African Development Ministerial Discusses Climate Change, Low Carbon Growth
2 May 2011: The Third Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Ministerial Follow-up Meeting, which convened in Dakar, Senegal, from 1-2 May 2011, addressed economic development, climate change and low-carbon growth, and sustainable development in Africa.
The meeting aimed to review progress on the implementation of the Yokohama Action Plan issued at TICAD IV in 2008, and discuss the future of the TICAD process and progress towards reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Souleymane Ndéné Ndiaye, Prime Minister of Senegal, officially opened the event, which was co-chaired by Takeaki Matsumoto, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, and Madické Niang, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Senegal.
In the communiqué adopted at the conclusion of the meeting, participants recognize the importance of the TICAD process to support inclusive and equitable growth in Africa, while deepening regional integration, the development of regional infrastructure, and enhancing food security through investments in agricultural development. Participants welcome the decision of the Government of Japan to host the MDGs Follow-up meeting on 2-3 June 2011, and note the need to engage in preliminary discussions on the "beyond 2015."
Participants further express concern over the threat of climate change on African countries, while acknowledging the potential for low-carbon growth. They reaffirm "the importance of making their utmost efforts to bring a successful outcome" at the 17th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 17) to be held in Durban, South Africa, at the end of 2011. In this regard, participants recognize the value added of using Japan’s technology and expertise through public and private initiatives for cooperation on climate change. They further welcome the implementation of Japan’s Fast-Start Financing on climate change and its intention to strengthen a policy dialogue on climate change with African countries. They call on development partners to continue and increase assistance to support African countries to tackle climate change beyond 2012.
Participants indicate they are "determined" to commence work to prepare a "Low-Carbon Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy in Africa," focusing on the different mitigation and adaptation needs and priorities of African countries within the course of 2011. They share the view that an interim progress report should be submitted for the fourth TICAD Ministerial Follow-up Meeting in 2012.
On disaster preparedness, participants welcome Japan's willingness to contribute to "international efforts toward strengthening capabilities of natural disaster risk management and enhancing the safety of nuclear power plants." They also welcome a proposal by the Government of Japan to convene a seminar during 2011 on the theme of "Creating Resilient Economies and Societies."
The conference was organized by the Government of Japan, the UN, the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and the African Union Commission (AUC), and gathered ministers and delegations of African countries along with representatives of other partner countries, international and regional organizations, the private sector and civil society organizations.
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