Global warming ranks last as a top priority: Pew survey

Among 21 social and economic issues, global warming ranks last as a top priority to Americans, who view it as increasingly less urgent, according to an annual survey released Monday by the Pew Research Center for People & the Press.
Just 28% of the 1,504 adults surveyed consider "dealing with global warming" a top priority, down from 38% three years ago. "Such a low ranking," Pew reports, "is driven in part by indifference among Republicans: just 11% consider global warming a top priority, compared with 43% of Democrats and 25% of independents."
"Protecting the environment" fared somewhat better, ranking 16th among issues. Some 44% say it should be a top priority for President Obama and Congress, down from 57% in 2007.
"Dealing with U.S. energy problem" is also seen as less urgent than it was three years ago: About 49% see it as a top priority now, compared to 57% in 2007.
Obama, who gives his State of the Union address Wednesday evening, has made clean energy a top priority. To create jobs and promote renewable power, he's devoted $90 billion of the $787 billion Recovery Act stimulus funds to clean energy-related projects.
Not surprisingly, as the economy remains weak, pocket-book issues topped the Pew survey. For the second consecutive year, improving the economy and creating jobs remained the top two priorities, chosen by 83% and 81% of adults respectively.
"Reducing the deficit" saw a modest rise in the share of adults who see it as a top priority: now 60%, up from 53% last year.
Results for the survey are based on telephone interviews, from Jan. 6-10, conducted under the direction of Princeton Survey Research Associates International. Two-thirds of the interviews were done on landlines, one-third via cellphones.
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