Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations. (Jacob 1.2)
Eugene Stakhiv Speaks at United Nations Water and Climate Change Workshop
WASHINGTON, DC – June 1, 2010. Dr. Eugene Stakhiv spoke at the Workshop on Water and Climate Change in Transboundary Basins at the invitation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Dr. Stakhiv presented the results of climate adaptation studies and how decisions were being implemented by the International Joint Commission (IJC) in their management of the Great Lakes. Held May 10-12, 2010, the three-day workshop was a multinational event with over 40 nations in attendance. Nearly 30 other international agencies and nongovernment organizations (NGOs), as well as several international river basin management agencies, presented information on their approaches to and plans for implementing climate change analysis and adaptation.
Dr. Stakhiv has been involved as an expert in the development of the recent UNECE Guidance (2010), which will be tested in several pilot studies by the member states. With a focus on transboundary contexts, the Guidance explains step-by-step how to jointly develop an adaptation strategy. The Guidance is rooted in the concept of integrated water resources management. It provides advice to decision makers and water managers on how to assess impacts of climate change on water quantity and quality, how to perform risk assessment (including health risk assessment), how to gauge vulnerability, and how to design and implement appropriate adaptation strategies jointly.
Dr. Stakhiv is co-director of the current five-year IJC Upper Great lakes Study, and was co-director of the predecessor Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Study. Both studies have developed path-breaking methods for analytically dealing with considerable climate change uncertainty and practical approaches to adaptive management in response to short- and long-term climate change and variability.
Eugene Stakhiv Speaks at United Nations Water and Climate Change Workshop
WASHINGTON, DC – June 1, 2010. Dr. Eugene Stakhiv spoke at the Workshop on Water and Climate Change in Transboundary Basins at the invitation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Dr. Stakhiv presented the results of climate adaptation studies and how decisions were being implemented by the International Joint Commission (IJC) in their management of the Great Lakes. Held May 10-12, 2010, the three-day workshop was a multinational event with over 40 nations in attendance. Nearly 30 other international agencies and nongovernment organizations (NGOs), as well as several international river basin management agencies, presented information on their approaches to and plans for implementing climate change analysis and adaptation.
Dr. Stakhiv has been involved as an expert in the development of the recent UNECE Guidance (2010), which will be tested in several pilot studies by the member states. With a focus on transboundary contexts, the Guidance explains step-by-step how to jointly develop an adaptation strategy. The Guidance is rooted in the concept of integrated water resources management. It provides advice to decision makers and water managers on how to assess impacts of climate change on water quantity and quality, how to perform risk assessment (including health risk assessment), how to gauge vulnerability, and how to design and implement appropriate adaptation strategies jointly.
Dr. Stakhiv is co-director of the current five-year IJC Upper Great lakes Study, and was co-director of the predecessor Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Study. Both studies have developed path-breaking methods for analytically dealing with considerable climate change uncertainty and practical approaches to adaptive management in response to short- and long-term climate change and variability.
今回はお馴染みECから。10年ぐらい前からだろうか、アメリカのriver restorationが流行っていて結構フォローしたものだ。サマリーだけ下記に示す。本文を見るのはまたいずれにしよう。
European river restoration projects need to widen their scope
A new study of European river restoration projects has indicated that their impact on the physical characteristics of rivers depends on the region, river type and restoration approach. However, regardless of the river, region or approach, impacts on the biodiversity of riverbed species is limited. Larger scale projects could be more effective.
There is increasing interest in restoring degraded rivers back to a more natural form, partly driven by biodiversity targets set by legal frameworks, such as the EU Water Framework Directive and EU Habitats Directive. Green (Blue) Infrastructure covers the restoration of rivers when enhancing the functioning of floodplain ecosystems and enhancing their connectivity. However, there currently seems to be a mismatch between the small scale at which restoration measures take place and the larger catchment-level scale of these targets.
River restoration projects aim to improve the composition of habitats and biodiversity of species by changing the physical characteristics of rivers. The research analysed the impacts of restoration projects on mesohabitats, on microhabitats and on the biodiversity of benthic invertebrates. Mesohabitats are habitats described at the medium scale, such as islands, floodplains and embankments, whereas microhabitats are described at the level of the river bed, such as large woody debris and coarse gravel. Benthic invertebrates live on the riverbed and are considered good indicators of the ecological status of water.
The study evaluated the success of restoration projects by comparing 26 pairs of non-restored and restored river sections in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. It was funded under the EU Euro-limpacs scheme.
Restoration had significantly improved the diversity of mesohabitats in 83 per cent of the studied river sections. For microhabitats, restoration had a significant positive effect on diversity at 69 per cent of sites but a significant negative effect at 15 per cent of sites. More specifically, the impacts of restoration on river site characteristics such as shore length, habitat width and the actual number of mesohabitats and microhabitats were greater in Southern Europe and mountainous regions.
Active restoration projects, such as removing banks and placing logs in the river channel, had a greater effect on the characteristics of mesohabitats and microhabitats, particularly for Southern European sites and Central European mountain rivers. The impact of passive restoration projects, such as abandoning river maintenance and removing livestock, was smaller and mainly restricted to mountain rivers in Central Europe.
The effect of restoration on the biodiversity of benthic invertebrates was small or not detectable. This supports the results of previous studies which have found that enhanced habitat diversity has little or no effects on benthic invertebrate biodiversity.
The results indicated that, while restoration can have an impact at the level of habitats, it does not produce significant changes in biodiversity of benthic invertebrates when applied to relatively short river sections, several hundred metres in length. Passive river restoration, which is less expensive and easier to apply to longer stretches of river, may lead to the same impact on the catchment area as expensive active restoration techniques. Efforts at the larger catchment scale which tackle wider problems, such as water quality, could have greater effects on the invertebrate community.
Source: Jähnig, S.C., Brabec, K., Buffagni, A. et al. (2010). A comparative analysis of restoration measures and their effects on hydromorphology and benthic invertebrates in 26 central and southern European rivers. Journal of Applied Ecology. 47: 671-680.
今回はお馴染みECから。10年ぐらい前からだろうか、アメリカのriver restorationが流行っていて結構フォローしたものだ。サマリーだけ下記に示す。本文を見るのはまたいずれにしよう。
European river restoration projects need to widen their scope
A new study of European river restoration projects has indicated that their impact on the physical characteristics of rivers depends on the region, river type and restoration approach. However, regardless of the river, region or approach, impacts on the biodiversity of riverbed species is limited. Larger scale projects could be more effective.
There is increasing interest in restoring degraded rivers back to a more natural form, partly driven by biodiversity targets set by legal frameworks, such as the EU Water Framework Directive and EU Habitats Directive. Green (Blue) Infrastructure covers the restoration of rivers when enhancing the functioning of floodplain ecosystems and enhancing their connectivity. However, there currently seems to be a mismatch between the small scale at which restoration measures take place and the larger catchment-level scale of these targets.
River restoration projects aim to improve the composition of habitats and biodiversity of species by changing the physical characteristics of rivers. The research analysed the impacts of restoration projects on mesohabitats, on microhabitats and on the biodiversity of benthic invertebrates. Mesohabitats are habitats described at the medium scale, such as islands, floodplains and embankments, whereas microhabitats are described at the level of the river bed, such as large woody debris and coarse gravel. Benthic invertebrates live on the riverbed and are considered good indicators of the ecological status of water.
The study evaluated the success of restoration projects by comparing 26 pairs of non-restored and restored river sections in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. It was funded under the EU Euro-limpacs scheme.
Restoration had significantly improved the diversity of mesohabitats in 83 per cent of the studied river sections. For microhabitats, restoration had a significant positive effect on diversity at 69 per cent of sites but a significant negative effect at 15 per cent of sites. More specifically, the impacts of restoration on river site characteristics such as shore length, habitat width and the actual number of mesohabitats and microhabitats were greater in Southern Europe and mountainous regions.
Active restoration projects, such as removing banks and placing logs in the river channel, had a greater effect on the characteristics of mesohabitats and microhabitats, particularly for Southern European sites and Central European mountain rivers. The impact of passive restoration projects, such as abandoning river maintenance and removing livestock, was smaller and mainly restricted to mountain rivers in Central Europe.
The effect of restoration on the biodiversity of benthic invertebrates was small or not detectable. This supports the results of previous studies which have found that enhanced habitat diversity has little or no effects on benthic invertebrate biodiversity.
The results indicated that, while restoration can have an impact at the level of habitats, it does not produce significant changes in biodiversity of benthic invertebrates when applied to relatively short river sections, several hundred metres in length. Passive river restoration, which is less expensive and easier to apply to longer stretches of river, may lead to the same impact on the catchment area as expensive active restoration techniques. Efforts at the larger catchment scale which tackle wider problems, such as water quality, could have greater effects on the invertebrate community.
Source: Jähnig, S.C., Brabec, K., Buffagni, A. et al. (2010). A comparative analysis of restoration measures and their effects on hydromorphology and benthic invertebrates in 26 central and southern European rivers. Journal of Applied Ecology. 47: 671-680.
ス問題の解決を図る省庁間協議会U.S. Interagency Council on
ス問題の解決を図る省庁間協議会U.S. Interagency Council on
Is greywater safe for irrigation?
'Greywater' that is recycled from household washing can be used to irrigate home gardens, according to a new study by Jordanian researchers. The researchers found that treatment units supplied by the Jordanian government produced small quantities of recycled water that could be used to irrigate gardens, whilst meeting national standards for irrigation of trees and many home-grown crops.
Water is scarce across much of Europe, especially where summer temperatures are high, and methods for safely recycling water are increasingly in demand. Last year, the European Environment Agency highlighted the problem of water shortage in Europe and recommended that harvested rainwater and greywater from showers and kitchen sinks could be used for flushing toilets and watering gardens1. In some countries, such practices are already commonplace. In Jordan the government provided over 750 low-income households in 2003 with greywater treatment units to help cope with water shortages.
However, the problem with greywater is that without proper treatment it may retain increased levels of elements that are harmful to the soil and the crops or trees that grow in it. One particular concern is sodium, which in higher concentrations can damage soil permeability and structure, ultimately reducing crop yields.
The researchers monitored sodium levels, as well as levels of other potentially damaging elements, to establish whether water produced by the treatment units and used for irrigation was meeting Jordanian standards. The results may be applicable to areas of Europe suffering from water shortage.
They found that the treated water complied with standards for irrigation of fodder crops and tree crops, including olive trees. However, it did not meet standards for vegetables that must be cooked before eating. For these crops, maximum allowable limits for suspended solids and nitrates are lower, and standards for other water quality indicators are more difficult to meet.
Importantly, sodium levels were within the allowable limits, although the researchers did notice that concentrations of sodium and organic matter increased over time. The leaves and fruits of olive trees were tested and were found to have suffered no ill effects from recycled water. Olive trees are known to be able to tolerate slight increases in salt, which the researchers say makes them suitable for greywater irrigation. Occasional leaching (deliberate flushing) with fresh water may be a way to reduce build up of salts and organic matter in soils irrigated with greywater, according to the researchers.
Source: Al-Hamaideh, H. and Bino, M. (2010). Effect of treated grey water reuse in irrigation on soil and plants. Desalination. 256: 115-119.
Is greywater safe for irrigation?
'Greywater' that is recycled from household washing can be used to irrigate home gardens, according to a new study by Jordanian researchers. The researchers found that treatment units supplied by the Jordanian government produced small quantities of recycled water that could be used to irrigate gardens, whilst meeting national standards for irrigation of trees and many home-grown crops.
Water is scarce across much of Europe, especially where summer temperatures are high, and methods for safely recycling water are increasingly in demand. Last year, the European Environment Agency highlighted the problem of water shortage in Europe and recommended that harvested rainwater and greywater from showers and kitchen sinks could be used for flushing toilets and watering gardens1. In some countries, such practices are already commonplace. In Jordan the government provided over 750 low-income households in 2003 with greywater treatment units to help cope with water shortages.
However, the problem with greywater is that without proper treatment it may retain increased levels of elements that are harmful to the soil and the crops or trees that grow in it. One particular concern is sodium, which in higher concentrations can damage soil permeability and structure, ultimately reducing crop yields.
The researchers monitored sodium levels, as well as levels of other potentially damaging elements, to establish whether water produced by the treatment units and used for irrigation was meeting Jordanian standards. The results may be applicable to areas of Europe suffering from water shortage.
They found that the treated water complied with standards for irrigation of fodder crops and tree crops, including olive trees. However, it did not meet standards for vegetables that must be cooked before eating. For these crops, maximum allowable limits for suspended solids and nitrates are lower, and standards for other water quality indicators are more difficult to meet.
Importantly, sodium levels were within the allowable limits, although the researchers did notice that concentrations of sodium and organic matter increased over time. The leaves and fruits of olive trees were tested and were found to have suffered no ill effects from recycled water. Olive trees are known to be able to tolerate slight increases in salt, which the researchers say makes them suitable for greywater irrigation. Occasional leaching (deliberate flushing) with fresh water may be a way to reduce build up of salts and organic matter in soils irrigated with greywater, according to the researchers.
Source: Al-Hamaideh, H. and Bino, M. (2010). Effect of treated grey water reuse in irrigation on soil and plants. Desalination. 256: 115-119.
Kyrgyz Provisional Government Must Intensify Stabilisation Efforts in South
Bishkek/Brussels/Washington, 16 June 2010: Suggestions by Kyrgyzstan's Provisional Government yesterday that the situations in Osh and Jalalabad are stabilising, that foreign intervention is thus not needed, and that a referendum scheduled for 27 June can go ahead, are dangerously premature.
The situation in southern Kyrgyzstan remains unpredictable and volatile. The Provisional Government's handling of the situation has been less than assured, and it has itself admitted that its security forces lost control, and in some cases disobeyed orders. Crisis Group urges the government to focus its full attention on security concerns and achieving a long-term solution to the many social and humanitarian issues thrown up by the last four days of death and destruction. In particular it needs as a matter of the highest priority to create a well protected humanitarian corridor for aid deliveries.
Many hundreds have died since the night of 10 June. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced, and are now living in makeshift conditions in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Local officials in the south have told Crisis Group they fear they cannot guarantee the security of refugees encamped along the Kyrgyz side of the border with Uzbekistan. Human rights workers speak of Uzbek communities in the worse-affected cities too traumatised to accept medical aid from Kyrgyz health workers. Even the preliminary figures for destruction in Osh describe hundreds of buildings and homes destroyed. All this, moreover, has taken place against a back-drop of massive unemployment and poverty, in one of the most densely populated parts of Central Asia.
A further upsurge of violence cannot be excluded. Neither can a spread of the unrest to other parts of the south. A large number of weapons are almost certainly missing as the result of raids on police, military posts and arsenals. Anger is still high. Atrocity stories are rife on both sides. There seem to be few males among refugees who have made their way to the border. The Provisional Government should request the assistance of the international community through the United Nations Security Council to ensure the protection of its population from further violence.
We understand the Provisional Government's desire that a referendum on a new constitution go ahead on 27 June. We realise that the government feels this is a crucial test of its legitimacy. But we fail to see how a referendum is possible when many of its citizens, including a sizeable proportion of ethnic Uzbek Kyrgyz, are living without shelter. This alone could seriously undermine the referendum's legitimacy in the eyes of the international community and contribute to the sense of alienation of many southerners. Should the situation fail to improve dramatically in coming days, we urge the government to reconsider holding the referendum across the country. The best proof of legitimacy is successfully to restore peace and normality to the south of its country.
Kyrgyzstan needs help, and so far it has received little. International institutions and key nations such as Russia and the United States need to move rapidly to:
Develop a humanitarian corridor, including the necessary security and logistical support from Russia and the United States, to permit OCHA, UNHCR, ECHO and other humanitarian agencies to provide assistance to the hundreds of thousands of displaced.
Deploy a troika of officials from the UN, EU and Russia to find ways to boost the capacity of the Provisional Government to restore order, initiate urgent short-term reconstruction actions and begin the planning for the longer process of rebuilding the area and reconciling its communities.
Support the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities to start a process of investigation and accountability.
In particular the United Nations Security Council should continue to closely monitor the situation in Kyrgyzstan and request regular briefings from the Secretariat on the humanitarian and political situation in the region. Should the situation further deteriorate or should the government of Kyrgyzstan request assistance, the Council should consider options to authorise the deployment of a limited law-enforcement mission or international military observer mission to support the government’s efforts to protect populations within a specific time frame and possibly followed by a multilateral policing operation.
Kyrgyz Provisional Government Must Intensify Stabilisation Efforts in South
Bishkek/Brussels/Washington, 16 June 2010: Suggestions by Kyrgyzstan's Provisional Government yesterday that the situations in Osh and Jalalabad are stabilising, that foreign intervention is thus not needed, and that a referendum scheduled for 27 June can go ahead, are dangerously premature.
The situation in southern Kyrgyzstan remains unpredictable and volatile. The Provisional Government's handling of the situation has been less than assured, and it has itself admitted that its security forces lost control, and in some cases disobeyed orders. Crisis Group urges the government to focus its full attention on security concerns and achieving a long-term solution to the many social and humanitarian issues thrown up by the last four days of death and destruction. In particular it needs as a matter of the highest priority to create a well protected humanitarian corridor for aid deliveries.
Many hundreds have died since the night of 10 June. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced, and are now living in makeshift conditions in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Local officials in the south have told Crisis Group they fear they cannot guarantee the security of refugees encamped along the Kyrgyz side of the border with Uzbekistan. Human rights workers speak of Uzbek communities in the worse-affected cities too traumatised to accept medical aid from Kyrgyz health workers. Even the preliminary figures for destruction in Osh describe hundreds of buildings and homes destroyed. All this, moreover, has taken place against a back-drop of massive unemployment and poverty, in one of the most densely populated parts of Central Asia.
A further upsurge of violence cannot be excluded. Neither can a spread of the unrest to other parts of the south. A large number of weapons are almost certainly missing as the result of raids on police, military posts and arsenals. Anger is still high. Atrocity stories are rife on both sides. There seem to be few males among refugees who have made their way to the border. The Provisional Government should request the assistance of the international community through the United Nations Security Council to ensure the protection of its population from further violence.
We understand the Provisional Government's desire that a referendum on a new constitution go ahead on 27 June. We realise that the government feels this is a crucial test of its legitimacy. But we fail to see how a referendum is possible when many of its citizens, including a sizeable proportion of ethnic Uzbek Kyrgyz, are living without shelter. This alone could seriously undermine the referendum's legitimacy in the eyes of the international community and contribute to the sense of alienation of many southerners. Should the situation fail to improve dramatically in coming days, we urge the government to reconsider holding the referendum across the country. The best proof of legitimacy is successfully to restore peace and normality to the south of its country.
Kyrgyzstan needs help, and so far it has received little. International institutions and key nations such as Russia and the United States need to move rapidly to:
Develop a humanitarian corridor, including the necessary security and logistical support from Russia and the United States, to permit OCHA, UNHCR, ECHO and other humanitarian agencies to provide assistance to the hundreds of thousands of displaced.
Deploy a troika of officials from the UN, EU and Russia to find ways to boost the capacity of the Provisional Government to restore order, initiate urgent short-term reconstruction actions and begin the planning for the longer process of rebuilding the area and reconciling its communities.
Support the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities to start a process of investigation and accountability.
In particular the United Nations Security Council should continue to closely monitor the situation in Kyrgyzstan and request regular briefings from the Secretariat on the humanitarian and political situation in the region. Should the situation further deteriorate or should the government of Kyrgyzstan request assistance, the Council should consider options to authorise the deployment of a limited law-enforcement mission or international military observer mission to support the government’s efforts to protect populations within a specific time frame and possibly followed by a multilateral policing operation.
UNESCOからメールが入り最新動向が伝えられた。その中では、オレゴン州立大学の「Water Governance and Conflict Management 2010」が興味深い。アーロン・ウォルフ教授もまだお元気のようだ。水統治とコンフリクト管理に関してはオレゴン州大は定評がある。今更アメリカに行くほど暇はないが、講座シラバスだけは入手した。最近のアメリカの大学も学生のレベルが低いのか、シラバスもご丁寧過ぎると感じた。クラスでのルールなんて入っているし、子供向きだ。こんな程度の学生(大学院生だよ)に教える先生も大変である。昔、お師匠のクレメス博士がCSUの水文部門を頼まれたが断った理由も分かる。課題を自分で見つけて独力で個性的な研究する学生は少ない。学生の指導というのは昨今大変なことなんだね。シラバスで示された教科書だけは買ってみよう。「コンフリクトの転換」というタイトルである。2003年だそうだ。アマゾンで入手可能。本の目次は以下の通り。
1. Conflict Transformation?3
2. The Lenses of Conflict Transformation7
3. Defining Conflict Transformation14
4. Conflict and Change23
5. Connecting Resolution and Transformation28
6. Creating a Map of Conflict34
7. Process-Structures as Platforms for Change40
8. Developing Our Capacities48
9. Applying the Framework61
10. Conclusions68
12.Selected Readings72
13.Related Books by John Paul Lederach 73
14.About the Author74
UNESCOからメールが入り最新動向が伝えられた。その中では、オレゴン州立大学の「Water Governance and Conflict Management 2010」が興味深い。アーロン・ウォルフ教授もまだお元気のようだ。水統治とコンフリクト管理に関してはオレゴン州大は定評がある。今更アメリカに行くほど暇はないが、講座シラバスだけは入手した。最近のアメリカの大学も学生のレベルが低いのか、シラバスもご丁寧過ぎると感じた。クラスでのルールなんて入っているし、子供向きだ。こんな程度の学生(大学院生だよ)に教える先生も大変である。昔、お師匠のクレメス博士がCSUの水文部門を頼まれたが断った理由も分かる。課題を自分で見つけて独力で個性的な研究する学生は少ない。学生の指導というのは昨今大変なことなんだね。シラバスで示された教科書だけは買ってみよう。「コンフリクトの転換」というタイトルである。2003年だそうだ。アマゾンで入手可能。本の目次は以下の通り。
1. Conflict Transformation?3
2. The Lenses of Conflict Transformation7
3. Defining Conflict Transformation14
4. Conflict and Change23
5. Connecting Resolution and Transformation28
6. Creating a Map of Conflict34
7. Process-Structures as Platforms for Change40
8. Developing Our Capacities48
9. Applying the Framework61
10. Conclusions68
12.Selected Readings72
13.Related Books by John Paul Lederach 73
14.About the Author74
Forging a lusophone partnership – WaterNet and Cap-Net Brasil sign MoU
WaterNet (a capacity development network in Southern Africa) and Rede Brasileira de Capacitação em Recursos Hídricos (Cap-Net Brasil) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate in professional training and knowledge dissemination. Last year in Maputo, Mozambique, the two networks collaborated together with the Mozambique Water Partnership to deliver a course on Climate Change for the Lusophone countries. This was under the framework of an emerging partnership with Global Water Partnership dubbed the Lusophone Water Partnership. The two networks then took up the opportunity at the Cap-Net Networks Managers Meeting at the end of last year in Tobago to develop and formalise their collaboration. They have now committed themselves for the next five years to develop joint activities and participate in the Lusophone Water Partnership. In the official partnership document, the institutions define two main areas of common interest: that of providing water managers the capacity to use modern scientific and management techniques and the opportunity for life-long learning; and that of ensuring sustainable water management in the Lusophone zone. What we will see in the near future, is collaboration in the development, marketing and delivery, and post-course evaluation and follow-up of short professional courses, while other activities will follow.
なるほど、大臣のブラジル出張は、CAP-NET・ブラジル とSADCのWATER-NETの連携協力のMOU締結のためだったのだ。
Forging a lusophone partnership – WaterNet and Cap-Net Brasil sign MoU
WaterNet (a capacity development network in Southern Africa) and Rede Brasileira de Capacitação em Recursos Hídricos (Cap-Net Brasil) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate in professional training and knowledge dissemination. Last year in Maputo, Mozambique, the two networks collaborated together with the Mozambique Water Partnership to deliver a course on Climate Change for the Lusophone countries. This was under the framework of an emerging partnership with Global Water Partnership dubbed the Lusophone Water Partnership. The two networks then took up the opportunity at the Cap-Net Networks Managers Meeting at the end of last year in Tobago to develop and formalise their collaboration. They have now committed themselves for the next five years to develop joint activities and participate in the Lusophone Water Partnership. In the official partnership document, the institutions define two main areas of common interest: that of providing water managers the capacity to use modern scientific and management techniques and the opportunity for life-long learning; and that of ensuring sustainable water management in the Lusophone zone. What we will see in the near future, is collaboration in the development, marketing and delivery, and post-course evaluation and follow-up of short professional courses, while other activities will follow.
なるほど、大臣のブラジル出張は、CAP-NET・ブラジル とSADCのWATER-NETの連携協力のMOU締結のためだったのだ。
International Rivers
International Hydropower Association
Water Integrity Network
International Rivers
International Hydropower Association
Water Integrity Network
program life cycle
monitoring and control
program life cycle
monitoring and control
Greywater treatment needs complementary measures
A new study has indicated that, although greywater treatment and re-use could produce water savings of up to 37 per cent, it could not comprehensively remove hazardous substances. Complementary measures are needed, such as eco-labelling and regulatory controls.
Greywater is wastewater from all domestic sources except toilets. Greywater typically contains less organic matter and less disease-carrying bacteria and viruses than wastewater that contains toilet waste. Its treatment and re-use for purposes other than drinking, such as toilet flushing and irrigation, could be valuable and cost-effective. When conducted on-site, it could reduce the amount of wastewater sent to municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). However, there is little research on the nature, levels and fate of pollutants within greywater which makes it difficult to determine the level of risk associated with greywater treatment and re-use.
The study explored on-site greywater treatment using two methods. Firstly, it applied 'geo-chemical modelling' to predict the fate of pollutants identified by the EU Water Framework Directive1 as 'priority substances' or 'priority hazardous substances'. This indicated that the removal of the majority of substances (29 out of 33) is likely to be due to separation of the water from the solid/sludge that was previously suspended in the water. Only benzene, choloroform and dicholoromethane appeared to remain within the water or as a gaseous form.
Secondly, the study considered three scenarios of greywater treatment to estimate potential water savings using Danish water use statistics:
Scenario 1: bathroom greywater is treated on-site using rotating biological contactors (RBC) and re-used for toilet flushing. It was estimated this would produce a maximum saving of 23 per cent of potable water (water that can be used for drinking) and a reduction of 11 per cent in the amount of wastewater going to WWTP.
Scenario 2: both bathroom and laundry greywater, but not kitchen greywater, are treated on site using RBC and re-used for toilet flushing and laundry washing. It was estimated that this would save a maximum of 37 per cent of potable water and reduce the wastewater sent to WWTP by 17 per cent.
Scenario 3: both bathroom and laundry, but not kitchen greywater, is treated using a land based reed or willow bed system. This would reduce the amount sent to the WWTP by 23 per cent, but would not reduce the use of potable water for household purposes.
Some re-use options, such as irrigation, remove the water destined for WWTPs whilst others, such as toilet flushing, merely divert the water temporarily. This temporary diversion reduces the use of potable water but does not have a significant impact on the level of pollutants, particularly if they remain within the sludge that is later transferred to the WWTP.
This suggests that current greywater treatment technologies cannot necessarily be considered effective at preventing the release of household pollutants. Moreover, if the treated water is used for irrigation the pollutants that are not removed in the sludge, such as benzene and chloroform, may be released into the environment.
These results suggest that, alongside developing greywater treatment technologies, attention must be given to minimising pollutant release into water from household sources. These include green procurement, eco-labelling, public information campaigns and regulatory controls.
Source: Donner, E., Eriksson, E., Revitt, DM. et al. (2010) Presence and fate of priority substances in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems. Science of the Total Environment.
Greywater treatment needs complementary measures
A new study has indicated that, although greywater treatment and re-use could produce water savings of up to 37 per cent, it could not comprehensively remove hazardous substances. Complementary measures are needed, such as eco-labelling and regulatory controls.
Greywater is wastewater from all domestic sources except toilets. Greywater typically contains less organic matter and less disease-carrying bacteria and viruses than wastewater that contains toilet waste. Its treatment and re-use for purposes other than drinking, such as toilet flushing and irrigation, could be valuable and cost-effective. When conducted on-site, it could reduce the amount of wastewater sent to municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). However, there is little research on the nature, levels and fate of pollutants within greywater which makes it difficult to determine the level of risk associated with greywater treatment and re-use.
The study explored on-site greywater treatment using two methods. Firstly, it applied 'geo-chemical modelling' to predict the fate of pollutants identified by the EU Water Framework Directive1 as 'priority substances' or 'priority hazardous substances'. This indicated that the removal of the majority of substances (29 out of 33) is likely to be due to separation of the water from the solid/sludge that was previously suspended in the water. Only benzene, choloroform and dicholoromethane appeared to remain within the water or as a gaseous form.
Secondly, the study considered three scenarios of greywater treatment to estimate potential water savings using Danish water use statistics:
Scenario 1: bathroom greywater is treated on-site using rotating biological contactors (RBC) and re-used for toilet flushing. It was estimated this would produce a maximum saving of 23 per cent of potable water (water that can be used for drinking) and a reduction of 11 per cent in the amount of wastewater going to WWTP.
Scenario 2: both bathroom and laundry greywater, but not kitchen greywater, are treated on site using RBC and re-used for toilet flushing and laundry washing. It was estimated that this would save a maximum of 37 per cent of potable water and reduce the wastewater sent to WWTP by 17 per cent.
Scenario 3: both bathroom and laundry, but not kitchen greywater, is treated using a land based reed or willow bed system. This would reduce the amount sent to the WWTP by 23 per cent, but would not reduce the use of potable water for household purposes.
Some re-use options, such as irrigation, remove the water destined for WWTPs whilst others, such as toilet flushing, merely divert the water temporarily. This temporary diversion reduces the use of potable water but does not have a significant impact on the level of pollutants, particularly if they remain within the sludge that is later transferred to the WWTP.
This suggests that current greywater treatment technologies cannot necessarily be considered effective at preventing the release of household pollutants. Moreover, if the treated water is used for irrigation the pollutants that are not removed in the sludge, such as benzene and chloroform, may be released into the environment.
These results suggest that, alongside developing greywater treatment technologies, attention must be given to minimising pollutant release into water from household sources. These include green procurement, eco-labelling, public information campaigns and regulatory controls.
Source: Donner, E., Eriksson, E., Revitt, DM. et al. (2010) Presence and fate of priority substances in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems. Science of the Total Environment.
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Date: Wednesday, June 2, 2010 14:38 GMT
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