
59:Smart Power for Water

今日のCNNニュースで次期国務長官のクリントン上院議員の公聴会での発言でsmart powerという表現があった。

smart powerが必要だということのようだ。


Perceptions of American incompetence.

Throughout the Cold War, America projected an
image of vast technical competence. We sent human
beings to the moon. We coordinated the eradication
of small pox. We conducted winning wars
in Iraq in 1991 and Kosovo in 1999 that demonstrated
a towering technical proficiency. We gave
the world the impression that we could master almost
any technical problem. But recently we have
projected a different image. Our weak response
to the catastrophe caused by Hurricane Katrina
and our inability to restore civil order and basic
services such as electricity, water, and sanitation
to Iraq have created the impression that America
may have lost some of its technical edge.

Bring safe drinking water and sanitation to every person in the world.

The scarcity of safe
drinking water is reaching crisis proportions. The
WHO estimates that more than 1 billion people
lack access to clean water. Water insecurity could
potentially threaten security and stability in key
regions in the years ahead. Providing clean water
and working sanitation could help prevent disease
and prolong life. Providing potable water for
all people across the globe is an achievable and
relatively inexpensive endeavor—if we have the
leadership to tackle it. One of the MDGs focuses
on water, aiming to cut in half the percentage of
people without access to safe water by 2015. This
goal is supported by the Water for the Poor Act,
which President Bush signed in 2005—the first
time an MDG was written into U.S. law. The next
administration should launch a new U.S. development
initiative to spur the integration of innovations
in both development policy and technology,
in cooperation with multilateral and communitybased
partners and private organizations. The
costs of purifying water are falling due to emerging
technologies, and the U.S. government could
launch a concerted effort to bring these to areas
of priority need. The U.S. government should expand
its funding for both large-scale and smallscale
community-based water and sanitation efforts
in developing countries.


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