
125:Water AlternativesというEジャーナル


Why this journal?

WaA is an interdisciplinary journal addressing the full range of issues that water raises in contemporary societies. Its ambition is to provide space for alternative and critical thinking on such issues (see our manifesto for more details).
WaA welcomes contributions that address any dimension of water resources development, management and use, and their relations with society and the environment. Subject coverage includes (but is not limited to):

Water policy at global and national levels
Water governance and water reforms
The politics of everyday water management (irrigation, watershed, etc.)
Water knowledge systems, concepts and discourses
Water and economics
The politics of water provision and use
Water, environment and society
Water, technology and society
Water, globalization and geopolitics
Water, power and social divisions: gender, class, ethnicity

WaA offers four distinct rubrics:
Scholarly articles (Articles)
Short articles that are not academic in scope and may reflect some opinion (Viewpoints)
Book reviews (Reviews)
Responses to earlier articles (Responses).

As a worldwide high-quality peer-reviewed eJournal, WaA offers the following advantages:
Full and free access to articles, ensuring worldwide outreach and intellectual multiplier effect.
Reduced time interval between acceptance of articles and their publication online: WaA will propose new articles three times per year, time lag between approval of articles and publication will not exceed 4 months. In addition, articles will be made available as soon as they reach the final stage of production to registered users, who may access articles (preview).

Financial support for the launching of Water Alternatives has been provided by the Irrigation and Water Engineering group of Wageningen University, the Netherlands, and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France


編集委員には意外な人物が。シンガポール・Lee Kuan Yew大学のアララル教授の名前があった。彼はフィリピン人で以前世銀のT/Aを実施していた時、世銀側のコーディネーターであった。あれから7年出世したものだ。世銀の水資源専門家のメイシーさんに絞られていた。そう言えば、メイシー女史はどこで何をしているのだろうか。90年代後半には随分と威勢のいい活動をしていたが。


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