





The Hydrology
of the Nile
by J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks

IAHS Special Publication no. 5
(published February 1999)
ISBN 1-901502-75-9; 180 + xii pp.; price £34.00

The IAHS Series of Special Publications (ISSN 1024-4891) comprises scientific
reports prepared by individuals or working parties within the framework of IAHS

This important book presents an account of the hydrology of the whole Nile basin, dealing with each tributary in turn but drawing attention to links between reaches. The Nile is shown to be a set of very different tributaries which came together by
geological accident. Nevertheless, evidence from one part of the basin often throws light on a different area. Recent changes are discussed, in particular the dramatic change of regime of Lake Victoria and other lakes which occurred after 1961. The relationship between hydrology and vegetation affects the important wetlands of the White Nile basin, and discussion of this relationship includes the effect of increased lake outflows. The authors draw on the extensive records collected throughout the basin to paint a detailed hydrological picture of the regime of the Nile. The book is well illustrated with over 100 diagrams and photographs. Its scope can be seen from the list of contents overleaf.

J. V. Sutcliffe has worked on all the major Nile tributaries over a period of 50 years and has authored many papers and reports on the different hydrological problems. Y. P. Parks has worked on hydrological models of the Sudd and on water resources problems of several Nile tributaries.

This book presents a regional hydrological study of a very important river. It is essential reading for hydrologists and water resource engineers working in the Nile basin and those interested in the background to the problems of the region.

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