Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations. (Jacob 1.2)
The Women
NYのsociety womenの生活がこまごまとしたことで表現されていて最近のNYの流行りとかが知り得た。本当かどうかは知らないが、知識として知るのも愉快である。
Sax 5th Avenue(馴染みの定番デパート)
climbing gym(おばさんでも流行っているんだね)
Hermes Birkin(ハイソの定番だけどしつこい)
Jungle red(ネールの有名店だが、流行りの赤色でもあるらしい)
話はなんとなく「Sex and the City」に似ている。ハイソな女性たちも頻繁にshitを使うし、hiではなくheyを多用する。Hiなんて映画全体でただの1回しか使われていない。もうHiなんかは古いんだね。
久々、New Yorkerとか読んでみたくなった。
The Women (2008) -vs- Sex And The City (2008)
The Smackdown. After fifteen years in development, TV comedy queen Diane English ("Murphy Brown") has finally completed her Magnum Opus: a star-spangled remake of 1939’s "The Women." Sixty-nine years after that classic film’s original release, the remake of "The Women" follows in the high-heeled footsteps and huge box office wake of this summer’s earlier "Sex And The City." The two movies are remarkably similar, sharing an unapologetic chickflick sensibility and Ladies Only appeal.
Both films claim to reflect a kind of reality and instead mirror an uppercrust New York City where money is never an issue, a New York City where walking a mile even in your own shoes is unthinkable. Shoes aren’t for walking; they’re for collecting, and they render their owners hobbled Geisha girls suited only to taking tiny baby steps on pristine boulevards, linking arms for balance, in search of more shoes and more men. Freud suggests that shoes are a symbol for female genitalia. Movies suggest they are no longer symbolic at all, but replacements.
So it’s a catfight to the finish. Or wait. Could "The Women" be just a pale imitation of an imitation arriving a little too late to cash in to the zeitgeist? Timing (and those shoes) are everything.
The Challenger. Everyone in "The Women" goes to Saks! Everyone in the movie is a woman! Society woman Mary Haines discovers her husband is having an illicit affair. Her group of friends stick their noses in her business. Somebody has a baby. Nobody worries about money. They live in New York City and Connecticut, but most of the people are white and rich. We learn early on that several characters are very witty, but we never actually hear anything that convinces us of this. They change clothes a lot.
The Defending Champion. Everyone in "Sex And The City" has lots of sex! Every woman in the movie is a gay man! Columnist Carrie Bradshaw gets left at the altar. Her group of friends stick their noses in her business. Somebody has a baby. Nobody worries about money. They live in New York City, but most of the people are white and rich. We learn early on that several characters are very witty, but we never actually hear anything that convinces us of this. They change clothes a lot.
The Scorecard. This isn't the first time I've put a couple of chickflicks in the ring together. In fact, it's not even the first time this summer. That was just over a month ago with Sex and the City (2008) -vs- The Women (1939).
As always, I’m torn, ripping apart chickflicks. I’m usually first in line opening day to see them, voting with my dollars so studios know there’s an audience out here not composed entirely of thrillseeking adolescent boys. It’s a painful sacrifice much of the time; truly good chickflicks are few and far between. A colleague asked me to define chickflick for him. The best I could come up with was this: A chickflick is a movie with women at the center. A woman has to drag her date to a chickflick. Men go to a chickflick only as a courtesy or a favor or in return for relationship leverage or the possibility of sexual favors. No straight guy would go to a chickflick with another guy. Recently, I’ve redefined chickflick: a movie with a woman in it. Super ChickFlicks have lots of women in them; the multiplex has been flooded with them this summer, and the gamble has paid off.
Box office success is nice, but I still want them to be good. Call me crazy.
As a longtime feminist, sufficiently fortunate (or wise) to have chosen a career that does not rely on my own perpetual youth and unattainably perfect beauty, I don’t want to appear unduly catty in discussing Meg Ryan’s face. I mention it here because it concerned me deeply and consistently throughout the film’s running time. In the completely unlikely event that actresses with as-yet-unimproved faces are reading this blog, I write this with your best interests at heart.
Hollywood plastic surgeons must be stopped.
They’re endangering our pool of middle aged actresses. Meg Ryan’s new face is a Halloween mask of her old face, incapacitated and largely immobilized, incapable of registering the simplest of emotions. Dialogue had to explain her feelings for her. Now I’m sad. Now I’m angry. Now I’m happy. (Actually, to be fair, her smile was positively Joker-like, a frozen grimace altogether and alarmingly different than the impaired blank expression plaguing her throughout the rest of the almost two-hour film.) Are we audience members really so shallow that we demand our icons to remain plasticized robot versions of their young selves, frozen forever in the instant when we first fell in movie love with them? I like to think of myself as more intelligent than that. Meg Ryan is hardly alone in seeking that sad surgical fountain of uncapturable youth. There are countless other innocent victims of overzealous and ill advised surgical and chemical intervention -- the actor's instruments rendered immobile and frightening as Kabuki masks.
I worry for young people who think middle age looks like these women with their bizarrely unlined visages and virtually paralyzed upper lips. Actresses, demonstrably beautiful women, erase every trace of life and history and humanity and render themselves puppets.
Updating and remakes are always a tricky business. 2008's "The Women" is something of a patch job. The most affecting scenes were lifted straight out of the 1939 version. Writer-director English chose to keep a few reshuffled setpieces, and the screenplay lurches unevenly from well-crafted classic storytelling to uneasy psychobabble and The Secret-fueled self-actualization. Many of the biggest laughs in the preview audience belonged to the original. The WTF moments (and there were plenty) belong entirely to the remake. There’s a scholarly piece waiting to be written comparing the two, but I’ll leave that to others.
Updating is fine. 1939’s "The Women" is dated. I admit that. But the filmmaker’s choice to elevate female friendship over motherhood… over marriage… over all, that decision strikes me as a bit extreme and even worrying.
Paring down 1939’s "The Women" to a central foursome, "Sex And The City"-style, wasn’t an intrinsically bad idea. The two films were coincidentally released only a few months apart and seek the same chickflick date audience – Bring Your Friends screams a promotional poster featuring Photoshopped images of The Women who were probably in separate states when shot. The fact that both films use the same talismanic female friendship story points and imagery is equally troubling. Either there’s something wrong with me, or there’s something wrong with them. I pick them.
What’s the deal with shoes and fashion shows? Are these really as central to women’s lives as they seem? I mean, I have nothing against shoes, but my daughters are more important, and I love my husband more than shoe shopping and Saks. Saks in the City.
In updating these society women and “elevating” their friendship, what have we lost in the shuffle? Plenty. What comprises this new friendship anyway? According to the film, friendship involves talking at the same time, arguing about next to nothing, and gossiping.
Most damning though, these women seem unable to handle much of anything. The currency of their exchange is not intimacy or empathy or understanding. My friendships are based in mutual interest in our lives, our children, our parents, mutual support in our work. This kind of real female friendship is hinted at in the promotional materials but strangely absent in the actual film. These four “close friends” indicate no real acceptance or familiarity, only proximity and referenced history. True longterm friendships don’t get busted by momentary lapses and bogus betrayals so easily; those stakes are too high for the infraction. Since these women do precious little but talk, not much else happens. The tiniest misunderstanding that could be cleared by one face to face conversation becomes instead a major setpiece and power struggle. Are women really that stupid? Oh, wait. Some are. According to the polls, they’re even willing to vote against their own interests for an unvetted wingnut and put her a heartbeat (or melanoma) away from the Oval Office.
That said, let’s talk about The Secret, the What Do I Want self actualization horsecrap of the moment. Apparently, happiness and fulfillment and success, even for a divorcee and mother, is strictly a case of It's All About Me. While the 1930’s society gals were lampooned for caring only for their status and their husbands and their families, these self-centered narcissists of the new millennium haven’t come all that far, baby. And they’re headed in the wrong direction.
What exactly do these four updated, new and improved women accomplish in this brave new world? Well, Sylvie revolutionizes women’s magazines by celebrating natural beauty. (Yawn.) Mary changes the world and finds her self by designing her own line of forgettable black, white and red dresses. Alex’s contribution was a book of clever essays penned six years ago -- an enterprise that apparently used up every ounce of wit and left her only an insatiable sapphic lust and perpetual adolescence. Edie dabbles in the kind of creative parenting represented by wearing clown noses, generalized chaos and a completely un-PC need to strive for that elusive male heir. She’s a gossipmonger and mediocre painter with two (count ‘em- two) NYC apartments – a studio for her husband and a sprawling one for her ever-increasing and unindividuated brood. And the new Crystal works at the Saks perfume counter but lands a soap opera acting gig. And experiments with her Sapphic side over the closing credits. Wow. What an update. Fifteen years in development and that’s the best Murphy Brown’s creator can come up with? I want to wash my brain out with soap.
But wait. There’s more. The climax of the movie features an antic farcical birth. Handheld camera chaos, screaming, panicking -- has there ever been such a bunch of headless chickens gathered anywhere since fifties television? The strategically timed amniotic fluid leak, the cinematically swift labor – so fast that the husband and father can’t even make it to the hospital for the birth of his son. Where ARE we? On what planet? Oh yeah. Movie World. The place I don’t mind visiting but never want to live.
Do any women ever really act this stupid?
Oh, but the unrelenting shallowness doesn’t end there. Mary’s mass of (practically patented Meg Ryan) curls bounce and multiply unnaturally until her third act makeover when Mary’s seriousness and sense of New-Age Secret-driven purpose gets fueled and highlighted by her now stick-straight and professional hair. Apparently, in Movie World, curls and waves are shorthand for Bohemian and un-serious. Her shoes evolve too – the more successful and self-involved Mary becomes, the higher her heel. The flat-footed people-pleaser morphs into a self-actualized fashion plate goddess and narcissist, winning over daughter Molly with a fashion show. Molly, her semi-lost daughter, the secretly smoking skanky ho anorexic. That Molly.
Without her mother’s knowledge or intervention or presence in her life, Molly turns out just fine. Now, there’s a Secret even Mary didn’t know much about. The very same daughter who sported a new-age-y updated eating disorder for the first part of the film is cured by her mother’s fashion show. Well, that plus a series of unseen and covert phone calls with Mary’s estranged friend and Molly’s new parallel universe mom/counselor Sylvie. We really should notify all those poor treatment centers out there banging their metaphorical heads against metaphorical walls. The cure’s all about talking on the phone with a well-meaning adult friend followed by a well-timed fashion show.
Now, tell me again, how have women evolved and improved their lot? By being absent from their children’s lives and indifferent to their husbands? And this is a good thing?
I have a problem with that. I truly do.
Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte are the female archetypal elements Diane English juggled and sifted to half-bake twenty-first century Mary Haines and her minions. Mary is the Carrie; it is her story that is mostly told. Big is Stephen Haines, working in high finance and affording ridiculously large homes. No attention is paid by Mary or Carrie to any of the work that pays their bills. Samantha and Miranda become Sylvie, competent and professional and happily unmarried. Annette Bening’s Sylvie is perhaps more fully a woman and less a gay man than Samantha, and like Miranda, she’s a terrific friend in spite of the totally bogus and one-time-only betrayal. In "SATC", the bogus betrayal comes from Miranda. It’s the kind of rift that occurs in middle school and usually gets patched up in a week. In both films, longtime friendships are tossed aside over precious little. Since one adult conversation would clarify all misunderstandings, considerable care must be taken to never read emails or answer phone calls. I believe filmmakers call it raising the stakes. (My great aunts used to stop talking for years over slights like these; I really think those days are history for most women.)
Miranda is a breeder with little interest in the father of her child or the child himself. Caught up in a law career and more intimately involved with best friend Carrie, she’s the very model of the new age woman according to English. Jada Pinkett Smith’s Alex is supposed to be the clever writer, the black lesbian Carrie whose Big Du Jour is a bitchy supermodel. Charlotte’s corollary is Debra Messing’s mess of a mom, all sitcom timing and broader than broad pregnancy jokes. Ha ha. She has to pee. And she’s eating a lot. Oh stop. My sides ache. Don’t tell me. Her water broke and the baby’s coming? Oh, I haven’t seen that plot in weeks. Seriously. WTF. Get that woman on a plane back to Alaska pronto and…oops. Wrong cliché.
Kudos to the Ms. English & Company for providing this viewer with a cinematic insruction manual detailing the first new (and possibly most disturbing) use for a stick of butter since "Last Tango In Paris." On another cine-gastronomic note, I defy "SATC" audience members to see a tray of sushi with innocent eyes.
In Hollywood, the industry wisdom is this: Girls will watch boys or girls. Boys will only watch boys. Well, I’m getting tired of watching Hollywood’s idea of women and girls.
Here’s a thought. We care about more than shoes and getting married.
The Decision. Both films purport to show women (and men) what it’s like to be middle aged in the city. I never thought I’d say this, but I actually enjoyed "SATC" more. It’s like the drag queen version – featuring funnier clothes, broader characters, and less revered source material. The film plays like four decent episodes of the HBO series with an inflated budget. Expectations aren’t high. To quote Abraham Lincoln: People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like. Fans of the series are not likely to be disappointed.
On the other hand, there’s "The Women." Starting with inarguably excellent source material, the stakes and expectations are higher. The original film isn’t widely seen these days; even NETFLIX doesn’t offer it. But it’s a classic. The remake is simply not.
"The Women" is more insidious, more dangerous. The actresses are better, and it might seem like more of a prestige project. It has pedigree. With The Secret playing such a large if unbilled role, it’s probably going to earn even the Mighty Oprah’s imprimatur. But don’t be fooled, people. We’re in Oz. What "The Women" is missing is a brain and a heart and a home and some courage. What’s wrong with 1939’s "The Women" doesn’t get fixed in the update. Far from it, the notions of normalcy in 2008’s "The Women" open up a Pandora’s box of problems that are presented as the New Age okay. And that’s not okay. Not by a long shot.
Have a bunch of women friends over and watch these films on DVD together. Have your finger on the pause button and go all Mystery Science Theater on ‘em. I think a good time can be had by all. But "Sex and the City" will be on video first. Enjoy.
The Women
NYのsociety womenの生活がこまごまとしたことで表現されていて最近のNYの流行りとかが知り得た。本当かどうかは知らないが、知識として知るのも愉快である。
Sax 5th Avenue(馴染みの定番デパート)
climbing gym(おばさんでも流行っているんだね)
Hermes Birkin(ハイソの定番だけどしつこい)
Jungle red(ネールの有名店だが、流行りの赤色でもあるらしい)
話はなんとなく「Sex and the City」に似ている。ハイソな女性たちも頻繁にshitを使うし、hiではなくheyを多用する。Hiなんて映画全体でただの1回しか使われていない。もうHiなんかは古いんだね。
久々、New Yorkerとか読んでみたくなった。
The Women (2008) -vs- Sex And The City (2008)
The Smackdown. After fifteen years in development, TV comedy queen Diane English ("Murphy Brown") has finally completed her Magnum Opus: a star-spangled remake of 1939’s "The Women." Sixty-nine years after that classic film’s original release, the remake of "The Women" follows in the high-heeled footsteps and huge box office wake of this summer’s earlier "Sex And The City." The two movies are remarkably similar, sharing an unapologetic chickflick sensibility and Ladies Only appeal.
Both films claim to reflect a kind of reality and instead mirror an uppercrust New York City where money is never an issue, a New York City where walking a mile even in your own shoes is unthinkable. Shoes aren’t for walking; they’re for collecting, and they render their owners hobbled Geisha girls suited only to taking tiny baby steps on pristine boulevards, linking arms for balance, in search of more shoes and more men. Freud suggests that shoes are a symbol for female genitalia. Movies suggest they are no longer symbolic at all, but replacements.
So it’s a catfight to the finish. Or wait. Could "The Women" be just a pale imitation of an imitation arriving a little too late to cash in to the zeitgeist? Timing (and those shoes) are everything.
The Challenger. Everyone in "The Women" goes to Saks! Everyone in the movie is a woman! Society woman Mary Haines discovers her husband is having an illicit affair. Her group of friends stick their noses in her business. Somebody has a baby. Nobody worries about money. They live in New York City and Connecticut, but most of the people are white and rich. We learn early on that several characters are very witty, but we never actually hear anything that convinces us of this. They change clothes a lot.
The Defending Champion. Everyone in "Sex And The City" has lots of sex! Every woman in the movie is a gay man! Columnist Carrie Bradshaw gets left at the altar. Her group of friends stick their noses in her business. Somebody has a baby. Nobody worries about money. They live in New York City, but most of the people are white and rich. We learn early on that several characters are very witty, but we never actually hear anything that convinces us of this. They change clothes a lot.
The Scorecard. This isn't the first time I've put a couple of chickflicks in the ring together. In fact, it's not even the first time this summer. That was just over a month ago with Sex and the City (2008) -vs- The Women (1939).
As always, I’m torn, ripping apart chickflicks. I’m usually first in line opening day to see them, voting with my dollars so studios know there’s an audience out here not composed entirely of thrillseeking adolescent boys. It’s a painful sacrifice much of the time; truly good chickflicks are few and far between. A colleague asked me to define chickflick for him. The best I could come up with was this: A chickflick is a movie with women at the center. A woman has to drag her date to a chickflick. Men go to a chickflick only as a courtesy or a favor or in return for relationship leverage or the possibility of sexual favors. No straight guy would go to a chickflick with another guy. Recently, I’ve redefined chickflick: a movie with a woman in it. Super ChickFlicks have lots of women in them; the multiplex has been flooded with them this summer, and the gamble has paid off.
Box office success is nice, but I still want them to be good. Call me crazy.
As a longtime feminist, sufficiently fortunate (or wise) to have chosen a career that does not rely on my own perpetual youth and unattainably perfect beauty, I don’t want to appear unduly catty in discussing Meg Ryan’s face. I mention it here because it concerned me deeply and consistently throughout the film’s running time. In the completely unlikely event that actresses with as-yet-unimproved faces are reading this blog, I write this with your best interests at heart.
Hollywood plastic surgeons must be stopped.
They’re endangering our pool of middle aged actresses. Meg Ryan’s new face is a Halloween mask of her old face, incapacitated and largely immobilized, incapable of registering the simplest of emotions. Dialogue had to explain her feelings for her. Now I’m sad. Now I’m angry. Now I’m happy. (Actually, to be fair, her smile was positively Joker-like, a frozen grimace altogether and alarmingly different than the impaired blank expression plaguing her throughout the rest of the almost two-hour film.) Are we audience members really so shallow that we demand our icons to remain plasticized robot versions of their young selves, frozen forever in the instant when we first fell in movie love with them? I like to think of myself as more intelligent than that. Meg Ryan is hardly alone in seeking that sad surgical fountain of uncapturable youth. There are countless other innocent victims of overzealous and ill advised surgical and chemical intervention -- the actor's instruments rendered immobile and frightening as Kabuki masks.
I worry for young people who think middle age looks like these women with their bizarrely unlined visages and virtually paralyzed upper lips. Actresses, demonstrably beautiful women, erase every trace of life and history and humanity and render themselves puppets.
Updating and remakes are always a tricky business. 2008's "The Women" is something of a patch job. The most affecting scenes were lifted straight out of the 1939 version. Writer-director English chose to keep a few reshuffled setpieces, and the screenplay lurches unevenly from well-crafted classic storytelling to uneasy psychobabble and The Secret-fueled self-actualization. Many of the biggest laughs in the preview audience belonged to the original. The WTF moments (and there were plenty) belong entirely to the remake. There’s a scholarly piece waiting to be written comparing the two, but I’ll leave that to others.
Updating is fine. 1939’s "The Women" is dated. I admit that. But the filmmaker’s choice to elevate female friendship over motherhood… over marriage… over all, that decision strikes me as a bit extreme and even worrying.
Paring down 1939’s "The Women" to a central foursome, "Sex And The City"-style, wasn’t an intrinsically bad idea. The two films were coincidentally released only a few months apart and seek the same chickflick date audience – Bring Your Friends screams a promotional poster featuring Photoshopped images of The Women who were probably in separate states when shot. The fact that both films use the same talismanic female friendship story points and imagery is equally troubling. Either there’s something wrong with me, or there’s something wrong with them. I pick them.
What’s the deal with shoes and fashion shows? Are these really as central to women’s lives as they seem? I mean, I have nothing against shoes, but my daughters are more important, and I love my husband more than shoe shopping and Saks. Saks in the City.
In updating these society women and “elevating” their friendship, what have we lost in the shuffle? Plenty. What comprises this new friendship anyway? According to the film, friendship involves talking at the same time, arguing about next to nothing, and gossiping.
Most damning though, these women seem unable to handle much of anything. The currency of their exchange is not intimacy or empathy or understanding. My friendships are based in mutual interest in our lives, our children, our parents, mutual support in our work. This kind of real female friendship is hinted at in the promotional materials but strangely absent in the actual film. These four “close friends” indicate no real acceptance or familiarity, only proximity and referenced history. True longterm friendships don’t get busted by momentary lapses and bogus betrayals so easily; those stakes are too high for the infraction. Since these women do precious little but talk, not much else happens. The tiniest misunderstanding that could be cleared by one face to face conversation becomes instead a major setpiece and power struggle. Are women really that stupid? Oh, wait. Some are. According to the polls, they’re even willing to vote against their own interests for an unvetted wingnut and put her a heartbeat (or melanoma) away from the Oval Office.
That said, let’s talk about The Secret, the What Do I Want self actualization horsecrap of the moment. Apparently, happiness and fulfillment and success, even for a divorcee and mother, is strictly a case of It's All About Me. While the 1930’s society gals were lampooned for caring only for their status and their husbands and their families, these self-centered narcissists of the new millennium haven’t come all that far, baby. And they’re headed in the wrong direction.
What exactly do these four updated, new and improved women accomplish in this brave new world? Well, Sylvie revolutionizes women’s magazines by celebrating natural beauty. (Yawn.) Mary changes the world and finds her self by designing her own line of forgettable black, white and red dresses. Alex’s contribution was a book of clever essays penned six years ago -- an enterprise that apparently used up every ounce of wit and left her only an insatiable sapphic lust and perpetual adolescence. Edie dabbles in the kind of creative parenting represented by wearing clown noses, generalized chaos and a completely un-PC need to strive for that elusive male heir. She’s a gossipmonger and mediocre painter with two (count ‘em- two) NYC apartments – a studio for her husband and a sprawling one for her ever-increasing and unindividuated brood. And the new Crystal works at the Saks perfume counter but lands a soap opera acting gig. And experiments with her Sapphic side over the closing credits. Wow. What an update. Fifteen years in development and that’s the best Murphy Brown’s creator can come up with? I want to wash my brain out with soap.
But wait. There’s more. The climax of the movie features an antic farcical birth. Handheld camera chaos, screaming, panicking -- has there ever been such a bunch of headless chickens gathered anywhere since fifties television? The strategically timed amniotic fluid leak, the cinematically swift labor – so fast that the husband and father can’t even make it to the hospital for the birth of his son. Where ARE we? On what planet? Oh yeah. Movie World. The place I don’t mind visiting but never want to live.
Do any women ever really act this stupid?
Oh, but the unrelenting shallowness doesn’t end there. Mary’s mass of (practically patented Meg Ryan) curls bounce and multiply unnaturally until her third act makeover when Mary’s seriousness and sense of New-Age Secret-driven purpose gets fueled and highlighted by her now stick-straight and professional hair. Apparently, in Movie World, curls and waves are shorthand for Bohemian and un-serious. Her shoes evolve too – the more successful and self-involved Mary becomes, the higher her heel. The flat-footed people-pleaser morphs into a self-actualized fashion plate goddess and narcissist, winning over daughter Molly with a fashion show. Molly, her semi-lost daughter, the secretly smoking skanky ho anorexic. That Molly.
Without her mother’s knowledge or intervention or presence in her life, Molly turns out just fine. Now, there’s a Secret even Mary didn’t know much about. The very same daughter who sported a new-age-y updated eating disorder for the first part of the film is cured by her mother’s fashion show. Well, that plus a series of unseen and covert phone calls with Mary’s estranged friend and Molly’s new parallel universe mom/counselor Sylvie. We really should notify all those poor treatment centers out there banging their metaphorical heads against metaphorical walls. The cure’s all about talking on the phone with a well-meaning adult friend followed by a well-timed fashion show.
Now, tell me again, how have women evolved and improved their lot? By being absent from their children’s lives and indifferent to their husbands? And this is a good thing?
I have a problem with that. I truly do.
Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte are the female archetypal elements Diane English juggled and sifted to half-bake twenty-first century Mary Haines and her minions. Mary is the Carrie; it is her story that is mostly told. Big is Stephen Haines, working in high finance and affording ridiculously large homes. No attention is paid by Mary or Carrie to any of the work that pays their bills. Samantha and Miranda become Sylvie, competent and professional and happily unmarried. Annette Bening’s Sylvie is perhaps more fully a woman and less a gay man than Samantha, and like Miranda, she’s a terrific friend in spite of the totally bogus and one-time-only betrayal. In "SATC", the bogus betrayal comes from Miranda. It’s the kind of rift that occurs in middle school and usually gets patched up in a week. In both films, longtime friendships are tossed aside over precious little. Since one adult conversation would clarify all misunderstandings, considerable care must be taken to never read emails or answer phone calls. I believe filmmakers call it raising the stakes. (My great aunts used to stop talking for years over slights like these; I really think those days are history for most women.)
Miranda is a breeder with little interest in the father of her child or the child himself. Caught up in a law career and more intimately involved with best friend Carrie, she’s the very model of the new age woman according to English. Jada Pinkett Smith’s Alex is supposed to be the clever writer, the black lesbian Carrie whose Big Du Jour is a bitchy supermodel. Charlotte’s corollary is Debra Messing’s mess of a mom, all sitcom timing and broader than broad pregnancy jokes. Ha ha. She has to pee. And she’s eating a lot. Oh stop. My sides ache. Don’t tell me. Her water broke and the baby’s coming? Oh, I haven’t seen that plot in weeks. Seriously. WTF. Get that woman on a plane back to Alaska pronto and…oops. Wrong cliché.
Kudos to the Ms. English & Company for providing this viewer with a cinematic insruction manual detailing the first new (and possibly most disturbing) use for a stick of butter since "Last Tango In Paris." On another cine-gastronomic note, I defy "SATC" audience members to see a tray of sushi with innocent eyes.
In Hollywood, the industry wisdom is this: Girls will watch boys or girls. Boys will only watch boys. Well, I’m getting tired of watching Hollywood’s idea of women and girls.
Here’s a thought. We care about more than shoes and getting married.
The Decision. Both films purport to show women (and men) what it’s like to be middle aged in the city. I never thought I’d say this, but I actually enjoyed "SATC" more. It’s like the drag queen version – featuring funnier clothes, broader characters, and less revered source material. The film plays like four decent episodes of the HBO series with an inflated budget. Expectations aren’t high. To quote Abraham Lincoln: People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like. Fans of the series are not likely to be disappointed.
On the other hand, there’s "The Women." Starting with inarguably excellent source material, the stakes and expectations are higher. The original film isn’t widely seen these days; even NETFLIX doesn’t offer it. But it’s a classic. The remake is simply not.
"The Women" is more insidious, more dangerous. The actresses are better, and it might seem like more of a prestige project. It has pedigree. With The Secret playing such a large if unbilled role, it’s probably going to earn even the Mighty Oprah’s imprimatur. But don’t be fooled, people. We’re in Oz. What "The Women" is missing is a brain and a heart and a home and some courage. What’s wrong with 1939’s "The Women" doesn’t get fixed in the update. Far from it, the notions of normalcy in 2008’s "The Women" open up a Pandora’s box of problems that are presented as the New Age okay. And that’s not okay. Not by a long shot.
Have a bunch of women friends over and watch these films on DVD together. Have your finger on the pause button and go all Mystery Science Theater on ‘em. I think a good time can be had by all. But "Sex and the City" will be on video first. Enjoy.
29 August 2010 Last updated at 04:19 GMT
Thousands flee Indonesia volcano on Sumatra
Villagers were taken by surprise by the nighttime explosion Thousands of Indonesians have been forced to flee after a volcano erupted on the island of Sumatra.
Officials issued a red alert after Mount Sinabung began to spew lava shortly after midnight (1900 GMT).
Smoke and ash reportedly shot 1,500m into the air, and witnesses said they could see lava from the volcano from several miles away.
Mount Sinabung, some 60km (40 miles) south-west of Sumatra's main city Medan, has not erupted for 400 years.
The volcano had been pumping out smoke all day Saturday, but alert levels had not been raised, and local media reported that villagers had been taken by surprise.
The Medan Tribune quoted one local resident as saying he panicked and ran when he saw lava coming towards his him "like a ball of fire".
Priyadi Kardono from Indonesia's National Disaster Management Agency told the BBC that more than 10,000 people were being evacuated from nearby villages.
But he added that some had already gone home as volcanic activity was decreasing.
Surono, head of the nation's volcano disaster alert centre, told AFP news agency that the alert level had been raised to red because the situation was "clearly dangerous".
"Initially we thought the ash and smoke were triggered by rain but now we know the driving pressure was from magma," he said.
The Indonesian archipelago lies on the Pacific "Ring of Fire" and has at least 129 active volcanoes.
29 August 2010 Last updated at 04:19 GMT
Thousands flee Indonesia volcano on Sumatra
Villagers were taken by surprise by the nighttime explosion Thousands of Indonesians have been forced to flee after a volcano erupted on the island of Sumatra.
Officials issued a red alert after Mount Sinabung began to spew lava shortly after midnight (1900 GMT).
Smoke and ash reportedly shot 1,500m into the air, and witnesses said they could see lava from the volcano from several miles away.
Mount Sinabung, some 60km (40 miles) south-west of Sumatra's main city Medan, has not erupted for 400 years.
The volcano had been pumping out smoke all day Saturday, but alert levels had not been raised, and local media reported that villagers had been taken by surprise.
The Medan Tribune quoted one local resident as saying he panicked and ran when he saw lava coming towards his him "like a ball of fire".
Priyadi Kardono from Indonesia's National Disaster Management Agency told the BBC that more than 10,000 people were being evacuated from nearby villages.
But he added that some had already gone home as volcanic activity was decreasing.
Surono, head of the nation's volcano disaster alert centre, told AFP news agency that the alert level had been raised to red because the situation was "clearly dangerous".
"Initially we thought the ash and smoke were triggered by rain but now we know the driving pressure was from magma," he said.
The Indonesian archipelago lies on the Pacific "Ring of Fire" and has at least 129 active volcanoes.
GWP Pakistan Responds to Flood Catastrophe
Pakistan endures one of the country’s most devastating floods—possibly its worst ever—GWP Pakistan is joining with others to help provide relief and rehabilitation to remote communities that have been particularly hard-hit. In addition, the GWP Partner Hisaar Foundation and the Karachi Water Partnership, has launched an appeal to raise Rs 10 million for immediate flood relief, largely for the provision of safe drinking water.
Recognizing the scale of this disaster, GWP has invited the Pakistan delegation to the annual GWP Consulting Partners Meeting to present information on “Integrated Flood Management: analysis of the devastating floods, early recovery and rehabilitation plans” on September 3 in Stockholm, Sweden. The special session will be presented by the chair of GWP South Asia, Sardar Muhammad Tariq, the chair of GWP Pakistan, Naseer Ahmad Gillani, and the Ambassador of Pakistan to Sweden, Nadeem Riyaz. The floods have highlighted the need to place water resources management at the forefront of national development policy.
As part of its response to the floods, GWP Pakistan in collaboration with its Area Water Partnerships will assist in rehabilitation and resettlement, restoration of jobs, and sowing of new crops. The activities planned include:
1.Prepare an early recovery plan
2.Provide hygiene education to the volunteers
3.Identify and rescue flood affected poor people
4.Provide treatment to critical cases
5.Provide tents, water coolers, chlorinating tablets, sleeping rugs, etc.
6.Distribute printed material for prevention of health problems
7.Provide basic sanitation facilities on communal use basis
The Integrated Rural Development Organization of Islamabad, a GWP partner, will monitor and evaluate the activities.
The chair of the Hisaar Foundation, Simi Kamal (former member of the GWP Technical Committee), wrote that in addition to the Rs 10 million appeal, the Foundation is working on a concept of “total water solution” stretching from relief through rehabilitation to post-flood normalcy, and water needs in each of these phases. More information can be found at www.hisaar.org and www.karachiwaterpartnership.org.
GWP Pakistan Responds to Flood Catastrophe
Pakistan endures one of the country’s most devastating floods—possibly its worst ever—GWP Pakistan is joining with others to help provide relief and rehabilitation to remote communities that have been particularly hard-hit. In addition, the GWP Partner Hisaar Foundation and the Karachi Water Partnership, has launched an appeal to raise Rs 10 million for immediate flood relief, largely for the provision of safe drinking water.
Recognizing the scale of this disaster, GWP has invited the Pakistan delegation to the annual GWP Consulting Partners Meeting to present information on “Integrated Flood Management: analysis of the devastating floods, early recovery and rehabilitation plans” on September 3 in Stockholm, Sweden. The special session will be presented by the chair of GWP South Asia, Sardar Muhammad Tariq, the chair of GWP Pakistan, Naseer Ahmad Gillani, and the Ambassador of Pakistan to Sweden, Nadeem Riyaz. The floods have highlighted the need to place water resources management at the forefront of national development policy.
As part of its response to the floods, GWP Pakistan in collaboration with its Area Water Partnerships will assist in rehabilitation and resettlement, restoration of jobs, and sowing of new crops. The activities planned include:
1.Prepare an early recovery plan
2.Provide hygiene education to the volunteers
3.Identify and rescue flood affected poor people
4.Provide treatment to critical cases
5.Provide tents, water coolers, chlorinating tablets, sleeping rugs, etc.
6.Distribute printed material for prevention of health problems
7.Provide basic sanitation facilities on communal use basis
The Integrated Rural Development Organization of Islamabad, a GWP partner, will monitor and evaluate the activities.
The chair of the Hisaar Foundation, Simi Kamal (former member of the GWP Technical Committee), wrote that in addition to the Rs 10 million appeal, the Foundation is working on a concept of “total water solution” stretching from relief through rehabilitation to post-flood normalcy, and water needs in each of these phases. More information can be found at www.hisaar.org and www.karachiwaterpartnership.org.
第6回世界水フォーラム キックオフ会合
開催日 平成22年6月2日
開催場所 フランス・パリ 大統領官邸(エリゼ宮)
主な参加者 サルコジ・フランス大統領、フランスの水関係省庁・団体、世界水会議(WWC)理事、トルコ環境大臣、中国水利副部長、各国大使
大統領官邸(エリゼ宮) 挨拶するサルコジ・フランス大統領
健康(healthiness)と公正(fairness)、水による成長(blue growth)、水の権利(right to water)、水と食料・エネルギーの関係強化、技術革新への期待が述べられた。
第6回世界水フォーラムは、共同行動計画を策定するための参加型の世界的な水の円卓会議(World Water Roundtable)となることが重要であり、その運営システムとして、国際的な枠組みと国内の仕組みを構築した。新たな事務局を設置し、事務局長(Executive Director)としてViviane Rofort女史を選定したとの発言があった。
開催日: 平成22年6月3日~4日
開催場所: フランス・マルセイユ ル・ファロ宮殿
主な参加者: 世界水会議(WWC)、フランス政府及び地方政府、マルセイユ市の関係者
主な議事: ・第6回世界水フォーラムに向けた運営体制
本会合を、変化をもたらすとともに、プロセスを重視し、熱意のあるもの(Make difference + process + enthusiasm)としたい。また、技術及び政治家とのリンク(Linking technical + politicians)、既存の「水」の枠組みの外の世界(Outside of the water box)に留意したいとの発言があった。
国際フォーラム委員会(International Forum Committee)
フランス国内委員会(French National Committee)
議長:大統領官房(Presidential Cabinet)
政治プロセス委員会(Political Commission)
テーマ委員会(Thematic Commission)
地域プロセス委員会(Regional Commission)
イベント委員会(Event Commission)
テーマプロセス(Theme Process)
2012年3月までの限られた時間と空間の中で、成果を最大限に上げることの工夫が必要という前提の下、テーマ毎に解決策(Solutions for Water)を導くための課題と目標(Issues and Targets)をグループ形式(Breaking-out Sessions)で意見集約する作業が行われた。
Improving water governance
Access to water and sanitation
Climate change
Right to water
Balancing multiple uses
Best practice & Capacity Development
Trans-boundary Futures
Water & Food
Risk & Disaster Management
Innovation: Outside of the box
地域プロセス(Regional Process)
政治プロセス(Political Process)
ラコステ仏外務省副局長から、2012年開催のRio+20の動きとの連携、その中で議論されているGreen Economyについて、水分野から何を打ち出すのかを明らかにすることが重要である旨の発言があった。
第6回世界水フォーラム キックオフ会合
開催日 平成22年6月2日
開催場所 フランス・パリ 大統領官邸(エリゼ宮)
主な参加者 サルコジ・フランス大統領、フランスの水関係省庁・団体、世界水会議(WWC)理事、トルコ環境大臣、中国水利副部長、各国大使
大統領官邸(エリゼ宮) 挨拶するサルコジ・フランス大統領
健康(healthiness)と公正(fairness)、水による成長(blue growth)、水の権利(right to water)、水と食料・エネルギーの関係強化、技術革新への期待が述べられた。
第6回世界水フォーラムは、共同行動計画を策定するための参加型の世界的な水の円卓会議(World Water Roundtable)となることが重要であり、その運営システムとして、国際的な枠組みと国内の仕組みを構築した。新たな事務局を設置し、事務局長(Executive Director)としてViviane Rofort女史を選定したとの発言があった。
開催日: 平成22年6月3日~4日
開催場所: フランス・マルセイユ ル・ファロ宮殿
主な参加者: 世界水会議(WWC)、フランス政府及び地方政府、マルセイユ市の関係者
主な議事: ・第6回世界水フォーラムに向けた運営体制
本会合を、変化をもたらすとともに、プロセスを重視し、熱意のあるもの(Make difference + process + enthusiasm)としたい。また、技術及び政治家とのリンク(Linking technical + politicians)、既存の「水」の枠組みの外の世界(Outside of the water box)に留意したいとの発言があった。
国際フォーラム委員会(International Forum Committee)
フランス国内委員会(French National Committee)
議長:大統領官房(Presidential Cabinet)
政治プロセス委員会(Political Commission)
テーマ委員会(Thematic Commission)
地域プロセス委員会(Regional Commission)
イベント委員会(Event Commission)
テーマプロセス(Theme Process)
2012年3月までの限られた時間と空間の中で、成果を最大限に上げることの工夫が必要という前提の下、テーマ毎に解決策(Solutions for Water)を導くための課題と目標(Issues and Targets)をグループ形式(Breaking-out Sessions)で意見集約する作業が行われた。
Improving water governance
Access to water and sanitation
Climate change
Right to water
Balancing multiple uses
Best practice & Capacity Development
Trans-boundary Futures
Water & Food
Risk & Disaster Management
Innovation: Outside of the box
地域プロセス(Regional Process)
政治プロセス(Political Process)
ラコステ仏外務省副局長から、2012年開催のRio+20の動きとの連携、その中で議論されているGreen Economyについて、水分野から何を打ち出すのかを明らかにすることが重要である旨の発言があった。
The Pogroms in Kyrgyzstan
Asia Report Nº193
23 Aug 2010
An explosion of violence, destruction and looting in southern Kyrgyzstan on 11-14 June 2010 killed many hundreds of people, mostly Uzbeks, destroyed over 2000 buildings, mostly homes, and deepened the gulf between the country’s ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks. It was further proof of the near total ineffectiveness of the provisional government that overthrew President Kurmanbek Bakiyev in April 2010, and is now trying to guide the country to general elections in October. Given the government’s slowness to address the causes and consequences of the violence, the danger of another explosion is high. Even without one, the aftershocks of the looting, murder and arson could seriously damage Kyrgyzstan’s ailing economy, cause a significant outflow of ethnic Uzbeks and other minorities, and further destabilise the already fragile situation in Central Asia in general. The route back to stability will be long and difficult, not least because no reliable security or even monitoring force has been deployed in the affected area. It should start with an internationally supported investigation into the pogroms, as visible an international police and diplomatic presence as possible to discourage their recurrence, and close coordination on effective rebuilding of towns and communities.
The most disturbing and dangerous consequence of the violence is that the central government has now lost de facto control of the south. Melis Myrzakmatov, the mayor of Osh, a ruthless and resolute young nationalist leader, has emerged from the bloodshed with his political strength, and his extremist credentials, stronger than ever, and is now the south’s pivotal political figure. Given this, there is a strong risk that any attempt at investigation or even reconciliation will be subordinated to many politicians’ desire to enlist his support for the October elections. The government seems reluctant to challenge this nationalist mood, which it clearly feels is popular within the majority Kyrgyz community. If the south remains outside of central control, there is a strong risk that the narcotics trade, already an important factor, could extend its power still further, and that the region could quickly become a welcoming environment for Islamist guerrillas.
Though the government blames external elements, including Islamic militants, the pogroms in fact involved many forces, from the remnants of the Bakiyev political machine to prominent mainstream politicians and organised crime, especially the narcotics trade.
Most of the violence took place in Osh, Kyrgyzstan’s southern capital, with a less bloody outburst in and around the region’s other main city, Jalalabad. The forces that stand behind the violence have not yet been fully identified. This is unlikely to happen without an exhaustive and professional international investigation. Certain things are, however, clear. Although the profound belief in the Uzbek community that the pogroms were a state-planned attack on them is not borne out by the facts, there are strong indications that prominent political figures, particularly in Osh city, were actively, perhaps decisively, involved. Most security forces in the region, who in Osh currently answer to local leaders rather than the capital, were slow to act or complicit in the violence. The pattern of violence in Osh moreover suggests a coordinated strategy; it is unlikely the marauders were spontaneously responding to events. The criterion that guided looters in all the districts attacked was ethnic, not economic. June’s violence had been prefigured by serious ethnic and political tension in Jalalabad in May. At the time, however, this was largely ignored by the central government and the international community.
Successive governments have failed to address ethnic tensions in the south, or even admit their existence. Many features of the 2010 violence strongly resemble the last round of bloody ethnic clashes, in 1990. At that time there was no attempt to address the root causes of the problem, and the same phenomena burst to the surface in an even more virulent form twenty years on. During the intervening two decades, state neglect and economic decline have deepened social deprivation, increasing the pool of poorly educated and mostly unemployed young men who, in 2010 as in 1990, proved particularly susceptible to destructive rhetoric.
One of the most striking differences between 1990 and 2010 was that twenty years ago a large number of elite Soviet troops were deployed in the region for six months to normalise the situation. This time, a weaker government facing a greater challenge has refused any external help, arguing that it can handle the situation itself. Even the token and already delayed deployment of 52 police advisers by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has been the target of repeated protests by nationalist demonstrators who seek to weaken the central government. Few international observers or foreign governments believe that the government is capable of assuring the bare minimum of governance in coming months; an embarrassingly unsuccessful attempt to remove Myrzakmatov has weakened the government, and the president, even further. It has also reinforced Myrzakmatov's hold on the south.
The international community’s response to the crisis was inglorious. Most countries deferred to Russia, which declined to send peacekeepers and has since predicted the country’s disintegration. The UN Security Council did nothing. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) deployed with laudable speed, while key UN agencies were initially frustrated by internal security rules that even some senior UN officials felt were excessively constricting – and which played into the hands of local officials in Osh who appeared keen to limit the number of outsiders in the area. Looting of aid convoys was a serious problem for some time after the Osh authorities announced that order had been restored.
The situation throughout the country remains tense. In the south, however, it is explosive. The government tries to maintain a facade that the situation is returning to normal. In fact the Osh authorities are pursuing a punitive anti-Uzbek policy that could well trigger more violence – and in the view of many observers, Kyrgyz and international, may be intended to do just that. Moderate ethnic Kyrgyz are aggrieved at sweeping foreign allegations that have made them the villains of the crisis. Meanwhile, there is already talk within the Uzbek areas of Osh – largely secular and middle class, a long way from the Islamists’ core constituency in the south – of the welcome that the jihadi guerrillas would receive if they stepped up their activities in the south. The conversations are so far restricted to a tiny segment of the Uzbek community. Without prompt, genuine and exhaustive measures to address the damage done by the pogroms, however, the country risks, sooner or later, another round of terrible violence.
To the Government of Kyrgyzstan:
1. Support a full, open and internationally backed enquiry into the events in May 2010 in Jalalabad, and June in Osh and Jalalabad.
2. Take a strong public stand against positions of extreme nationalism and ethnic exclusivity put forward by prominent national and regional politicians.
3. Cooperate with and support immediate deployment of OSCE police mission to Osh, international humanitarian organisations and diplomatic presence to reduce the likelihood of new violence.
To the International Community:
4. Call for and support a thorough enquiry into the events of May-June 2010, with central roles assigned to international organisations with expertise in this field such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. Make it clear that further aid to the Kyrgyz government will be conditional upon such an investigation.
5. Elaborate a unified strategy for the reconstruction of the south, involving extensive on-ground monitoring – including the early deployment to Osh of the OSCE police mission and other international humanitarian and diplomatic observers – the recognition of cultural sensitivities and the need to avoid worsening conflict risks.
6. Ensure that no international aid funds go to the Osh government as long as it advocates an exclusionary ethnic policy and refuses to submit to the authority of the central government.
7. Engage in a long-term program of police reform and training, sweeping reforms of the judiciary and legal system.
8. Start the process of seeking a framework for the equitable coexistence of all ethnic groups in Kyrgyzstan.
To the Members of the UN Security Council, in particular the U.S. and Russia:
9. Undertake active contingency planning on a priority basis, jointly and severally as appropriate, so that in the event of another explosion in the south threatening lives and the stability of Kyrgyzstan and the Central Asia region, the international community or key members and institutions will be in a position to respond in a timely and effective manner.
Bishkek/Brussels, 23 August 2010
The Pogroms in Kyrgyzstan
Asia Report Nº193
23 Aug 2010
An explosion of violence, destruction and looting in southern Kyrgyzstan on 11-14 June 2010 killed many hundreds of people, mostly Uzbeks, destroyed over 2000 buildings, mostly homes, and deepened the gulf between the country’s ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks. It was further proof of the near total ineffectiveness of the provisional government that overthrew President Kurmanbek Bakiyev in April 2010, and is now trying to guide the country to general elections in October. Given the government’s slowness to address the causes and consequences of the violence, the danger of another explosion is high. Even without one, the aftershocks of the looting, murder and arson could seriously damage Kyrgyzstan’s ailing economy, cause a significant outflow of ethnic Uzbeks and other minorities, and further destabilise the already fragile situation in Central Asia in general. The route back to stability will be long and difficult, not least because no reliable security or even monitoring force has been deployed in the affected area. It should start with an internationally supported investigation into the pogroms, as visible an international police and diplomatic presence as possible to discourage their recurrence, and close coordination on effective rebuilding of towns and communities.
The most disturbing and dangerous consequence of the violence is that the central government has now lost de facto control of the south. Melis Myrzakmatov, the mayor of Osh, a ruthless and resolute young nationalist leader, has emerged from the bloodshed with his political strength, and his extremist credentials, stronger than ever, and is now the south’s pivotal political figure. Given this, there is a strong risk that any attempt at investigation or even reconciliation will be subordinated to many politicians’ desire to enlist his support for the October elections. The government seems reluctant to challenge this nationalist mood, which it clearly feels is popular within the majority Kyrgyz community. If the south remains outside of central control, there is a strong risk that the narcotics trade, already an important factor, could extend its power still further, and that the region could quickly become a welcoming environment for Islamist guerrillas.
Though the government blames external elements, including Islamic militants, the pogroms in fact involved many forces, from the remnants of the Bakiyev political machine to prominent mainstream politicians and organised crime, especially the narcotics trade.
Most of the violence took place in Osh, Kyrgyzstan’s southern capital, with a less bloody outburst in and around the region’s other main city, Jalalabad. The forces that stand behind the violence have not yet been fully identified. This is unlikely to happen without an exhaustive and professional international investigation. Certain things are, however, clear. Although the profound belief in the Uzbek community that the pogroms were a state-planned attack on them is not borne out by the facts, there are strong indications that prominent political figures, particularly in Osh city, were actively, perhaps decisively, involved. Most security forces in the region, who in Osh currently answer to local leaders rather than the capital, were slow to act or complicit in the violence. The pattern of violence in Osh moreover suggests a coordinated strategy; it is unlikely the marauders were spontaneously responding to events. The criterion that guided looters in all the districts attacked was ethnic, not economic. June’s violence had been prefigured by serious ethnic and political tension in Jalalabad in May. At the time, however, this was largely ignored by the central government and the international community.
Successive governments have failed to address ethnic tensions in the south, or even admit their existence. Many features of the 2010 violence strongly resemble the last round of bloody ethnic clashes, in 1990. At that time there was no attempt to address the root causes of the problem, and the same phenomena burst to the surface in an even more virulent form twenty years on. During the intervening two decades, state neglect and economic decline have deepened social deprivation, increasing the pool of poorly educated and mostly unemployed young men who, in 2010 as in 1990, proved particularly susceptible to destructive rhetoric.
One of the most striking differences between 1990 and 2010 was that twenty years ago a large number of elite Soviet troops were deployed in the region for six months to normalise the situation. This time, a weaker government facing a greater challenge has refused any external help, arguing that it can handle the situation itself. Even the token and already delayed deployment of 52 police advisers by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has been the target of repeated protests by nationalist demonstrators who seek to weaken the central government. Few international observers or foreign governments believe that the government is capable of assuring the bare minimum of governance in coming months; an embarrassingly unsuccessful attempt to remove Myrzakmatov has weakened the government, and the president, even further. It has also reinforced Myrzakmatov's hold on the south.
The international community’s response to the crisis was inglorious. Most countries deferred to Russia, which declined to send peacekeepers and has since predicted the country’s disintegration. The UN Security Council did nothing. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) deployed with laudable speed, while key UN agencies were initially frustrated by internal security rules that even some senior UN officials felt were excessively constricting – and which played into the hands of local officials in Osh who appeared keen to limit the number of outsiders in the area. Looting of aid convoys was a serious problem for some time after the Osh authorities announced that order had been restored.
The situation throughout the country remains tense. In the south, however, it is explosive. The government tries to maintain a facade that the situation is returning to normal. In fact the Osh authorities are pursuing a punitive anti-Uzbek policy that could well trigger more violence – and in the view of many observers, Kyrgyz and international, may be intended to do just that. Moderate ethnic Kyrgyz are aggrieved at sweeping foreign allegations that have made them the villains of the crisis. Meanwhile, there is already talk within the Uzbek areas of Osh – largely secular and middle class, a long way from the Islamists’ core constituency in the south – of the welcome that the jihadi guerrillas would receive if they stepped up their activities in the south. The conversations are so far restricted to a tiny segment of the Uzbek community. Without prompt, genuine and exhaustive measures to address the damage done by the pogroms, however, the country risks, sooner or later, another round of terrible violence.
To the Government of Kyrgyzstan:
1. Support a full, open and internationally backed enquiry into the events in May 2010 in Jalalabad, and June in Osh and Jalalabad.
2. Take a strong public stand against positions of extreme nationalism and ethnic exclusivity put forward by prominent national and regional politicians.
3. Cooperate with and support immediate deployment of OSCE police mission to Osh, international humanitarian organisations and diplomatic presence to reduce the likelihood of new violence.
To the International Community:
4. Call for and support a thorough enquiry into the events of May-June 2010, with central roles assigned to international organisations with expertise in this field such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. Make it clear that further aid to the Kyrgyz government will be conditional upon such an investigation.
5. Elaborate a unified strategy for the reconstruction of the south, involving extensive on-ground monitoring – including the early deployment to Osh of the OSCE police mission and other international humanitarian and diplomatic observers – the recognition of cultural sensitivities and the need to avoid worsening conflict risks.
6. Ensure that no international aid funds go to the Osh government as long as it advocates an exclusionary ethnic policy and refuses to submit to the authority of the central government.
7. Engage in a long-term program of police reform and training, sweeping reforms of the judiciary and legal system.
8. Start the process of seeking a framework for the equitable coexistence of all ethnic groups in Kyrgyzstan.
To the Members of the UN Security Council, in particular the U.S. and Russia:
9. Undertake active contingency planning on a priority basis, jointly and severally as appropriate, so that in the event of another explosion in the south threatening lives and the stability of Kyrgyzstan and the Central Asia region, the international community or key members and institutions will be in a position to respond in a timely and effective manner.
Bishkek/Brussels, 23 August 2010
Pakistan’s Water World: The Political and Economic Impact of the Recent Floods
Jehangir Karamat, Visiting Fellow, Foreign Policy, 21st Century Defense Initiative
The UN Secretary General visited Pakistan’s flood-hit areas and summed up the situation best when he said that it was an ‘enormous disaster.’ The Secretary General noted that he had ‘never seen anything like the devastation created by the floods’ with ‘so many people, in so many places in so much need.’ The scale of the human tragedy is near epic and likely hard for outsiders to fathom; flood waters have submerged one-fifth of Pakistan—roughly an area the size of Florida, leaving over 1600 dead and an estimated 20 million displaced. Towns, villages, crops, livestock, personal possessions and infrastructure have been completely washed away. Diseases now threaten the people in makeshift camps, signaling a catastrophic sequel to the floods.
It is early to weigh the long-term consequences, but they are worrisome. The statistics being quoted indicate the massive economic consequences of the floods. A major gas field and six power plants have been shut down, adding another 1500 megawatts to the already 4500 megawatts power shortfall. Besides the destruction of infrastructure like bridges, irrigation canals, homes, roads and railway tracks, there is large scale damage to agriculture; almost 17 million acres of farmland have been flooded and billions of dollars worth of crops and livestock destroyed. Three of Pakistan’s four provinces are affected by the floods, which is notable in a country where 22% of the economy is dependent on agriculture and two-thirds of the 180 million people are in agriculture related work. The impact on the economy will be enormous and early estimates are that growth will be halved. This indicates that instead of the projected 4.5% it will be less than 2.5%. The further consequence is that the IMF target of capping the budget deficit at 5.1 % of the GDP is unlikely to be met. In fact, the $55 billion external debt (servicing it takes away 23% of export earnings) is set to grow, adding to the already declining economic situation. Experts are predicting a massive drop in exports and an increase in food imports, further adding to the trade deficit. The overall effect is that in spite of the endurance and resilience shown by Pakistanis in past disasters, there is likely to be prolonged disruption; rehabilitation may take anything up to five years or more with a total requirement of over 10 billion US dollars.
The political side is also worth watching. There will inevitably be political and economic fallout from the evolving situation, though there is no likelihood of any drastic change in the political environment. The floods come in the wake of an ongoing insurgency in the western border areas that is linked to the situation in Afghanistan as well as extremist militant groups in the country’s heartland. The Pakistan military that had been conducting counter insurgency campaigns has had to employ over 60,000 troops and its aviation assets for disaster relief; so far, there are no signs that this has impacted on its operations in the border belt, but no nation has infinite resources. The military also cancelled the annual Independence Day and Defense of Pakistan Day events to divert funds towards flood relief. The political leadership, after some initial missteps, came together in a joint conference and has decided on an independent commission to coordinate and administer flood relief efforts. In the wake of the flood, the government’s capacity is being seriously challenged, as governance problems increase and fears of social unrest triggered by rising prices and energy shortfalls increase. The internal security situation remains fragile after the politically motivated ethnic killings in Karachi and the religious-sectarian violence in Punjab and the ongoing ethnic targeted murders in Baluchistan. This internal environment could be exploited to create more destabilization, adding to the problems.
In the face of these internal dynamics, the UN and Pakistani government have both indicated that international response has been slow. The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank will complete a joint ‘damage need assessment ‘by mid October. The World Bank has pledged $900 million and the U.S. is supporting with massive relief efforts—$55 million already committed in addition to the aid already being given and seven U.S. military helicopters flying rescue and relief missions with 12 more on the way. The UK is also making a significant contribution. There is growing appreciation of U.S. support in public opinion, just as there was in the 2005 earthquake disaster in Pakistan. U.S. media is voicing some fears of ‘Islamic militant charities’ making inroads through relief work and a weakening of Pakistan’s military operations in the west, but these are just fears. The Pakistani military clearly is the lead agency in relief management.
The overall result is that Pakistan needs massive support, as the magnitude of the requirement is clearly beyond its own capacity, both in terms of resources and expertise. Outside nations should view this not cynically, but though a lens of both aid and strategy. The human need is obvious; Pakistan’s stability is critically important to the end result sought by the U.S. in Afghanistan, while an improvement in South Asian stability, and most importantly the India-Pakistan relationship, would make a significant difference in the overall environment.
Pakistan’s Water World: The Political and Economic Impact of the Recent Floods
Jehangir Karamat, Visiting Fellow, Foreign Policy, 21st Century Defense Initiative
The UN Secretary General visited Pakistan’s flood-hit areas and summed up the situation best when he said that it was an ‘enormous disaster.’ The Secretary General noted that he had ‘never seen anything like the devastation created by the floods’ with ‘so many people, in so many places in so much need.’ The scale of the human tragedy is near epic and likely hard for outsiders to fathom; flood waters have submerged one-fifth of Pakistan—roughly an area the size of Florida, leaving over 1600 dead and an estimated 20 million displaced. Towns, villages, crops, livestock, personal possessions and infrastructure have been completely washed away. Diseases now threaten the people in makeshift camps, signaling a catastrophic sequel to the floods.
It is early to weigh the long-term consequences, but they are worrisome. The statistics being quoted indicate the massive economic consequences of the floods. A major gas field and six power plants have been shut down, adding another 1500 megawatts to the already 4500 megawatts power shortfall. Besides the destruction of infrastructure like bridges, irrigation canals, homes, roads and railway tracks, there is large scale damage to agriculture; almost 17 million acres of farmland have been flooded and billions of dollars worth of crops and livestock destroyed. Three of Pakistan’s four provinces are affected by the floods, which is notable in a country where 22% of the economy is dependent on agriculture and two-thirds of the 180 million people are in agriculture related work. The impact on the economy will be enormous and early estimates are that growth will be halved. This indicates that instead of the projected 4.5% it will be less than 2.5%. The further consequence is that the IMF target of capping the budget deficit at 5.1 % of the GDP is unlikely to be met. In fact, the $55 billion external debt (servicing it takes away 23% of export earnings) is set to grow, adding to the already declining economic situation. Experts are predicting a massive drop in exports and an increase in food imports, further adding to the trade deficit. The overall effect is that in spite of the endurance and resilience shown by Pakistanis in past disasters, there is likely to be prolonged disruption; rehabilitation may take anything up to five years or more with a total requirement of over 10 billion US dollars.
The political side is also worth watching. There will inevitably be political and economic fallout from the evolving situation, though there is no likelihood of any drastic change in the political environment. The floods come in the wake of an ongoing insurgency in the western border areas that is linked to the situation in Afghanistan as well as extremist militant groups in the country’s heartland. The Pakistan military that had been conducting counter insurgency campaigns has had to employ over 60,000 troops and its aviation assets for disaster relief; so far, there are no signs that this has impacted on its operations in the border belt, but no nation has infinite resources. The military also cancelled the annual Independence Day and Defense of Pakistan Day events to divert funds towards flood relief. The political leadership, after some initial missteps, came together in a joint conference and has decided on an independent commission to coordinate and administer flood relief efforts. In the wake of the flood, the government’s capacity is being seriously challenged, as governance problems increase and fears of social unrest triggered by rising prices and energy shortfalls increase. The internal security situation remains fragile after the politically motivated ethnic killings in Karachi and the religious-sectarian violence in Punjab and the ongoing ethnic targeted murders in Baluchistan. This internal environment could be exploited to create more destabilization, adding to the problems.
In the face of these internal dynamics, the UN and Pakistani government have both indicated that international response has been slow. The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank will complete a joint ‘damage need assessment ‘by mid October. The World Bank has pledged $900 million and the U.S. is supporting with massive relief efforts—$55 million already committed in addition to the aid already being given and seven U.S. military helicopters flying rescue and relief missions with 12 more on the way. The UK is also making a significant contribution. There is growing appreciation of U.S. support in public opinion, just as there was in the 2005 earthquake disaster in Pakistan. U.S. media is voicing some fears of ‘Islamic militant charities’ making inroads through relief work and a weakening of Pakistan’s military operations in the west, but these are just fears. The Pakistani military clearly is the lead agency in relief management.
The overall result is that Pakistan needs massive support, as the magnitude of the requirement is clearly beyond its own capacity, both in terms of resources and expertise. Outside nations should view this not cynically, but though a lens of both aid and strategy. The human need is obvious; Pakistan’s stability is critically important to the end result sought by the U.S. in Afghanistan, while an improvement in South Asian stability, and most importantly the India-Pakistan relationship, would make a significant difference in the overall environment.
August 18, 2010
Is the Flooding in Pakistan a Climate Change Disaster?
Devastating flooding in Pakistan may foreshadow extreme weather to come as a result of global warming
By Nathanial Gronewold and Climatewire
UNITED NATIONS -- Devastating flooding that has swamped one-fifth of Pakistan and left millions homeless is likely the worst natural disaster to date attributable to climate change, U.N. officials and climatologists are now openly saying.
Most experts are still cautioning against tying any specific event directly to emissions of greenhouse gases. But scientists at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva say there's no doubt that higher Atlantic Ocean temperatures contributed to the disaster begun late last month.
Atmospheric anomalies that led to the floods are also directly related to the same weather phenomena that a caused the record heat wave in Russia and flooding and mudslides in western China, said Ghassem Asrar, director of the World Climate Research Programme and WMO. And if the forecasts by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are correct, then Pakistan's misery is just a sign of more to come, said Asrar.
"There's no doubt that clearly the climate change is contributing, a major contributing factor," Asrar said in an interview. "We cannot definitely use one case to kind of establish precedents, but there are a few facts that point towards climate change as having to do with this."
There's also no doubt that the Pakistan flooding will join the ranks of the worst natural disasters in recorded history.
The flooding started slowly at the end of July and gradually accelerated over the past two weeks. Disaster assessment maps show that almost the entire northern part of Pakistan and most of its central region have been hit.
During the most intense storms, about a foot of rain fell over a 36-hour period. Parts of the affected areas, in particular Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province (formerly Northwest Frontier province) received 180 percent of the precipitation expected in a normal monsoon cycle. More rain is expected in the days ahead.
Records show that the famed Indus River is at its highest water level ever recorded in the 110 years since regular record-keeping began. Estimates put the number of displaced people at somewhere between 15 million and 20 million, and the government believes about 1,600 are confirmed dead.
6.5 million need food, drinking water and medicine
The International Organization for Migration says the greatest immediate need is in Punjab, where roughly 500,000 families pushed out by the floods are awaiting assistance. All told, agencies guess that about 6.5 million Pakistanis need shelter, food, potable water and medicine.
"This is a disaster which has affected many more people than I have ever seen," said John Holmes, head of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, who also leads relief efforts in Haiti.
Zamir Akram, Pakistani ambassador to the U.N. center in Geneva, said floodwaters now cover an area roughly the size of England. Satellite surveys show about 160,000 square kilometers (62,000 square miles) is underwater, or about one-fifth of Pakistan's landmass and roughly equivalent to the areas of Austria, Belgium and Switzerland combined.
Asrar at the WMO says higher-than-average Atlantic temperatures and conditions made ripe by the La Niña cycle of lower temperatures in the central Pacific Ocean created the perfect conditions for the rains. Experts acknowledge that the scale of this disaster has been made worse by a history of deforestation and land-use changes in the affected areas, but Asrar insists that the sheer volume of precipitation absorbed by clouds and then dumped on Pakistan is chiefly to blame.
Climate scientists at WMO and elsewhere, including those with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, say this year's summer is one of the hottest ever, with high temperatures breaking records across the United States, Europe and Central Asia. Consequently, the surface of the Atlantic has also been much warmer than usual.
August 18, 2010
Is the Flooding in Pakistan a Climate Change Disaster?
Devastating flooding in Pakistan may foreshadow extreme weather to come as a result of global warming
By Nathanial Gronewold and Climatewire
UNITED NATIONS -- Devastating flooding that has swamped one-fifth of Pakistan and left millions homeless is likely the worst natural disaster to date attributable to climate change, U.N. officials and climatologists are now openly saying.
Most experts are still cautioning against tying any specific event directly to emissions of greenhouse gases. But scientists at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva say there's no doubt that higher Atlantic Ocean temperatures contributed to the disaster begun late last month.
Atmospheric anomalies that led to the floods are also directly related to the same weather phenomena that a caused the record heat wave in Russia and flooding and mudslides in western China, said Ghassem Asrar, director of the World Climate Research Programme and WMO. And if the forecasts by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are correct, then Pakistan's misery is just a sign of more to come, said Asrar.
"There's no doubt that clearly the climate change is contributing, a major contributing factor," Asrar said in an interview. "We cannot definitely use one case to kind of establish precedents, but there are a few facts that point towards climate change as having to do with this."
There's also no doubt that the Pakistan flooding will join the ranks of the worst natural disasters in recorded history.
The flooding started slowly at the end of July and gradually accelerated over the past two weeks. Disaster assessment maps show that almost the entire northern part of Pakistan and most of its central region have been hit.
During the most intense storms, about a foot of rain fell over a 36-hour period. Parts of the affected areas, in particular Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province (formerly Northwest Frontier province) received 180 percent of the precipitation expected in a normal monsoon cycle. More rain is expected in the days ahead.
Records show that the famed Indus River is at its highest water level ever recorded in the 110 years since regular record-keeping began. Estimates put the number of displaced people at somewhere between 15 million and 20 million, and the government believes about 1,600 are confirmed dead.
6.5 million need food, drinking water and medicine
The International Organization for Migration says the greatest immediate need is in Punjab, where roughly 500,000 families pushed out by the floods are awaiting assistance. All told, agencies guess that about 6.5 million Pakistanis need shelter, food, potable water and medicine.
"This is a disaster which has affected many more people than I have ever seen," said John Holmes, head of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, who also leads relief efforts in Haiti.
Zamir Akram, Pakistani ambassador to the U.N. center in Geneva, said floodwaters now cover an area roughly the size of England. Satellite surveys show about 160,000 square kilometers (62,000 square miles) is underwater, or about one-fifth of Pakistan's landmass and roughly equivalent to the areas of Austria, Belgium and Switzerland combined.
Asrar at the WMO says higher-than-average Atlantic temperatures and conditions made ripe by the La Niña cycle of lower temperatures in the central Pacific Ocean created the perfect conditions for the rains. Experts acknowledge that the scale of this disaster has been made worse by a history of deforestation and land-use changes in the affected areas, but Asrar insists that the sheer volume of precipitation absorbed by clouds and then dumped on Pakistan is chiefly to blame.
Climate scientists at WMO and elsewhere, including those with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, say this year's summer is one of the hottest ever, with high temperatures breaking records across the United States, Europe and Central Asia. Consequently, the surface of the Atlantic has also been much warmer than usual.
740:Yankee Samurai
Nisei Linguists
Japanese Americans in the Military Intelligence Service during the World War II
Nisei Linguists
Japanese Americans in the Military Intelligence Service during the World War II
739:Cheese and Crackers!
昨日のXメンの最後は、なぜか過去の記憶を失くしたダンカンが日本にいて、バーで深酒。バーテンダーの女の子が日本語で「何か忘れたいことでもあるの?」と聞いたら、ダンカンは英語で、"drink to remember."と答えていた。こんな風に日本の観客を意識してか、突然日本語が出てくることがある。
以前見たトレジャーハンターの映画では、失敗ばかり続くので、"Baka, Baka, Baka"と叫んでいた。多分ア二メの影響でしょうか。
"Cheese and Crackers"
"Jesus Christ"
以前見たトレジャーハンターの映画では、失敗ばかり続くので、"Baka, Baka, Baka"と叫んでいた。多分ア二メの影響でしょうか。
"Cheese and Crackers"
"Jesus Christ"
A case of forgotten experience
The floods which devastated the entire stretch of country from Skardu to Kotri have diverted attention from the looming disaster of the Hunza landslide dam. It may burst now when the Indus River is in peak flood.
Whereas most natural disasters are unpredictable, floods are commonly forecast several days, if not weeks, in advance of their impact. It is primarily a country's preparedness that determines the scale of human and economic losses.
A case in point is the 2008 Midwestern US floods. Rated highest in its intensity (a 500 years' return period), the damage and inundation was much smaller than that of the great floods of 1993, 1951 and 1844. This restriction of casualties and damage could only be achieved through consistent improvements in flood management, through both structural and non-structural measures.
Pakistan was among the few countries in the world to have some important emergency-related institution in place as early as the 1950s. River-flood mitigation and preparedness has been a focus in Pakistan for decades. As for floods, since the 1970s, over 5,600 kilometres of embankments had been built on riverbanks. Also built were spurs, dikes, gabion walls, flood walls, dispersion and diversion structures, delayed-action dams, bypass structures and other devices for channelling of floodwaters. At the same time, non-structural measures involving robust flood forecasting, warning and communication were introduced.
Yet, when the earthquake struck on Oct 8, 2005, disaster-management was in a dismal state. Pakistan's response in the first two days of the disaster was appalling. Thousands of people were buried alive and many others died waiting for help. However, Pakistan excelled in its relief response to the earthquake. Constituted within two days of the disaster, the Federal Relief Commission played an effective role as a controlling and coordinating authority. The result was that road communication was restored in the record time of two weeks and thousands were evacuated and provided shelters, food and medical facilities. Subsequently, the Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) stepped in to replace the relief commission, with the reconstruction and rehabilitation effort continuing nearly five years later.
The earthquake prompted the creation of Pakistan's first comprehensive disaster-management plan. On Dec 23, 2006, President Musharraf promulgated the National Disaster Management Ordinance. This paved the way for the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), which is since responsible for implementation, coordination and monitoring of disaster management. Pakistan was therefore expected to perform better in its disaster response in the floods.
Pakistan gained a wealth of experience in its effective response to the 2005 earthquake, recovery and rehabilitation stages concerning. Thousands of persons involved in these efforts were thoroughly drilled in all aspects of disaster management. Pakistan developed a potential not only for effective handling of future natural disasters at home but also for advice and training to countries in the developing world.
Despite this, there were glaring shortcomings in our response to the floods. There is no denying that the scale of the disaster exceeded all expectations. The floods, rated at a 100-years return period, are beyond precedence in living memory. Unlike the 2005 earthquake when a stretch of 100-150 kilometres was devastated, the disaster hit a stretch of more than 1,400 kilometres.
These shortcomings should urgently be addressed. Firstly, the forecast for the 2010 monsoons in Pakistan failed to draw attention to some unusual flood conditions in the country. According to the Met Office communication of June 21, the 2010 monsoon spell was rated as "normal." Possibilities of heavy rains and flash and urban floods were mentioned, but no clue was given as to the scale of the flooding. (Once the floods began, however, flood forecasts along the length of the Indus and its tributaries improved, and that resulted in warnings for downstream areas several days in advance.)
Heavy rains started lashing the Sulaiman Ranges on July 21. By July 27, several districts of Balochistan, southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and southern Punjab were flooded. The floods in the upper parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa peaked by July 29-30, with the affected districts including Swat, Dir, Nowshera, Peshawar and Charsada. Then the Indus floods followed, which are still inundating large parts of Punjab and Sindh.
By the first week of August, the response to the disaster was itself in complete disaster. There were hardly any rescue efforts, and when they started by Aug 1, they were so chaotic and disordered that they had little impact. In effect, the rescue was left to the affected communities themselves. This was particularly the case in Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
It was only when the floods started moving downstream from Attock that institutions like the army, air force and the navy started effective rescue and evacuation operations, with foreign countries joining in, especially the United States.
In the case of the 2005 earthquake, the president had immediately put in place a unified command-and-control system through a Federal Relief Commission headed by a serving army general, which had full powers and authority. This commission not only launched a rescue and evacuation operation, it effectively coordinated the enormous response from civil society, NGOs and international donors. The result was a success story acknowledged at home and abroad.
But no such institution was constituted this time. The NDMA--which draws its strength from disaster management authorities (DMAs) at the provincial, district and grassroots levels of union councils and villages--did not have the capacity to handle a disaster on this scale. (By October 2008, with the exception of Balochistan, no province had been able to set up DMAs even at provincial level, let alone the grassroots.)
Besides, the NDMA has not been vested with control and authority. The result is that there is no clear command-and-control structure in the country necessary for disaster response on this scale. In the initial period of the flood disaster, it was not clear who is responsible for what. The effort is there, especially on the part of the armed forces, and to some extent the provincial governments, but their actions are not coordinated. Therefore, some parts of the effected population received assistance while others are still stranded, suffering from exposure, disease and starvation.
Granted, that disaster management should essentially be under the control of a civilian government, an arrangement strongly favoured and advocated by international donors and relief agencies. But since civilian governance in Pakistan is still in its infancy, federal and provincial government institutions are ineffective. The NDMA has been dealing with low- to medium-level disaster in the past four years, but it is unfair to expect it to effectively handle the scale of disaster associated with the present floods.
Pakistan urgently needs to rescue, evacuate and feed millions of stranded people faced with starvation and epidemics. Immediate constitution of a federal relief commission, effectively controlled by the army, is therefore essential for coping with the scale of calamity posed by these floods. This commission should have a clear mandate with its focus on operations. The proposed commission would focus on emergency operations, and should not be confused with the one under consideration at the federal level. Later, it can be constituted will its focus on medium- to long-terms relief and rehabilitation, a stage yet to come.
First priority should be rescue, evacuation and short-term relief (shelter, food, medicine). While rescue work goes on, the commission should be responsible for restoration of basic services such as bridges and roads (army engineers are capable of assembling temporary bridges in a matter of days and weeks, something which normally takes years) and restoration of telephone links and electricity supply.
The constitution of such a commission will in no way jeopardise the functioning of the NDMA. Rather, the NDMA will thereby receive ground operational support, which is otherwise missing. Acting jointly with the Federal Relief Commission (FRC), the NDMA will be more effective in coordination at federal, provincial, district and community level, as well as streamlining foreign aid to be timely distributed amongst the victims through the FRC.
Most importantly, Pakistan should ensure the strengthening of the present institutions, like the NDMA. Instead of being ignored or abandoned the institutions should be provided with an effective support base at the grassroots level and strong sponsorship from top-level authorities.
All this is going to be critical if our worst fears about the Hunza landslide dam come true.
copyrights Thenews 17.8.2010
at Monday, August 16, 2010
A case of forgotten experience
The floods which devastated the entire stretch of country from Skardu to Kotri have diverted attention from the looming disaster of the Hunza landslide dam. It may burst now when the Indus River is in peak flood.
Whereas most natural disasters are unpredictable, floods are commonly forecast several days, if not weeks, in advance of their impact. It is primarily a country's preparedness that determines the scale of human and economic losses.
A case in point is the 2008 Midwestern US floods. Rated highest in its intensity (a 500 years' return period), the damage and inundation was much smaller than that of the great floods of 1993, 1951 and 1844. This restriction of casualties and damage could only be achieved through consistent improvements in flood management, through both structural and non-structural measures.
Pakistan was among the few countries in the world to have some important emergency-related institution in place as early as the 1950s. River-flood mitigation and preparedness has been a focus in Pakistan for decades. As for floods, since the 1970s, over 5,600 kilometres of embankments had been built on riverbanks. Also built were spurs, dikes, gabion walls, flood walls, dispersion and diversion structures, delayed-action dams, bypass structures and other devices for channelling of floodwaters. At the same time, non-structural measures involving robust flood forecasting, warning and communication were introduced.
Yet, when the earthquake struck on Oct 8, 2005, disaster-management was in a dismal state. Pakistan's response in the first two days of the disaster was appalling. Thousands of people were buried alive and many others died waiting for help. However, Pakistan excelled in its relief response to the earthquake. Constituted within two days of the disaster, the Federal Relief Commission played an effective role as a controlling and coordinating authority. The result was that road communication was restored in the record time of two weeks and thousands were evacuated and provided shelters, food and medical facilities. Subsequently, the Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) stepped in to replace the relief commission, with the reconstruction and rehabilitation effort continuing nearly five years later.
The earthquake prompted the creation of Pakistan's first comprehensive disaster-management plan. On Dec 23, 2006, President Musharraf promulgated the National Disaster Management Ordinance. This paved the way for the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), which is since responsible for implementation, coordination and monitoring of disaster management. Pakistan was therefore expected to perform better in its disaster response in the floods.
Pakistan gained a wealth of experience in its effective response to the 2005 earthquake, recovery and rehabilitation stages concerning. Thousands of persons involved in these efforts were thoroughly drilled in all aspects of disaster management. Pakistan developed a potential not only for effective handling of future natural disasters at home but also for advice and training to countries in the developing world.
Despite this, there were glaring shortcomings in our response to the floods. There is no denying that the scale of the disaster exceeded all expectations. The floods, rated at a 100-years return period, are beyond precedence in living memory. Unlike the 2005 earthquake when a stretch of 100-150 kilometres was devastated, the disaster hit a stretch of more than 1,400 kilometres.
These shortcomings should urgently be addressed. Firstly, the forecast for the 2010 monsoons in Pakistan failed to draw attention to some unusual flood conditions in the country. According to the Met Office communication of June 21, the 2010 monsoon spell was rated as "normal." Possibilities of heavy rains and flash and urban floods were mentioned, but no clue was given as to the scale of the flooding. (Once the floods began, however, flood forecasts along the length of the Indus and its tributaries improved, and that resulted in warnings for downstream areas several days in advance.)
Heavy rains started lashing the Sulaiman Ranges on July 21. By July 27, several districts of Balochistan, southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and southern Punjab were flooded. The floods in the upper parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa peaked by July 29-30, with the affected districts including Swat, Dir, Nowshera, Peshawar and Charsada. Then the Indus floods followed, which are still inundating large parts of Punjab and Sindh.
By the first week of August, the response to the disaster was itself in complete disaster. There were hardly any rescue efforts, and when they started by Aug 1, they were so chaotic and disordered that they had little impact. In effect, the rescue was left to the affected communities themselves. This was particularly the case in Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
It was only when the floods started moving downstream from Attock that institutions like the army, air force and the navy started effective rescue and evacuation operations, with foreign countries joining in, especially the United States.
In the case of the 2005 earthquake, the president had immediately put in place a unified command-and-control system through a Federal Relief Commission headed by a serving army general, which had full powers and authority. This commission not only launched a rescue and evacuation operation, it effectively coordinated the enormous response from civil society, NGOs and international donors. The result was a success story acknowledged at home and abroad.
But no such institution was constituted this time. The NDMA--which draws its strength from disaster management authorities (DMAs) at the provincial, district and grassroots levels of union councils and villages--did not have the capacity to handle a disaster on this scale. (By October 2008, with the exception of Balochistan, no province had been able to set up DMAs even at provincial level, let alone the grassroots.)
Besides, the NDMA has not been vested with control and authority. The result is that there is no clear command-and-control structure in the country necessary for disaster response on this scale. In the initial period of the flood disaster, it was not clear who is responsible for what. The effort is there, especially on the part of the armed forces, and to some extent the provincial governments, but their actions are not coordinated. Therefore, some parts of the effected population received assistance while others are still stranded, suffering from exposure, disease and starvation.
Granted, that disaster management should essentially be under the control of a civilian government, an arrangement strongly favoured and advocated by international donors and relief agencies. But since civilian governance in Pakistan is still in its infancy, federal and provincial government institutions are ineffective. The NDMA has been dealing with low- to medium-level disaster in the past four years, but it is unfair to expect it to effectively handle the scale of disaster associated with the present floods.
Pakistan urgently needs to rescue, evacuate and feed millions of stranded people faced with starvation and epidemics. Immediate constitution of a federal relief commission, effectively controlled by the army, is therefore essential for coping with the scale of calamity posed by these floods. This commission should have a clear mandate with its focus on operations. The proposed commission would focus on emergency operations, and should not be confused with the one under consideration at the federal level. Later, it can be constituted will its focus on medium- to long-terms relief and rehabilitation, a stage yet to come.
First priority should be rescue, evacuation and short-term relief (shelter, food, medicine). While rescue work goes on, the commission should be responsible for restoration of basic services such as bridges and roads (army engineers are capable of assembling temporary bridges in a matter of days and weeks, something which normally takes years) and restoration of telephone links and electricity supply.
The constitution of such a commission will in no way jeopardise the functioning of the NDMA. Rather, the NDMA will thereby receive ground operational support, which is otherwise missing. Acting jointly with the Federal Relief Commission (FRC), the NDMA will be more effective in coordination at federal, provincial, district and community level, as well as streamlining foreign aid to be timely distributed amongst the victims through the FRC.
Most importantly, Pakistan should ensure the strengthening of the present institutions, like the NDMA. Instead of being ignored or abandoned the institutions should be provided with an effective support base at the grassroots level and strong sponsorship from top-level authorities.
All this is going to be critical if our worst fears about the Hunza landslide dam come true.
copyrights Thenews 17.8.2010
at Monday, August 16, 2010
(さっき、気になってネットで確認したが、Međugorje or Medjugorjeで片仮名ならメジュゴリアなんだね。それだと結構知っていて、実際行っている信者もいるようだ。)
(さっき、気になってネットで確認したが、Međugorje or Medjugorjeで片仮名ならメジュゴリアなんだね。それだと結構知っていて、実際行っている信者もいるようだ。)
4年前だったが、彼ともう一人の後輩と飲む機会があった。「FさんもM社の海外を任されて5年になるけどまだ本格調査案件は取れませんね」、と言った途端に逆切れし、飲み屋を出ていってしまった。あれだけ豪快で口の悪い方だが、その程度のコメントで切れるとは? それ以来彼には会っていないし、ご活躍も聞かない。
4年前だったが、彼ともう一人の後輩と飲む機会があった。「FさんもM社の海外を任されて5年になるけどまだ本格調査案件は取れませんね」、と言った途端に逆切れし、飲み屋を出ていってしまった。あれだけ豪快で口の悪い方だが、その程度のコメントで切れるとは? それ以来彼には会っていないし、ご活躍も聞かない。
Ambitious project aims to quench Beijing's thirst
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DANJIANGKOU, China--At a dam more than 170 meters tall over the Chang (Yangtze) River, regrading work is under way as part of a government project to supply water to Beijing about 900 kilometers to the north.
The project is part a gigantic state effort to solve a chronic water shortage in the northern part of China with water from the south.
Water, or rather the lack of it, is a serious issue facing China. The amount of water resources per capita is roughly a quarter of the global average. In Beijing, it is only about one-10th of the global average.
The Chinese government is trying to ensure water supplies for the capital with the project, which covers three routes. The central route originates at the Danjiangkou dam in Hubei province, while two others are located in the eastern and western parts of the country.
The effort is akin to constructing a dam in Hokkaido holding back twice the capacity of Lake Biwako, Japan's largest lake, and redirecting the water to Tokyo.
The Chinese government has spent about 88 billion yuan (1.1 trillion yen or $12.8 billion) on the project since 2002.
If the central route opens in 2014 as planned, it will supply up to 9.5 billion cubic meters annually.
The construction will eventually force the relocation of about 340,000 residents in areas surrounding Danjiangkou. The relocation started this summer, and an estimated 100,000 people are expected to move out by the end of the year.
"It is hard to leave the area I have grown used to," said Zhang Shengjun, a 52-year-old operator of an eatery. "But it is an honor to be able to cooperate with a state project."
Zhang and five other family members have been assigned a 180-square-meter, two-story home in a village 120 kilometers away.
In a village in neighboring Henan province, about 70 households had moved out by mid-July.
An exception is the family of Cai Bin. Cai, 36, who has lived in the village for 20 years, said compensation for the land and other assets are insufficient.
"I think it is an important project, but I cannot swallow (the compensation)," he said.
The idea of a water-diversion project first emerged more than half a century ago, when Mao Tse-tung was in power.
Although once deadlocked in the confusion stemming from the Cultural Revolution and a lack of funds, the project was revived to stem an increasing scarcity of water in the capital.
Still, a researcher close to the Chinese government said the project will not be a fundamental solution because a projected water shortage in the north as a result of global warming will exceed the amount of water supplied.
Precipitation in the north has been on the wane, and the lack of water is expected to worsen.
Ambitious project aims to quench Beijing's thirst
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DANJIANGKOU, China--At a dam more than 170 meters tall over the Chang (Yangtze) River, regrading work is under way as part of a government project to supply water to Beijing about 900 kilometers to the north.
The project is part a gigantic state effort to solve a chronic water shortage in the northern part of China with water from the south.
Water, or rather the lack of it, is a serious issue facing China. The amount of water resources per capita is roughly a quarter of the global average. In Beijing, it is only about one-10th of the global average.
The Chinese government is trying to ensure water supplies for the capital with the project, which covers three routes. The central route originates at the Danjiangkou dam in Hubei province, while two others are located in the eastern and western parts of the country.
The effort is akin to constructing a dam in Hokkaido holding back twice the capacity of Lake Biwako, Japan's largest lake, and redirecting the water to Tokyo.
The Chinese government has spent about 88 billion yuan (1.1 trillion yen or $12.8 billion) on the project since 2002.
If the central route opens in 2014 as planned, it will supply up to 9.5 billion cubic meters annually.
The construction will eventually force the relocation of about 340,000 residents in areas surrounding Danjiangkou. The relocation started this summer, and an estimated 100,000 people are expected to move out by the end of the year.
"It is hard to leave the area I have grown used to," said Zhang Shengjun, a 52-year-old operator of an eatery. "But it is an honor to be able to cooperate with a state project."
Zhang and five other family members have been assigned a 180-square-meter, two-story home in a village 120 kilometers away.
In a village in neighboring Henan province, about 70 households had moved out by mid-July.
An exception is the family of Cai Bin. Cai, 36, who has lived in the village for 20 years, said compensation for the land and other assets are insufficient.
"I think it is an important project, but I cannot swallow (the compensation)," he said.
The idea of a water-diversion project first emerged more than half a century ago, when Mao Tse-tung was in power.
Although once deadlocked in the confusion stemming from the Cultural Revolution and a lack of funds, the project was revived to stem an increasing scarcity of water in the capital.
Still, a researcher close to the Chinese government said the project will not be a fundamental solution because a projected water shortage in the north as a result of global warming will exceed the amount of water supplied.
Precipitation in the north has been on the wane, and the lack of water is expected to worsen.
joint analytical work
NEDA enhances ODA review for 2009
The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) recently released the 18th Official Development Assistance (ODA) Loans Portfolio Review Report for 2009.
The report, submitted to Congress as mandated by the ODA Act of 1996, noted the improvements done in project monitoring and evaluation including the Joint Analytical Work (JAW) exercise initiated this year by the NEDA, Asian Development Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the World Bank. Other improvements include additional subsections in the report like revised quarterly loan financial data, cost overruns and aid effectiveness initiatives.
The JAW provides a platform for joint in-depth analysis and action planning that created an action plan of several activities and recommendations for improvement of ODA loans performance.
The activities include finalizing readiness filters and strictly enforcing compliance. These aim to address start-up delays, update service standards in the processing of fund release to facilitate funds flow, and explore feasibility of risk-based guarantee fee structure, among others.
Under the ODA Act, the NEDA is tasked with conducting an annual review of the implementation of all ODA projects to improve absorptive capacity, and incorporate reporting on results.
Financial and physical performance
The financial and physical performance of total ODA loan commitment which registered at US$ 9.64 billion as of 2009 also improved.
Disbursement level increased from US$1.05 to US$2.01 billion, disbursement rate from 78 percent to 90 percent, availment rate from 81 percent to 85 percent, and disbursement ratio from 23 percent to 37 percent.
The portfolio covered 106 active loans composed of 95 project and 11 program loans. Project loans constitute 80 percent (US$7.71 billion) of the portfolio while the remaining 20 percent (US$1.93 billion) went to program loans.
Also in 2009, more projects were on schedule while fewer projects were delayed than in 2008, according to the report. The number of projects ahead or on schedule increased from 20 to 28 while delayed projects went down from 43 to 37. Average length of loan extensions also decreased from 1.8 to 1.7 years in 2009.
The report further said 12 implementing agencies were able to achieve above 70 percent of both their annual and historical financial performance targets. These agencies include the Bases Conversion and Development Authority, Department of Agrarian Reform, Development Bank of the Philippines , Department of Education, Department of Public Works and Highways, Department of Social Welfare and Development, National Irrigation Administration, National Power Corporation, Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission, Small Business Corporation, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, and the National Transmission Corporation.
Major recipients and sources
The infrastructure sector received the largest share of the total loans accounting for 60 percent (US$5.74 billion) in 2009 and an average of 63 percent in the past 10 years. The agriculture, agrarian reform and natural resources sector had the second largest share of 17 percent (US$1.61 billion). Both the shares of the social reform and development sector and the governance and institutions development sector were nine percent at US$ 904 million and US$909 million in 2009, respectively.
Meanwhile, the Government of Japan (GOJ) through the JICA remains the biggest source of ODA loans accounting for 36 percent (US$3.47 billion) with 30 loans. It has been the country’s biggest ODA loans source in the past 10 years with an average of 53 percent of the share of total loans.
The report also covered 417 ODA grant-assisted projects consisting of 47 new, 292 ongoing and 78 completed projects within the year that is administered by 24 funding institutions. Grant amount is US$1.06 billion excluding grant assistance from the GOJ of 144 projects that comes in form of experts, equipment and studies for which equivalent monetary values can only be determined after project completion.
The social reform and community development sector was the major recipient of the ODA grants amounting to US$416 million or 39 percent of the total portfolio for 95 projects. This was followed by the governance and institutions development sector and the agriculture, agrarian reform and environmental resources sector with 32 percent or US$335 million (134 projects) and 18 percent or US$193 million, respectively.
Of the development agencies with available data on grant commitments for the period, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) had the biggest share of grant assistance at 29 percent amounting to US$308 million with 49 projects followed by the
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) at 17 percent amounting to US$148 million with six projects.
The cumulative utilization of the grants portfolio was US$ 693.73 million by the end of 2009 and utilization rate was 66 percent. The industry, trade and tourism, and agriculture, agrarian reform and natural resources sectors had the highest utilization rates both at 71 percent.
joint analytical work
NEDA enhances ODA review for 2009
The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) recently released the 18th Official Development Assistance (ODA) Loans Portfolio Review Report for 2009.
The report, submitted to Congress as mandated by the ODA Act of 1996, noted the improvements done in project monitoring and evaluation including the Joint Analytical Work (JAW) exercise initiated this year by the NEDA, Asian Development Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the World Bank. Other improvements include additional subsections in the report like revised quarterly loan financial data, cost overruns and aid effectiveness initiatives.
The JAW provides a platform for joint in-depth analysis and action planning that created an action plan of several activities and recommendations for improvement of ODA loans performance.
The activities include finalizing readiness filters and strictly enforcing compliance. These aim to address start-up delays, update service standards in the processing of fund release to facilitate funds flow, and explore feasibility of risk-based guarantee fee structure, among others.
Under the ODA Act, the NEDA is tasked with conducting an annual review of the implementation of all ODA projects to improve absorptive capacity, and incorporate reporting on results.
Financial and physical performance
The financial and physical performance of total ODA loan commitment which registered at US$ 9.64 billion as of 2009 also improved.
Disbursement level increased from US$1.05 to US$2.01 billion, disbursement rate from 78 percent to 90 percent, availment rate from 81 percent to 85 percent, and disbursement ratio from 23 percent to 37 percent.
The portfolio covered 106 active loans composed of 95 project and 11 program loans. Project loans constitute 80 percent (US$7.71 billion) of the portfolio while the remaining 20 percent (US$1.93 billion) went to program loans.
Also in 2009, more projects were on schedule while fewer projects were delayed than in 2008, according to the report. The number of projects ahead or on schedule increased from 20 to 28 while delayed projects went down from 43 to 37. Average length of loan extensions also decreased from 1.8 to 1.7 years in 2009.
The report further said 12 implementing agencies were able to achieve above 70 percent of both their annual and historical financial performance targets. These agencies include the Bases Conversion and Development Authority, Department of Agrarian Reform, Development Bank of the Philippines , Department of Education, Department of Public Works and Highways, Department of Social Welfare and Development, National Irrigation Administration, National Power Corporation, Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission, Small Business Corporation, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, and the National Transmission Corporation.
Major recipients and sources
The infrastructure sector received the largest share of the total loans accounting for 60 percent (US$5.74 billion) in 2009 and an average of 63 percent in the past 10 years. The agriculture, agrarian reform and natural resources sector had the second largest share of 17 percent (US$1.61 billion). Both the shares of the social reform and development sector and the governance and institutions development sector were nine percent at US$ 904 million and US$909 million in 2009, respectively.
Meanwhile, the Government of Japan (GOJ) through the JICA remains the biggest source of ODA loans accounting for 36 percent (US$3.47 billion) with 30 loans. It has been the country’s biggest ODA loans source in the past 10 years with an average of 53 percent of the share of total loans.
The report also covered 417 ODA grant-assisted projects consisting of 47 new, 292 ongoing and 78 completed projects within the year that is administered by 24 funding institutions. Grant amount is US$1.06 billion excluding grant assistance from the GOJ of 144 projects that comes in form of experts, equipment and studies for which equivalent monetary values can only be determined after project completion.
The social reform and community development sector was the major recipient of the ODA grants amounting to US$416 million or 39 percent of the total portfolio for 95 projects. This was followed by the governance and institutions development sector and the agriculture, agrarian reform and environmental resources sector with 32 percent or US$335 million (134 projects) and 18 percent or US$193 million, respectively.
Of the development agencies with available data on grant commitments for the period, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) had the biggest share of grant assistance at 29 percent amounting to US$308 million with 49 projects followed by the
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) at 17 percent amounting to US$148 million with six projects.
The cumulative utilization of the grants portfolio was US$ 693.73 million by the end of 2009 and utilization rate was 66 percent. The industry, trade and tourism, and agriculture, agrarian reform and natural resources sectors had the highest utilization rates both at 71 percent.
Japan sponsors rice research hub in East Africa
Esther Nakkazi
6 August 2010 | EN
Japan's initiative aims to develop superior strains of rice in Uganda
[KAMPALA] Uganda hopes to become the region's leader in rice research with the opening later this year of a US$6 million centre at its crop research institute.
The National Crop Resources Research Institute (NACRRI) received the money from Japan in September last year for the construction of a training and research centre for rice farmers and scientists, which is now nearing completion.
The centre will promote North-South collaboration in research and technology transfer, said Geoffrey Asea, head of the cereal department at NACRRI, and "will be fully operational by December".
The investment is part of Japan's attempt to position itself as a strategic business partner to East African countries by investing in a range of infrastructure, food production and trade projects under the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV) initiative.
On the TICAD IV platform Japan launched the Coalition for African Rice Development initiative whose goal was to double rice production between 2008 and 2018.
"Japan has the expertise and history in growing rice," said Goto Akio, coordinator of the New Rice for Africa (NERICA) project at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). "We started helping Africa after finding out that rice consumption there was lacking and the continent was losing a lot of foreign currency through importing rice."
The Uganda project, which is one of JICA's biggest agricultural initiatives to date in Africa, is aimed at developing institutional capacity and superior strains of rice, Akio said.
"When we did research in Uganda in 2004 there was only one rice researcher there, but now there are more than ten," said Akio. "We want them to increase rice research by themselves."
The centre will allow farmers to become familiar with rice technologies and learn production skills while giving feedback to researchers, he said. This is unusual because there is normally very little interaction between researchers and rice growers in Uganda, Asea added.
The grant will also be used to promote rice production in Uganda and build the capacity of researchers, extension agents, farmers and other stakeholders in the rice value chain for production and post-harvest handling.
Asea said Uganda spent $90 million on rice imports in 2005 but, with improved varieties, the bill has been cut to $60 million a year and the area planted with rice has grown to 50,000 hectares from about 1,500 a decade ago.
"But rice is relatively new to eastern and southern Africa and has not been given much priority — crops are of poorer quality than imported rice," said Asea.
Japan sponsors rice research hub in East Africa
Esther Nakkazi
6 August 2010 | EN
Japan's initiative aims to develop superior strains of rice in Uganda
[KAMPALA] Uganda hopes to become the region's leader in rice research with the opening later this year of a US$6 million centre at its crop research institute.
The National Crop Resources Research Institute (NACRRI) received the money from Japan in September last year for the construction of a training and research centre for rice farmers and scientists, which is now nearing completion.
The centre will promote North-South collaboration in research and technology transfer, said Geoffrey Asea, head of the cereal department at NACRRI, and "will be fully operational by December".
The investment is part of Japan's attempt to position itself as a strategic business partner to East African countries by investing in a range of infrastructure, food production and trade projects under the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV) initiative.
On the TICAD IV platform Japan launched the Coalition for African Rice Development initiative whose goal was to double rice production between 2008 and 2018.
"Japan has the expertise and history in growing rice," said Goto Akio, coordinator of the New Rice for Africa (NERICA) project at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). "We started helping Africa after finding out that rice consumption there was lacking and the continent was losing a lot of foreign currency through importing rice."
The Uganda project, which is one of JICA's biggest agricultural initiatives to date in Africa, is aimed at developing institutional capacity and superior strains of rice, Akio said.
"When we did research in Uganda in 2004 there was only one rice researcher there, but now there are more than ten," said Akio. "We want them to increase rice research by themselves."
The centre will allow farmers to become familiar with rice technologies and learn production skills while giving feedback to researchers, he said. This is unusual because there is normally very little interaction between researchers and rice growers in Uganda, Asea added.
The grant will also be used to promote rice production in Uganda and build the capacity of researchers, extension agents, farmers and other stakeholders in the rice value chain for production and post-harvest handling.
Asea said Uganda spent $90 million on rice imports in 2005 but, with improved varieties, the bill has been cut to $60 million a year and the area planted with rice has grown to 50,000 hectares from about 1,500 a decade ago.
"But rice is relatively new to eastern and southern Africa and has not been given much priority — crops are of poorer quality than imported rice," said Asea.
Classifying water bodies for flood risk management
Climate change is expected to increase the intensity and occurrence of regional floods in Europe. A recent study has examined existing natural and constructed retention (or holding) basins that can be adapted to provide flood defences. As part of the study, a classification system for flood defence structures was developed to help Member States design sustainable flood risk management plans.
The EU's Floods Directive1 came into force in 2007 and requires Member States to conduct an initial assessment of water bodies (river basins and coastal areas) at risk of flooding by 2011. They are required to establish flood risk management plans by 2015.
This study on Sustainable Flood Retention Basins (SFRB) was undertaken as part of the EU-funded project Strategic Alliance for integrated Water management Actions (SAWA)2. Most SFRB are either engineered structures, such as (drinking) water reservoirs, or wetlands that can be used in sustainable flood risk management by potentially contributing to sustainable drainage. The researchers adapted characteristics used to classify SFRB in Baden, Germany in an earlier project for SFRB in the UK.
The researchers classified 167 water bodies in central Scotland, UK, capable of being used for flood management or diffuse pollution control according to their engineering features, and their landscape and catchment characteristics. Sites were surveyed in two stages: 39 characteristics used to classify water bodies in Scotland were first identified, and then sites were visited to document the water body inflows and outflows. The characteristics, such as length and height of the dam, outlet arrangement and operation, and site elevation, were chosen to be accurate, easy to obtain and reliable.
The analysis indicated that there are two main types of Scottish SFRB: 'Traditional Flood Retention Basin' (52 sites), dominated by former drinking water reservoirs, and 'Natural Flood Retention Wetland' (61 sites), such as natural lakes and large ponds, chiefly used for environmental protection and recreational purposes. In comparison, six distinct types of SFRB were identified in Germany, and it may be that flood infrastructure is under-developed in Scotland.
Many of the former water supply reservoirs in Scotland now serve multiple purposes, including recreation, nature conservation and angling. These sites could be used for flood control purposes if changes were made to how they were managed.
For example, many reservoirs are currently filled to their maximum volumes with water continually released down spillways. If heavy rainfall was anticipated, valves at these sites could be opened to release water and then closed before the rainfall event. This would enhance the holding capacity of reservoirs in the upper reaches of a catchment area, slowing peak flows and reducing the potential of flooding downstream.
Using The SFRB Concept would be a low-cost option in catchment-based flood control. Compensation would need to be paid to owners of the reservoirs, and where reservoirs are used for fishing, methods would need to be put in place to ensure fish were not lost when the gates are opened and the water is released.
Source: McMinn, W.R., Yang, Q., Scholz, M. (2010) Classification and assessment of water bodies as adaptive structural measures for flood risk management planning. Journal of Environmental Management. 91(9):1855-1863.
Classifying water bodies for flood risk management
Climate change is expected to increase the intensity and occurrence of regional floods in Europe. A recent study has examined existing natural and constructed retention (or holding) basins that can be adapted to provide flood defences. As part of the study, a classification system for flood defence structures was developed to help Member States design sustainable flood risk management plans.
The EU's Floods Directive1 came into force in 2007 and requires Member States to conduct an initial assessment of water bodies (river basins and coastal areas) at risk of flooding by 2011. They are required to establish flood risk management plans by 2015.
This study on Sustainable Flood Retention Basins (SFRB) was undertaken as part of the EU-funded project Strategic Alliance for integrated Water management Actions (SAWA)2. Most SFRB are either engineered structures, such as (drinking) water reservoirs, or wetlands that can be used in sustainable flood risk management by potentially contributing to sustainable drainage. The researchers adapted characteristics used to classify SFRB in Baden, Germany in an earlier project for SFRB in the UK.
The researchers classified 167 water bodies in central Scotland, UK, capable of being used for flood management or diffuse pollution control according to their engineering features, and their landscape and catchment characteristics. Sites were surveyed in two stages: 39 characteristics used to classify water bodies in Scotland were first identified, and then sites were visited to document the water body inflows and outflows. The characteristics, such as length and height of the dam, outlet arrangement and operation, and site elevation, were chosen to be accurate, easy to obtain and reliable.
The analysis indicated that there are two main types of Scottish SFRB: 'Traditional Flood Retention Basin' (52 sites), dominated by former drinking water reservoirs, and 'Natural Flood Retention Wetland' (61 sites), such as natural lakes and large ponds, chiefly used for environmental protection and recreational purposes. In comparison, six distinct types of SFRB were identified in Germany, and it may be that flood infrastructure is under-developed in Scotland.
Many of the former water supply reservoirs in Scotland now serve multiple purposes, including recreation, nature conservation and angling. These sites could be used for flood control purposes if changes were made to how they were managed.
For example, many reservoirs are currently filled to their maximum volumes with water continually released down spillways. If heavy rainfall was anticipated, valves at these sites could be opened to release water and then closed before the rainfall event. This would enhance the holding capacity of reservoirs in the upper reaches of a catchment area, slowing peak flows and reducing the potential of flooding downstream.
Using The SFRB Concept would be a low-cost option in catchment-based flood control. Compensation would need to be paid to owners of the reservoirs, and where reservoirs are used for fishing, methods would need to be put in place to ensure fish were not lost when the gates are opened and the water is released.
Source: McMinn, W.R., Yang, Q., Scholz, M. (2010) Classification and assessment of water bodies as adaptive structural measures for flood risk management planning. Journal of Environmental Management. 91(9):1855-1863.
October 22, 2009
Jakarta Globe

Children play in the nearly-dry catchment basin at the Bakaru hydroelectric plant in South Sulawesi. The plant has been hit by a severe water shortage, contributing to an energy crisis throughout the area. (Photo: Sahrul Manda Tikupadang, Antara)
Sulawesi Power Crisis Sparks Public Outrage
Makassar. Malfunctioning power stations have caused days of large-scale rotating blackouts in what is being called the worst power crisis in the history of Sulawesi.
The crisis has impacted several industries in the region and has led to a public outcry, an official from the Association of Young Indonesian Entrepreneurs (Hipmi) said during a meeting organized by the group and state-run power utility PLN on Thursday in the South Sulawesi capital.
Ridwan Djabir said industries in the region were cutting production, while operational costs were skyrocketing.
“Take the printing industry, which fails to meet deadlines without electricity. Not to mention so many other industries. It is unacceptable,” he said.
Ridwan noted that South Sulawesi was suffering massive losses due to the ongoing power crisis, and that the PLN’s short-term solution to send power generators was insufficient.
He said residents who ran home businesses were being badly affected by the crisis, but the hardest hit were small businesses operating across the region that were unlikely to have their own generators.
PLN was represented at the discussion by Haryanto, its regional general manager for South, West and Southeast Sulawesi. He blamed the crisis on problems at two of PLN’s primary power stations, which had caused a power deficit of 130 megawatts.
Drought has left the 63-megawatt Bakaru hydroelectric power plant barely operational due to a drastic drop in the water flow rate. The plant needs a water flow rate of 45 cubic meters per second for its turbines to move.
Haryanto said the other primary power station, the Sengkang gas-fired plant, suffered damage in early October and would not become fully operational again until December. He did not elaborate on the nature of the damage.
Sengkang’s diesel-fueled power generator is divided into two sectors, with an interconnected capacity of 60 megawatts.
Haryanto said PLN was making every effort to deal with the power deficit, including renting generators.
“The company is sending for 63-megawatt generators, which will be shipped from Aceh, Riau, North Sumatra, Central Java and West Sulawesi,” he said. “They will be used until repairs are completed on the Sengkang power plant and favorable weather conditions arrive in Bakaru.”
Power outages in South and West Sulawesi have taken place at an average of three times per day, with each outage lasting between two and four hours.
PLN has warned that many of its power plants and its network are aging and in need of massive investment to be maintained and expand, but the state company clearly failed to anticipate the breakdowns in South Sulawesi.
Meanwhile, students are continuing to organize protest rallies over the power cuts in Makassar.
“For PLN to blame natural phenomena and damage to a facility is classic. Droughts happen every year. Damage to facilities, on the other hand, shows that PLN has been using substandard equipment,” said one demonstrator, Maulana.
During Thursday’s meeting, Salama Manjang, chairman of the Indonesian Association for Electrical Engineers, said it would be impossible to solve the crisis immediately because PLN simply did not have sufficient capacity. He said even if the company rented generators, it could not keep up with the demands of a growing economy.
Jakarta Globe

Children play in the nearly-dry catchment basin at the Bakaru hydroelectric plant in South Sulawesi. The plant has been hit by a severe water shortage, contributing to an energy crisis throughout the area. (Photo: Sahrul Manda Tikupadang, Antara)
Sulawesi Power Crisis Sparks Public Outrage
Makassar. Malfunctioning power stations have caused days of large-scale rotating blackouts in what is being called the worst power crisis in the history of Sulawesi.
The crisis has impacted several industries in the region and has led to a public outcry, an official from the Association of Young Indonesian Entrepreneurs (Hipmi) said during a meeting organized by the group and state-run power utility PLN on Thursday in the South Sulawesi capital.
Ridwan Djabir said industries in the region were cutting production, while operational costs were skyrocketing.
“Take the printing industry, which fails to meet deadlines without electricity. Not to mention so many other industries. It is unacceptable,” he said.
Ridwan noted that South Sulawesi was suffering massive losses due to the ongoing power crisis, and that the PLN’s short-term solution to send power generators was insufficient.
He said residents who ran home businesses were being badly affected by the crisis, but the hardest hit were small businesses operating across the region that were unlikely to have their own generators.
PLN was represented at the discussion by Haryanto, its regional general manager for South, West and Southeast Sulawesi. He blamed the crisis on problems at two of PLN’s primary power stations, which had caused a power deficit of 130 megawatts.
Drought has left the 63-megawatt Bakaru hydroelectric power plant barely operational due to a drastic drop in the water flow rate. The plant needs a water flow rate of 45 cubic meters per second for its turbines to move.
Haryanto said the other primary power station, the Sengkang gas-fired plant, suffered damage in early October and would not become fully operational again until December. He did not elaborate on the nature of the damage.
Sengkang’s diesel-fueled power generator is divided into two sectors, with an interconnected capacity of 60 megawatts.
Haryanto said PLN was making every effort to deal with the power deficit, including renting generators.
“The company is sending for 63-megawatt generators, which will be shipped from Aceh, Riau, North Sumatra, Central Java and West Sulawesi,” he said. “They will be used until repairs are completed on the Sengkang power plant and favorable weather conditions arrive in Bakaru.”
Power outages in South and West Sulawesi have taken place at an average of three times per day, with each outage lasting between two and four hours.
PLN has warned that many of its power plants and its network are aging and in need of massive investment to be maintained and expand, but the state company clearly failed to anticipate the breakdowns in South Sulawesi.
Meanwhile, students are continuing to organize protest rallies over the power cuts in Makassar.
“For PLN to blame natural phenomena and damage to a facility is classic. Droughts happen every year. Damage to facilities, on the other hand, shows that PLN has been using substandard equipment,” said one demonstrator, Maulana.
During Thursday’s meeting, Salama Manjang, chairman of the Indonesian Association for Electrical Engineers, said it would be impossible to solve the crisis immediately because PLN simply did not have sufficient capacity. He said even if the company rented generators, it could not keep up with the demands of a growing economy.
計画調査を主たる仕事と見るプランナーから見ると、設計施工監理を専門とするエンジニアはgiven conditionsがないと先に進むことができない人たちと感じている。逆に、エンジニアからみるとプランナーのいい加減な調査のため設計がうまくできないとこぼすことが見受けられる。両者は必ずしも一体できないのだ。
プランナーにもgiven conditionsがある。所謂、上位計画だ。国家水政策戦略などがそれにあたる。コンサルが係る段階は精々マスタープランからという認識が普通で、上位計画策定に深く係ることは殆どなかった。
計画調査を主たる仕事と見るプランナーから見ると、設計施工監理を専門とするエンジニアはgiven conditionsがないと先に進むことができない人たちと感じている。逆に、エンジニアからみるとプランナーのいい加減な調査のため設計がうまくできないとこぼすことが見受けられる。両者は必ずしも一体できないのだ。
プランナーにもgiven conditionsがある。所謂、上位計画だ。国家水政策戦略などがそれにあたる。コンサルが係る段階は精々マスタープランからという認識が普通で、上位計画策定に深く係ることは殆どなかった。
投稿 (Atom)