豚インフルエンザの件でWHOのDr. Keiji Fukudaが注目されている。
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations. (Jacob 1.2)
water and sanitattionの連携は常に言われているけど、中々両面を一緒に検討する機会が小生にはなかった。特に都市上下水道整備案件は分業があり、水源開発や給水システムを担当していても下水システムを考慮して進めることがなかった。大きな反省でもある。
Water Poverty Indexについては第3回世界水フォーラムでも発表されていた。
Stand on the Pioneer's Shoulders.
Stand on the Pioneer's Shoulders.
蜂群崩壊症候群と訳される。Colony Collapse Disorderの略語である。深刻な現象でアインシュタインの予言が当たらなければいいが。気候変動より寧ろ危機的かもしれない。生態系の変化は流域管理を考える上で重要だが、水管理者も無視はできない。下記にCCDの概略説明文を示す。
Colony collapse disorder (or CCD) is a phenomenon in which worker bees from a beehive or European honey bee colony abruptly disappear. While such disappearances have occurred throughout the history of apiculture, the term colony collapse disorder was first applied to a drastic rise in the number of disappearances of Western honey bee colonies in North America in late 2006. Aside from fundamental concerns about the survival of bee species, colony collapse is economically significant because many agricultural crops worldwide are pollinated by bees.
Honey bees entering a beehive.European beekeepers observed similar phenomena in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, and initial reports have also come in from Switzerland and Germany, albeit to a lesser degree. Possible cases of CCD have also been reported in Taiwan since April 2007.
The cause or causes of the syndrome are not yet fully understood, although many authorities attribute the problem to biotic factors such as Varroa mites and insect diseases (i.e., pathogens including Nosema apis and Israel acute paralysis virus. Other proposed causes include environmental change-related stresses, malnutrition and pesticides (e.g. neonicotinoids such as imidacloprid), and migratory beekeeping. More speculative possibilities have included both cell phone radiation and genetically modified (GM) crops with pest control characteristics, though experts say no evidence exists for either assertion.[citation needed] It has also been suggested that it may be due to a combination of many factors and that no single factor is the cause.
CCD has been also referred to as honey bee depopulation syndrome (HBDS).
Colony collapse disorder (or CCD) is a phenomenon in which worker bees from a beehive or European honey bee colony abruptly disappear. While such disappearances have occurred throughout the history of apiculture, the term colony collapse disorder was first applied to a drastic rise in the number of disappearances of Western honey bee colonies in North America in late 2006. Aside from fundamental concerns about the survival of bee species, colony collapse is economically significant because many agricultural crops worldwide are pollinated by bees.
Honey bees entering a beehive.European beekeepers observed similar phenomena in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, and initial reports have also come in from Switzerland and Germany, albeit to a lesser degree. Possible cases of CCD have also been reported in Taiwan since April 2007.
The cause or causes of the syndrome are not yet fully understood, although many authorities attribute the problem to biotic factors such as Varroa mites and insect diseases (i.e., pathogens including Nosema apis and Israel acute paralysis virus. Other proposed causes include environmental change-related stresses, malnutrition and pesticides (e.g. neonicotinoids such as imidacloprid), and migratory beekeeping. More speculative possibilities have included both cell phone radiation and genetically modified (GM) crops with pest control characteristics, though experts say no evidence exists for either assertion.[citation needed] It has also been suggested that it may be due to a combination of many factors and that no single factor is the cause.
CCD has been also referred to as honey bee depopulation syndrome (HBDS).
153:Tacit Understanding
長年海外でのコンサルタント活動をしてきて痛感するのが技術移転の難しさである。昨今では技術移転という言葉が消え、capacity buildingとかcapacity developmentという概念に進化してしまった。
tacit understandinngという言葉がある。
英語では、silent agreement, agreement that is understood through silenceという意味であり、日本語ではおなじみ以心伝心である。
一方、knowledge managementという概念もあり、tacit knowledgeという言葉もあるくらいだ。tacit knowledgeには、
Ad hoc sessions
Action Learning
Learning history
Road maps
などのアプローチがある。海外の技術移転では、これらのtacit knowledgeを使えるexplicit knowledgeに変えていくことが大切である。これを英語では、
tacit understandinngという言葉がある。
英語では、silent agreement, agreement that is understood through silenceという意味であり、日本語ではおなじみ以心伝心である。
一方、knowledge managementという概念もあり、tacit knowledgeという言葉もあるくらいだ。tacit knowledgeには、
Ad hoc sessions
Action Learning
Learning history
Road maps
などのアプローチがある。海外の技術移転では、これらのtacit knowledgeを使えるexplicit knowledgeに変えていくことが大切である。これを英語では、
ESCWA is pleased to annouce the release of the following publications:
Report: Brainstorming session on the impact of conflict-driven displacement in the ESCWA region
Report: Expert Group Meeting on Strengthening Private Sector Resilience Under Conflict: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward Beirut
Economic and Social Repercussions of the Israeli Occupation: Facts and Figures
Report: Workshop on Building the Arab Mashreq Road Safety Partnership (AMRSP)
Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region 2007-2008
Regional Economic Forecast
Annual Review of Developments in Globalization and Regional Integration in the Arab Countries, 2007
Study on Liberalization of Movement of Natural Persons according to GATS and its Implications on other Arab Countries
Foreign Direct Investment Report
Summary of the Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region
Report: Final Seminar of the Interregional Transport Linkages Project: Best Practices and Lessons Learnt
Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods in the Arab Mashreq
Report of the Expert Group Meeting on International Mltimodal Transport in the ESCWA Region
Report of the Consultative Preparatory Meeting for the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development
Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region 2006 - 2007
Report: Workshop on Knowledge Sharing and Networking in the ESCWA Region
Review of Information and Communications Technology and Development, Issue No. 10
Regional Profile of the Information Society in Western Asia 2007
Report: Workshop on Establishing Public Private Partnerships for ICT Initiatives
Report on Expert Consultation Meeting on Priority Science and Technology Domains: Establishment of the ESCWA Technology Centre
Report on the Expert Group Meeting ON Regional Networking and Partnership
Report of the Regional Stakeholders’ Meeting on Knowledge Network Strategies, Mechanisms and Tools
The ESCWA Technology Centre for Development: detailed assessment of regional needs and priorities and identification of implementation mechanisms
National Profiles of the Information Society in Western Asia 2007
Broadband for development in the ESCWA region: Enhancing access to ICT services in a global knowledge society
Report: Regional Coordination Mechanism: Record of the Twelfth Meeting
Report on the Twenty-Fifth Session
Report: Training Session on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water (SEEAW) for the Arab Gulf Countries
Report: Workshop on the Design of National Strategies for the Development of Statistics: Mainstreaming Gender in Sectoral Statistics
Report: Inter-Agency and Expert Group Meeting on Gender and the Millennium Development Goals in the Arab Region
Report: Joint Sub-regional Training Session on the System of Integration Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water Resources
Gender in the Millennium Development Goals
Demographic Change in the Arab Countries: Prospects for the Future: Summary of Social Policies: No. 1
Integrated Social Policy from Concept to Practice - Report II
Social Observatories - Information Kit
Reprot of the Expert Group Meeting on Social Exclusion in the ESCWA Region
Report: Expert Group Meeting on the Draft Social Policy Report II: from Concept to Practice
Report of the Regional Seminar on the Review and Appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing
International Migration and Development in the Arab Region: Challenges and Opportunities
Economic and Social Councils - Information Kit
Shared Waters Shared Opportunities: World Water Day
Report of the Regional Implementation Meeting of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
Land Degradation Assessment and Prevention Selected Case Studies from the ESCWA region
ESCWA is pleased to annouce the release of the following publications:
Report: Brainstorming session on the impact of conflict-driven displacement in the ESCWA region
Report: Expert Group Meeting on Strengthening Private Sector Resilience Under Conflict: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward Beirut
Economic and Social Repercussions of the Israeli Occupation: Facts and Figures
Report: Workshop on Building the Arab Mashreq Road Safety Partnership (AMRSP)
Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region 2007-2008
Regional Economic Forecast
Annual Review of Developments in Globalization and Regional Integration in the Arab Countries, 2007
Study on Liberalization of Movement of Natural Persons according to GATS and its Implications on other Arab Countries
Foreign Direct Investment Report
Summary of the Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region
Report: Final Seminar of the Interregional Transport Linkages Project: Best Practices and Lessons Learnt
Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods in the Arab Mashreq
Report of the Expert Group Meeting on International Mltimodal Transport in the ESCWA Region
Report of the Consultative Preparatory Meeting for the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development
Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region 2006 - 2007
Report: Workshop on Knowledge Sharing and Networking in the ESCWA Region
Review of Information and Communications Technology and Development, Issue No. 10
Regional Profile of the Information Society in Western Asia 2007
Report: Workshop on Establishing Public Private Partnerships for ICT Initiatives
Report on Expert Consultation Meeting on Priority Science and Technology Domains: Establishment of the ESCWA Technology Centre
Report on the Expert Group Meeting ON Regional Networking and Partnership
Report of the Regional Stakeholders’ Meeting on Knowledge Network Strategies, Mechanisms and Tools
The ESCWA Technology Centre for Development: detailed assessment of regional needs and priorities and identification of implementation mechanisms
National Profiles of the Information Society in Western Asia 2007
Broadband for development in the ESCWA region: Enhancing access to ICT services in a global knowledge society
Report: Regional Coordination Mechanism: Record of the Twelfth Meeting
Report on the Twenty-Fifth Session
Report: Training Session on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water (SEEAW) for the Arab Gulf Countries
Report: Workshop on the Design of National Strategies for the Development of Statistics: Mainstreaming Gender in Sectoral Statistics
Report: Inter-Agency and Expert Group Meeting on Gender and the Millennium Development Goals in the Arab Region
Report: Joint Sub-regional Training Session on the System of Integration Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water Resources
Gender in the Millennium Development Goals
Demographic Change in the Arab Countries: Prospects for the Future: Summary of Social Policies: No. 1
Integrated Social Policy from Concept to Practice - Report II
Social Observatories - Information Kit
Reprot of the Expert Group Meeting on Social Exclusion in the ESCWA Region
Report: Expert Group Meeting on the Draft Social Policy Report II: from Concept to Practice
Report of the Regional Seminar on the Review and Appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing
International Migration and Development in the Arab Region: Challenges and Opportunities
Economic and Social Councils - Information Kit
Shared Waters Shared Opportunities: World Water Day
Report of the Regional Implementation Meeting of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
Land Degradation Assessment and Prevention Selected Case Studies from the ESCWA region
インターネットとかe-mailを知ったのは、確か1990年ごろである。そのころ、国際多基準意思決定学会の会員にはほぼe-mail addressがあったのだ。今でいえば、SKYPEのアドレスが示されているのと同じような感じ。たぶん東大や京大では普通のことだったかもしれない。
それとRequest for Commentsというセンスを身につけることである。批判を浴びなければ成長しない。権威にコメントを頂く名誉を感じることである。
それとRequest for Commentsというセンスを身につけることである。批判を浴びなければ成長しない。権威にコメントを頂く名誉を感じることである。
SSIとはSaesonal Storage Indexであり、平水年における水需要を満たすために必要な貯留量である。下記にGWP技術委員会が作成した政策提言書7の記述を示す。
Seasonal Storage Index and Current Surface Storage as a Percentage of SSI
The Seasonal Storage Index (SSI) gauges the volume of storage needed to satisfy water demand based on the average seasonal rainfall cycle. Calculating current surface storage as a percentage of the SSI reveals those countries most in need of infrastructure to ensure water availability for growing food and meeting other critical needs. (For a more complete list see original source.)
Source: Brown, C and L Lall (2006) “Water and economic development: The role of variability and a framework for resilience” Natural Resources Forum 30, p 312
{Seasonal Storage} {Current Surface}
{Index (km3)} {Storage as % of SSI}
Burundi 2.64 0%
Malawi 18.98 0%
Rwanda 1.38 0%
Sierra Leone 2.21 0%
Guinea-Bissau 2.48 0%
The Gambia 2.14 0%
Nepal 29.86 0%
Haiti 3.73 0%
Bhutan 0.4 0%
North Korea 23.32 0%
Eritrea 2.75 3%
Vietnam 27.64 3%
Senegal 22.3 7%
Ethiopia 40.99 8%
Albania 2.64 21%
Bangladesh 62.28 33%
Guinea 3.71 51%
Swaziland 0.98 59%
El Salvador 5.45 59%
Mauritania 1.34 66%
Tanzania 5.5 76%
India 356.6 76%
Algeria 6.6 91%
SSIとはSaesonal Storage Indexであり、平水年における水需要を満たすために必要な貯留量である。下記にGWP技術委員会が作成した政策提言書7の記述を示す。
Seasonal Storage Index and Current Surface Storage as a Percentage of SSI
The Seasonal Storage Index (SSI) gauges the volume of storage needed to satisfy water demand based on the average seasonal rainfall cycle. Calculating current surface storage as a percentage of the SSI reveals those countries most in need of infrastructure to ensure water availability for growing food and meeting other critical needs. (For a more complete list see original source.)
Source: Brown, C and L Lall (2006) “Water and economic development: The role of variability and a framework for resilience” Natural Resources Forum 30, p 312
{Seasonal Storage} {Current Surface}
{Index (km3)} {Storage as % of SSI}
Burundi 2.64 0%
Malawi 18.98 0%
Rwanda 1.38 0%
Sierra Leone 2.21 0%
Guinea-Bissau 2.48 0%
The Gambia 2.14 0%
Nepal 29.86 0%
Haiti 3.73 0%
Bhutan 0.4 0%
North Korea 23.32 0%
Eritrea 2.75 3%
Vietnam 27.64 3%
Senegal 22.3 7%
Ethiopia 40.99 8%
Albania 2.64 21%
Bangladesh 62.28 33%
Guinea 3.71 51%
Swaziland 0.98 59%
El Salvador 5.45 59%
Mauritania 1.34 66%
Tanzania 5.5 76%
India 356.6 76%
Algeria 6.6 91%
ほかに、”Renewable Energy and Climate Change”という2分ほど
Energy Efficiency: The First Fuel
Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State
eJournal USA, Volume 14, Number 4, April 2009
http://www.america.gov/publications/ejournalusa/0409.html (HTML)
http://www.america.gov/media/pdf/ejs/0409.pdf#popup (PDF 4MB, 40p.)
- About This Issue
- Energy Efficiency: Easier Said Than Done
- An Oil Giant Dreams Green
- Virginia Learns Energy Innovations from Abroad
- Promoting Citizenship Through Energy Efficiency
- The Ever-Expanding Universe of Energy Star
- U.S. Energy Efficiency Advances in 2009
- Stimulating Efficiency for the Long Term
- Blogging for Efficiency
- An Energy Revolution by the People
- Vampires in the House
- Oil Companies Embrace Energy Efficiency
- Big Oil Goes Green
ほかに、”Renewable Energy and Climate Change”という2分ほど
Energy Efficiency: The First Fuel
Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State
eJournal USA, Volume 14, Number 4, April 2009
http://www.america.gov/publications/ejournalusa/0409.html (HTML)
http://www.america.gov/media/pdf/ejs/0409.pdf#popup (PDF 4MB, 40p.)
- About This Issue
- Energy Efficiency: Easier Said Than Done
- An Oil Giant Dreams Green
- Virginia Learns Energy Innovations from Abroad
- Promoting Citizenship Through Energy Efficiency
- The Ever-Expanding Universe of Energy Star
- U.S. Energy Efficiency Advances in 2009
- Stimulating Efficiency for the Long Term
- Blogging for Efficiency
- An Energy Revolution by the People
- Vampires in the House
- Oil Companies Embrace Energy Efficiency
- Big Oil Goes Green
World Water Forum– Istanbul – March 2009
Analysis of the tangible progress made in basin management and transboundary cooperation.
The topic of basin management and transboundary cooperation was widely discussed during the recent World Water Forum of Istanbul.
The International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) and UNESCO were entrusted with the task of coordinating the five official sessions of Topic 3.1 entirely devoted to this issue and which has been the subject of a broad preparatory mobilization for more than one year:
§ Several regional meetings were organized in 2008 with our partners, in Solo-Surakarta (Indonesia), Venice (Italy), Moscow (Russia), Saragossa (Spain), Sibiu (Romania), Rio (Brazil), etc…, as well as a side event during CSD 16 in New York,
§ More than 200 papers were received on the Forum website or directly by the coordinators.
These five sessions, which took place on 20 and 21 March 2009, allowed hearing 63 speeches of very diverse organizations, representing the main streams of opinion and the various parts of the World, including a high proportion of basin organizations presenting their field experience. The sessions, which were held in a packed room where more than 450 participants stayed during almost the 12 hours planned in the official program of the Forum, left a broad place to debate and rich and lively discussions, sometimes heated, impassioned even!
Such questions as the « international » statute or not of transboundary waters, the methods for financing and implementing common infrastructures, the ratification of the United Nations Convention of 1997 or the management of transboundary aquifers saw divergent positions clashing, sometimes vehemently expressed, especially from our numerous Turkish colleagues, showing that it is still difficult to achieve real consensus.
But a vast majority of the participants converged on the advantage of national and transboundary basin approaches to face the great global challenges of water resources management.
Taking account of these many contributions and apart from the most radical positions, the findings and recommendations can be summarized as follows:
· Strong political will and long-term commitment are prerequisites for basin management and transboundary cooperation in the face of future changes,
· Significant progress has already been made since the 1990s with reforms undertaken in many regions and countries around the world. The gained experience allows now saying that integrated water resources management at the level of river and aquifer basins is a real advantage. These experiences allow proposing guidance to countries which want to implement efficient basin management and reinforce their transboundary cooperation,
· The progress made so far is however insufficient to meet the requirements of a globally changing world. Adaptive strategies, focused on maintaining the integrity of river basins and aquifer systems, should become the norm in national and international policy. This will require:
1) Surface water to be managed in river and lake basin units and groundwater to be managed in aquifer systems units – where the two resources are used together, they should be used conjunctively;
2) Essential quantitative and qualitative information on resources, their uses, polluting pressures, ecosystems and their functions, the follow-up of their evolution, risk assessment and financial challenges of the sector should be obtain and made accessible. This information should be used as the objective basis for dialogue, negotiation, decision-making and evaluation of undertaken actions, as well as coordination of financing from the various donors;
3) The participation in decision-making of the concerned Governmental Administrations and local Authorities, the representatives of different categories of users and associations for environmental protection or of public interest. This participation would be better organized in Basin Committees or Councils;
4) Basin management plans or master plans clearly stating the long-term objectives to be achieved to guarantee water resource integrity;
5) Significant increase in training and educational programs for responding to the adaptation needs in cooperation building and basin management;
6) Mobilization of financial resources to meet the needs of countries in this field, taking account of their socioeconomic, cultural, and geopolitical specificity. It is necessary to set up everywhere complementary funding systems that are based on the participation and common cause of the users. Water charges mechanisms established for basin management can enable the use of the polluter-pays and user-pays principles and may have an interactive effect on consumption reduction and pollution control.
· As global inventories of transboundary basins and aquifer systems and their technical and socioeconomic peculiarities are now completed, through the global programs supported by PCCP, World Water Assessment Program, ISARM, EU-WFD, EUWI, INBO-AP, the GEF and others, available conventions and agreements should be ratified by the riparian States concerned. Furthermore cooperation agreements need to be crafted at global, basin and aquifer levels to achieve necessary and sound cooperation. Similarly, institutions such as basin organizations should be created to nurture transboundary cooperation and strengthen communication and dialogue among users.
· Existing or developing legal instruments as well as adapted technical tools and gained experiences should be further disseminated through efforts of agencies and networks of basin organizations to promote transboundary water resources management.
In parallel to the official sessions of the Forum, several side events allowed presenting a broad range of field experiments and direct exchanges between managers of basin organizations: the meeting organized between Chinese and European managers and experts within the «China - European Union Program for basin management» and the meeting between the people in charge of the Po Basin Authority in Italy and their counterparts of several large rivers in other continents, in particular.
The regional « Europe » session allowed presenting the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive and the UNECE Convention of 1992, called Helsinki Convention.
All the papers and photographs of these events, organized during the last World Water Forum held in Istanbul from 15 to 22 March 2009, may be consulted and downloaded on the website:
During the Forum, the joint publication by the Global Water Partnership - GWP and the International Network of Basin Organizations - INBO of the « Handbook on integrated water resources management in basins », which presents 84 examples of practical actions, allows confirming the realism of the recommendations made:
http://www.inbo-news.org/gwp/handbook/GWP-INBOHandbookForIWRMinBasins.pdf .
The ministerial declaration of the Forum supports (2) « the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at the level of river basins and groundwater systems, within each country, and, where appropriate, through international cooperation, to equitably meet economic, social and environmental demands and, inter alia, to address the impact of global change, taking into account the interests of all the partners, using participatory process in decision-making and planning, while creating links between relevant sectors to achieve solutions that benefit all parties.
The ministers also declared that they will (6) « strengthen the prevention of pollution from all sectors in surface and ground water, appropriately applying the « polluter-pays principle »… (9) that they resolve to develop, implement and further strengthen transnational, national or/and local plans and programs to anticipate and address the possible impacts of global changes,… (11) that they will strive to improve water related monitoring systems and ensure that useful information is made freely available to all concerned populations, including neighboring countries.
Finally, they also declared (16) « that they will take, as appropriate, tangible and concrete steps to improve and promote cooperation on sustainable use and protection of transboundary water resources through coordinated actions of riparian States, in conformity with existing agreements and/or other relevant arrangements, taking into account the interests of all riparian countries concerned. They will work to strengthen existing institutions and develop new ones, as appropriate and if needed, and implement instruments for improved management of transboundary waters.
Of course, some people will point out that these formulations can be subject to interpretation and obviously all the problems will not be miraculously solved, as some positions still remain too different, but unmistakably basin management and transboundary cooperation have scored during the World Water Forum of Istanbul!
For contacting us: inbo@inbo-news.org
For more information: www.inbo-news.org
World Water Forum– Istanbul – March 2009
Analysis of the tangible progress made in basin management and transboundary cooperation.
The topic of basin management and transboundary cooperation was widely discussed during the recent World Water Forum of Istanbul.
The International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) and UNESCO were entrusted with the task of coordinating the five official sessions of Topic 3.1 entirely devoted to this issue and which has been the subject of a broad preparatory mobilization for more than one year:
§ Several regional meetings were organized in 2008 with our partners, in Solo-Surakarta (Indonesia), Venice (Italy), Moscow (Russia), Saragossa (Spain), Sibiu (Romania), Rio (Brazil), etc…, as well as a side event during CSD 16 in New York,
§ More than 200 papers were received on the Forum website or directly by the coordinators.
These five sessions, which took place on 20 and 21 March 2009, allowed hearing 63 speeches of very diverse organizations, representing the main streams of opinion and the various parts of the World, including a high proportion of basin organizations presenting their field experience. The sessions, which were held in a packed room where more than 450 participants stayed during almost the 12 hours planned in the official program of the Forum, left a broad place to debate and rich and lively discussions, sometimes heated, impassioned even!
Such questions as the « international » statute or not of transboundary waters, the methods for financing and implementing common infrastructures, the ratification of the United Nations Convention of 1997 or the management of transboundary aquifers saw divergent positions clashing, sometimes vehemently expressed, especially from our numerous Turkish colleagues, showing that it is still difficult to achieve real consensus.
But a vast majority of the participants converged on the advantage of national and transboundary basin approaches to face the great global challenges of water resources management.
Taking account of these many contributions and apart from the most radical positions, the findings and recommendations can be summarized as follows:
· Strong political will and long-term commitment are prerequisites for basin management and transboundary cooperation in the face of future changes,
· Significant progress has already been made since the 1990s with reforms undertaken in many regions and countries around the world. The gained experience allows now saying that integrated water resources management at the level of river and aquifer basins is a real advantage. These experiences allow proposing guidance to countries which want to implement efficient basin management and reinforce their transboundary cooperation,
· The progress made so far is however insufficient to meet the requirements of a globally changing world. Adaptive strategies, focused on maintaining the integrity of river basins and aquifer systems, should become the norm in national and international policy. This will require:
1) Surface water to be managed in river and lake basin units and groundwater to be managed in aquifer systems units – where the two resources are used together, they should be used conjunctively;
2) Essential quantitative and qualitative information on resources, their uses, polluting pressures, ecosystems and their functions, the follow-up of their evolution, risk assessment and financial challenges of the sector should be obtain and made accessible. This information should be used as the objective basis for dialogue, negotiation, decision-making and evaluation of undertaken actions, as well as coordination of financing from the various donors;
3) The participation in decision-making of the concerned Governmental Administrations and local Authorities, the representatives of different categories of users and associations for environmental protection or of public interest. This participation would be better organized in Basin Committees or Councils;
4) Basin management plans or master plans clearly stating the long-term objectives to be achieved to guarantee water resource integrity;
5) Significant increase in training and educational programs for responding to the adaptation needs in cooperation building and basin management;
6) Mobilization of financial resources to meet the needs of countries in this field, taking account of their socioeconomic, cultural, and geopolitical specificity. It is necessary to set up everywhere complementary funding systems that are based on the participation and common cause of the users. Water charges mechanisms established for basin management can enable the use of the polluter-pays and user-pays principles and may have an interactive effect on consumption reduction and pollution control.
· As global inventories of transboundary basins and aquifer systems and their technical and socioeconomic peculiarities are now completed, through the global programs supported by PCCP, World Water Assessment Program, ISARM, EU-WFD, EUWI, INBO-AP, the GEF and others, available conventions and agreements should be ratified by the riparian States concerned. Furthermore cooperation agreements need to be crafted at global, basin and aquifer levels to achieve necessary and sound cooperation. Similarly, institutions such as basin organizations should be created to nurture transboundary cooperation and strengthen communication and dialogue among users.
· Existing or developing legal instruments as well as adapted technical tools and gained experiences should be further disseminated through efforts of agencies and networks of basin organizations to promote transboundary water resources management.
In parallel to the official sessions of the Forum, several side events allowed presenting a broad range of field experiments and direct exchanges between managers of basin organizations: the meeting organized between Chinese and European managers and experts within the «China - European Union Program for basin management» and the meeting between the people in charge of the Po Basin Authority in Italy and their counterparts of several large rivers in other continents, in particular.
The regional « Europe » session allowed presenting the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive and the UNECE Convention of 1992, called Helsinki Convention.
All the papers and photographs of these events, organized during the last World Water Forum held in Istanbul from 15 to 22 March 2009, may be consulted and downloaded on the website:
During the Forum, the joint publication by the Global Water Partnership - GWP and the International Network of Basin Organizations - INBO of the « Handbook on integrated water resources management in basins », which presents 84 examples of practical actions, allows confirming the realism of the recommendations made:
http://www.inbo-news.org/gwp/handbook/GWP-INBOHandbookForIWRMinBasins.pdf .
The ministerial declaration of the Forum supports (2) « the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at the level of river basins and groundwater systems, within each country, and, where appropriate, through international cooperation, to equitably meet economic, social and environmental demands and, inter alia, to address the impact of global change, taking into account the interests of all the partners, using participatory process in decision-making and planning, while creating links between relevant sectors to achieve solutions that benefit all parties.
The ministers also declared that they will (6) « strengthen the prevention of pollution from all sectors in surface and ground water, appropriately applying the « polluter-pays principle »… (9) that they resolve to develop, implement and further strengthen transnational, national or/and local plans and programs to anticipate and address the possible impacts of global changes,… (11) that they will strive to improve water related monitoring systems and ensure that useful information is made freely available to all concerned populations, including neighboring countries.
Finally, they also declared (16) « that they will take, as appropriate, tangible and concrete steps to improve and promote cooperation on sustainable use and protection of transboundary water resources through coordinated actions of riparian States, in conformity with existing agreements and/or other relevant arrangements, taking into account the interests of all riparian countries concerned. They will work to strengthen existing institutions and develop new ones, as appropriate and if needed, and implement instruments for improved management of transboundary waters.
Of course, some people will point out that these formulations can be subject to interpretation and obviously all the problems will not be miraculously solved, as some positions still remain too different, but unmistakably basin management and transboundary cooperation have scored during the World Water Forum of Istanbul!
For contacting us: inbo@inbo-news.org
For more information: www.inbo-news.org
Ground water critical to economy
23 March, 2009
TSABONG - The Deputy Director in the Department of Water Affairs, Dr Thothi Obakeng says Botswana is heavily dependent on groundwater, given the limited surface water resources.
Speaking at the recent commemoration of World Water Day in Tsabong, Dr Obakeng said 80 per cent of the country's population was dependent on ground water.
He said most people were aware of the scarcity of water in the country especially in Kgalagadi which receives the least amount of rainfall ranging between 250mm to 300mm resulting in limited surface water and low recharge to ground water resources.
Dr Obakeng said ground water was vital to Botswana's economy and continued development adding that in most of the rural areas it may be the only available water resource that could be developed economically.
Despite the importance of ground water, he said aquifer recharge rates were low over large parts of the country. He said Tsabong had more than 2 900 private water connections and about five public standpipes.
However, he said as a result of practicing some water demand management measures, there were plans to demolish some public standpipes as these have proved to waste water.
Dr Obakeng added that one of the major aims of Vision 2016 is to change the way water is viewed by the users as well as how it is managed in order to ensure sustainability.
He said the Department of Water Affairs with the assistance from the UNDP/GEF and the Global Water Partnership has recently signed an agreement on a project to develop national water efficiency plans, adding that this will help in the uptake of International Water Resource Management (IWRM) by different stakeholders in water resource management.
He said it will further assist in creating a forum for stakeholders' participation and integrated planning.
Like any other sector, Dr Obakeng said the department is governed by laws for implementing their mandate adding that the responsibility of water lies with different government (both central and local) and parastatal bodies.
He said water resource management, planning and development takes place within the Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources through the Department of Water Affairs, the Geological Surveys and the Water Utilities Corporation.
Dr Obakeng said local government does not play a direct role in the management of the resources and thus making them a recipient rather than a stakeholders or role players in water resources planning and management.
The granting and administration of water rights is currently the duty of the Water Appointment Board (WAB) that takes its powers from the Water Act of 1968 and the Department of Water Affairs as the Secretary and Registrar of WAB and also administers the Aquatic Weeds Control Act.
He said it is worth noting that working under different water authorities has been a challenge to the water sector adding that it is gratifying to note that the recently completed review of the National Water Master Plan (BNWP) has envisaged establishment of the water resources council and restructuring of the water sector for organisation service delivery which are part of the recommendations.
He said another new initiative that has emerged from the ministry is for the provision of water to whole catchment areas rather specific villages to improve efficiency and accessibility to portable water at all times.
The challenge however still lies with conservation of limited water that we have and maximising the retention of rain water so that we may sustain our water demand, he said. He said the ministry's conviction is that Botswana should be in the forefront for water conservation and also promote other non-conventional water sources such as rainwater harvesting, recycling and proper sanitation to conserve the limited water resources available from pollution. BOPA
Ground water critical to economy
23 March, 2009
TSABONG - The Deputy Director in the Department of Water Affairs, Dr Thothi Obakeng says Botswana is heavily dependent on groundwater, given the limited surface water resources.
Speaking at the recent commemoration of World Water Day in Tsabong, Dr Obakeng said 80 per cent of the country's population was dependent on ground water.
He said most people were aware of the scarcity of water in the country especially in Kgalagadi which receives the least amount of rainfall ranging between 250mm to 300mm resulting in limited surface water and low recharge to ground water resources.
Dr Obakeng said ground water was vital to Botswana's economy and continued development adding that in most of the rural areas it may be the only available water resource that could be developed economically.
Despite the importance of ground water, he said aquifer recharge rates were low over large parts of the country. He said Tsabong had more than 2 900 private water connections and about five public standpipes.
However, he said as a result of practicing some water demand management measures, there were plans to demolish some public standpipes as these have proved to waste water.
Dr Obakeng added that one of the major aims of Vision 2016 is to change the way water is viewed by the users as well as how it is managed in order to ensure sustainability.
He said the Department of Water Affairs with the assistance from the UNDP/GEF and the Global Water Partnership has recently signed an agreement on a project to develop national water efficiency plans, adding that this will help in the uptake of International Water Resource Management (IWRM) by different stakeholders in water resource management.
He said it will further assist in creating a forum for stakeholders' participation and integrated planning.
Like any other sector, Dr Obakeng said the department is governed by laws for implementing their mandate adding that the responsibility of water lies with different government (both central and local) and parastatal bodies.
He said water resource management, planning and development takes place within the Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources through the Department of Water Affairs, the Geological Surveys and the Water Utilities Corporation.
Dr Obakeng said local government does not play a direct role in the management of the resources and thus making them a recipient rather than a stakeholders or role players in water resources planning and management.
The granting and administration of water rights is currently the duty of the Water Appointment Board (WAB) that takes its powers from the Water Act of 1968 and the Department of Water Affairs as the Secretary and Registrar of WAB and also administers the Aquatic Weeds Control Act.
He said it is worth noting that working under different water authorities has been a challenge to the water sector adding that it is gratifying to note that the recently completed review of the National Water Master Plan (BNWP) has envisaged establishment of the water resources council and restructuring of the water sector for organisation service delivery which are part of the recommendations.
He said another new initiative that has emerged from the ministry is for the provision of water to whole catchment areas rather specific villages to improve efficiency and accessibility to portable water at all times.
The challenge however still lies with conservation of limited water that we have and maximising the retention of rain water so that we may sustain our water demand, he said. He said the ministry's conviction is that Botswana should be in the forefront for water conservation and also promote other non-conventional water sources such as rainwater harvesting, recycling and proper sanitation to conserve the limited water resources available from pollution. BOPA
おまけだが、英語では期待と不安をhopes and concernsという。以前研修で講師をしたが、参加者に講習会に対するhopes and concernsを聞いたが、定年間際の方が「来年定年なので不安がある」と誤解されてその対応に大変だった。研修会に対する質問だったのだが。
おまけだが、英語では期待と不安をhopes and concernsという。以前研修で講師をしたが、参加者に講習会に対するhopes and concernsを聞いたが、定年間際の方が「来年定年なので不安がある」と誤解されてその対応に大変だった。研修会に対する質問だったのだが。
UNU-IAS & University of Tokyo Joint International Seminar on Natural Resources and the Environment: Implications for Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding and Livelihoods
UNU-IAS & University of Tokyo Joint International Seminar on Natural Resources and the Environment: Implications for Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding and Livelihoods
Impact of Global Challenges on Water Resources
09/04-2009 07:04
Today the world is facing such rapid changes as population growth, migration, urbanization and changes in the use of land and water resources and global warming. By 2050 population on the planet will increase by 50% up, according to the estimates, meaning that population will grow by 3 bln people up. More than a half of population on the planet resides in the cities and tendency of urbanization and migration growth will increase only.
By far competition for limited water resources in the world has only strengthened. In many river basins, the available water is not enough to satisfy all needs or for river water resources to reach seas. Water under its scarcity is becoming an economic commodity and is important for decision making between various sectors of economy. It is imperative when it is impossible to increase water supply, and competing demands are taken into account. Water scarcity leads to restriction of food security. Along with population growth the demands for water and, probably, prices for natural resources and energy will go up.
Domestic, municipal and energy needs may have been better satisfied if in agriculture water was used more efficiently and better managed. Investment income may have been gained if systems and institutes were better prepared and were able to optimize comprehensive use of resources. At political levels many countries do not realize that water is an important factor affecting global challenges today. All these challenges indicate the necessity to change ways the water resources are managed.
These issues have been discussed by governments and experts at the 5th World Water Forum through dynamic interactions. The Forum was recently held in Istanbul and became a platform for discussion of issues related to global changes prevention and adaptation by governments.
At the Water Forum the necessity to assess climate change impact on water cycle has been discussed as well. Capacity development aimed at water management improvement at all levels, such as national, regional and local, including management of river basin organizations, should be supported. Application of an integrated water resources management will balance the social and economic impact, minimize environmental impact and protect ecosystems.
So, what is the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)?
IWRM is a policy of management based on the generally accepted principles:
Hydrologic boundaries basin-based management, i.e. within the boundaries of water basins and water systems;
Multipurpose use and protection of water resources;
Coordination of all types of water use, both across and down;
Participation of WUAs and NGO in decision planning and implementation;
Sustainable ecosystems;
Policy aimed at water losses reduction;
Transparency at stage of planning and implementation, with the use of modern information technologies;
Economic sustainability using market principles in development of national water funds.
What is the situation of water resources management in the country? The consequences of water scarcity in 2008 have demonstrated the importance of water as the strategic resource of Kyrgyzstan and shortcomings of the present-day structure of water resources management.
In the course of the country renewal for 1—15 years announced by President Bakiev yesterday, negative consequences of global challenges and the world crisis and the country readiness to react and adapt to them have been underlined. As an imperative, the capability of the country to do this through building effective economy and reforming the system of power and management were determined.
In the country, the Water Code regulating the basics of integrated water resources management has been passed. How flexible it is? And how much it takes account of improved water resources management, involvement of stakeholders in planning, funding and monitoring?
In our view, despite certain shortcomings the Code is a comprehensive and modern piece of legislation that reflects best practice and international experience of IWRM. Water Management Improvement Project, financed by the World Bank, Kyrgyz Government and Government of Japan, is aimed at implementation of the Water Code.
In the frame of the project the Department of Water Resources has already elaborated practical recommendations on implementation, institutional principles to introduce integrated approaches. With the support of SMEC consulting company (Australia) the best experience of such countries as France and Spain being the IWRM initiators has been studied thoroughly. Mexico, Turkey, Russia and Kazakhstan are of interest too. Lessons have been learned, based on the examples of some countries of Africa and Latin America where radical reforming and transfer of water resources management to the private sector, both foreign companies and joint ventures, was not so successful.
Today realities request for necessity of establishment of an independent government organization such as State Water Administration (SWA) being responsible for integrated water resources management and issuing licenses for abstract surface, underground water and for sewage disposal in compliance with the Water Code. At the same time, functions related with irrigation service delivery are the functions of the DWR as a supplier of services and should be separated.
In our opinion, the combination of licensing functions and service provision functions specified in the Water Code could potentially cause problems and conflicts of interests, which originally lays the principles impeding transparent water resources management.
The SWOT analysis of functions of the agencies and ministries involved into water resources management and duplicating each other or bearing fragmented nature has been made. The progressive way is proposed to establish a new vertical of democratic institutes including national, basin and water councils as major public stakeholders to be engaged in an evolving process of overall monitoring of state agencies’ activity.
Based on experience from other countries, integrated water resources management is a complex, time consuming and, at times, painful process that requires political will and investments in a purposeful effort. This would require changes in old-fashioned styles of work of water organization. It would also require applying of decentralized principles of democracy in water management, with involvement of all practices concerned at various levels in decision making. This would imply changes, including opportunities and risks.
Further consultations at all levels would help the Government to make the right decision. One of important factors influencing on decision-making will be consequences of global challenges such as an impact on productivity and ecosystems, and strategy and legislation based on adaptive management approaches will be required in response to such challenges.
By Ainura Kupueva, M.E.Sc., Operations Officer, World Bank Country Office in the Kyrgyz Republic

Impact of Global Challenges on Water Resources
09/04-2009 07:04
Today the world is facing such rapid changes as population growth, migration, urbanization and changes in the use of land and water resources and global warming. By 2050 population on the planet will increase by 50% up, according to the estimates, meaning that population will grow by 3 bln people up. More than a half of population on the planet resides in the cities and tendency of urbanization and migration growth will increase only.
By far competition for limited water resources in the world has only strengthened. In many river basins, the available water is not enough to satisfy all needs or for river water resources to reach seas. Water under its scarcity is becoming an economic commodity and is important for decision making between various sectors of economy. It is imperative when it is impossible to increase water supply, and competing demands are taken into account. Water scarcity leads to restriction of food security. Along with population growth the demands for water and, probably, prices for natural resources and energy will go up.
Domestic, municipal and energy needs may have been better satisfied if in agriculture water was used more efficiently and better managed. Investment income may have been gained if systems and institutes were better prepared and were able to optimize comprehensive use of resources. At political levels many countries do not realize that water is an important factor affecting global challenges today. All these challenges indicate the necessity to change ways the water resources are managed.
These issues have been discussed by governments and experts at the 5th World Water Forum through dynamic interactions. The Forum was recently held in Istanbul and became a platform for discussion of issues related to global changes prevention and adaptation by governments.
At the Water Forum the necessity to assess climate change impact on water cycle has been discussed as well. Capacity development aimed at water management improvement at all levels, such as national, regional and local, including management of river basin organizations, should be supported. Application of an integrated water resources management will balance the social and economic impact, minimize environmental impact and protect ecosystems.
So, what is the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)?
IWRM is a policy of management based on the generally accepted principles:
Hydrologic boundaries basin-based management, i.e. within the boundaries of water basins and water systems;
Multipurpose use and protection of water resources;
Coordination of all types of water use, both across and down;
Participation of WUAs and NGO in decision planning and implementation;
Sustainable ecosystems;
Policy aimed at water losses reduction;
Transparency at stage of planning and implementation, with the use of modern information technologies;
Economic sustainability using market principles in development of national water funds.
What is the situation of water resources management in the country? The consequences of water scarcity in 2008 have demonstrated the importance of water as the strategic resource of Kyrgyzstan and shortcomings of the present-day structure of water resources management.
In the course of the country renewal for 1—15 years announced by President Bakiev yesterday, negative consequences of global challenges and the world crisis and the country readiness to react and adapt to them have been underlined. As an imperative, the capability of the country to do this through building effective economy and reforming the system of power and management were determined.
In the country, the Water Code regulating the basics of integrated water resources management has been passed. How flexible it is? And how much it takes account of improved water resources management, involvement of stakeholders in planning, funding and monitoring?
In our view, despite certain shortcomings the Code is a comprehensive and modern piece of legislation that reflects best practice and international experience of IWRM. Water Management Improvement Project, financed by the World Bank, Kyrgyz Government and Government of Japan, is aimed at implementation of the Water Code.
In the frame of the project the Department of Water Resources has already elaborated practical recommendations on implementation, institutional principles to introduce integrated approaches. With the support of SMEC consulting company (Australia) the best experience of such countries as France and Spain being the IWRM initiators has been studied thoroughly. Mexico, Turkey, Russia and Kazakhstan are of interest too. Lessons have been learned, based on the examples of some countries of Africa and Latin America where radical reforming and transfer of water resources management to the private sector, both foreign companies and joint ventures, was not so successful.
Today realities request for necessity of establishment of an independent government organization such as State Water Administration (SWA) being responsible for integrated water resources management and issuing licenses for abstract surface, underground water and for sewage disposal in compliance with the Water Code. At the same time, functions related with irrigation service delivery are the functions of the DWR as a supplier of services and should be separated.
In our opinion, the combination of licensing functions and service provision functions specified in the Water Code could potentially cause problems and conflicts of interests, which originally lays the principles impeding transparent water resources management.
The SWOT analysis of functions of the agencies and ministries involved into water resources management and duplicating each other or bearing fragmented nature has been made. The progressive way is proposed to establish a new vertical of democratic institutes including national, basin and water councils as major public stakeholders to be engaged in an evolving process of overall monitoring of state agencies’ activity.
Based on experience from other countries, integrated water resources management is a complex, time consuming and, at times, painful process that requires political will and investments in a purposeful effort. This would require changes in old-fashioned styles of work of water organization. It would also require applying of decentralized principles of democracy in water management, with involvement of all practices concerned at various levels in decision making. This would imply changes, including opportunities and risks.
Further consultations at all levels would help the Government to make the right decision. One of important factors influencing on decision-making will be consequences of global challenges such as an impact on productivity and ecosystems, and strategy and legislation based on adaptive management approaches will be required in response to such challenges.
By Ainura Kupueva, M.E.Sc., Operations Officer, World Bank Country Office in the Kyrgyz Republic

Prov’l board passes
IWRM ordinance
The Sangguniang Panlalawigan passed the Integrated Water Resources Management ordinance of Negros Oriental, during its regular session at the Legislative Building, Capitol Area, Dumaguete City, Friday.
The IWRM, which seeks to strengthen the implementation of the rehabilitation and protection of water resources in the province, was authored by Board Member Lea Ga-Bromo, chairperson of the Committee on Environment and Education.
Bromo said the measure will support the creation of the Negros Island IWRM Council represented by both the provinces of Negros Oriental and Negros Occidental.
During the IWRM council meeting recently, Silliman University president Dr. Ben Malayang was appointed chairman of the council for the entire island.
Bromo said the IWRM ordinance contains more comprehensive details on the protection, rehabilitation, and management of water resources that includes all forms and bodies of water.
Local government units are expected to support the IWRM project because it deals with water supply, one of the most important basic needs, she said.
The IWRM program was initiated by the Negros Oriental government in cooperation with the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)-Water.
Recently, Negros Oriental Gov. Emilio Macias II recommended that the IWRM council create a watershed management plan.
Maintaining the identified watershed areas in the island is a priority task of the council considering the denudation of the mountains, the council said.
The Negros Island IWRM Council was created because both Negros provinces share some big river sources.*MA
Prov’l board passes
IWRM ordinance
The Sangguniang Panlalawigan passed the Integrated Water Resources Management ordinance of Negros Oriental, during its regular session at the Legislative Building, Capitol Area, Dumaguete City, Friday.
The IWRM, which seeks to strengthen the implementation of the rehabilitation and protection of water resources in the province, was authored by Board Member Lea Ga-Bromo, chairperson of the Committee on Environment and Education.
Bromo said the measure will support the creation of the Negros Island IWRM Council represented by both the provinces of Negros Oriental and Negros Occidental.
During the IWRM council meeting recently, Silliman University president Dr. Ben Malayang was appointed chairman of the council for the entire island.
Bromo said the IWRM ordinance contains more comprehensive details on the protection, rehabilitation, and management of water resources that includes all forms and bodies of water.
Local government units are expected to support the IWRM project because it deals with water supply, one of the most important basic needs, she said.
The IWRM program was initiated by the Negros Oriental government in cooperation with the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)-Water.
Recently, Negros Oriental Gov. Emilio Macias II recommended that the IWRM council create a watershed management plan.
Maintaining the identified watershed areas in the island is a priority task of the council considering the denudation of the mountains, the council said.
The Negros Island IWRM Council was created because both Negros provinces share some big river sources.*MA
Sharing waters, opportunities for World Water Day
19-Mar-2009 09:03 AM
‘SHARING Waters, Sharing Opportunities’ is the 2009 Pacific World Water Day theme coined from the International theme for this year ‘Transboundary Waters’.
The Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) says ‘Transboundary Waters’ reflects the challenges and management regimes found in large continental land masses such as Africa where surface water and groundwater resources flow across boarders and between countries.
“In the Pacific where countries are surrounded by ocean, have limited land masses, fragile water resources and limited natural storage; “transboundary waters” would be about trying to manage challenges at a more localised level between provinces and villages within one country,” SOPAC adds.
Similar principles of management would apply in both cases whereby the use of an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach, which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximise resultant economic and social welfare without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.
To mark Pacific World Water Day a public exhibition is being hosted tomorrow by SOPAC and Live and Learn Environmental Education (LLEE) at JJs on the Park Conference Room in Suva from 9am to 12pm.
The exhibition will involve schools, non-governmental organisations, the private sector, donor organisations and government ministries. Activities on water issues will be organised and information from a wide range of partner organisations will be displayed for students and guests to enjoy and participate in.
“Connecting our Pacific reflects the connection between water and our Pacific Island lifestyles and culture,” says SOPAC.
“Shared Waters - Shared Opportunities hopes to reflect on the idea that everyone uses water in every aspect of their life and we all share the same opportunities. Whether we live upstream or downstream we are all in the same boat. Sharing our water resources provides an opportunity to build communities and nations.”
“Nurturing opportunities at both local and international levels for cooperation in transboundary water management can help build mutual respect, understanding and trust as well as promote peace, security and sustainable economic growth in communities and between countries,” the commission adds.
Meanwhile, financial support for the 2009 World Water Day campaign for the region is provided by the Trade Mission of Taiwan.
Sharing waters, opportunities for World Water Day
19-Mar-2009 09:03 AM
‘SHARING Waters, Sharing Opportunities’ is the 2009 Pacific World Water Day theme coined from the International theme for this year ‘Transboundary Waters’.
The Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) says ‘Transboundary Waters’ reflects the challenges and management regimes found in large continental land masses such as Africa where surface water and groundwater resources flow across boarders and between countries.
“In the Pacific where countries are surrounded by ocean, have limited land masses, fragile water resources and limited natural storage; “transboundary waters” would be about trying to manage challenges at a more localised level between provinces and villages within one country,” SOPAC adds.
Similar principles of management would apply in both cases whereby the use of an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach, which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximise resultant economic and social welfare without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.
To mark Pacific World Water Day a public exhibition is being hosted tomorrow by SOPAC and Live and Learn Environmental Education (LLEE) at JJs on the Park Conference Room in Suva from 9am to 12pm.
The exhibition will involve schools, non-governmental organisations, the private sector, donor organisations and government ministries. Activities on water issues will be organised and information from a wide range of partner organisations will be displayed for students and guests to enjoy and participate in.
“Connecting our Pacific reflects the connection between water and our Pacific Island lifestyles and culture,” says SOPAC.
“Shared Waters - Shared Opportunities hopes to reflect on the idea that everyone uses water in every aspect of their life and we all share the same opportunities. Whether we live upstream or downstream we are all in the same boat. Sharing our water resources provides an opportunity to build communities and nations.”
“Nurturing opportunities at both local and international levels for cooperation in transboundary water management can help build mutual respect, understanding and trust as well as promote peace, security and sustainable economic growth in communities and between countries,” the commission adds.
Meanwhile, financial support for the 2009 World Water Day campaign for the region is provided by the Trade Mission of Taiwan.
WMO establishes a Helpdesk for Integrated Flood Management
The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO, a sister UN organisation) launched a Helpdesk for Integrated Flood Management. The Helpdesk aims to provide guidance to flood prone regions and countries to maxmize the net benefits from flood plains and minimise loss of life from flooding. Some 25 international organisations, NGOs, government agencies and research institutes together constitute the support base for the Helpdesk.
At the occasion of the 5th World Water Forum, Cap-Net signed an agreement with WMO pledging support to the Helpdesk Paul Taylor and Avinash Tyagi, Director of Climate and Water Department, formalized the agreement that makes Cap-Net a partner in the support base. The role of the partner organizations in the support base is to provide technical backstopping, be an advocate for integrated flood management, and give advice to the Helpdesk within the area of its competence.
More information on the Helpdesk for Integrated Flood Management can be found on this web site: www.apfm.info/helpdesk.htm
WMO establishes a Helpdesk for Integrated Flood Management
The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO, a sister UN organisation) launched a Helpdesk for Integrated Flood Management. The Helpdesk aims to provide guidance to flood prone regions and countries to maxmize the net benefits from flood plains and minimise loss of life from flooding. Some 25 international organisations, NGOs, government agencies and research institutes together constitute the support base for the Helpdesk.
At the occasion of the 5th World Water Forum, Cap-Net signed an agreement with WMO pledging support to the Helpdesk Paul Taylor and Avinash Tyagi, Director of Climate and Water Department, formalized the agreement that makes Cap-Net a partner in the support base. The role of the partner organizations in the support base is to provide technical backstopping, be an advocate for integrated flood management, and give advice to the Helpdesk within the area of its competence.
More information on the Helpdesk for Integrated Flood Management can be found on this web site: www.apfm.info/helpdesk.htm
04年の8月にイギリス・スコットランドでInternational Speciality Conferenceが開催され、アリゾナ大学のバラディー教授が首記に関する進化と重要性というテーマで講演を行っている。
institutional biodiversity
Results should interest physical scientists, social scientists, planners, managers, diplomats, leaders of global water initiative phenomenon,
and especially decision-makers,
who "need to...reflect on the past
before they can address contemporary challenges" (M. Reuss 2000)
04年の8月にイギリス・スコットランドでInternational Speciality Conferenceが開催され、アリゾナ大学のバラディー教授が首記に関する進化と重要性というテーマで講演を行っている。
institutional biodiversity
Results should interest physical scientists, social scientists, planners, managers, diplomats, leaders of global water initiative phenomenon,
and especially decision-makers,
who "need to...reflect on the past
before they can address contemporary challenges" (M. Reuss 2000)
The Handbook on Integrated Water Resources Management in Basins
Climate change, floods, drought, pollution, wastage, destruction of biotopes: in many countries, the seriousness of the situation requires a quick implementation of comprehensive, integrated and consistent management of water resources, aquatic ecosystems and lands.
The experience gained in many countries in the world, which made the basin-based approach of these problems the basis of their national legislation on water or which try it out in pilot projects, as well as agreements on an increasingly frequent and successful transboundary cooperation, allow saying today that this Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) should be implemented on the relevant scale of the basins of rivers, lakes and aquifers, whether local, national or transboundary. The ministerial declaration of the World Water Forum, which has just taken place in Istanbul , goes in that direction and supports this approach.
But significant progress should still be made everywhere in the world: Then how to pass from theory to practice? How to implement that on the field?
To facilitate this process, the Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) combined their efforts to write a “Handbook on Integrated Water Resources Management in Basins”, which was presented at the World Water Forum of Istanbul.
The purpose of this book, which required nearly one year of work and involved more than a hundred of professionals, members of the two GWP and INBO networks, is to provide useful advice to improve governance of fresh water resources in the basins, using practical examples of projects already undertaken in various countries.
Its drafting was supervised by a Working Group, jointly chaired by Jean-Fran醇Mois Donzier (INBO) and Martin Walshe (GWP) and made up of Hartmut Br醇・l (GWP Technical Committee), Oscar de Moraes Cordeiro Netto (Latin-American Network of Basin Organizations), Teodoro Estrela (Mediterranean Network of Basin Organizations), Alan Hall (Special Adviser to GWP), Vadim Sokolov (regional Water Partnership for Central Asia and Caucasus) and Reginald Tekateka (African Network of Basin Organizations and GWP Southern Africa). It was coordinated by Aur醇Plie Vitry for GWP and Daniel Valensuela for INBO. Close coordination was made with the work started by UNESCO on the same issue.
The handbook, the first of this kind on this topic, is addressing, as a priority, basin managers, water professionals and representatives of public authorities – governments and local authorities - who have to make decisions related to water management and who must protect aquatic ecosystems, while trying to limit conflicts between the various users. The handbook also concerns non-governmental stakeholders (NGOs, professional organizations, users’ associations, etc.) concerned by water uses or environmental protection and which are involved in activities in basins.
The advices provided in this document can be applied in basins, whatever the situation (developed or developing countries, wet or arid climate, national or transboundary river basins) or the method used for water governance.
The handbook is designed to be practical, with a regrouping by topic: thus, it successively analyzes the development of basin management systems, the roles and various kinds of basin organizations, the financing methods, the involvement and participation of the stakeholders, planning and long-term strategy, the basin action plans, the follow-up of evolutions, information systems and communication to professionals and the public.
All along the handbook, the analysis is based on practical examples (case studies) coming from all the regions of the world. Not less than 84 examples were selected to appear in the document, thus coming to increase the realism of the proposed recommendations.
The Handbook is published in French and English. It benefited from a financial support of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
The English and French electronic versions of the Handbook can be downloaded free of charge from the INBO and GWP websites:
http://www.riob.org/gwp/handbook/GWP-INBOHandbookForIWRMinBasins.pdf - (1,290 MB).
The printed version or CD-ROM can be requested free of charge, within the limit of the available stock, by E-mails to gwp@gwpforum.org or riob@riob.org
The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is an international network which aims at water safety in the world. GWP mission is to contribute to sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels. The GWP was created in 1996 to promote integrated water resources management and to ensure coordinated development and management of water, lands and related resources, by maximizing the economic and social welfare which results from it, without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems. www.gwpforum.org .
The Handbook on Integrated Water Resources Management in Basins
Climate change, floods, drought, pollution, wastage, destruction of biotopes: in many countries, the seriousness of the situation requires a quick implementation of comprehensive, integrated and consistent management of water resources, aquatic ecosystems and lands.
The experience gained in many countries in the world, which made the basin-based approach of these problems the basis of their national legislation on water or which try it out in pilot projects, as well as agreements on an increasingly frequent and successful transboundary cooperation, allow saying today that this Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) should be implemented on the relevant scale of the basins of rivers, lakes and aquifers, whether local, national or transboundary. The ministerial declaration of the World Water Forum, which has just taken place in Istanbul , goes in that direction and supports this approach.
But significant progress should still be made everywhere in the world: Then how to pass from theory to practice? How to implement that on the field?
To facilitate this process, the Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) combined their efforts to write a “Handbook on Integrated Water Resources Management in Basins”, which was presented at the World Water Forum of Istanbul.
The purpose of this book, which required nearly one year of work and involved more than a hundred of professionals, members of the two GWP and INBO networks, is to provide useful advice to improve governance of fresh water resources in the basins, using practical examples of projects already undertaken in various countries.
Its drafting was supervised by a Working Group, jointly chaired by Jean-Fran醇Mois Donzier (INBO) and Martin Walshe (GWP) and made up of Hartmut Br醇・l (GWP Technical Committee), Oscar de Moraes Cordeiro Netto (Latin-American Network of Basin Organizations), Teodoro Estrela (Mediterranean Network of Basin Organizations), Alan Hall (Special Adviser to GWP), Vadim Sokolov (regional Water Partnership for Central Asia and Caucasus) and Reginald Tekateka (African Network of Basin Organizations and GWP Southern Africa). It was coordinated by Aur醇Plie Vitry for GWP and Daniel Valensuela for INBO. Close coordination was made with the work started by UNESCO on the same issue.
The handbook, the first of this kind on this topic, is addressing, as a priority, basin managers, water professionals and representatives of public authorities – governments and local authorities - who have to make decisions related to water management and who must protect aquatic ecosystems, while trying to limit conflicts between the various users. The handbook also concerns non-governmental stakeholders (NGOs, professional organizations, users’ associations, etc.) concerned by water uses or environmental protection and which are involved in activities in basins.
The advices provided in this document can be applied in basins, whatever the situation (developed or developing countries, wet or arid climate, national or transboundary river basins) or the method used for water governance.
The handbook is designed to be practical, with a regrouping by topic: thus, it successively analyzes the development of basin management systems, the roles and various kinds of basin organizations, the financing methods, the involvement and participation of the stakeholders, planning and long-term strategy, the basin action plans, the follow-up of evolutions, information systems and communication to professionals and the public.
All along the handbook, the analysis is based on practical examples (case studies) coming from all the regions of the world. Not less than 84 examples were selected to appear in the document, thus coming to increase the realism of the proposed recommendations.
The Handbook is published in French and English. It benefited from a financial support of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
The English and French electronic versions of the Handbook can be downloaded free of charge from the INBO and GWP websites:
http://www.riob.org/gwp/handbook/GWP-INBOHandbookForIWRMinBasins.pdf - (1,290 MB).
The printed version or CD-ROM can be requested free of charge, within the limit of the available stock, by E-mails to gwp@gwpforum.org or riob@riob.org
The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is an international network which aims at water safety in the world. GWP mission is to contribute to sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels. The GWP was created in 1996 to promote integrated water resources management and to ensure coordinated development and management of water, lands and related resources, by maximizing the economic and social welfare which results from it, without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems. www.gwpforum.org .
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