taking it seriously, I guess when I was a teenager," he says. "I started studying, going to acting class and stuff — there never was anything else I wanted to do. And soon, you know, I’d get parts, I’d read for things, I’d do things one after another. I was lucky . . . I really was."
His first acting hero was, of course, Brando.
"All actors my age love him," he says. "He was, I think Jack Nicholson said, ‘a force onto himself.’ He was in his own orbit. But my other favorites were Montgomery Clift, James Dean. Spencer Tracy, too. Walter Huston. Greta Garbo . . ."
Scorsese connection
The first director to see
De Niro’s spark was Brian De Palma, who cast the actor in two dark, countercultural comedies, "Greetings" and "Hi, Mom!" They’re not well known today — which may be one reason so many fans were shocked in the ’90s, when
De Niro started doing farces. But the actor’s always liked the change off.
"It’s a different kind of thing in comedy," he says. "You feel like you have a little more freedom or leeway to stretch it. You can put more emphasis on things that you normally wouldn’t, where you’d be going over a line.
"This film, ‘Everything’s Fine,’ it’s more of a dramedy. But something like ‘Meet the Fockers.’ it’s not real, in a sense it’s kind of surreal — it’s a comment on real life, instead of being real life. You can kick it up a bit."
Of course it was Scorsese who added unpredictable danger to the sharp humor by casting De Niro as Johnny Boy in "Mean Streets" in 1973; the two quickly fell into a friendship, and a rhythm, that hasn’t slackened yet. (In fact, De Niro was supposed to play the Martin Sheen part in "The Departed," but had to bow out when his own film, "The Good Shepherd," ended up taking too much of his time.)
"Marty and I have a couple of projects that we want to do and we will, hopefully," De Niro says. "One is based on this book, ‘I Heard You Paint Houses’ (about a hitman). And we have this other, more ambitious idea, about reflecting on the past, and using footage from a different movie — it’s a very complicated thing, I don’t know if we’ll be able to do that, or combine that thing with this other thing, but I’m intrigued by it."
Students of acting were always intrigued by De Niro’s approach which — long before Daniel Day-Lewis or Christian Bale — took acting into a new realm of reality. To truly live the experience on- screen,
De Niro felt he had to have lived it off-screen, first — so, depending on the part, he drove a cab, learned the sax, even had a few middleweight bouts.
Scared more than a few people, too. But De Niro, who jokes about his edgy, intimidating persona — "I play off that, make fun of it in certain movies" — says that’s all it ever was, an image.
"You don’t take it with you," he says. "If it’s a very emotional scene, you’re kind of relieved when you’ve done it, kind of spent. And there are times when you can be rattled, certain characters if they’re hyper, that can carry over, the residue of that. But I try to leave it on the set. It’s funny, because I think of the story about the actor coming home and forgetting that he’s home — what is that? He’s doing a play?"
"A Double Life," I say. Where Ronald Colman starts to think he is Othello, instead of just playing him.
"Yeah, yeah, I thought that was an interesting idea, if you could get it right," De Niro says. "That’s a movie I talked about it with Marty, we dabbled with that, looked at doing that for a while somehow. But we could never quite get it."
More, with less
What De Niro has gotten, over the years, is a new appreciation for minimalism.
He’s spent most of the last part of his career trying to pare down performances to the essentials. If the material isn’t quite there, of course, it can look as if he’s just walking through things. But when he has a good script behind him — as in "Casino," as in "Everybody’s Fine"— he can fit an entire speech into a stare.
"I think you learn to be more economical," he says. "It depends on the part, but in general, I think you learn to do less. I always go back to how people behave. If you watch how people actually behave in a situation, it’s very simple and honest and contained. You don’t need to use as much expression, as much feeling. Some characters will boil over, and that’s another thing, but a lot of times I think you can just do very, very little."
Professionally, of course, De Niro has done a lot. His career is so long and varied, he’s worked with Elia Kazan and Quentin Tarantino, done "Bullwinkle" and Bertolucci, hit the ’70s trifecta of
De Palma, Scorsese and Coppola. He’s made more than 75 films — more than 20 in the past decade. And while he will receive the Kennedy Center Honors this year, there are no signs of retirement.
"Yeah, yeah, I don’t think about that," he says with a smile. "I just hope, you know, I go out with a little dignity."
His personal life has been busy, too. He married again, for the second time, in 1997; he has extensive real-estate holdings and businesses throughout downtown New York; he oversees a busy production company: and continues to promote his annual Tribeca Film Festival.
Not that there haven’t been the occasional dustups. His festival has been criticized for being more interested in civic boosterism than cinema; many of his recent films have been panned. And a move to award him Italian citizenship was protested by some Italian-Americans, decrying his Mafioso parts (Italy went ahead anyway; De Niro is now a registered voter in Molise, the home region of his great-grandparents).
"The celebrity stuff, the photographs, the TMZ thing, I don’t know," he says about the tabloids and the gossip sites. "It’s kind of, you know, it’s a cruel world out there, and you just have to watch yourself. People are going to do what they do for themselves, and they have their reasons. It’s not for me to ask why. But you can’t get caught up by that stuff."
Our time is up. An assistant enters. De Niro asks her to get him a double espresso, with milk and extra sugars. To go.
"You know, it’s interesting ..." he starts. "Well, I don’t know if you’d call it interesting, it is what it is. But time goes on, you know, and suddenly 40 years have passed. When I was younger, I’d say, you know, one day I’m going to be over there. So I had things that I was very focused on doing, that I wanted to do right then. And now suddenly it’s 40 years later, you know? So that’s an interesting thing, I think. Time goes on. So whatever you’re going to do, do it. Do it now. Don’t wait."
Are you listening? He’s talkin’ to us.
Robert De Niro interview: 'Everybody's Fine' star shares what he's learned in 40 years on film
NEW YORK — He’s talking to me?
Robert De Niro is sitting on a couch, CNN mumbling on the hotel TV in the background, doing the one thing the famously press-shy star almost never does: answering questions about himself.
"It’s easier now," he says of the interview grind and gives a trademark wince-and-shrug. "You know, time goes on."
Time does, indeed – it was 12 years ago that I last spoke to De Niro, right before "Wag the Dog." And things do seem to have gotten easier for the 66-year-old actor.
In fact, he seems happy to talk today, although his legendarily long pauses and nonverbal responses are still in evidence (What’s journalism hell? Interviewing De Niro — for radio).
Then again, today he has something to talk about.
Although the last decade has had a few career highlights for him — sharing on-screen time with Marlon Brando in "The Score," directing "The Good Shepherd" — it’s also been a lot of comedies, a couple of horror films. There hasn’t been too much, frankly, worth discussing.
"Everybody’s Fine" is different.
A reworking of the 1990 Italian film, the comedy-drama — which opens Friday — is the story of a recently widowed retiree who realizes that it was his wife who bound the family together. So he gets on a Greyhound and hits the road — in hopes of reconnecting with his four, far-flung children.
"I related to Frank, obviously, and drew on my own experiences," says De Niro, in a casual-dad uniform of polo shirt and blue blazer. "You draw on whatever’s relevant to the part you’re playing; it makes it more personal. And there was a lot here. I have five children, two grandchildren."
Definitive roles
He also had a new problem to figure out — rarer to find, these days, after so many roles. This time he had to play a held-down, buttoned-up character, and find a way to communicate this decent-but-dull dad’s distance from his equally noncommunicative children.
"That was more of a challenge," he says. "Those parts, they are more difficult because you have to have the feeling, the intensity — but you’re holding it in, you have to keep it contained. It’s easier, a part where you can express it, because the performance is aided by the bigness of it. Like the Italian parts, which can be very big."
It was those "Italian parts," as De Niro calls them — the young Don Corleone in "The Godfather, Part II" (which he performed in Sicilian), the combative Jake LaMotta of "Raging Bull" (for which he gained a staggering 70 pounds) — that won him his two Oscars and his status as America’s leading film actor.
But there have been other roles along the way. The doomed ballplayer in "Bang the Drum Slowly" and the furious father in "This Boy’s Life." The terrifying Capone in "The Untouchables" and the stalwart soldier of "The Deer Hunter." The surprising comical foils of "Meet the Fockers," "Midnight Run" and "Analyze This."
And, of course, the lifelong collaboration with Scorsese — "Mean Streets," "Taxi Driver," "Raging Bull," "New York, New York," "The King of Comedy," "Goodfellas," "Cape Fear." "Casino." And although there’s been a long hiatus, De Niro says they’re not done yet.
"We’re working on a couple of things," he says. "One of them, it’s from an idea we first had 20 years ago. So, you know, that’s how long it takes sometimes to get things right, to find a time to do it."
Like Scorsese, De Niro grew up in New York’s downtown. His parents, who separated early, were serious (if not particularly well-compensated) artists; their son was a pale kid – "Bobby Milk," in the hood — with a little too much time on his hands and a little too much mischief in his heart.
"I was raised pretty easily," he admits. "My grandfather was more strict, more old-school Italian."
But eventually De Niro — who remembers his first acting job as the Cowardly Lion in a school play — began to spend less time on the street corner and more time on the stage.
"I started taking it seriously, I guess when I was a teenager," he says. "I started studying, going to acting class and stuff — there never was anything else I wanted to do. And soon, you know, I’d get parts, I’d read for things, I’d do things one after another. I was lucky . . . I really was."
His first acting hero was, of course, Brando.
"All actors my age love him," he says. "He was, I think Jack Nicholson said, ‘a force onto himself.’ He was in his own orbit. But my other favorites were Montgomery Clift, James Dean. Spencer Tracy, too. Walter Huston. Greta Garbo . . ."
Scorsese connection
The first director to see
De Niro’s spark was Brian De Palma, who cast the actor in two dark, countercultural comedies, "Greetings" and "Hi, Mom!" They’re not well known today — which may be one reason so many fans were shocked in the ’90s, when
De Niro started doing farces. But the actor’s always liked the change off.
"It’s a different kind of thing in comedy," he says. "You feel like you have a little more freedom or leeway to stretch it. You can put more emphasis on things that you normally wouldn’t, where you’d be going over a line.
"This film, ‘Everything’s Fine,’ it’s more of a dramedy. But something like ‘Meet the Fockers.’ it’s not real, in a sense it’s kind of surreal — it’s a comment on real life, instead of being real life. You can kick it up a bit."
Of course it was Scorsese who added unpredictable danger to the sharp humor by casting De Niro as Johnny Boy in "Mean Streets" in 1973; the two quickly fell into a friendship, and a rhythm, that hasn’t slackened yet. (In fact, De Niro was supposed to play the Martin Sheen part in "The Departed," but had to bow out when his own film, "The Good Shepherd," ended up taking too much of his time.)
"Marty and I have a couple of projects that we want to do and we will, hopefully," De Niro says. "One is based on this book, ‘I Heard You Paint Houses’ (about a hitman). And we have this other, more ambitious idea, about reflecting on the past, and using footage from a different movie — it’s a very complicated thing, I don’t know if we’ll be able to do that, or combine that thing with this other thing, but I’m intrigued by it."
Students of acting were always intrigued by De Niro’s approach which — long before Daniel Day-Lewis or Christian Bale — took acting into a new realm of reality. To truly live the experience on- screen,
De Niro felt he had to have lived it off-screen, first — so, depending on the part, he drove a cab, learned the sax, even had a few middleweight bouts.
Scared more than a few people, too. But De Niro, who jokes about his edgy, intimidating persona — "I play off that, make fun of it in certain movies" — says that’s all it ever was, an image.
"You don’t take it with you," he says. "If it’s a very emotional scene, you’re kind of relieved when you’ve done it, kind of spent. And there are times when you can be rattled, certain characters if they’re hyper, that can carry over, the residue of that. But I try to leave it on the set. It’s funny, because I think of the story about the actor coming home and forgetting that he’s home — what is that? He’s doing a play?"
"A Double Life," I say. Where Ronald Colman starts to think he is Othello, instead of just playing him.
"Yeah, yeah, I thought that was an interesting idea, if you could get it right," De Niro says. "That’s a movie I talked about it with Marty, we dabbled with that, looked at doing that for a while somehow. But we could never quite get it."
More, with less
What De Niro has gotten, over the years, is a new appreciation for minimalism.
He’s spent most of the last part of his career trying to pare down performances to the essentials. If the material isn’t quite there, of course, it can look as if he’s just walking through things. But when he has a good script behind him — as in "Casino," as in "Everybody’s Fine"— he can fit an entire speech into a stare.
"I think you learn to be more economical," he says. "It depends on the part, but in general, I think you learn to do less. I always go back to how people behave. If you watch how people actually behave in a situation, it’s very simple and honest and contained. You don’t need to use as much expression, as much feeling. Some characters will boil over, and that’s another thing, but a lot of times I think you can just do very, very little."
Professionally, of course, De Niro has done a lot. His career is so long and varied, he’s worked with Elia Kazan and Quentin Tarantino, done "Bullwinkle" and Bertolucci, hit the ’70s trifecta of
De Palma, Scorsese and Coppola. He’s made more than 75 films — more than 20 in the past decade. And while he will receive the Kennedy Center Honors this year, there are no signs of retirement.
"Yeah, yeah, I don’t think about that," he says with a smile. "I just hope, you know, I go out with a little dignity."
His personal life has been busy, too. He married again, for the second time, in 1997; he has extensive real-estate holdings and businesses throughout downtown New York; he oversees a busy production company: and continues to promote his annual Tribeca Film Festival.
Not that there haven’t been the occasional dustups. His festival has been criticized for being more interested in civic boosterism than cinema; many of his recent films have been panned. And a move to award him Italian citizenship was protested by some Italian-Americans, decrying his Mafioso parts (Italy went ahead anyway; De Niro is now a registered voter in Molise, the home region of his great-grandparents).
"The celebrity stuff, the photographs, the TMZ thing, I don’t know," he says about the tabloids and the gossip sites. "It’s kind of, you know, it’s a cruel world out there, and you just have to watch yourself. People are going to do what they do for themselves, and they have their reasons. It’s not for me to ask why. But you can’t get caught up by that stuff."
Our time is up. An assistant enters. De Niro asks her to get him a double espresso, with milk and extra sugars. To go.
"You know, it’s interesting ..." he starts. "Well, I don’t know if you’d call it interesting, it is what it is. But time goes on, you know, and suddenly 40 years have passed. When I was younger, I’d say, you know, one day I’m going to be over there. So I had things that I was very focused on doing, that I wanted to do right then. And now suddenly it’s 40 years later, you know? So that’s an interesting thing, I think. Time goes on. So whatever you’re going to do, do it. Do it now. Don’t wait."
Are you listening? He’s talkin’ to us.
Sustainable development and integrated decision-making at local and regional levels
Integrated management at a more local level is essential to ensure that sustainable urban and regional development becomes a reality and that European regions, cities, towns and villages are transformed into more attractive places in which to invest and work.
To achieve this goal, local and regional authorities (LRAs) need integrated approaches that include a long-term strategic vision linking different policies at different administrative levels. Development must not only be coherent, it must also be sustainable. This means respecting the environment, promoting environmentally friendly technologies and products, sustainable transport and energy and infrastructure initiatives, as well as measures targeting water, air, biodiversity and nature protection and the social and economic aspects of sustainable development.
Integrated environmental management also means tackling related issues together, such as urban management and governance, integrated spatial planning, economic well-being and competitiveness, social inclusion, and environmental stewardship.
A challenging environment
LRAs face significant environmental challenges in areas as diverse as transport planning, waste management, water management and spatial planning, not to mention the growing impact of climate change.
LRAs play a pivotal role in helping to keep Europe moving, yet the diverse tasks of transport planning are complex and regularly involve harmonising competing socio-economic and environmental demands. The ability of LRAs to link citizens to producers and educate the public about individual waste management means they have a significant part to play in efforts to prevent waste at source. They are also at the forefront of climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. Key water management challenges at local and regional level include improving and adapting sanitation infrastructure (including making planning and design more water sensitive), and making the public more aware of the need to save water. Among the most pressing spatial planning challenges that LRAs must address are how to manage the complex relationship between man-made and natural systems or networks, and how to reconcile the need for new economic development with protected areas of green space.
Horizontal and vertical integration
In each of these areas, successful action relies more and more on integrated decision-making. This means integrating not only the different administrative units and operational and political tiers within a local or regional authority, but also increasing co-operation with neighbouring municipalities or regions and improving links with national and European levels of public administration.
Yet, this can prove to be a difficult task, particularly if it requires amalgamating budgets previously controlled by separate departments of an authority or at different levels of government. Engaging all relevant actors in solution-finding will help avoid conflicts and produce a common long-term vision for development at local and regional levels. This includes enabling greater stakeholder participation in the setting of goals, the definition of activities, and the evaluation of results. As the levels of public administration closest to the public, LRAs are uniquely positioned to help bring environmental best practices and eco-innovation to a wider audience and, in the process, help deliver sustainable, economically vibrant and socially just environmental management.
Sustainable development and integrated decision-making at local and regional levels
Integrated management at a more local level is essential to ensure that sustainable urban and regional development becomes a reality and that European regions, cities, towns and villages are transformed into more attractive places in which to invest and work.
To achieve this goal, local and regional authorities (LRAs) need integrated approaches that include a long-term strategic vision linking different policies at different administrative levels. Development must not only be coherent, it must also be sustainable. This means respecting the environment, promoting environmentally friendly technologies and products, sustainable transport and energy and infrastructure initiatives, as well as measures targeting water, air, biodiversity and nature protection and the social and economic aspects of sustainable development.
Integrated environmental management also means tackling related issues together, such as urban management and governance, integrated spatial planning, economic well-being and competitiveness, social inclusion, and environmental stewardship.
A challenging environment
LRAs face significant environmental challenges in areas as diverse as transport planning, waste management, water management and spatial planning, not to mention the growing impact of climate change.
LRAs play a pivotal role in helping to keep Europe moving, yet the diverse tasks of transport planning are complex and regularly involve harmonising competing socio-economic and environmental demands. The ability of LRAs to link citizens to producers and educate the public about individual waste management means they have a significant part to play in efforts to prevent waste at source. They are also at the forefront of climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. Key water management challenges at local and regional level include improving and adapting sanitation infrastructure (including making planning and design more water sensitive), and making the public more aware of the need to save water. Among the most pressing spatial planning challenges that LRAs must address are how to manage the complex relationship between man-made and natural systems or networks, and how to reconcile the need for new economic development with protected areas of green space.
Horizontal and vertical integration
In each of these areas, successful action relies more and more on integrated decision-making. This means integrating not only the different administrative units and operational and political tiers within a local or regional authority, but also increasing co-operation with neighbouring municipalities or regions and improving links with national and European levels of public administration.
Yet, this can prove to be a difficult task, particularly if it requires amalgamating budgets previously controlled by separate departments of an authority or at different levels of government. Engaging all relevant actors in solution-finding will help avoid conflicts and produce a common long-term vision for development at local and regional levels. This includes enabling greater stakeholder participation in the setting of goals, the definition of activities, and the evaluation of results. As the levels of public administration closest to the public, LRAs are uniquely positioned to help bring environmental best practices and eco-innovation to a wider audience and, in the process, help deliver sustainable, economically vibrant and socially just environmental management.
いい曲ばっかりだけれど、さっき聞いたThe Eaglesは良かった。ドラマチックな詩だし、ハーモニーが最高だ。加州でドライブっていう感じだね。詩がいいので、ここに記録しておく。
Lyin' Eyes
City girls just seem to find out early
How to open doors with just a smile
A rich old man
And she won't have to worry
She'll dress up all in lace and go in style
Late at night a big old house gets lonely
I guess ev'ry form of refuge has its price
And it breaks her heart to think her love is
Only given to a man with hands as cold as ice
So she tells him she must go out for the evening
To comfort an old friend who's feelin' down
But he knows where she's goin' as she's leavin'
She is headed for the cheatin' side of town
You can't hide your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin eyes
On the other side of town a boy is waiting
with fiery eyes and dreams no one could steal
She drives on through the nice anticipating
'Cause he makes her feel the way she used to feel
She rushes to his arms,
They fall together
She whispers that it's only for awhile
She swears that soon she'll be comin' back forever
She pulls away and leaves him with a smile
You can't hide your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide you lyin' eyes
She gets up and pours herself a strong one
And stares out at the stars up in the sky
Another night, it's gonna be a long one
She draws the shade and hangs her head to cry
She wonders how it ever got this crazy
She thinks about a boy she knew in school
Did she get tired or did she just get lazy?
She's so far gone she feels just like a fool
My, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things
You set it up so well, so carefully
Ain't it funny how your new life didn't change things
You're still the same old girl you used to be
You can't hide your lyin eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes
Honey, you can't hide your lyin' eyes
いい曲ばっかりだけれど、さっき聞いたThe Eaglesは良かった。ドラマチックな詩だし、ハーモニーが最高だ。加州でドライブっていう感じだね。詩がいいので、ここに記録しておく。
Lyin' Eyes
City girls just seem to find out early
How to open doors with just a smile
A rich old man
And she won't have to worry
She'll dress up all in lace and go in style
Late at night a big old house gets lonely
I guess ev'ry form of refuge has its price
And it breaks her heart to think her love is
Only given to a man with hands as cold as ice
So she tells him she must go out for the evening
To comfort an old friend who's feelin' down
But he knows where she's goin' as she's leavin'
She is headed for the cheatin' side of town
You can't hide your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin eyes
On the other side of town a boy is waiting
with fiery eyes and dreams no one could steal
She drives on through the nice anticipating
'Cause he makes her feel the way she used to feel
She rushes to his arms,
They fall together
She whispers that it's only for awhile
She swears that soon she'll be comin' back forever
She pulls away and leaves him with a smile
You can't hide your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide you lyin' eyes
She gets up and pours herself a strong one
And stares out at the stars up in the sky
Another night, it's gonna be a long one
She draws the shade and hangs her head to cry
She wonders how it ever got this crazy
She thinks about a boy she knew in school
Did she get tired or did she just get lazy?
She's so far gone she feels just like a fool
My, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things
You set it up so well, so carefully
Ain't it funny how your new life didn't change things
You're still the same old girl you used to be
You can't hide your lyin eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes
Honey, you can't hide your lyin' eyes
投稿 (Atom)