The LIFE Nature component of the LIFE programme co-funded a total of 1,028 projects between 1992 and 2007, with a total budget of more than €1 443 million. For the LIFE+ funding period, 2007-2013, a further 84 LIFE Nature projects have already been approved, representing a total investment of €224 million. To help improve the dissemination of LIFE Nature project results, the LIFE Unit decided to identify and reward those best practice projects with the highest potential for transferability. This, second Best LIFE Nature Projects exercise, is the product of an identification and evaluation process based on a set of criteria developed by the LIFE external monitoring team in collaboration with the European Commission.
A total of 23 projects were selected as ‘best’ projects, with five awarded the title,
‘Best of the Best’ (see table). The projects selected were drawn from across the EU-
27 and contribute to LIFE Nature’s main objectives: supporting the implementation of the EU’s Habitats and Birds Directives and the establishment and management of the Natura 2000 network of sites.
Scoring of completed LIFE Nature projects was initially launched in the summer of 2006. Since then, projects are technically assessed by the LIFE Unit’s external monitoring team, provided by the Astrale consortium. For the current best projects exercise, the monitors ranked all the projects that had ended by December 2009 to produce a first list. The final selection was then undertaken by the Member States, under the coordination of Julijana Lebed Lozej of the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning. Projects were marked according to the following criteria:
• Short-term improvement in conservation status (max. 30 points)
• Short-term leverage effect (additional resources mobilised) (max. 10 points)
• Long-term sustainability of improved conservation status (max. 30 points)
• Long-term leverage effect (max. 20 points)
• Long-term regional / national / international impact (max. 10 points).
The actions of the selected projects range from the targeting of individual species
listed in the Habitats or Birds Directive to Natura 2000-site-based projects (on a
single or multiple sites) with actions targeting several species and habitats.
Species targeted by the Best Projects 2009 included the Atlantic salmon, crested newt, marsh fritillary and Crete and Cyprus endemic plants, and several birds species
(seabirds, Lanner falcon, lesser white-fronted goose and Azorean bullfinch) , as well as several grasslands, forest, wetland and river habitats.
fronted goose and Azorean bullfinch) , as well as several grasslands, forest, wetland and river habitats
The 23 Best LIFE Nature projects 2009
Scottish Salmon UK (*)
ASPEA Denmark
Anser-Eur Finland
PRIOLO Portugal (*)
IBAMarinha Portugal
ZEPA eléct. Aragón Spain
Tiroler Lech Austria (*)
WEIDMOOS Austria (*)
Albuera Extremadura Spain
Donau-Ybbs Austria
RRBI Ireland
Kinnekulle Sweden (*)
Vattajan dyyni LIFE Finland
Forest-Alp NATURA 2000 Romania
GreenBelt Finland
Comanacy Cyprus
(*): best of bests
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