Improving Water Governance at the River Basin Level
Official Seminar during the World Water Week 2010
Date: 2010-09-09 Time: 14:00 - 17:30 Room: T6
Convenors: Cap-Net, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Nile Basin Capacity Building in IWRM (Nile IWRM-net), Latin
America Capacity Building Network (LA-WETnet), AguaJaring, WaterNet, International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), African
Network of Basin Organisations (ANBO), International Office for Water (OIEAU) and Ecologic Institute
Objective: to examine and measure factors for effective
Water Governance by River Basin Organisations
The catchment or basin level is fundamental for water
resources management and River Basin Organisations
(RBO's) have an important role to play in advancing the
IWRM approach. But what water management functions are
RBO's currently implementing? How can they be more
effective? How can their performance with regards to
effective water governance be measured? How are their
operations and activities financed?
This seminar aims at :
· Exploring key water governance issues at the river
basin level. It will discuss success factors and bottlenecks
drawing from experiences for several developing
countries. Special attention will be given to the enabling
environment for RBO’s and how to build institutional
capacity including legislative, financing, institutional
arrangements, water quality and other regulatory
· Explore the issue of performance measurement,
showcasing the results and insights from the Key
Performance Indicators (KPI) project and from Cap-Net
tested in African basins
Outputs: The main outputs will be a) an improved
understanding of the enabling environment necessary to
facilitate effective water governance at the river basin scale
and b) insights into the potential application of performance
monitoring systems at the RBO level.
Chair: Dr. Paul Taylor, UNDP Cap-Net, South Africa
14:00 Welcome and Introduction. Dr Paul Taylor,
UNDP Cap-Net, Pretoria, South Africa
14:15 Key Performance Indicators stakes and
outputs; Yannick Pochon, IOWater / INBO
14:35 Perception of Performance Indicators by
RBOs; Tamsir N’Diaye, ANBO (African Network of
Basin Organisations)
15:00 Discussion. Facilitator Yannick Pochon,
International Office for Water, France
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00 Financing of river basin organizations - a case
from Jasa Tirta I, Indonesia, T.W. Subijanto,
President Director.
16:15 Financing of river basin organizations - a case
from ACUMAR, Argentina, Silvia Rafaelli.
16:30 Financing of river basin organizations - a case
from Breede Overberg CMA, South Africa, Guy
16:45 Discussion. Facilitator. Alan Hall, Chair EUFWG,
17:25 Wrap up. Yannick Pochon, International Office
for Water, France, Dr Paul Taylor, UNDP Cap-Net.
17:30 Close
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