

Managed Aquifer Recharge Conference 
Co-sponsored by the Texas Water Development Board and organized by the American Ground Water Trust.
Date:    Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Where: Norris Center
              2525 W. Anderson Lane #365
              Austin, Texas  78757
Time:    8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
How can Texas better manage its water resources? One way is by aquifer storage recovery (ASR), a strategy of storing excess water underground in depleted aquifers and pumping it back to the surface for use in times of need.
Conference presenters will explain the challenges, feasibility, potential, regulatory concerns, and the economic and environmental benefits of ASR. Scientific, engineering, management, and regulatory perspectives will be presented on ASR projects in Texas and other states.    
Speakers include Dr. Robert E. Mace, Deputy Executive Administrator, Texas Water Development Board, who will give a Texas perspective, and David Pyne, President of ASR Systems, LLC, who is recognized internationally as a leading ASR expert.
Texas State Representative Lyle Larson (R-San Antonio) will give the luncheon keynote address.
For more information, please contact Andrew Stone, American Ground Water Trust via e-mail: astone@agwt.org or phone: 603.228.5444.

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