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Critics question usefullness of dams in Lebanon

By Karah Byrns
Special to The Daily Star

BEIRUT: The image of Lebanon as a green country with abundant water resources is an illusion that today could not be further from the truth. In reality, this pre-Civil War image has become nothing more than a faded myth that serves only to blind public concern about the state of the country’s fresh water resources. As tap water becomes increasingly salty to the taste in Beirut, where summer water shortages have become commonplace and where a private business in basic drinking water is booming, one fact stands out glaringly clear: Lebanon no longer has the luxury to ignore proper management of its freshwater resources as demand for water in the country steadily rises, while the amount of freshwater steadily decreases.

“In the Middle East, we have abundant water resources relative to our neighbors. But compare Lebanon to a European country, and the picture becomes startlingly different. We are wasting much of what little we have left,” explains hydrogeologist Issam Boujaoude.

One solution proposed to tackle Lebanon’s water problem is dams, as part of an Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) plan spearheaded by Fadi Comair, the director general of the Energy and Water Ministry who largely manages supply-side water management initiatives. It seems simple enough, but a statement by Comair at the end of July announcing the initiative to build 27 new dams of various volumes across Lebanon sparked controversy across several fields of expertise.

Both economically and ecologically, there are many experts who heavily question whether dams are the best solution to Lebanon’s water shortage. “I am not against building dams; I am against building dams before being sure it is the most appropriate solution, after investigating and evaluating other alternatives.

“I have seen no substantial evidence that this has been done,” a source working closely with the Energy and Water Ministry confided to The Daily Star.

According to several critics, the lack of basic data to calculate the demand for water in Lebanon, such as population data, inidicates the weakness of any completed studies or projections that would evaluate the dams’ capacity to resolve a severe water shortage expected to hit Lebanon by 2020. Without a national apparatus conducting a water census, monitoring its usage, and evaluating impacts on supply from land-based activities, economic shifts, or population migrations, the resource management mantra “you cannot manage what you cannot measure” is at the root of many critiques.

According to the World Commission on Dams report in the year 2000, dam projects around the world also normally go over budget, and with budgets in the millions of dollars, dissidents argue that these extra costs cannot be taken lightly. While building dams does open up jobs in engineering, technical consulting, and construction, in a small country like Lebanon where the public debt is already at $ 47 billion, the challenge remains for the ministry to prove just how much the Lebanese public will actually gain from the operation of the new dams with a cost-benefit ratio on the basis of hard data.

While the construction of dams can give a short-term boost to the economy, in the long-term, a source close to the ministry told The Daily Star that “time has shown that Lebanon cannot maintain and manage projects like this alone,” meaning that future maintenance implies another cost to consider.

In defense of the initiative, the new dams would be smaller in size and capacity than the existing Chabrouh or Qaraoun dams, and according to the IWRM approach, their construction would be coupled with simultaneous upgrades to a water network that loses anywhere from 40 to 60 percent of the water that passes through them, depending on who calculates the estimate.

As agriculture comprises roughly 70 percent of Lebanon’s water use, the use of dams to increase water supply for irrigation is another strong argument that supports their construction. However, managing the demand for water instead of its supply – through imposing drip irrigation or by increasing farmers’ motivation to save water by increasing the utility cost of water – is another solution. Both agriculturally and domestically “installing water meters to bill people for how much water they use would cause people to begin taking their own actions to conserve water,” says Arab Federation for Environmental Development Secretary General Nabil Saab. “Giving water economic value will also increase public respect for the resource, and spark interest in new methods for using the resource more conservatively.”

Another winning argument for dams is their capacity to generate electricity. The Qaraoun Dam in West Bekaa alone meets 10 percent of Lebanon’s power needs through hydroelectric power. Nonetheless, dams which generate electricity are referred to as “hydrodams,” and only approximately five of the new dams will fall into this category. Even if more dams were to be used for generating hydroelectricity, there are some experts in hydrology who question the necessity of a dam for generating electricity from the force of water. “Why not use modern technology to place the turbine directly in the river? The power of the river current will turn the turbine and generate electricity, eliminating the need for a dam, while providing us with a solution that is also much cheaper,” suggests Mark Saadeh, hydrogeologist, academic researcher, and consultant to the Litani River Authority as head of its Environmental Unit. “Geologists and environmentalists do not even have a syndicate where we can be consulted on such projects … doctors and engineers are not experts on the environment, geology, or ecology,” he adds.

Saadeh also highlights that rather ironically, as Lebanon faces the decision of whether or not to build more dams, nations like the United States and Germany are beginning to question the virtues of their dam projects built in the past.

“It’s difficult to imagine that we are considering building dams in Lebanon at a time when other countries are considering tearing them down,” Saadeh warns.

Other hydrogeologists quip that there would be no reason to invest in tearing dams down later in Lebanon, because nature alone could do it. “The geological character of Lebanon is karstic,” notes Boujaoude, explaining that “this means that the rock here allows water to pass through it easily over time, which explains Lebanon’s unique and natural phenomenon of vast cave networks. This is a great challenge for building a dam that will not leak.” He underlined his assertion with the fact that the Chabrouh dam, completed only two short years ago, is already leaking, at a rate of what he estimates to be 250 liters per second. The water is flowing back towards the village of Faraya.

When asked about the leak, Comair asserted that this amount of water is “under the international acceptable allowance for the leakage of a dam,” adding: “Even the famous Hoover dam in the United States leaks.” In response to other criticisms being thrown the ministry’s way, Comair also protested that all of the ministry’s decisions have been based on studies conducted by “qualified consultancy groups, including world renowned international companies.”

Information collected from studies compiled over the last 50 years provide data that is compelling enough for Comair and his international partners in the IWRM project to be convinced of the value of building dams in Lebanon, and he stresses the daunting complexity and comprehensive nature of Lebanon’s water problem, which extends “beyond the scope of only one field.”

“All of the data we have is not possible to disclose; we are basing some of our decisions on data that is confidential,” Comair asserts, adding that “I am working hard for the future of Lebanon through a variety of projects, which also include better education about water in schools, to change the water culture in this country, and build awareness about the reality we are now facing.”

Regardless of how one feels about dams, the conclusion is that Lebanon’s water problem extends far beyond them. As long as the division of the ministry managing water supply and water demand remains split, it is the level of coordination between the two divisions that will be a determinate factor in how successfully the overall problem is addressed. It is also the duty of the Lebanese people to wake up from the dream of a water-rich Lebanon, to become more aware of the impacts of their lifestyle, to stand up for their rights and recognize their responsibilities regarding the resource, for it to be managed effectively. Especially as, according to Saadeh, “it may already be too late.”





Effective scenarios for communicating climate change

Researchers have explored what kind of information is effective in influencing the public's perceptions of climate change. They found that individuals may be more likely to relate to climate change if its impacts are presented for the near future, rather than for the longer term.

For most people in Europe, climate change is distant from their daily lives. Climate change action needs to take place at global and local levels and cross-cultural research on public attitudes can be informative. The researchers conducted public surveys and in-depth discussions with members of the public in the UK and Italy to explore attitudes to climate change and the effects of different types of information on attitudes.

The information given to participants consisted of scenarios that combined possible future climate outcomes with socio-economic changes for their local region.

The surveys indicated that views on climate change could be placed into the same four categories for both countries:

Denying - the view that climate change is unimportant and humans do not affect it
Doubting - the view that climate change is important but not caused by humans
Uninterested - the view that climate change is an issue caused by humans but they do not wish to do anything about it
Engaged - the view that climate change is something to face up to and take action on

As all these groups were present in both regions, it may be that similar groups are present throughout Europe. The participants discussed how the future scenarios affected their views on climate change. Socio-economic and climate scenarios provoked discussion and reflection, but did not necessarily motivate a change of attitudes or opinion. The effectiveness of scenarios depended on whether they corresponded with the individual's prior beliefs and their trust in the science.

The research suggested information should be tailored to different public groups according to their beliefs and attitudes. The scenarios were often described as 'otherworldly', and all groups suggested improvements to the scenarios.

Firstly, shorter timescales would be more effective, i.e. 20 years into the future rather than 50. In practice, this may be difficult because differences in 20 years' time are likely to be negligible. Secondly, they called for details on the methods and sources of information used to produce the scenarios to increase their credibility. Thirdly, they suggested that scenarios should be motivational and not based on shock or alarm.

Source: Lorenzoni, I. & Hulme, M. (2009). Believing is seeing: laypeople's views of future socio-economic and climate change in England and in Italy. Public Understanding of Science. 18:383-400.


Fear is not the answer to communicating climate change

According to recent research, 'frightening' images of climate change may initially attract public attention, but they are also likely to disempower individuals, distancing them from the issue. The research suggests communication strategies should use more 'enabling' images that are relevant to the target audience in combination with these fearful images.

The impacts of climate change will be numerous and varied, ranging from changes in ecosystems to difficulties in insuring against losses caused by climate change. These impacts will affect everyone to some extent. However, engaging the public to take action is proving difficult.

New research investigated the influence of visual and iconic representations of climate change on people's engagement with the subject, in terms of their thinking, feelings and behaviour. The researchers discussed a range of images and icons with participants in surveys, focus groups and interviews.

The results indicated that the public have a large number of images that they strongly, and easily, associate with climate change. These tend to be images of large and extreme impacts such as melting icesheets, visions of rising sea levels and intense heat and droughts.

However, these images also tend to enhance the sense that climate change happens somewhere else, to somebody else. Some individuals react to such images with a fatalistic attitude, feeling they are unable to do anything to help. Others deny climate change, rather than experience the discomfort of its reality.

While the dramatic images were judged to be the most personally important, they were also considered the most disempowering. Enabling imagery, such as an image of a tram, were seen as least personally important, yet made people feel more able to do something about climate change.

Further discussions in focus groups indicated that although dramatic images catch people's interest, they tend to be forgotten after the initial impact. Participants felt other images were needed to communicate local relevance and the possibility of action. However, participants also agreed that global images were still necessary to highlight the importance of climate change.

The researchers conclude that while fear-provoking images certainly have a place, they must be used selectively, and with caution. If people do not feel climate change is a significant issue, using fear-provoking images is likely to cause denial, apathy and avoidance as a way of coping with the unpleasant feelings they bring.

Source: O'Neill, S. & Nicholson-Cole, S. (2009). 'Fear Won't Do It': Promoting Positive Engagement with Climate Change through Visual and Iconic Representations. Science Communication. 30(3): 355-379.


Media coverage of climate change and international development

Newspapers in the UK reflect a sense of climate change as an impending catastrophe for the developing world, which requires the help of the West. This view partly reinforces the concept of the poor as victims and could influence the public's response to climate change policies.

The mass media is seen as an important source of information for the public about climate change, influencing public perceptions and understanding of the issues as well as government initiatives. For these reasons, the media can influence public support for policy development.

This study analysed media representations of climate change and international development to help show how views are constructed and reflected, and ultimately how policy actions will be received by the public. 158 articles from four 'quality' British newspapers published between 1997 and 2007 were investigated.

Articles were sorted according to eight different viewpoints: ranging from the view that climate change is beneficial, seeing climate change as an opportunity to help lift people out of poverty, right through to reporting that climate change is a disaster for developing countries.

In approximately one third of articles, climate change was portrayed as a potential catastrophe for development in poor countries. Other viewpoints were less common in the analysis but were present. A range of factors appeared to influence how climate change was reported, including:

key events, such as the Kyoto summit and the publication of the findings of the IPCC in 2000/2001
whether the newspapers sought a balanced view (for example, is it a crisis or can opportunities for development be identified?)
the source of the stories (NGO reports or opinions featured heavily, scientific papers were rarely used as the basis for articles)
wider political, social and economic factors, such as government actions

Developing countries and the poor were largely depicted as unfortunate victims of climate change who require urgent help from the rich West. Furthermore, differences between countries in the 'developing world' were not explored in the articles, nor the possible actions of the poor themselves to tackle climate change.

The fact that only 158 articles over 10 years focused on climate change and international development demonstrates the low priority given by UK newspapers to the impacts of climate change on developing countries. This has implications for shaping public understanding of the issue, which in turn could affect, to some degree, public policy.

Source: Doulton, H., Brown, K. (2009). Ten years to prevent catastrophe? Discourses of climate change and international development in the UK press. Global Environmental Change. 19: 191-202.

448:Aid Coordination





Aid Coordination on the Ground: Are Joint Country Assistance Strategies the Answer?

Johannes F. Linn, Executive Director, Wolfensohn Center for Development
The Brookings Institution

Fragmentation in aid architecture and aid delivery is a well-recognized challenge. The question of what to do about fragmentation remains puzzling with no obvious answers. The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness represents an effort by donor and recipient governments to harmonize their cooperation in a comprehensive manner, with guidelines and targets that aim to improve the effectiveness of aid.

One of the aspects not addressed in the Paris Declaration is how a comprehensive approach to aid coordination at the international level would be implemented on the ground at the country level. The Paris Declaration aims to improve specific modalities of cooperation (such as the use of country systems for procurement and financial management, joint donor missions, the elimination of project implementation units, and the increase in recipient government ownership of programs, etc.), but the Declaration provides little guidance on how donors and recipient governments would plan and implement improved cooperation at the country level to effectively deploy these modalities.

One way to respond systematically and comprehensively to the agreements of the Paris Declaration at the country level is for donors and recipient governments to prepare joint country assistance strategies. While this is not explicitly envisaged or mandated in the Paris Declaration, donor teams and recipient governments have come together in at least 12 countries to prepare joint strategies for a better coordinated and harmonized aid delivery and use. They have done this generally without much support from their headquarters or from OECD DAC experts and without the benefit of a systematic evaluation of the growing body of experience with the preparation and the implementation of joint country strategies.

The purpose of this paper is to report on and draw lessons from the experience with the preparation and implementation of joint country assistance strategies. The analysis draws on two sources of information: It reflects the lessons from the author’s personal involvement as a facilitator in the preparation of a joint country assistance strategy in Tajikistan. While such direct association as a “participant observer” brings with it risks of possible biases in interpretation, it has the great advantage of close, first-hand observation. Since the Tajikistan process was not yet completed at the time of writing this paper, the descriptions and conclusions from this case study can only be seen as preliminary. Second, the paper draws on a desk review of available documentation of country experiences elsewhere in the world, much of it informal and qualitative. No claim to completeness or statistical significance of conclusions can be made. Furthermore, the joint country assistance strategy process, as it is implemented on the ground, does not currently follow any standard format or approach, since there is no explicit agreement (and quite some variance) on (1) the main purpose and objectives of joint strategy process, (2) what are the necessary elements/components, or (3) even whose instrument it should be (donors or partner country government).

Therefore, this paper is only a first step in an effort to fill a substantial gap in our understanding of how the Paris Declaration commitments are being implemented on the ground and the role that joint country assistance strategies can or should play in this implementation process. One of the main conclusions of this paper is that a more systematic evaluation of completed and ongoing joint country assistance strategies is an urgent priority.

Following this introduction, the first section reviews the Paris Declaration and its links to joint country assistance strategies. The next section provides an overview of the available assessments of joint country strategy experience. This is followed by a section that assesses specific aspects of the joint country strategy process, drawing on worldwide experience as well as the Tajik experience. The concluding section presents overall conclusions and recommendations for the development partners involved in efforts to improve aid effectiveness at the country level. An Annex reports the details of the evolving process of preparing the Tajikistan joint country strategy.


































444:Salve Regina






西方教会の聖歌である、Salve Reginaだったからだ。中学生とは思えないうまさだし、混声だから男子生徒の存在で深みがある。やっぱ混声だね。それにしてもラテン語の聖歌を良く歌ってる。指導者がいいのだろうか。













UGANDA: water sector loaded with corruption, US$ 32.5 million lost over last 5 years

A World Bank sponsored baseline survey on integrity in Uganda’s water supply and sanitation sector found that between US$ 5 million ( 3.38

million) and US$ 10 million ( 6.77 million) meant to improve access to safe water for drinking in Uganda is lost to corruption annually.

Bewteen 10 and 20 per cent of the money given to contractors is spent on kickbacks, significantly reducing the extent to which the contract can deliver on improving access to safe water and sanitation.

To address outright corruption as well as influence peddling by politicians, some stakeholders are advocating an independent regulator, and

introduction of integrity pacts between the government and contractors, to be monitored by civil society. The idea of establishing such a body first emerged in 2003 after a series of corruption cases. However, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NW&SC) argues that a regulatory body would only increase water tariffs and advocates for a regulatory framework with guidelines to be implemented by a select committee and supported by the existing accountability institutions such as the ombudsman and the procurement regulator.








The Nisei were the second generation of Japanese to call America home. This generation was both Japanese and American in attitude and cultural heritage. Many of the young Nisei worked alongside their parents on family farms, in store front businesses, and in the timber mills while attending the local public school.

On December 7, 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor found the Nisei and their parents in a difficult situation. Fear of an attack by Japanese naval forces on the West Coast and resentment against them in California led some people to clamor for people of Japanese ancestry to be removed. Although Japanese American leaders had denounced the attack on Pearl Harbor and some civilian and military leaders voiced their support towards the Japanese Americans, political pressure from California congressmen, the media and the public to remove the Japanese from the West Coast was growing stronger.

On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. This decree gave the military the authority to exclude people from designated areas to prevent sabotage and espionage, but President Roosevelt knew that it would be used to remove people of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast. The army and the Wartime Civil Control Administration (WCCA), the civilian branch of the Western Defense Command, began the process of notifying and rounding up all persons of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast into sixteen assembly centers for processing and placement into ten internment camps.

Some of the Japanese Americans were able to get sympathetic neighbors and friends to take care of their homes, farms and businesses. Many of the Japanese Americans lost a lifetime of hard work as they quickly sold their homes, farms, businesses and possessions. They were allowed to take one trunk full of clothes and possessions, but certain personal items such as radios and cameras were forbidden.

The internment camps were located away from West Coast cities in desolate locations like Minidoka, Idaho and Tule Lake, California. Quickly constructed with crudely built barracks, barbed wire fences and armed guards the internment camps appeared more like prisoner of war camps. Over 120,000 people were moved into the camps. Anxious to prove their loyalty to the United States the Nisei reluctantly accepted internment.

Further complicating matters for the interned Japanese Americans occurred in February, 1943, when teams of Army officers and enlisted men visited the relocation centers to register draft age men for military service and others for non-military duty such as the Army Nurse Corps and WACs. Over 33,000 Nisei soldiers served in the American army during the war. Nisei soldiers were used in the Pacific Theater as interpreters as well as in combat in North Africa, Italy and France. The principle units in which the Nisei served were the 100th Infantry Battalion, which was formed in Hawaii, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, formed from volunteers from the internment camps, and the secret Nisei Military Intelligence Service whose members served with army and navy units from the Aleutians to the far reaches of the south Pacific. The Nisei soldiers became famous for their heroism and the high number of casualties they sustained in combat.

The 442nd/100th sustained 9,486 wounded and over 600 killed suffered, the highest casualty rate of any American unit during the war. For their heroism, the men of the 442nd/100th won fifty-two Distinguished Service Crosses, 560 Silver Stars and the Congressional Medal of Honor was awarded posthumously to Pfc. Sadao Munemori. The 442nd Regimental Combat Team also won seven coveted Presidential Unit Citations for its performance. The men in the 100th Battalion alone had earned 900 Purple Hearts, thirty-six Silver Stars, twenty-one Bronze Stars, and three Distinguished Service Crosses.

It is from this background that 14 extraordinary brave young men serving in the "Nisei Military Intelligence Service" volunteered for a "Dangerous and Hazardous Mission" and became members of the 5307th Composite Unit Provisional, better known as Merrill's Marauders. Assigned 2 to each of the six combat teams and 2 to the Headquarters, these men continuously performed acts of heroism while fighting against the Japanese Army in the jungle and mountains of Northern Burma.





Go for Broke



































African Development Bank

AfDB-GWP Meeting - Sharing Regional IWRM Assessments on East and Southern Africa
13 October 2009

Bank Group experts and their counterparts from the Global Water Partnership (GWP) on Friday, October 9, 2009, in Tunis concluded a two-day discussion on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in East and Southern Africa. Discussions also focused on how to find the way forward. The meeting, which ran from October 8-9, 2009, was marked by several presentations on integrated water management results and the evaluation of the water situation in the region. The meeting also focused on the draft concept note that was prepared for the Bank's review. It also served as a venue for experts to share perspectives and experiences on water resources development on the continent. The main priorities and programmes in the SADC and East African regions and assessments in 30 African countries (6 Northern, 12 Eastern and 12 Southern), were also at the center of discussions. The meeting is part of efforts to follow up on the assessments. It was also an opportunity to explore possible logical steps forward in determining further actions that could be taken to implement some of the recommendations.

Speaking on the occasion, Water and Sanitation and African Water Facility Officer-in-charge, Sering Jallow underscored that one of the building blocks of the Bank's Medium Term Strategy was the development of effective partnerships that could deliver results. "We see the ongoing collaboration between GWP and the Bank as an important development to strengthen the mainstreaming of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Africa", he said, adding that "Africa's water sector challenges require innovative approaches to harness the region's water resources for water supply, agriculture, energy, industrial and environmental development in order to accelerate economic growth". "Conscious of this, the Bank Group's medium term strategy 2008-2012 renewed our commitments to the water sector in Africa, especially through knowledge management activities. We hope that through our combined efforts, we can achieve the targets that the continent has set in the Africa Water Vision 2025, and the MDGs, as well as the most recent commitments by our ministers and heads of states and governments at Ethikweni, Tunis and Sharm el Sheikh last year," he added.

In collaboration with the Global Water Partnership (GWP), the Water Partnership Program (WPP) has, over the years, supported Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) situation assessments in 30 African Countries. The results of the assessments have been discussed at a number of regional workshops in Rabat, Kampala, Uganda and Johannesburg with a view to sharing the findings and creating increased awareness of IWRM issues, best practices and approaches.

438:Barren Area





































The start of a regional UNDP programme in Central Asia, “Promoting IWRM and Fostering Transboundary Dialogue” on implementing IWRM in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, offers significant opportunities for joint capacity building activities and networking.

The project aims to promote transboundary dialogue and sustainable water resources management through interventions at national and transboundary levels. The project will identify partners in the region for the implementation of such activities and in this manner stimulate networking in the region between different capacity building institutions.

Activities foreseen include capacity building for water professionals and managers in IWRM and Climate Change Adaptation; River Basin Organisations; Conflict Resolution and IWRM planning. Local implementing partners identified will be invited to a capacity building planning meeting, tentatively scheduled for early next year.









Quezon CityにあるScience Gardenの観測所で、日雨量450mm、6時間雨量341mmを





433:Olympic Bid




















