

理論と実践の問題はIWRMだけではないのは当然である。水政策に限らず政策論の実践というテーマは普遍である。水政策も政策一般のひとつであると捉えればその実践が如何に難しいのは自明である。comprehensive water governanceと言ったら玉虫色であろうか。


Complexity, cost, and risk barrier

IWRM takes into account relationships and dynamic interactions between human and natural systems, land and water systems, and key stakeholder agencies and groups. This interconnectedness on different scales and levels makes it very complex to translate the IWRM concept into practice. Management problems end up with ambiguous boundaries and complex links with other problems; goals, alternatives, and consequences that are not well defined or understood; pervasive uncertainty that may not be quantifiable; and iterative management that involves conflict and negotiation
among multiple stakeholders with divergent interests and values.

How are the lessons of complexity science to be communicated to stakeholders, and how do we formulate convincing arguments about the roles of uncertainty, suboptimality, and diversity. What kinds of financial, administrative, and social relationships best support IWRM approach.

我々が水戦略のaction planを作成する場合は、


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