


WPIという指標については以前述べたが、水と貧困のリンクはそう簡単でもなさそうである。じっくり考えるための参考文献といえばIWMIがまとめたケーススタディーがよい。「Water and Poverty Linkages」


• What are the characteristics of water and poverty issues and how are they linked to each

• Who are/were the poor and what are/were their water-related problems?

• What actions have been or are being undertaken by local communities and by external
agencies to alleviate water problems of the poor?


a) Identify and understand linkages between water and poverty

b) Develop an analytical framework for studying relationships between water-related poverty
and using IWRM as a redeeming tool

c) Apply the framework to real-world situations

d) Identify constraints and opportunities for alleviating poverty through Integrated Water
Resources Management approach

e) Draw implications and develop guidelines for effective implementation of IWRM for
alleviation of water-related poverty

100ページ強であるが、4つのケーススタディーだから読みやすい。結論だけ読んでも参考になるだろう。新年早々ざっと斜め読み。upward and downward spiral effectという表現が面白かった。spiralはある意味キーワードになるか?!

「Water for food and life」という視点も忘れずに水資源に取り組まなければならないと新年からやや反省。

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